Spurs Thread - WHERE'S VIEIRA GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

loz said:
i dont think we have a hope tbh, the best we can expect is a respectable defeat . . . . but then again we ARE the most inconsistent team in the EPL so ya never know.
inconsistent is right! you re up 1-0 to the gooners! GOOD JOB LOZ!

man its been a bit slow on the spurs gossip hope were not gunna become a stable team who arnt in the papers trying to buy anyone who shows a ounce of form everyweek. that would be boring and would ruin the great tradition weve built up over the past ten years :D
come on the mighty spurs, back to winning ways today and keano actually got on the score sheet.

Rumours of Mark Hughes becoming our boss in the Mirror today, altho i think i'd like to c us stick with Pleaty after the way he's got us playing recently.
Exclusive: Tottenham scouts speaks out.

Tottenham scout Bryan King was a studioguest at Canal+ in Norway today and told that funds had been made available to buy 2 CM's and a goalkeeper in January.

He said that Scott Parker and Thomas Gravesen was the main targets, and also said that Norwegian goalkeeper Espen Johnsen is being monitored closely.

this looks promising. i wont hold my breath on Parker as he had his chance and stayed plus Charlton are 4th and were 12th, but you neva no in footie......

finally though Pleat may be pointing the finger at our main problem areas which is what hoddle just didn't seem to do.

we've spent a bit though so the sales of Asillymiss and bunje look on the cards. also if pompy go for Anderton we may look at that as an option. wot do u guys think?

The Houghton Pleat thing may work if it stays in that context of Pleat deals with the c*nts around footie and Chris couches. it may be an insperation. i think financially it would work for us to. so i for one like the idea as pleat has got us some great players over the past few years and Chris is a top couch who fits the bill: Young, Excited about the club and understands the players.

oh yeah the game was the type that we would have lost a year ago sos im happy with the result. dont critisise Postiga he will do the business soon i promise.

yeah Pleaty stayin on has gotta be good news TBM.

if we can get both Gravvy and Parker in would be quaity. . . . .just what we need.
shocking that we cant even score against the leaky rovers defence. could be a good idea for Postiga to go out on loan and get a bit of confidence back, i'm sure Southend would take him ;) !!!!

just hope we arent gona get sucked back into that relegation slot again.
i enjoyed a nice 500 mile round trip for yesterdays game :x :x :x

im still confident we will be alright with a couple of new center mids when we get a new boss. we should of really gone for curbs or antic when we had the chance instead of twiddling our thumbs waiting for o neil.

i think its safe to say ill lose the will to live if the board go for houghton and pleat as a long term appointment.
i'm afraid to say it looks like they are gona be in charge for at least the forseeable future. still, when we get parker and, maybe, graversen we'll do alright!
Freddie could play some part in the Carling Cup against City tonight, but apparently we have a few other injuries that Pleat is keeping to himslef at the mo. lets hope we can beat the not so mighty Mancs!!

2-0. Lovely :)
We actually managed to score a few goals, got Helder on the score sheet and Freddie back in style :)

roll on the weekend!!
Man i feel bad 2day. went on a mad one after the match. Ledders was the man. Man Shitty were nothing. Super Fred is back Postie Scored. Hopefully we can go on a nice run now.

Come on u spurs
Well done Loz, although I think Keane is too good for Spurs, and he's a little hit and miss. One day world class, next day 'can't be arsed'!
loz you need to start getting to some games mate !! attendances have been really poor this year =/

i see what ur saying dc and if were not looking like a top six side in two years then he probably will leave but we are starting to build a superb team imo. plus who else is he gonna go to ? i cant see the big five wanting him and no one else really has any money or are any good really.

i have to say poyets has made quite a big differance in the last two games. his runs and movements really do make a big differance to our attacking play. im sure monkeys will agree it was like watching a completely different team against city.

im well looking forward to the cup game, should win but boro could diffenetly cause us a few problems.
It was a shi'te first half but the goals were the kind of quality that tottenham should be producing all the time. the footie was average but Dalmats goal will live with me for a long time, just like freddys against Everton has. we finally have a great strike force again but as we have seen in the past that aint always enough. 7 wins in 12 games is a great run. we are starting to look ok though. and dispite what everyone will say playing ok and winning 5-2 is very good indeed
i would love to get to soem games, but with xmas coming up i cant afford it at the mo.

I've always thought Keano's been a bit hit and miss, not the fact that he cant be arsed, more the fact his finishing can be sublime and then a bit wayward.
loz said:
i would love to get to soem games, but with xmas coming up i cant afford it at the mo.

I've always thought Keano's been a bit hit and miss, not the fact that he cant be arsed, more the fact his finishing can be sublime and then a bit wayward.
Okay, I'll agree with that, but don't get too carried away!
dcj78 said:
Well done Loz, although I think Keane is too good for Spurs, and he's a little hit and miss. One day world class, next day 'can't be arsed'!

i dont quite get what you mean when you say Kean is to good for Spurs. i think thats a bit harsh. Kean is a Spurs type player and just because a player is good doesn't give them the right to only play for great clubs (that would just make the league even worse wouldn't it)

Kean is ours and hopfully it will stay like that for a few years when were back in europe and sudenly likeable again.

Who r u a fan of then Dcj78 coz with a comment like that i doubt your a spurs one.
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