The England Topic

Sven needs to pick the best TEAM, not the best 11 individual players. His scared to drop big names who do not perform.

The 4-5-1 should be played against teams like Brsil, Argentina not wales and bloody N Ireland. He should have tried it against Denmark and he would have learnt that it dont work.
Football. . bloddy hell. . .

Erickson. . . bloody fool. . .

It's clear that Becks plays his best when he has a target forward. If you're playing the most accuarate crosser and aerial passer of the ball in the world, then do a couple things: (1) play him on the wing so you dont bypass your talent engine of Gerrard/Lampard in the middle of the field with Beck's aerial assault from a DMF position. (2) Get a fucking target man, even if he's not the best striker in the world. Without a target man, Becks's effectiveness is immediately compromised. Any fool knnows that.

Second, go to a 4-4-2, and name Cole starter on the left. he's your best option unless SWP learns to play there. He'll have a year to gel and he can score goals.

Pick between Gerrard and Lampard and stick with it. Together they suck. We know this. Now move on, dumbass.

Lastly, start those that are in form. Rooney and Defoe over Owen. Prick.

That is all for now. :mrgreen:
Oh - one more thing. . why has nobody discussed the possibility of playing Ledly Manchild King as your DMF. He's got all the tools to play there and he's played midfield before as well.

Why hasn't the team considered this option??
Yeah, it's easy to say stick someone like King in there, but he's hardly international class. Well, he is playing as Centre back I suppose, as he proved against France in the Euros. Wouldn't like to see him playing DMF though.
Also, this target man rubbish is doing my head in. When we played with a target man (Heskey) people moaned and called for him to be lynched, as we were playing a poor quality of football. Peter Crouch, I don't want him anywhere near England until he's proved something. Having half a decent season at a side that got relegated does not mean you should be an England starter IMO.
ghazi, you say Beckham is ineffective because we don't have a target man? We really don't need a target man for Beckham's crosses to be effective. Look at his best form when he was playing on the right for United, who was playing up front? Yorke and Cole, hardly 8ft 10inch Peter Crouch monsters were they? You don't need to be Herman Munster to head a football into a goal.
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joostebrood said:
England are pretty much over-rated by their own press. Here on the other side of the sea nobody really rates the national team. We do love the league, that's because the stadiums, the fans, the players etc. create a great atmosphere. English teams are doing quite well in Europe for years (Manchester, Liverpool, Chelsea), but the national team sucks to be honest. I've watched a lot of their games and I am just not impressed. Eriksson is a terrible coach, after so many years he still hasn't build a good team that plays good football.

YES! You are exactly right.
No offence to any of the English, but you just aren't as good as you are made out to be. Eriksson's tactis doesn't suit the players very well either, take Gerrard And Lampard for example:
They are the defensive midfielders for England, while for their clubs they thrive on their positional freedom while another midfielder does the dirty work for them. For England these two have to do the dirty work, and it doesn't work. Rooney isn't exactly a left-winger, now is he? Eriksson has never impressed me.
hutch said:
Yeah, it's easy to say stick someone like King in there, but he's hardly international class. Well, he is playing as Centre back I suppose, as he proved against France in the Euros. Wouldn't like to see him playing DMF though.
Also, this target man rubbish is doing my head in. When we played with a target man (Heskey) people moaned and called for him to be lynched, as we were playing a poor quality of football. Peter Crouch, I don't want him anywhere near England until he's proved something. Having half a decent season at a side that got relegated does not mean you should be an England starter IMO.
ghazi, you say Beckham is ineffective because we don't have a target man? We really don't need a target man for Beckham's crosses to be effective. Look at his best form when he was playing on the right for United, who was playing up front? Yorke and Cole, hardly 8ft 10inch Peter Crouch monsters were they? You don't need to be Herman Munster to head a football into a goal.

