The Master League adventures thread

@Chris Davies

Maybe there is a TS sweet spot for each combination of difficulty level and level of assistance. Raise your team to that TS, then start rotating the guys and making some deals to keep the TS within bounds. A bit artificial, but maybe a good recipe for enjoyable gameplay.
Maybe there is a TS sweet spot for each combination of difficulty level and level of assistance. Raise your team to that TS, then start rotating the guys and making some deals to keep the TS within bounds. A bit artificial, but maybe a good recipe for enjoyable gameplay.
I think you're right.

On the subject of team spirit (I've said before how it's clearly too powerful), I had to laugh last week. I was 2-0 up against Watford I think it was, with 60 minutes gone and decided to bring on a couple of youth players up-front. Just a pair of strikers, aged 19 and 21. The team spirit went from ~75 to 62. Didn't think much of it.

As soon as the match resumed, they scored - lots of short-passes they weren't doing before, and my defenders felt like they'd swapped their football boots for cement blocks.

I spent the rest of the game hanging on for dear life, the balance of the team destroyed - because of two strikers, who I played high-up and kept out of build-up play anyway.

I'd say team spirit is one of the things I enjoy most about the game - because I can't just buy the best players and play the most attacking formation to win - but it needs to be more than a magic number that makes you win or lose.
I'm a little bit gutted at the moment (playing with Hull on Superstar) - the TS is up to 80 now and my last three games have been unexpected wins, one of them being 4-0, against Chelsea... Something doesn't seem right (yes I'm not using manual passing, but I'd hit upon the perfect gameplay balance at around 70 TS, I think).

I'm top of the Europa League spots, still 8pts off Man United in the Champions League spot above, but now guaranteed European football next season. Which I'm delighted about, but I'm hoping the extra tournament means I might have to actually rotate players etc.!

Perhaps I'm expecting too much - out of the previous three games, in two of them I've scored the winning goal with five minutes to go, so they could easily have been draws. But the Chelsea game was ridiculous, it was a full-strength squad and at the end of the game, it was 18 shots to 1 (in my favour, which I've never seen before, even against the worst teams). Compare that to my last game against West Ham, which was about 15 shots to 5 (in their favour)...

Three games to go until the end of the season, now. I might experiment with full manual and Top Player (I hate the thought, because the CPU doesn't misplace enough passes for me to feel like that's fair, but I wanted a challenge - and I was getting one until I bought those new wingers and the team spirit shot up)!
TS is a fantastic thing,game changer and a game wrecker,like @James Beaver says,maybe keeping it at a certain value?
Perhaps having ordinary players (70-75 ovr) and a high TS?
Or a bit sharper players and a lower TS?
It's strange that it hasn't been much research done around this.
One thing I know,and it applies both on PES and FIFA,always play with smaller teams and average players,once you go with the big guns the game pretty much dies and becomes boring
A massive edit job done,did Serie A-B, long gone are the long ball teams and all out defences.
Plus did edit player roles + how the teams set up in kick off/in possesion/ out of possesion.
Planning to kick of my ML career later on.
Got three teams to choose from Lazio,Torino or Palermo.
Cant wait
Torino 20 min manual -1 game speed,team spirit 67
First game Inter away.
And it was a tough one,mind that I haven't played this in a month or so.
Manual passing....forgot how tough that is when playing FIFA 16 on assisted.
Anyway,game played so differently than before,and I think getting rid of long balls and strange player roles did its magic
Superb game,build up,tight tough defending,had my first shot on goal in the 2nd half,that how tough it was.
No end to end crazy long balling at all.

