Serie A Thread - 2014/15 Season

Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

(javier) - infact this is my only weakness. i take a lot of care of my hair.... maybe too much. i spend lots of time in front of the mirror every day to have them exactly as i want.... and my teammates usually make fun of me for this. quite often in the dressing room when i'm done with my hair, they come from behind and mess them up. i hate it."

and here i thought that was just a wig.... i thought those were way too "steady" to be real hair. :P


:LOL: That's f'n brilliant!! hahaha

By the way awesome reply to Gerd! Took the words out of my mouth. :)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

this article was taken from that interview i read.

the title of the article says: zanetti and his hair paranoia "only my daughter can touch my hair" :DD

i'll just translate some lines.

...... i don't feel confortable when my hair are messed up... i guess it's a matter of self-confidence.... i could never let my hair grow wild, like camoranesi, for instance....

.....:LOL: however i don't use any gel at all.... just a comb and some water..... (i seriously doubt that :P )

...... years ago i had to do a photoshoot for a newspaper and the "hair stilyst" decided do give me a new look by messing up my hair...... for the whole photoshoot i felt very imbarassed... as if i was naked....

there's another line that deserves to be translated.
- what if someday u would get bald?
- oh God, that would be a tragedy for me. i can't even think about it.

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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

there's another line that deserves to be translated.
- what if someday u would get bald?
- oh God, that would be a tragedy for me. i can't even think about it.


ah, I dont think it would be. thats also what I thought a few years back when I lost more hair than other people at the same age. Now, with only 23 years, I look almost like Zidane. :D

You really get used to everything and honestly, I think it looks quite good.
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

That was nice, Ben...thanks.

that's not nice, my friend. it's just the truth. ;)

ernestito said:
ah, I dont think it would be. thats also what I thought a few years back when I lost more hair than other people at the same age. Now, with only 23 years, I look almost like Zidane.

You really get used to everything and honestly, I think it looks quite good.

oh i certainly agree with u (even though i have no hair problems).... but i think javier has a different opinion about it.... i mean he said he doesn't even allow his wife to touch his hair :D

nice signature btw ernesto ;) is it taken from lucarelli's book?

on a different topic:
did u guys watch italy yesterday??? :BLINK::BLINK::BLINK:
we played some good football!! actually some great football. i haven't seen italy play this way since 2 years ago!!

however 1 matchis certainly not enough to make me change my mind about lippi's choices.

YouTube - Italia - Bulgaria 2-0 Highlights Ampia Sintesi All Goal 09/09/09 Qualificazioni Mondiali HD

oh and shall we talk about pirlo's assist for grosso's goal... that's what pirlo can do when his teammates move without the ball. a 20 meters first touch lob wich reaches grosso's foot with a ridiculous precision.

and what about that 2nd goal :BLINK: wow!
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

You guys should be happy to be Italian...beautifull country, delicious food and a national team that wins...

We in Belgian only have delicious food...our national team lost 5-0 in Spain and 2-1 in Armenia....a big disgrace...
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

You guys should be happy to be Italian...beautifull country, delicious food and a national team that wins...

We in Belgian only have delicious food...our national team lost 5-0 in Spain and 2-1 in Armenia....a big disgrace...

man belgium's loss was a disgrace for me too.... take a look at that.


i lost 150 euros because of armenia's win yesterday.... i was pretty pissed off, to say the least.

as for the national team that wins, we haven't looked good for 2 years now, so 1 match is still far from being enough. ;)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

nice signature btw ernesto ;) is it taken from lucarelli's book?

it is taken from his interview for world soccer magazine he gave last year. I was working in a press shop at that time and read all foreign football magazines. so I had to grab this phrase and put it on my signature on all forums I have been a member. :D


its even from november 2007, so almost 2 years ago. man, time is running so fast.

and I found a link, you can read the interview here:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Christ, both of those goals were class. Both involved quick interchanging of passes and quick movement and each player knowing exactly what the other was doing next. :APPLAUD:

Unlucky with the betting Ben, you should know gambling is bad though ;)
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Unlucky with the betting Ben, you should know gambling is bad though ;)

fair enough. actually i'm not really into betting. i'm pissed off when i loose and i don't really enjoy the money when i win (maybe because i feel i didn't earn em... maybe because it's tablescraps... probably a bit of both).

it's just one of those things u happen to do every now and then when u're watching football matches with your friends. some sort of silly ritual.
from an antropological point of view, it's just 1 step above dick size measuring, i guess.

i got to tell i can sure understand and respect the muslim point of view, concerning gambling. :))

thanks for the link ernestito ;) gonna give it a read later or tomorrow :))
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Every Saturday I put a £1 accumulator on, it's not gambling as such as there is no risk, i've won £70 a few times, makes the games a little bit more fun, don't see the harm in it myself
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

honestly i thought juve played very good. sure the result is unfair as lazio played very good too and was extremely unlucky..
... but stealing, that's a bit of a stretch ;)

genoa-napoli tonight. Jesus, i'm SO looking foward this match :))

edited after the final whistle.
good Lord!!! :... i hope u guys got a chance to watch this match.