About King, my understanding is that he started off as a midfielder. In fact the first time i saw him play was as a MF in a defenseive position, though it seems that he is perhaps best suited for a CB slot. However, with the plethora of quality CB's and the dearth of DMF's with international experience, i am surprised he hasnt even been mentioned as an option (or has he?). Especially with backs lke Cole and Neville that'll go up with relish, you would want a more defensive oriented DMF IMO.

I agree that you dont need a Peter Crouch to play target man. . but you do need someone with some height if you are to take the most advabtage of Becks' attributes (i.e his service into the box). For the record, i would start SWP over Becks. Cole and Yorke were both 6 feet tall. Neiter Rooney, Defo or Owen are near that, and none will outjump or outmuscle(save Rooney perhaps) for position. In short order (pun intended) I would either play Becks with a bigger striker, or just make the smart move and start SWP.

That is just another example of Sven planning his starting 11 around a group of talented players, rather than a group that can play as a team.
I think its fair to say England arn't the world beaters the English press make out that they should bm but I think what some ppl forget is the team we have player for player are not much off some of the best sides in the world IMO, england have got a few of the best Central defenders in Europe in Rio, Terry , Campbell very solid players when u compare them to the likes of Holland and France to be fair theres not a lot of different in class, now Ashly cole is a quality leftback I think its very hard to doubt that and G Neville has been solid for England and Man U for the best part of his career, so looking at that back four its very capable and highly talented .Now onto midfield Lampard and Gerrard two very good midfielders especially Gerrard as good as anyone In Europe IMO. The left side of midfield now there is a sticking point we have tried so many permatations and not a lot of luck to be fair , Heskey , Scholes , Gerrard rotating... it goes on and none of these players have had much luck now Joe Cole is really the only current answer we have I agree there is potential in Richardson and Downing but they dont have the experience and havent shown there full worth yet.The right side hmm this I find a harder choice Beckham or SWP , I think Beckham should be counting his days really another year at the most and SWP should be starting choice, I dont think this is one of our best positions at the moment but could be with SWP . Then we have Rooney who is as good if not better than any young player in the world at the moment but he is that , young. Owen has proved han can put the ball in the back of the net as pretty much any other striker in Europe but to do so needs the correct service, now I think we do need some height there a little n large if u like so one of these players should be droped to suite it. Our GK P Robinson is a very good Keeper aswell , hes no Cech or Buffon but is good enough. Now I think when u look at the most of team it has very good-> Excellent players but heres the real problem we dont play like a team . Very rarely have I seen it under Sven and it needs to rapidly change, hopefully the defeat on Wednesday will do something but I doubt it so really I do think we need a new manager who can get these players to play like a team and then we can talk world beaters.But untill we look like Holland , Italy even Czech Republic I think we need to get the basics right and beat teams like Wales and look the part , not just to scrape through with a 1-0....
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It's hard being on nearly £100,000 a week...
Monday, September 12, 2005

below from the SUN

'DAVID Beckham prepared for England’s humiliating World Cup loss to Northern Ireland by having a MANICURE, it was claimed yesterday.

The skipper’s visit to a hotel health spa was said to have come amid a string of diva-style demands from the pampered players.

These included complaints about their oranges not being PEELED and Beckham having the tomato and cucumber REMOVED from a salad.

An insider at the hotel also alleged a fruit salad was sent back because the pith hadn’t been taken out.

Striker Wayne Rooney, 19, who told Becks to “f*** off” during the game was refused a chicken and mayonnaise sandwich by team officials because it didn’t fit in with the side’s diet plans.

Part of the pre-match preparation of coach Sven Goran Eriksson was ordering three bottles of wine, it was reported.

Yet despite all the fussing, England lost 1-0 to a team ranked 116th in the world.

The FA booked the Culloden Hotel on the outskirts of Belfast for two days for the 22 players and FORTY-TWO officials before the World Cup qualifier last Wednesday.

An FA spokesman denied players returned any food.
But he would not deny that Beckham had his nails done.'