Also the beuty of controlling your at/def levels is so good.
Inter got red carded mid 2nd half and I moved up my positions,did create 2 good chances,one breakaway were my striker hits the crossbar,and one cross with a volley save from their GK.
Game ended 0-0

Second game was away (Konami ffs) against Udinese
Cracker of a game,I really had to watch myself going fw,cause they really got my on breakaways,nothing long,but direct and fast.
Didn't create much first half,and they scored on me in the 43rd minute,corner that didn't get cleared and a scrapper past Hart.
That guy is a lifesaver,kept the score to 0-1 after a few good chances by Udinese.
Kinda forgot how to defend since I've been on FIFA for a while,forgot that you have to be smart,and not just spam one button and getting it done.

2nd half and I started to apply pressure,and in the 71minute I got a pass on the move outside their box,just a flick between their def to an oncoming Benassi who placed it calmly 1vs1 with their Gk
88th minute and my pressure gave result,a sloppy pass got snatched up by my fw who made a nice feint pass the defender and scored a late winner
Last minutes I was at max defending level and just hoofed it.
2-1 me final score.
Breathtaking stuff.
So glad being back with this game

Forgot how good this game were,absolutely fantastic.
Guess there will be a few restarts because of the transfer window for all ML geeks,and my tip is to edit your and other teams setup before starting all over agin,takes an hour or two
Thanks to @Matt10 for this
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The game I was dreading took place last night , me wigan (bottom) V Newcastle (top) I have swapped tactics and player positions and the difference is evident. It feels much slicker. 25 mins in I play an advanced through ball over the top into the area and my CF taps it past the keeper (offside - and he was) ..I have most of the possession and a few long shots that the keeper handles comfortably..Newcastle mix it up a bit and start hitting the long balls the second half the come close by rattling the bar from 35 yards thr 89th minute my sub goes through one in one into the area ..I was about to pull a manual shot ..tripped penalty ..up I step ..looking for my second win of the season ..last penalty I skied ....feckin saved it !! And caught it too ..I cried on the wife's lap all night and punched the dog in the bollocks
The game I was dreading took place last night , me wigan (bottom) V Newcastle (top) I have swapped tactics and player positions and the difference is evident. It feels much slicker. 25 mins in I play an advanced through ball over the top into the area and my CF taps it past the keeper (offside - and he was) ..I have most of the possession and a few long shots that the keeper handles comfortably..Newcastle mix it up a bit and start hitting the long balls the second half the come close by rattling the bar from 35 yards thr 89th minute my sub goes through one in one into the area ..I was about to pull a manual shot ..tripped penalty ..up I step ..looking for my second win of the season ..last penalty I skied ....feckin saved it !! And caught it too ..I cried on the wife's lap all night and punched the dog in the bollocks

I tried playing around with manual passing last night and it's just not for me, end-of. It's difficult to stick with it when it makes your experience more frustrating, and I did give it a few matches, but it just doesn't click for me (and I don't see as much variation between my worst player's pass and my best player's).

So I carried on with PA0 on Superstar, this time (as Hull) against Leicester City - only two games to go after this one. Europa League football is now guaranteed.

It finished 4-4. Unbelievable game (and a reminder of why I can't stop playing - because my last few results have been a tight game, a walkover, and then this madness - the variety is incredible).

I play 15 minute games, and at the end of the game, both sides had 18 shots, with 13 on target.

We were playing against a mirror image of ourselves, basically - a team set out to play long-balls to wingers and get the ball to a front-man ASAP, and either that's an overly effective tactic in this game, or it's just the perfect tactic for our teams.

They were 2-0 up after 15 minutes, at which point the commentator screams "JAMIE VARDY'S HAVING A PARTY". Brilliant.

We nicked one before half-time - an Mbokani header (who is now the team's top scorer by absolutely miles) - and that put us in the right frame of mind for the second half. A few headers later, we were 3-2 ahead...

...when Leicester had a breakaway that ended in a cross, misheaded away in the box, that ended up being scuffed under the keeper and in. 3-3.

87th minute, Hernández runs through a gap in the midfield, from behind the half-way line to the edge of the box, with their defence backpedalling all the way. Rather than shoot, he played in Coman (running in from the left wing and between the defenders), and it was a tap-in. 4-3.

