Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread

Seedorf's sub was forced due to his lack of fitness(he asked to be subbed), after just returning from injury. Milan clearly were the upper side throughout the match and hence very unlucky to end with such a result, but kudos to Roma for being able to bring the result despite a relatively poor performance.
Re: Serie A Thread

Seedorf's sub was forced due to his lack of fitness(he asked to be subbed), after just returning from injury. Milan clearly were the upper side throughout the match and hence very unlucky to end with such a result, but kudos to Roma for being able to bring the result despite a relatively poor performance.

We must have been watching 2 entirely different games, Roma dominated most of the game imo.

Seedorf was amazing with his dribbling & was unlucky not to get a goal but I don't buy that regarding his fitness, he was awesome for Milan & tried to win the game on his own.
Re: Serie A Thread

Thought the first half was all Roma, second was all Milan. We were more confident had had initiative. Kaka was very off, I think he is still recovering. Pato and Seedorf, especially Seedorf, seemed very energetic and motivated. Too bad for Seedorf's fitness, he was running around like a madman. Pato still needs to learn to pass more sometimes, I think him and Kaka have some differences.

Unlucky 3 minutes, a draw would have been fair imo. Two careless defensive errors cost us. Great game by Maldini again.... hes reached full fitness it seems. Favalli has also been solid recently.

Thought Ambrosini, Oddo and Kaladze were very careless for most of the game. Never let Ambrosini shoot from out of the box.
Re: Serie A Thread

Thought the first half was all Roma, second was all Milan. We were more confident had had initiative. Kaka was very off, I think he is still recovering. Pato and Seedorf, especially Seedorf, seemed very energetic and motivated. Too bad for Seedorf's fitness, he was running around like a madman. Pato still needs to learn to pass more sometimes, I think him and Kaka have some differences.

Unlucky 3 minutes, a draw would have been fair imo. Two careless defensive errors cost us. Great game by Maldini again.... hes reached full fitness it seems. Favalli has also been solid recently.

Thought Ambrosini, Oddo and Kaladze were very careless for most of the game. Never let Ambrosini shoot from out of the box.

Never let Ambrosini shoot, period.:-pp

Oh and Iaquinta:DANCE: The guy never fails to provide something off the bench. He's like the sixth man equivalent to soccer.
Re: Serie A Thread

I am curious to know why he was fuming? Anyone know?

My guess is he probably wanted his team to get back on defense and not make a big deal about the goal.

But looking at it again I think he's yelling at the linesman or fourth official? Kind of an odd burst of anger from him.
Re: Serie A Thread

What the hell is with all these American tycoons all of a sudden trying to purchase soccer teams? Does this guy even know anything about Roma, or is he just gonna buy them because the name Roma sounds nice and it's the capital of Italy?
Re: Serie A Thread

What the hell is with all these American tycoons all of a sudden trying to purchase soccer teams? Does this guy even know anything about Roma, or is he just gonna buy them because the name Roma sounds nice and it's the capital of Italy?

have you seen the economy and the value of the dollar, foreign investment is good for rich fuckers, however, he owns a team in MLS, and i can gurantee you that team makes little to zero profit, and quite possibly negative, so i dont think he is in it for the money.. when you have $2.4 billion, these things are toys to these guys
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Re: Serie A Thread

have you seen the economy and the value of the dollar, foreign investment is good for rich fuckers, however, he owns a team in MLS, and i can gurantee you that team makes little to zero profit, and quite possibly negative, so i dont think he is in it for the money.. when you have $2.4 billion, these things are toys to these guys

That's one thing that makes me disgusted about team owners these days. Is there any news on how Roma fans feel about this?
Re: Serie A Thread

Where's Ben? I was impressed by his Palermo today. :))

that's a nice thing to say mate, and i truly appreciate your solidarity...... but we're everything but impressive this season.:((

we played just 3, maybe 4 good matches this season... and last week's one was not one of them... actually the inter match was probably one of palermo's poorests performances so far this season.....
there's no plot in our football, no ideas, no schemes application. watching us playing u never have the feeling we know what we wanna do..... and that's really frustrating :((

a couple of weeks ago i read Dominic talking about english "stupid" football... definitely this is an harsh and a bit rude statement.... but i prefectly understand what Dom meant to say....
let's say that italians play football with their brains and their eyes, while english play football with their legs and their lungs.