LOL @ Becks, soft southern jessy!!
that article is a joke... i mean cmon

"Part of the pre-match preparation of coach Sven Goran Eriksson was ordering three bottles of wine, it was reported."
Vannizzlefashizzal said:
DAVID Beckham prepared for England’s humiliating World Cup loss to Northern Ireland by having a MANICURE
My god what a nancy boy! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I just read a very good article on, which i agree with and makes some very good points. Its titled 'Our pick to replace Sven... finally.'

No matter how many websites are set up calling him for him to be sacked or how many times he is put up for sale on Ebay (a joke that wore thin in 2002), Sven-Goran Eriksson will not either resign or be sacked this side of the final World Cup qualifiers. And nor should he be.

For the FA to sack the manager of a team lying second in their World Cup qualifying group with one defeat in three qualifying campaigns would be utterly ridiculous. He has taken us to two major Finals and within a decent substitution of two semi-finals. To kick him out because England lost to Northern Ireland would make the FA no better than Freddy Shepherd when it comes to making decisions about managers.

Yes, England were awful against an inspired Northern Ireland, yes, the formation was at least partly at fault, yes, Eriksson does lack the passion that we'd all like to see from an England manager (but anyone who bases their opinions purely on this clearly has no memory of Keggy Keegle) and yes, he does seem to have lost control of a team of superstars.

But no, that should not mean he loses his job. Yet.

Eriksson should be given this World Cup campaign, whether it ends in play-off defeat or in Germany next summer, to finish his job. That job should involve having the gumption to upset players, having the courage to pick a formation that suits the team and not individuals and temporarily having the dizziness to lose Owen Hargreaves' phone number.

All the hundreds of e-mails received by Football365 in the last 24 hours prove that there is no universal opinion as to how this England team should play - 3-5-2, 4-4-2, drop Beckham, drop Lampard, shoot Hargreaves - but what is universal is the instruction to England players to start looking like they give a flying kiss about playing for their country.

If they need a Stuart Pearce or a Sam Allardyce to come in now to shout the odds and make that happen, then that really says rather more about the motivation levels of the players than it does about the current manager.

But I do believe that Eriksson should not stay beyond the World Cup however this all ends - it will be time for a change, for him, for the players, for the press and for the fans. And I put paricularly emphasis on the players - a new manager with no alliances and no favourites is needed to put a rocket up the backside of certain folk.

So who should follow him? Steve McClaren? No way. He's part of the Eriksson club and as such does not match the criteria for a fresh start. And his achievements with Middlesbrough have hardly blown the bleedin' doors off.

Alan Curbishley? A solid choice but not a remarkable one. Here is a man who has always struggled to motivate his Addicks in the FA Cup against inferior opposition or indeed at any point of the season beyond the point at which survival is ensured.

Sam Allardyce? If you want English passion, then Sam's your man. Unfortunately, we also envisage a future of Gary Neville trying to land a long throw onto the head of Peter Crouch. And why would he want such a rotten job anyway when he seemingly has a job for life in Lancashire?

Stuart Pearce? Too soon, and we really wouldn't wish it on him anyway. We'll come back to him.

The name that jumps out from the bookies' list for me is Peter Taylor. Forget for a minute the disastrous spell at Leicester (the lesson WGS should have heeded: never follow Martin O'Neill), beyond that his record is exemplary. At club level, there was promotion at Gillingham, Brighton and Hull twice over. And then there's the England Under-21s, who Taylor is for the second time turning into one of the best teams in Europe.

How fantastic to hear this week that Glen Johnson was sent home from the squad for being a Bertie Big B***ocks. That's what you want from a manager, someone who says 'I don't care what you do at Chelsea, here you listen to me'.

He ticks all the right boxes - tactically astute, passionate without being hot-headed, strength to deal with big personalities, hard-working (he does two jobs, remember) and an encyclopaedic knowledge of England's young players. And he's already respected by the FA and knows the drill. Graham Taylor said on Saturday that it takes two years for a manager to adjust to international football. Halve that for Taylor.