92nd minute, they had a corner, which was headed away, and then landed at the feet of Drinkwater, who smashed a shot across the keeper and into the corner. 4-4.

Manchester City next, then West Brom, and... That's it.

Looking forward to shifting the older guys (though I'm struggling to get any interest in them) and... I don't know about buying new players actually, the team spirit is now 80 (which seems to have happened out of nowhere), they're playing well, but I guess they're limited to playing one way, so maybe I need some better passing midfielders.

I've already sorted Daniele Rugani from Juventus for £7.5m, to help rejuvenate a defence that's all kids (19-21) and veterans (33+) with no in-between.
The game I was dreading took place last night , me wigan (bottom) V Newcastle (top) I have swapped tactics and player positions and the difference is evident. It feels much slicker. 25 mins in I play an advanced through ball over the top into the area and my CF taps it past the keeper (offside - and he was) ..I have most of the possession and a few long shots that the keeper handles comfortably..Newcastle mix it up a bit and start hitting the long balls the second half the come close by rattling the bar from 35 yards thr 89th minute my sub goes through one in one into the area ..I was about to pull a manual shot ..tripped penalty ..up I step ..looking for my second win of the season ..last penalty I skied ....feckin saved it !! And caught it too ..I cried on the wife's lap all night and punched the dog in the bollocks
Ha ha,remember when i got my first penalty after a few season,had no clue how to take it,missed by a mile.
Ive had three pens since pes 13 on ML,one on 15 and two here.
Pretty bad
I tried playing around with manual passing last night and it's just not for me, end-of. It's difficult to stick with it when it makes your experience more frustrating, and I did give it a few matches, but it just doesn't click for me (and I don't see as much variation between my worst player's pass and my best player's).

So I carried on with PA0 on Superstar, this time (as Hull) against Leicester City - only two games to go after this one. Europa League football is now guaranteed.

It finished 4-4. Unbelievable game (and a reminder of why I can't stop playing - because my last few results have been a tight game, a walkover, and then this madness - the variety is incredible).

I play 15 minute games, and at the end of the game, both sides had 18 shots, with 13 on target.

We were playing against a mirror image of ourselves, basically - a team set out to play long-balls to wingers and get the ball to a front-man ASAP, and either that's an overly effective tactic in this game, or it's just the perfect tactic for our teams.

They were 2-0 up after 15 minutes, at which point the commentator screams "JAMIE VARDY'S HAVING A PARTY". Brilliant.

We nicked one before half-time - an Mbokani header (who is now the team's top scorer by absolutely miles) - and that put us in the right frame of mind for the second half. A few headers later, we were 3-2 ahead...

...when Leicester had a breakaway that ended in a cross, misheaded away in the box, that ended up being scuffed under the keeper and in. 3-3.

87th minute, Hernández runs through a gap in the midfield, from behind the half-way line to the edge of the box, with their defence backpedalling all the way. Rather than shoot, he played in Coman (running in from the left wing and between the defenders), and it was a tap-in. 4-3.

92nd minute, they had a corner, which was headed away, and then landed at the feet of Drinkwater, who smashed a shot across the keeper and into the corner. 4-4.

Manchester City next, then West Brom, and... That's it.

Looking forward to shifting the older guys (though I'm struggling to get any interest in them) and... I don't know about buying new players actually, the team spirit is now 80 (which seems to have happened out of nowhere), they're playing well, but I guess they're limited to playing one way, so maybe I need some better passing midfielders.

I've already sorted Daniele Rugani from Juventus for £7.5m, to help rejuvenate a defence that's all kids (19-21) and veterans (33+) with no in-between.
Stunning game,like you say,variation is through the roof,being away from this game,and starting up a new campaign,pretty much blew me away yesterday.
If Konami would make the graphics and presentation as their competitors do,no one in their right mind would play anything else.
its a joy playing it
@rockstrongo good to see you back. Me too I had a break and played different footy games and different games altogether. Now I am back and enjoying it more than ever.