when we lost corini we lost our playmaker (our pirlo, our liverani, our ledesma.....) this completely changed our dna, and we were supposed to play a british-style football....
the problem is that we don't even play a good british-style footie.... we don't run, don't press, our players never try to get rid of their markings, to receive a clean pass....
to su up, we don't use our brains and eyes... but we neither use our legs and lungs.....

the only reasons of our good results rest upon the quality of some of our players (zaccardo, barzagli, balzaretti, simplicio, guana, bresciano, jankovic, amauri, miccoli, etc..), whose individual efforts allowed us to get some good games...

that's probably our worst season since we're back in serie a :((


concerning the roma deal, nothing will happen, i'm absolutely sure of it... it's just about speculations and rumours.
a couple of years ago, roma was on sale. those days Franco Sensi was in charge and the club was in a bad situation, talking about the financial aspect.
but when franco sensi stepped down in favour of his daughter Rosella, he discovered she was damn good.
today the financial situation is a lot better, the club is doing fine and Rosella Sensi (who was supposed to guide the club until somebody would have done a serious offer to buy the club) became one of the most important characters in the italian football scenario.
she is the "clean face" of the italian football, the symbol of the italian football renaissance, after the scandals of 2 years ago (together with della valle, zamparini, lotito, and many other newcomers)... and she is also the new federcalcio (italian FA) vice-president.
the whole roma staff, from the sensi family to bruno conti and tempestilli (team directors) and to spalletti did a great team work in the last 3 years...there's no reason to give up, now that the "bad days" are over.
beside, just 1 month ago (replying to some rumours about another offer for the club), Rosella Sensi herself said that they are not interested in any kind of offers for the club.
so, it just won't happen.

moreover it would be pretty silly to buy an italian club nowadays. serie a doesn't get the same media coverage premiership gets, our tv-rights collective deals are nothing, compared to the premiership deals, the fiscal drag is a lot heavier than the english or french one (not to mention the spanish one)...
for theese, and many other reasons, the italian football clubs are everything but a profitable asset, so definitely they're not a good target....

@ Bash-it: nice avatar, mate ;)):beer:
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Re: Serie A Thread


moreover it would be pretty silly to buy an italian club nowadays. serie a doesn't get the same media coverage premiership gets, our tv-rights collective deals are nothing, compared to the premiership deals, the fiscal drag is a lot heavier than the english or french one (not to mention the spanish one)...
for theese, and many other reasons, the italian football clubs are everything but a profitable asset, so definitely they're not a good target....

@ Bash-it: nice avatar, mate ;)):beer:

That is true. The football owners in England arn't really much of a profit, so investing in Italy would be stupid from a financial view. But I really do hope, that maybe this will lead to more investment in Italy. The fact is Italian football has taken a backseat in terms of being the center of European football, which makes me sad, as I have always been a huge Italian lover (football and food :EASY:).

That's why I would love to see someone like Mourinho go to Italy. Mourinho said that he can take Italian football back to the top, and really do believe that he can. Even if he takes one team, the coverage he would attract would be immense. He himself is a MASSIVE personality. So, I am in hope that Mourinho lands himself in Italy.

Problem in Italy is not the quality of football. I mean, how many leagues can boast of players like Rosina, Barzagli, Quagliarella, Pandev, playing in mid table teams! That has never happened in England. So, I feel that such investments can only lead to the growth of football, as much as specifically Italian football.

I do feel this will be a HUGE summer for European football. There will be many managerial changes, and several top clubs will be looking to rebuild their teams, and start a new era. Obviously, I am talking about top teams, but their popularity, directly affects the popularity of their respective leagues. I believe that in the past few years, this will be the biggest summer, in terms of the growth and influence in European football.
Re: Serie A Thread

i don't know, mate. i can't see how one single man (mourinho or whoever) could add anything to serie a.
mourinho is a very good coach and a fantastic character, like u said....
but if there's one thing we really don't need, that is a good coach.
italy is the coaches eldorado. the average level of our coaches is fantastic. mourinho was a god in england... but here in italy the situation would be very different for him. i mean let's not consider monsters like ancelotti, prandelli, spalletti, who are simply unreachable for everybody at the moment.

cagni, guidolin, mazzarri, novellino, rossi, del neri, baldini, papadopulo... theese guys are all on the same level of mourinho...