And his assistant? That's where Pearce comes in. A man like that will never be happy away from the training-ground, in the stands watching games or in meetings at the FA. But turning up a few days before the game to kick some butt and remind the players how they should feel playing for England? Perfect.
I am glad I was at work this afternoon and didnt have to watch that shambles, I knew we would struggle
A year ago, I was thinking we have a genuine chance of getting somewhere in the world cup. Now it looks as though it'll take Sven to be at his best for us to simply qualify.
don't worry English guys!!!!i'm French but i love(and prefer!!!) English national team and English Premier league.Often the teams which have evil during the qualifications are those which suceed for the world cup!!!remember Brazil in 2002!!
All that target man debate is empty. It makes no sense. Beckham is doing great this season at Real Madrid, he's by far the best assistant in La Liga, and neither Raúl nor Robinho (whom have benefited most from Becks' crosses with headers) are tall. They are quick players that know very well how to find spaces in the box, and who get past defenders very well. Ronaldo is a terrible header-striker, but he's benefited from Beckham's right winged position with his speed and ability to run past defenders to catchs Becks' great passes. Beckham is not only a header-maker: his crosses can be well end in a good control and a direct shot, a header, a direct volley (look a R. Carlos last week)...

Almost half of Real's goals this season have come from Becks' boots, but only a fraction have been headers, and none have been scored by a tall man. England doesn't need Crouch or Heskey. They don't need anything, they're good as it is. The problem is elsewhere.

And what I mean is that England has a great team to play against another team that needs to win. That's why it's good at the finals while it is terrible at the qualifiers: there's so many teams out there that play just to draw, they put 5 defenders and 4 DMF out, and pray that their one and only striker will eventually have a lucky strike and score.,
The majority of your fans are a disgrace, both in (majority) and out (just over a minority) of the ground.

Couldn't believe my ears when they where slagging off Crouch. Must've been demoralising for him. I remember something happening to Alan Thompson when he got a brief glimpse of an England Cap against Sweden. They where singing "What the f*****g hell is that", class............f*****g eejits.

I think Englands problem lies in the centre of midfield.In J.Cole,Becks,Lamps and Gerrard,England have one of the best midfield quartet in the world.The only problem is that,these 4 players are all ATTACKING players.We should bring in someone like Nicky Butt or Scott Parker,someone in the Makelele mould,one whom never crosses the centreline often,one who does the dirty job in breaking up play and playing those short passes.Lets rip the Poles tonight!
fd1972uk said:
The majority of your fans are a disgrace, both in (majority) and out (just over a minority) of the ground.

Couldn't believe my ears when they where slagging off Crouch. Must've been demoralising for him. I remember something happening to Alan Thompson when he got a brief glimpse of an England Cap against Sweden. They where singing "What the f*****g hell is that", class............f*****g eejits.

I think thats just the dodgy side of u comin out , a statemnet like that
stop being a typical paraniod celtic fan with a birthplace like glasgow but youl say your Irish , its simply the only reason u constantly make one sided arguments towards england and anything english related.
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phrase said:
I think Englands problem lies in the centre of midfield.In J.Cole,Becks,Lamps and Gerrard,England have one of the best midfield quartet in the world.The only problem is that,these 4 players are all ATTACKING players.We should bring in someone like Nicky Butt or Scott Parker,someone in the Makelele mould,one whom never crosses the centreline often,one who does the dirty job in breaking up play and playing those short passes.Lets rip the Poles tonight!

3-5-2 plays to everyones strengths but i aint manager! Thats what FM is for!
Cloud1863 said:
I think thats just the dodgy side of u comin out , a statemnet like that
stop being a typical paraniod celtic fan with a birthplace like glasgow but youl say your Irish , its simply the only reason u constantly make one sided arguments towards england and anything english related.

Check that thread out and you'll see what National team I support, so don't be the typical English fan that assumes.

And you can't deny the two things though that happened at St James Park and Sweden, so I'm using facts, not assuming like you.


p.s. Sorry, I can't be arsed with a tit for tat at the moment, just something that annoys me. All the best.
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