By the way rock, I don't support Barnsley it's only for my ML challenge. ;)

A few games for you watch. Apologies for the length of the second and third one, I was trying to add more build up play and midfield play but makes the video longer.

Out of all of them try to watch the third game as i found it a classic probably one of my favourite matches so far. Without giving too much away there were some things I've not seen and commentary that I've not heard before.

First up is Deco's team...enjoy!

@rockstrongo good to see you back. Me too I had a break and played different footy games and different games altogether. Now I am back and enjoying it more than ever.

By the way rock, I don't support Barnsley it's only for my ML challenge. ;)

A few games for you watch. Apologies for the length of the second and third one, I was trying to add more build up play and midfield play but makes the video longer.

Out of all of them try to watch the third game as i found it a classic probably one of my favourite matches so far. Without giving too much away there were some things I've not seen and commentary that I've not heard before.

First up is Deco's team...enjoy!

Ha ha,I know mate,know you're Spurs.
Solid win vs Dirty Leeds,that game is being played on Friday,Barnsley plays at home.
Draw vs villa is also a good result.
I'm playing as Torino I'm my new ML,first order of business,calling back big Pontus from Yorkshire,how you like them apples @Deco ?

Still amazed how well this game plays,even better now than before acctually.
Good to see you back to @geeeeee
Third game of the season,3rd away game aswell,things never change on that ey Konami ?
Sassuolo away,a tough game,they always messes me up.
This game was extremely tight,nothing between us,except a 50th minute header from Matri,who made it 1-0 to Sassuolo.
Applied full throttle the last 10 minutes,but game ended 1-0 them.
Two things.
Joe Hart,insane saves,I saved two of them,thinking about a making a vid of his saves.
And Berardi,kept trolling me for 90 min on his wing,amazing player
Fantastic game,tense til the last kick of it
Third game of the season,3rd away game aswell,things never change on that ey Konami ?
Sassuolo away,a tough game,they always messes me up.
This game was extremely tight,nothing between us,except a 50th minute header from Matri,who made it 1-0 to Sassuolo.
Applied full throttle the last 10 minutes,but game ended 1-0 them.
Two things.
Joe Hart,insane saves,I saved two of them,thinking about a making a vid of his saves.
And Berardi,kept trolling me for 90 min on his wing,amazing player
Fantastic game,tense til the last kick of it
hey rock, have your games always been intense since you applied matt10's quick fixes?
I developed an acute PES crisis yesterday.

I was playing a home match in my ML, Sheffield (us) against Aston Villa (superstar). Full manual, TS 65.

The start of the match was excellent football, tight but fair. At 13' we were able to build on the wing, and our superb young SS made the decisive move through defense, passed the ball to the CF who slotted it into bottom corner: 1-0. After that we were able to build some nice combos for a while, but couldn't score. At this point shots were 4-2 in our favor.

Then Villa started attacking in earnest. At one point they made a lateral (horizontal) pass right outside our box. I got control of a CMF who had an excellent chance to intercept the pass and launch a quick counter.

When I was about to intercept, the player froze and allowed the pass to make it to the receiver.

This pass was followed by an immediate shot, save and a replay. And I could see it in slow motion: the CMF is running to make the interception but suddenly stops in his tracks right before getting possession.

I was slightly shocked. The match continued.

The shot was deflected by the keeper, and the CPU got a corner. We lost the aerial battle 0-100, but the opposition CF missed the goal. Goal kick.

Having noticed the freezing earlier, I started following how my teammates were acting. And I saw similar freezing everywhere. They wouldn't make easy interceptions. They would miss easy passes because they slowed down. Wouldn't go for loose balls. They wouldn't clear. I saw at least three cases where my player would watch lazily next to the touchline when our pass would slowly roll past him for an opposition throw.

Villa got a series of corners, and we lost all aerial battles. The first three were botched by the opposition CF, but he scored the fourth: 1-1.