just 3 words: Gasperini for president!!!! :WORSHIP::WORSHIP::WORSHIP:
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

i saw the first half but my internet went down for the second..what happened? what was the final score?

ouch! looks like u missed the best part then.
Matt, i think we should put results under spoiler tags... someone might not want to know the result just yet ;)

anyhow, since u guys already know the result, here it is an extended version of the highlights
i'm putting here the highlights, but if u can, i suggest u guys not to look at them and to wait for a re-run of the entire match (if broadcasted, obviously). what made yesterday's game a great game is the quality of the football dispayed by both teams through the whole match, and u can't really appreciate any of that by just looking at the highlights.

the craziest thing is napoli played good.... yet genoa simply owned em.... i knew they would have done great this season too (despite the important departures of milito and motta)... but with so many new signings (7 of them were playing yesterday) i expected gasperini to need some time to have the new players blending into the team....apparently the preseason was more than enough!
zapater looks like he's been playing gasperini's schemes for his whole life.... and how about crespo! he looks rejuvinated.... if he keeps performing like yesterday, he might even endanger floccari's starting spot! and shall we talk about palacio's performance! and mesto!!!!
it must feel great to be a genoa supporter theese days :))

side note. napoli's goal was sublime! pazienza's pass was great, quagliarella's assist was fantastic and marek's move was immense.

big news: genova's clubs are both on top of the table :APPLAUD:
big news 2: this week pazzini didn't score (wich is unusual, since he has been scoring in almost every match he played for sampdoria.... since last season!)...
big news 3: it seems that zenga's reign in palermo is gonna last even less than i expected (and it's not like i expected it would have last much). there's hope delio rossi might be coming in the next 2 weeks
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

damn i cant believe i missed that!

i was so excited to watch it i couldnt believe my luck when i saw it was on, then of course the internet goes down which is even worse because i know what im missing. ah well there'll be more games to watch
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

big news 3: it seems that zenga's reign in palermo is gonna last even less than i expected (and it's not like i expected it would have last much). there's hope delio rossi might be coming in the next 2 weeks

I have the impression that Palermo's board or chairman lack patience can you have doubts about a coach after 3 matches ?
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

We're talking about Zamparini here Gerd. :P

The man needs no introduction.... :LOL:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yeah what gives you that impression Gerd? :?

:D ;)

Just watched extended highlights of the Genoa-Napoli game (was about 50mins so quite good) and what a match!

The ref was a bit trigger happy with his cards, Criscito's was unncessary and the penalty at the end was hard to make out but seemed harsh to me.

Ben, you summed it up pefectly when you said Napoli played well but Genoa owned them. I'm really impressed how quickly they've gelled too.

Mesto's and Hamsik's goals were both class :APPLAUD:
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

to me Criscito red card is said Giampaolo (Siena coach) yesterday, it's time to ban these players who every time say "fu** you" or others insults to refereer...players MUST give a right example to all, and IMO the ref made a good choice sending off Criscito
Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

I have the impression that Palermo's board or chairman lack patience can you have doubts about a coach after 3 matches ?

well, as u probably realised, reading Sina's and Jumbo's answers ( :DD ), Zamparini is the man u have to point your finger at, speaking about palermo's "impatience". there's something compusive in his lack of patience.... he even questioned ballardini's skills in a few occasions last year! :CONFUSE:
last season he fired colantuono in september, after a coppa italia preliminary round loss.... even before the serie a season opening match!! (and that's quite a record).
however the situation is a bit different this time. zampa shouldn't have given the job to zenga in first place, as he simply isn't the right coach for this team.

as for criscito's red card, i tend to agree with jumbo. i understand your point leo. but single, isolated red cards are not the right way to address this issue. u need consistency. if collina would have given a specific directive to the referees during the preseasonal referees meeting, estalishing no ref should have ever tolerated any sort of swearing from the players, then this might have been a good idea....
but criscito's red card alone won't give any example, i'm afraid.

if u send off a player for swearing in a context where every players gets the same punishment for this, than it's ok. but if u do that on single, isolated circumstances, then this becomes the refereee's personal reaction to the player's attitude... and that's not correct imo.
a red card is an extreme measure, wich can potentially kill the whole tactical plot of the game; when u send off a player u mess up the coach's plans and that will, most of the times, make the game less interesting.
so u have to think carefully before taking such an important decision.
besides it's not like criscito went berserk. dozens of players have much more aggressive reactions every week.

so if u wanna issue a new rule forcing the ref to show the red card to each and every player who insults the ref, then i'm all for it... (we did it a few years ago about the pulling your shirt off celebration).... but doing it "on random" like this, that won't change anything. :))

oh and i also agree that last penalty was quite unnecessary.
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Re: Serie A Thread - 2009/10 Season

Yeah it's like the Eduardo dive situation. If UEFA had said over the summer that they plan to stamp out diving and would use video evidence and issue retrospective bans etc then fine.. but they chose one incident and then even admitted they wouldn't be investigating any others and it was a one off!!! This is just plain stupid and unfair. But that's not to say diving is fine, just like insulting referees.... both should be eradicated but in a level and fair way.
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