..not to mention some very promising young guns, like giampaolo, marino, di carlo, or gasperini, who could become great coaches in a few years....

as i wrote many times before, the reason why italy is not anymore the center of european football doesn't rest upon our's all due to the fantastic steps fowards made by spanish, english, french and german leagues.

most of our clubs are not rich like they used to be 10 years ago, (thanks to the growth of the other leagues and to the absolute nonsense financial strategy of some of our clubs).... but this didn't effect the quality of the football.

just consider this...
till 15 years ago there was an amazing balance on the top of the table. every year there were 7 teams who could fight for the title: milan, inter, juve, roma, lazio, fiorentina and parma (we used to call them "the 7 sisters").
all those teams were full of star players, and used to play a fantastic football.... but what about the others 11 teams??? (those days serie a was a 18 club league).

they had good players too (like today), fantastic coaches (like today)..... but those coaches creativity was limited and mortified by the little clubs owners, whose narrowed mentality, forced those coaches to a defensive approach to the game...
so, is we consider the whole league, serie a wasn't really that great those days.... it seemed great because there were no serious competitors in europe.

today our top clubs average quality is lower than 15 years ago...
roma is a fantastic team wich plays an awesome football, but their financial situation doesn't allow Rosella Sensi to act like a top club chairman (just look at this season... they bought some very good players, but they had to sell chivu to get them..... a top club never sells his best players).
milan has still a fantastic "core" but galliani and berlusconi will have to do something this summer to keep inter's pace.
juventus is a new creature... it will take some years to see them back on top of europe.
inter is the only real "big club" in serie a today. they have money, they have a fantastic team and a good coach.

but, on the other side, if u take a look behind theese top clubs, u'll notice a fantastic revolution.
our mid-class\low-class clubs chairman's mentality completely changed.
today u can see our coaches (mazzarri, gasperini, del neri, marino, baldini, giampaolo, ballardini) unleashing their creativity, giving their imprint to the teams they coach.
nowadays serie a has something nobody else has in europe. an unbelievable tactical variety. we have 20 teams, and each of them plays a different football.
watching clubs like parma, cagliari, siena or reggina at the end of the table, u might think they're not really good....
but after watching them playing, after watching the football they "produce", u can realise they're VERY different fro their english, spanish, french and germans counterparts... theese teams play football, good football.

not to mention the average quality of serie a's mid class teams (udinese, palermo, fiorentina, sampdoria, genoa, napoli atalanta, lazio).
serie a today still has something more to offer than the other leagues.... and our league today has also something more to offer than 15 years ago.

it's not all about money... atalanta's incomes are 1\2 of derby county's incomes..... but look at what a hell of a team they were able to raise...

we have less money, but who cares! roma today plays better than 15 years ago (when roma's annual incomes were 3 times their current annual incomes)...
our most important asset has not been compromised by our lack of money.... because our most important asset is the quality of our coaches.... the quality of our players.... and i'm not talking about our star players... i'm talking about our "average" players...

if i could choose between del neri and mourinho for my club, i would pick del neri..... and the same goes for cagni, marino, gasperini, prandelli and guidolin :DD
Re: Serie A Thread

Shame the top 5 choked :DOH:

quite the opposite, i'd say. actually yesterday's results comfirm what i was talking about before, about the quality of our mid-class and low class team.

this is becoming the best season i ever watched :coolpink:

too bad genoa didn't win... they were fantastic yesterday.
to all the inter fans here: don't get me wrong, i'm not an anti-inter fan... at all... but with roma loosing agaisnt lazio, it would have been better (from a neutral point of view) if inter wouldn't have increased their advantage over the giallorossi ;))

fantastic goal by borriello :w00t:
Re: Serie A Thread

what a goal, let me the man celebrate i hate when players pull their teammates jersey after goals. I would probably give that tit a slap :D
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