I was ready to quit, but I was curious to see how it played out. And after the kickoff the freezes continued. The CPU plays a nice offensive game, and there is simply no way to defend against it if your players are having seizures across the board. Well, not all of them: some offensive players functioned quite well when having possession. But otherwise the freezing continued, and soon it was 1-2, with shots 4-12 in favor of the CPU.

So an excellent match with shots 4-2 turned into a badly manuscripted horror movie with shots 4-12.


When this game is not scripted it's the best game ever. So I absolutely want to keep playing. But scripting turns it into a joke, so at least for the time being I need to develop a game mode where scripting doesn't happen. Using either exhibitions or VS matches. Something similar to challenges I have organized before. Maybe weekly challenges this time. Perhaps starting with the 4-0 Everton vs. Man City from last weekend. Try to replicate that win.
I developed an acute PES crisis yesterday.

I was playing a home match in my ML, Sheffield (us) against Aston Villa (superstar). Full manual, TS 65.

The start of the match was excellent football, tight but fair. At 13' we were able to build on the wing, and our superb young SS made the decisive move through defense, passed the ball to the CF who slotted it into bottom corner: 1-0. After that we were able to build some nice combos for a while, but couldn't score. At this point shots were 4-2 in our favor.

Then Villa started attacking in earnest. At one point they made a lateral (horizontal) pass right outside our box. I got control of a CMF who had an excellent chance to intercept the pass and launch a quick counter.

When I was about to intercept, the player froze and allowed the pass to make it to the receiver.

This pass was followed by an immediate shot, save and a replay. And I could see it in slow motion: the CMF is running to make the interception but suddenly stops in his tracks right before getting possession.

I was slightly shocked. The match continued.

The shot was deflected by the keeper, and the CPU got a corner. We lost the aerial battle 0-100, but the opposition CF missed the goal. Goal kick.

Having noticed the freezing earlier, I started following how my teammates were acting. And I saw similar freezing everywhere. They wouldn't make easy interceptions. They would miss easy passes because they slowed down. Wouldn't go for loose balls. They wouldn't clear. I saw at least three cases where my player would watch lazily next to the touchline when our pass would slowly roll past him for an opposition throw.

Villa got a series of corners, and we lost all aerial battles. The first three were botched by the opposition CF, but he scored the fourth: 1-1.

I was ready to quit, but I was curious to see how it played out. And after the kickoff the freezes continued. The CPU plays a nice offensive game, and there is simply no way to defend against it if your players are having seizures across the board. Well, not all of them: some offensive players functioned quite well when having possession. But otherwise the freezing continued, and soon it was 1-2, with shots 4-12 in favor of the CPU.

So an excellent match with shots 4-2 turned into a badly manuscripted horror movie with shots 4-12.


When this game is not scripted it's the best game ever. So I absolutely want to keep playing. But scripting turns it into a joke, so at least for the time being I need to develop a game mode where scripting doesn't happen. Using either exhibitions or VS matches. Something similar to challenges I have organized before. Maybe weekly challenges this time. Perhaps starting with the 4-0 Everton vs. Man City from last weekend. Try to replicate that win.

I don't know why that surprises you. . . the whole thing is scripted if you ask me. . .I've seen my defenders run away from players and the ball in the box to allow them to score. . . the other day an AI forward got to the byline and passed a low pass across the six yard box . . one of my defenders fell over trying to kick it . .it went through another guys legs. . . .another swung at it and completely missed and the goalie froze which left their forward to tap it in. And don't start me on the match where you know after 2 mins that you're not going to win. .. y'know the one . . you can't get a foot on the ball and everything the AI does is perfect and when you do get the ball every pass goes astray .. .the AI players look light and sprightly but you feel like you are running against a powerful wind. Personally I just accept it and get on with it. .. .the positives far outweigh the negatives for me.
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When I was about to intercept, the player froze and allowed the pass to make it to the receiver.
Like this, you mean? (From 2016, but the exact same things happens in 2017.)

