Speculation Transfer Thread

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Özil isn't Turk but the others are, right?

if he has turkish parents i´m affraid he is Turk, just made to be born in Germany..

i know it´s meaningless to argue about this issue, but what if a guy is born on plane..or your parents need to move out and you born in the country your parents need to be or moved in...?

Higuain was born in France to Argentina parents...wich don´t make him French imo..just coincidence... but in this world it means you can be also representing the county you were born..

the difference between Ozil and Higuain is that Ozil´s home land is Germany, while Higuain for example was in France only few months becouse of his father´s job..

with your arguments, nations like australia and usa dont exist.

özils grandparents (!!!) immigrate to germany. his parents where born and raised here, mesut to.

so stop with those stupid stories that özil is turkish.

oh stop. Barack Obama is Kenian, because his father comes from kenia. lol...
well in this years you have many cases if players plays for a national team in U21 for example and switch to other national team...like Kevin Prince Boateng for example..

i think there should be always look on parents, if - like in Ozil case, the parents were born in germany and he was, then he is undoubtly only German and has no reason what so ever to represent Turkey...especialy if he was raised in Germany and his mother language was only german...

but in case of many players, they were raised in other country, their mother language is different or could be same (for Brazil/Portugal for example) that represent other country just becouse they live there for some time...like Amauri represents Italy...

with your arguments, nations like australia and usa dont exist.

özils grandparents (!!!) immigrate to germany. his parents where born and raised here, mesut to.

so stop with those stupid stories that özil is turkish.

oh stop. Barack Obama is Kenian, because his father comes from kenia. lol...

Okay Mesut is playing for German National Team but he is Türk! No one can't deny it. You're imroving all immigrant players and this is your right to play for your National Team, I respect that.
@Zombie, i think Mesut is Turk only by his surname and blood (ancestors) but if he´s born in Germany and his parents as well..then he is german..

If you take whole world, everyone has ancestors, in this way whole USA would be not existing nationality..becouse majority of all USA people were from Europe or Africa, except of the native people of america of course..
hes Turk ,

Also we (Albanians) have this , example Valon Behrami (Swiss NT) , Shefki Kuqi (Finland NT) Njazi Kuqi (Finland NT) , Xherdan Shaqiri (Swiss NT) , Sotir Nini (Greece NT) , Blerim Xhemajli (Swiss NT) , Albert Bonjaku (Swiss NT) , Pajtim Kasami (Swiss NT) and have many others most of them are from Kosovo they com here for holiday have family here talk Albanian Language and in media they say we are Albanians and they say we com from Kosovo (example Valon Behrami) and they are Albanians even if they play for other NT
Also Hakan Sukur has born in Prishtina so this dont mean hes from Kosovo ;)
hes ALBANIAN and cheek this also cheek language he talk and what he say I'M ;)
Ozil father and mother is Turk, so Mesut is Turk but he is playing German National team.
And he is normally speak Turkish everyday, he is firts language is Turkish. so, he is Turk.
We dont like him, we hate him because he choise wrong adress. Good luck for all life.

I am just want to say yesterday, not important for us.

Nuri; hehe Nuri is Turk, his everything is Turk nothing a lot.
Hamit exaclty Turk.

and others...
So many Turkish players was playing this year.
Mehmet Ekici, he will playing Bayern next years. He played Turkish national team last mounth.
İlkay Gündoğan, he was play nurnberg and next season exchance Nuri. :)
But he will play German national team big possible.
Thats a industrial football.
thats not industrial football.

your thinking is so loughable... yeah zidane was not french ;) and mark schwarzer is a german keeper! we dont speak about players like Cacau, "mehmet" aurelio, marcos senna, "kazim" richards. they were born and raised in other countrys. they are those "industrial footballers" with a new passport.

the problem is your excessive turkish national pride. deal with it - the best players with "turkish" blood will never play for your country if they have a chance to play a country with a perspective to win the world cup / euro.

the nation of a human is were he raised. were he goes to school. were he learns to play football. if your parents come from an other country you have only the chance to choose your passport or you have two.

yeah you "hate" mesut because he plays for HIS country. Not for a country he've been for holidays. He plays for his motherlanguage, where he raised.

