Sony PlayStation 3

It's still done via the browser, its exactly the same

I read on the EU PS3 forums that while it still runs through the web browser they have updated it so the difference now is that fullscreen video's work much better. They no longer run at 10fps. They've also optimised the iPlayer so everything runs much faster. This will also be the first of many 'on demand' channels so having it's own icon will make more sense when the others come.
List of firmware features

* Multi-Audio - Audio can now be output to multiple connectors simultaneously. You can set this option under [Settings] > [Sound Settings] > [Audio Multi Output].

* Video Content Playback - During Video content playback, you can now use the right stick to play content in slow playback, fast reverse, and fast forward.

* Settings Descriptions - Now below each setting option under the Settings tab on the XMB, there is now a brief description in small font.

* New Start Up Logo - Upon starting up your PS3, you will be greeted with the new ‘PS3′ Logo.

* Copy/Paste Function - There is now a copy/paste function for the web browser, and messages.

* Internet Connection Speed Test - Check your internet connection upload/download speed. Go to [Network Settings] > [Internet Connection Test]

* Internet Browser Screen Capture Feature - Press Triangle on Internet Browser, then under File > Save Screenshot.

* Custom Remote Play Settings - Manually set a device (such as a PSP system) to be used for remote play.

* New Avatar Support - Support for future additions of PSN avatars has been added. No new avatars have been added along with the firmware. However the support is there.

* “What’s New” – The “Information Board” will be replaced with a “What’s New” section, which allows you to enjoy interactive PlayStation news every time you start the PS3 system. Located under the PlayStation Network icon, “What’s New” displays the latest and greatest game, video, PlayStation Network and PlayStation news and releases, as well as your recently played games, in a sleek, new animated format.

* Status Indicator – In the top right corner we’ve added an indicator bar, which displays your user icon, friend icon, the number of friends you have online and a small message icon to let you know if you have any new messages. The indicator also includes a scrolling ticker that features the latest news from PlayStation Network. In addition, when you press the PS button, the battery life indicator will no longer cover up the clock.

* Friends List – Now your PlayStation Network friends will appear in a slightly redesigned format on your Friends List. Also, messages will now be viewable from each of your friends’ respective profiles.

* PlayStation Store Shortcuts – We’ve added a handy shortcut icon to the PlayStation Store under both the Game and Video categories so you can access the latest content quickly and easily.

* Personalization – Personalize your PS3 with new dynamic custom themes and avatars. Dynamic themes as well as free and premium avatars will be available through PlayStation Store. A dynamic theme takes your screen to a whole new level as it incorporates animated objects into the background.

* Trophies – Showcasing your hard earned trophies just got better. Update 3.00 gives game developers the ability to modify how they display trophies for add-on content. Base and add-on game trophies will continue to be combined into a single list so you can see where you stand in a game as a whole. Within that list, trophies will be broken out into subcategories—base trophies and add-on trophies—that way, you can easily view the percentage of your base game trophy collection, and separately track your trophy progress in add-on packs. Look for this enhancement to be included in upcoming games.
I read on the EU PS3 forums that while it still runs through the web browser they have updated it so the difference now is that fullscreen video's work much better. They no longer run at 10fps. They've also optimised the iPlayer so everything runs much faster. This will also be the first of many 'on demand' channels so having it's own icon will make more sense when the others come.
Looks exactly the same to me, Fullscreen works the same.

They just added an icon to make it easier to acces, Sony doesn't add applications to Firmwires. You always download the App seperate.

At best they were just tweaks to the browser
i dont like this firmware. it seems very sluggish. the chatroom feature is messed up and laggy. my text takes 3 seconds for it to appear as soon as i press the enter key on my keyboard and i keep getting kicked out of the room every 2mins
i dont like this firmware. it seems very sluggish. the chatroom feature is messed up and laggy. my text takes 3 seconds for it to appear as soon as i press the enter key on my keyboard and i keep getting kicked out of the room every 2mins
Those issue were present before this firmwire
Any websites where I can download 3.0 and stick it on a USB stick? I went to the official UK PS3 site and it seems the firmware on there is from July 2008.
Any websites where I can download 3.0 and stick it on a USB stick? I went to the official UK PS3 site and it seems the firmware on there is from July 2008.
That's what it says at the start of the license agreement but when you actually click the download link at the bottom (the "Agree" button), you can see from the directory structure that the firmware is from the 1st of September (i.e. "2009_0901").

This had me looking EVERYWHERE for the latest update a few months ago, it really pissed me off when I realised they just haven't been arsed to explain that it actually IS the latest version anywhere on the page.

Why couldn't they bloody fix the problem with no time displaying once you are in a chat room?! It bugs me that I need to keep jumping out the room to check what time it is.
Look at your watch or mobile? ;)

I don't wear a watch anymore and haven't for years.
My mobile was in a different room. Easier to just press PS button as I could not be bothered getting off my ring and going into other room to pick up said mobile device.

In all fairness, I had to walk about 30 steps for a round trip. Not on and a waste of my time :)
Caved in and updated to a slim. It's niiiicceee. Absolutely silent.

All in all very pleased.

I am tempted but not too sure. Will lose backwards compatability (for the kids but there is a PS2 in the house too) and my USB ports are normally full with stuff. Not bothered about SD card as I stick all my stuff on External HD first anyway.

Wouldn't mind TW10 and another Dual Shock but still not sure if it justifies £125 sheets when I'm not really gaining anything. I suppose TW and a dual shock cost £75 so I supposes it's £50 to upgrade my HD.

Deleted some crap off system last night and I still have 17G left and that's basically since launch. Extra space would be nice and tbh, my PS3 is bloody loud. Even the missus moaned about it last week when she was watching TV and I was downlaoding something.

Still, don't know what to do...
Loud while downloading!? Could it be full of dust and that's why the fans going mental trying to kick it all out? I've seen vids on youtube of people with loud PS3's and then they spray some air into it and the dust that comes out is amazing.
Speaking to a work colleague who bought one last night and he said the Slim is definately noisier, even when idle.
The 360 is loud whichever console you get, even when the games are playing from the HDD. I think even with the Slim getting loud, it wont come anywhere near the loudness of a 360.

Bear in mind the surroundings that the consoles are in as well. If your console has plenty of space, it's not going to need to turn the fans on. I hardly ever hear my PS3 fans turn on for example.
PS3 = A Mute Reading a book.

Elite = Boeing 747 taking off.

Hope that helps.

Then the 360 might be helpful when having sex with a chick met in a bar.. my girl is not gonna hear the noise at all...

Anyway i am pretty sure i am going for a slim, seems a better long term deal right now.
Speaking to a work colleague who bought one last night and he said the Slim is definately noisier, even when idle.

That's strange because my friend's PS3 slim is whisper quiet even when playing FIFA (where the fans really kick in). We literally came back from GAME got the PS3 straight out of the box, updated to 3.0 and played FIFA all afternoon. Not once did we hear any noise with the fans. You could hear them up close, but my 40GB is definitely louder.
Yeah the Slim has been tested thoroughly by many sites such as Engadget, Eurogamer etc and they have all reported the new model as being noticeably quiter than previous versions.
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