Fast forward to 16s!

Absolutely tons of stuff like that in the game. I've found that, since getting a team spirit above 70 though, it's gone away. If anything, it's unrealistically easy now (I'll say it again, Chelsea 0-4 Hull)!

Another example of similar behaviour, fast forward to 46s:

hey rock, have your games always been intense since you applied matt10's quick fixes?
Hey Jimi.
Before starting my last ML,pretty much when the game came out,I played with different settings than now,and the game was intense,but in the wrong kinda way.
To much end to end,long balls,not enough midfield play,players out of their positions,both on def and offense.

And after fixing all teams in Serie A-B,if I had the stamina id do PL/La liga etc to,the game plays so much better,CPU not hoofing long balls over their midfield,much more midfield play,CPU starting over playing it back to defence etc.
Also better positions,game feels calmer,more realistic,yet intense and tough as hell.
I've only played 5 games yet in my ML,but feels much better than before.
Well worth doing.
You could do a test,edit one leauge,start a leauge campaign,then play a different leauge without it and compare.
But I'm sure the changes,if you do em all works very well
Good luck mate
I developed an acute PES crisis yesterday.

I was playing a home match in my ML, Sheffield (us) against Aston Villa (superstar). Full manual, TS 65.

The start of the match was excellent football, tight but fair. At 13' we were able to build on the wing, and our superb young SS made the decisive move through defense, passed the ball to the CF who slotted it into bottom corner: 1-0. After that we were able to build some nice combos for a while, but couldn't score. At this point shots were 4-2 in our favor.

Then Villa started attacking in earnest. At one point they made a lateral (horizontal) pass right outside our box. I got control of a CMF who had an excellent chance to intercept the pass and launch a quick counter.

When I was about to intercept, the player froze and allowed the pass to make it to the receiver.

This pass was followed by an immediate shot, save and a replay. And I could see it in slow motion: the CMF is running to make the interception but suddenly stops in his tracks right before getting possession.

I was slightly shocked. The match continued.

The shot was deflected by the keeper, and the CPU got a corner. We lost the aerial battle 0-100, but the opposition CF missed the goal. Goal kick.

Having noticed the freezing earlier, I started following how my teammates were acting. And I saw similar freezing everywhere. They wouldn't make easy interceptions. They would miss easy passes because they slowed down. Wouldn't go for loose balls. They wouldn't clear. I saw at least three cases where my player would watch lazily next to the touchline when our pass would slowly roll past him for an opposition throw.

Villa got a series of corners, and we lost all aerial battles. The first three were botched by the opposition CF, but he scored the fourth: 1-1.

I was ready to quit, but I was curious to see how it played out. And after the kickoff the freezes continued. The CPU plays a nice offensive game, and there is simply no way to defend against it if your players are having seizures across the board. Well, not all of them: some offensive players functioned quite well when having possession. But otherwise the freezing continued, and soon it was 1-2, with shots 4-12 in favor of the CPU.

So an excellent match with shots 4-2 turned into a badly manuscripted horror movie with shots 4-12.


When this game is not scripted it's the best game ever. So I absolutely want to keep playing. But scripting turns it into a joke, so at least for the time being I need to develop a game mode where scripting doesn't happen. Using either exhibitions or VS matches. Something similar to challenges I have organized before. Maybe weekly challenges this time. Perhaps starting with the 4-0 Everton vs. Man City from last weekend. Try to replicate that win.

Two things that has bothered me.
My players pretty much always get stuck trying to receive a long ground pass,the def just steps up and intercepts it.
And players slowing down when having a chance to break away from defenders.
Not deal breakers but it's there.

Saw the vids that @Chris Davies put up here on FIFA freezing,playing a player career on 16,no deal breaker,but there players freeze all the way,you have to switch players cause they just stand doing nothing.
And also the infamous bad pass when having a great opportunity to break away,often the pass ends up in your team mates back.
Like this, you mean? (From 2016, but the exact same things happens in 2017.)

