Sony PlayStation 3

We'll you're still 17 or something, right? I'd be surprised if you did have the money to throw on a PS3.
Anyone looking to buy a PS3 now I would honestly say "Wait". There are too few good games out for it yet and most of you will end up Bored like I am. There is only so much MotorStorm and F1 I can play. Games like Pirates of the Caribbean seem to run Smoother on the Xbox 360 (Dont flame me thats just my opinion).

Dont make the mistake I have in buying one early, wait at least a few months to see what comes out.

I agree in principal as the price is bound to drop but if you can get one for £250, you may as well do so. We'll all want one come Oct!
question people

i hear that madden 07 is actually getting released over here on july 30 if so what does that mean for madden 08 which is due in august in america and usually gets released over here at the same time, are EA really that stupid?
question people

i hear that madden 07 is actually getting released over here on july 30 if so what does that mean for madden 08 which is due in august in america and usually gets released over here at the same time, are EA really that stupid?

Are you sure? I dont see why they would do that? Because surely EA would be releasing Madden 08 in Sept here. It really is pure greed then I guess, cause I doubt they will release it at a budget price.
It could be an Amazon typo, and really its meant to be Madden 08, I mean it's at beyond full retail price there, and no discount...........
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have 5 games so far; fight night,nba2k7,cod3,resistance and oblivion.
oblivion is the best so far,also like cod3 online, but its a a shame there are no rankings .
end of june rainbow6 vegas end of august graw2,in october the best arrives gta4 end PES 7.
I have the following PS3 titles... in order of how frequently I play them.

1. Formula 1 Championship Edition (good game but it can be tonnes better with some work done to it. Waiting for 07)

2. Motorstorm (Good game but gets stupidly difficult later on)

3. Virtua Tennis 3 (I miss the online play... should have got the 360 version)

4. Major League Baseball 2K7 US Import (Rubbish Six Axis Gimmick controls but other than that a solid game)

5. Ridge Racer 7 (Same Old Ridge Racer... same as 360... why did I buy it?)

Borrowed Resistance and to be honest I dont see what the fuss was about, thought it was an OK shooter at best. My housemate has got Pirates of the Carribean (PS3) and the 360 version looks smoother and runs with less Jerky movement. That game is pretty rubbish too. Not a lot to go mad over and the PlayStation store still contains a lot of crap. If id paid £425 for this machine like most of you guys did I would be mega pissed off with the crappy return so far.
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Such photo-realistic graphics ruined by big-headed cartoon characters, God that pisses me off. The Japs are mad bastards.
Wow TG, those screens look amazing, i love everybodys golf.

The 5th pic down looks so real, its like a real picture of a golf course with a super-imposed person over the top
I love everybodys golf too- Must be made by the same people ss Marios Golf on the N64 as it's very similar and equally as good.

If you can look beyond the carton grsphics, which I know put some people off, there is a huge amount of depth in the gameplay. It's often described as arcade-y although I would agree as it's not easy and as realistic as it gets with the exception of a few fire graphs etc if you hit a full power sweet shot. Would thoroughly recommend the game- far better than Tiger Woods Golf.
Anyone looking to buy a PS3 now I would honestly say "Wait". There are too few good games out for it yet and most of you will end up Bored like I am. There is only so much MotorStorm and F1 I can play. Games like Pirates of the Caribbean seem to run Smoother on the Xbox 360 (Dont flame me thats just my opinion).

Dont make the mistake I have in buying one early, wait at least a few months to see what comes out.


On the other hand, don't wait until the wrong time of year when there's a sales rush and they become scarce.

I seem to recall that happening at various times during the lifespans of the PS1 and PS2 and have memories of really wanting to play a new PES game but couldn't find anywhere that wasn't sold out of the console.

I just bought a PS3, really just so I can play PES7 when it comes out. I've bought the F1 game (which is OK, not as good as I'd hoped for) but otherwise, the console will be sitting pretty redundant in my living room until October. But at least I know I'll be playing PES7 from day 1 of it's release. My PS2 was only ever bought for PES anyway.

Of course, I'll not be happy if it becomes appararent in August that the early PS3 models are all flawed, although my warranty will cover that.

And the price of the console will, of course, eventually come down, but I really doubt it'll be any time before the Xmas rush this year. And even when it does come down, c'est la vie. So perhaps I could save £50-£100 by waiting a year...I really don't care.
Happy you are pleased with your purchase mate, but if you are mainly buying for PES7 why didnt you wait a few months and get it in a bundle?

I have to agree with djdoc360 on this one. Anyone who hasnt got one should wait. Not only for the better games, but also for a possible cheaper console before the year's end.
Happy you are pleased with your purchase mate, but if you are mainly buying for PES7 why didnt you wait a few months and get it in a bundle?

I have to agree with djdoc360 on this one. Anyone who hasnt got one should wait. Not only for the better games, but also for a possible cheaper console before the year's end.

Will be cheaper but will it be when Pro 7 comes out?

The million dollar question.
Will be cheaper but will it be when Pro 7 comes out?

The million dollar question.

I've been following this story closely and I believe not only will there be a price-cut before September but also that the cheaper console will come with a bigger hard drive also. (Like the SKU Sony will start to sell in South Korea this month).

I'm more certain this will happen in US/Japan, you never know with Europe but there must be x-number of PS3s sitting in warehouses that can be sold for £350 by the time the summer is out.

Personally, I'm holding on for that Winning 11:11 release date and a trip to New York in August!
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Having a PS3 myself, i would recommend the moment there are only two fantastic games for me: NBA2K7 and Motorstorm.
Having a PS3 myself, i would recommend the moment there are only two fantastic games for me: NBA2K7 and Motorstorm.

If you like action you have Ninja gaiden out next month with Rainbow Six & The Darkness

But of coure 360 owners can play these also.
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