This hate in combination with your excessive national pride is the reason why you never be a big one in the football world. nothing more, nothing less.

i read in every word, in every phrase of you the reason why the turkey is not ready to join the EU. But thats to political and not a topic for here.
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Ozil is a German of Turkish descent. No matter how many Turkish fellas see him as Turkish only doesn't change that fact in the slightest bit. Why would I respect the opinion of someone who puts his culture, his national pride as the definitive thing above all else, including all other cultures?
Saying Ozil isn't German is a huge disrespect to my culture, my country and the pillars of its modern foundations. But I can deal with it, because it doesn't shake the foundations of ME as a person, let alone my believes of what's right and wrong in that context.

So, I do not have a problem with excessive national pride from the conservative Turkish side. I much rather just felt the need to clarify one thing: For the absolute majority of football fans or people in general over here, Mesut Ozil is a fellow countrymen. And the select few Germans who disagree are mostly avowing racists - let's face facts here.

A national team in any sport, to earn the very term, should always be an appropriate reflection of the country it represents. Immigration is a big part of most western democracies. Not something that works out for everyone, for sure, but definitely to be admired and further improved on.
Not all immigrants will feel strongly related to the country they settled in, there are numerous possible reasons for that - yet even if a certain someone should find one, he or she would never "stop" being German.

That said: With guys like Sahin, the Altintops, Ekici, Torun etc. in the Turkish national team - who are both Turkish and German citizens - I feel quite a strong relation to the Turkish national team. I bet in Ludenscheid, Munich, Gelsenkirchen, Hamburg and wherever town they were born and raised in, a lot of their friends and family are more than just excited whenever they play. Turks and Germans alike.
He's not Turkish if he's born and raised in Germany.

I'd say he's turkish! but A lot depends on what the person truly feels as well really!
YouTube - Mesut Özil Röportaj - Interview
YouTube - Mesut Ozil interview in Turkish, Werder

I heard he represented Germany mainly because the Turkish FA didn't make enough effort to get him really. Sahin is born and raised in Germany but his parents are turkish.

It's big! A lot bigger than people with one country could understand! He obviously respects Germany as he was brought up there and has lived here pretty much all his life, but his parents would not had raised him like my Jamaican parents and grandparents like they would do if he had Germany parents.
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the problem is your excessive turkish national pride. deal with it - the best players with "turkish" blood will never play for your country if they have a chance to play a country with a perspective to win the world cup / euro.

Yet of the worlds best young talents raised and born in Germany Nuri Sahin had no hesitations in playing for turkey despite growing up in Germany?

elensar77, i heard Oezil did want to play for Turkey but they just didn't make enough effort or contact him when he was a youth player at Schalke etc.. by the time the turks wanted him he was in all the German under 21 sides etc.. and choose to stick with them. I really can't blame the guy. Scored against turkey and didn't look happy at all!
This "discussion" is becoming quite dangerous.
I must say i strongly agree with bot oNeberlin and Rentalkid.
This is a football thread, so when we talk in this thread about nationality, we are talking about football nationality. There can be no discussion about the football nationality of Özil: as a football player he is German.
All the rest is off-topic and irrelevant. I honestly could't give a damn if Özil feels German, Turkish or Seychellese...i love to watch him play football and that is enough for me.
Inter and Real are rumoured to have made bids for Sandro, both swiftly rejected.
except that he was actually born in Rio De Janeiro...

it´s not the same ;)

example in world cup u listen many time from my comentatory and english too say "TURKO-GERMAN" boy Ozil .... why they say this if hes playing for germany ??