Fast forward to 16s!

Along those lines but more blatant, because my midfielder had all the time in the world to intercept. It wasn't sufficient for the game to slow him down, he had to be stopped.

Absolutely tons of stuff like that in the game.
Maybe I have just been blind before, because yesterday felt like an eye opener.

I've found that, since getting a team spirit above 70 though, it's gone away.
One can only hope. I will take an ML break, though, and try creating those exhibition/versus challenges.

I don't know why that surprises you. The whole thing is scripted if you ask me.
If it really were the whole thing, we wouldn't be playing, right? But it's only patches. I wish there was a button "ok, I know where this is going, let's go to the next match."

I have seen plenty of momentum scripting before, but this was just so bad. And made me pay more attention to what was happening elsewhere - instead of just trying to do my best with the player I was controlling, which is what I usually focus on - which made me see so much more of it. Not intercepting, not tracking runs, not even close to the level the AI usually works.
Along those lines but more blatant, because my midfielder had all the time in the world to intercept. It wasn't sufficient for the game to slow him down, he had to be stopped.

Maybe I have just been blind before, because yesterday felt like an eye opener.

One can only hope. I will take an ML break, though, and try creating those exhibition/versus challenges.

If it really were the whole thing, we wouldn't be playing, right? But it's only patches. I wish there was a button "ok, I know where this is going, let's go to the next match."

I have seen plenty of momentum scripting before, but this was just so bad. And made me pay more attention to what was happening elsewhere - instead of just trying to do my best with the player I was controlling, which is what I usually focus on - which made me see so much more of it. Not intercepting, not tracking runs, not even close to the level the AI usually works.

Pes always felt like that to me .. . never stopped me playing. . it always felt that the story is already written eg when you get promoted when you win a cup etc.
Maybe I have just been blind before, because yesterday felt like an eye opener.
Before I had a team spirit of 70, I'd see what you're describing (and what I've uploaded videos of) 4-5 times a game - on Superstar.

When I lowered it to Top Player, the CPU seemed to play as if it didn't feel under pressure any more, with play being a lot more natural (players looking for a pass as opposed to instinctively knowing where the next pass needs to go all of the time), and I seemed free to win the ball. Mostly...

So for me, <70 TS = Top Player, >70TS = Superstar.

But I think it's how it has to be, and that it happens a lot more than we realise - in both games. (I know it's not the thread but - especially after the move to Frostbite, presumably because there's less processing power for gameplay - the other game has moments where you press "shoot" and the player doesn't even bother setting up for the shot, he'll just carry on running into an opposition player instead, which PES still does on occasion...)

I was disturbed by a physics issue I posted a video of in the PES discussion thread (where the ball hits an invisible wall and teleports around), but as someone pointed out, it shows that how the ball moves is largely pre-baked.

But when the gameplay is so good, I don't care! (At least, while my team spirit is high enough not to make it a total waste of time...)
Did beat Palermo at home,2-0 a very good game,tight,but me controlling it.
2nd game,Milan away.
Didn't stand a chance,my crappy passing made Milan score their two first goals.
Came back with a goal of my own,two headers leading up to some confusion and a mistake from Milan clearing the ball,and Ljajic scored.
(Ljajics equaliser)
It was all over when they scored on a corner mid 2nd half,then shortly afterwards made it 4-1.
Lesson learned.

Didn't have much time on the ball at all,and my 66%passing vs their 86,kinda sealed the deal.
One thing,not one single freekick going my way,it's a first this season,probably a sign of an overpowerd CPU not accepting any losses.

Game still feels fresh and very good,I know that Milan plays long balls,not now since I've edited them,but if I hadn't,this game would have been unplayable.

Next game is Bologna away in the league,which means 1 home game in 7.
It's absolutely unacceptable from Konami,how fucking hard can it be?
I know that looking at the schedule,that I pretty much have home-away every other game with my EL and cup games,but league schedule is completely absurd
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About those edits to improve the game flow, I can only sugest to everybody out there playing the game, please do the edits. It´s really a game changer. Please notice that it´s not something like a revolution on the story of soccer games, but it does play much better.

I stopped playing my ML before christmas because my QPR had a TS of 95. I had a couple moves wich would normaly work all the time, because my team was so connected. So my matches started to look repetitive and too much end to end. Last night, just by curiosity, I changed two teams (Benfica and Porto) and tried a CL exhibition match. The result was two hours of gameplay with exhibition matches. Playing TP with PA0 was great, I now have to throw out the ball when in pressure, because there´s actually real pressure, I have to use long balls more often because there´s no space and I have to try something else. Matches feel more random, midfield battles are real now, and I really have to learn to play in short spaces, stop, keep the ball with small dribles and hope to find someone alone to pass him the ball. It´s really great now.

This morning I couldn´t wait and did the portuguese League, took me around 10-15 mins. I will edit all the teams for sure, maybe one and hald hour to do them all... once you do it for the first couple teams, it´s quite easy and fast.

Now I can´t even play the game without these edits. Absolutely mandatory!
About those edits to improve the game flow, I can only sugest to everybody out there playing the game, please do the edits. It´s really a game changer. Please notice that it´s not something like a revolution on the story of soccer games, but it does play much better.

I stopped playing my ML before christmas because my QPR had a TS of 95. I had a couple moves wich would normaly work all the time, because my team was so connected. So my matches started to look repetitive and too much end to end. Last night, just by curiosity, I changed two teams (Benfica and Porto) and tried a CL exhibition match. The result was two hours of gameplay with exhibition matches. Playing TP with PA0 was great, I now have to throw out the ball when in pressure, because there´s actually real pressure, I have to use long balls more often because there´s no space and I have to try something else. Matches feel more random, midfield battles are real now, and I really have to learn to play in short spaces, stop, keep the ball with small dribles and hope to find someone alone to pass him the ball. It´s really great now.

This morning I couldn´t wait and did the portuguese League, took me around 10-15 mins. I will edit all the teams for sure, maybe one and hald hour to do them all... once you do it for the first couple teams, it´s quite easy and fast.

Now I can´t even play the game without these edits. Absolutely mandatory!
hear hear,yes big difference,and all dedicated ML players should do it,like night and day for me.
and it often only needs to be done in your own leagues,might edit the top 7-8 of other leagues as well,the rest you'll never play vs anyway
I´m also changing national sides as well, as I always try to manage for the euro/world cup etc...
Will have some work to do sure, but it´s worth it.
This is how i set up the teams i edit

1. All three tactics needs to be set to fluid formation
2.Set "at kickoff" to "out off possesion" and "in possesion" to "out of possesion"
3 if the teams play "long balls" set to "short pass" and "all out defence" to "frontline pressure" on all three tactics.
4 if you have DMF in your "at kickoff" and "in possesion" set to CMF,keep DMF in your "out of possession" on all three formations.

The game will play much tighter,better defence and midfielders playing solid midfield.
When the CPU needs to defend all out,they'll do it anyway by adjusting their at/def level,instead of playing all out defence through out the whole game.
Easy fixes that makes the game so much better.
Thanx and cred to @Matt10
Hi Rock if you like edit tactics you can search for
Papinho & Royce's PES Tactics maybe you find it interesting.
Argh just quit my first game of the season..went 1 nil down to a blatant penalty which is fair enough the 70th minute I equalise with a far post header..the the scripting kicks in I can describe is my players feel a bit drunk and there's a delay in almost everything..not a big one but the 85th minute a cross come in I defend it and my CB has it at his feet in the area I hit the clear button 3 times nothing..he tackled in the area bang 2-1 ..really spoils it
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