Nuri Sahin born in Germany but hes on Turkey NT and u NEVER listen "GERMAN-TURKISH" boy so have much diference this

yeah you "hate" mesut because he plays for HIS country. Not for a country he've been for holidays. He plays for his motherlanguage, where he raised.

I think is not needet to hate him but ur wrong to say this coz NACIONALITY its diferent and u can born wherever u want but this dont make u to change nacionality , and before to go in holiday in turkey he can go in 100 other places so its not just holiday its blody its other part of faimly that he have there ;)
example in world cup u listen many time from my comentatory and english too say "TURKO-GERMAN" boy Ozil .... why they say this if hes playing for germany ??

Nuri Sahin born in Germany but hes on Turkey NT and u NEVER listen "GERMAN-TURKISH" boy so have much diference this

I think is not needet to hate him but ur wrong to say this coz NACIONALITY its diferent and u can born wherever u want but this dont make u to change nacionality , and before to go in holiday in turkey he can go in 100 other places so its not just holiday its blody its other part of faimly that he have there ;)

becouse he has Turkish grandparents!?

In world there is milions people living in different country as i give you example in USA..there is mostly people that have grandparents or grand-grandparents from different european countries.. there you have german americans, latino americans, african american...and you often hear black american, african american in TV either...but this people are born in USA..they are american..

the same Ozil, he and his parents were born in Germany, he has no other connection to Turkey than his grandparents and what they might told him few words and that´s it...he grew up in Germany, he was living from his BIRTH in Germany and knew Turkey as land where his Grandparents came from...

he is German.

there is difference between representing a country becouse you want to and another thing is becouse you can or can not.

Many players can´t get to original country of their birth team, so they choose other country by living there for long time despite being not born there and maybe also becouse they have parents from two different coutnries..

wich is also not Ozil case... since he is 3 generation of Turks in Germany..

Let´s say your parents tell you tomorow you have grandfather that came to Albania from Guadalupe...and your half of Family - Grandfathers other brothers and sisters you never saw live there..And you can represent both Albania and Guadalupe..

What country would you choose...?
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I can't believe this is turning so heated and political and people getting offended. Take it easy guys. I don't see where the confusion or debate comes from.

It's very simple guys, Altintops, Ozil, Sahin, all these players are BOTH German and Turkish. German/Turk is the perfect description for them and reason commentators say it. Both countries MUST Be respected and are rightly fully represented. One can not be omitted or not mentioned! That's when arguments happen.

I can't believe German people trying to make it sound like he's not Turkish just because he's born and raised there. His ethnicity and blood is 100% Turkish and that will always be the case and no one can take away that. So he's certainly Turkish and that can not be denied!

HAving said that, even worse, I can't believe, some Turkish people just wanna say he's TURKISH and that's it. Definitely NOT! He's BORN and raised in Germany. He speaks better German than Turkish probably. He got his education as well as FOOTBALL Education thanks to Germany and its coaches, infrastructure. He's German 1st and Turkish 2nd but definitely BOTH! I can't believe people try to deny one side.

Volkan Demirel is Turkish. Nuri Sahin and Ozil are German/Turks or Turk/Germans it doesn't matter but that's how it is. There's a BIG difference. And yes this is very different than someone like Eduardo who represents Croatia. These guys are BORN and raised in Germany and love Germany and got to where they are largely thanks to Germany.

So let's finish these discussions and embrace the DUAL nationality of these wonderful talents because they have the Turkish blood to thank for it and the German efficiency to help them develop the potential. :)
He's Turkish/German like I'm Persian/Canadian and I bet there's like millions of people with these combination these days like Pipa said in year 2011 for god's sake! Important thing is to NOT deny either side of the equation as some have tried here and if anything EMBRACE both as I'm sure these guys ACTUALLY do in real life :) and yet there's people sitting on internet arguing about if he's German or Turkish. He's BOTH. It's simple.
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