PES 2011 is the ONLY football game which beats PES5/WE9 in pure realsim,
PES 2011 is still not the finished article like PES 5 WE9 was.
sorry if im abit off-topic. this is actually my first post, if a sound mad or angry, im not, its just my english is not very good.
intresting, comparing PES2011 to the real life.
i have played this game for almost 3-4 months PC and ps3.
finished 3 seasons. and my answer is PES2011 is nothing like real life.
People keep saying this game is better than PES5. but this is 100% wrong.
how is it better? lets see..
AI? PES5 AI is 10xtimes better than PES2011. no questions about that.
player individuality?
in PES2011 i have only noticed CR, messi and couple of good driblers like arshaven. but the rest all look the same, play the same, shoot the same.On the other hand in PES5, players plays so different, you can tell this guy is pirlo from his accuracy of shooting, you can even tell the difference btw two good driblers
like arshaven and messi. but can you in PES 2011? absolutly not.
teams indiviuality?
players like walcout, eto who are so fast that is so hard to catch up with are broken. even the weekiest asian team defender can catch up to them. so teams who depend on fast players for counter attacks are useless. while on PES5/WE every team plays like in real life. this is a prove that PES5/WE9 are more realistic.
well PES2011's has no atmosphere at all. no question about that.
no statisfaction when scoring in PES2011, it became so limited like FIFA.
while on PES5 in 2 games you can do wonders that you can never do in PES2011.
well this is the only strong point in PES2011... but incase you guys forgot, PES5 is all about Timing. if you got the timing right for thorugh balls, lofted through balls, long pass etc. you have freedom, if your not good at timing well sorry go play fifa

therefore, PES2011 is absolutly not better than PES5/WE9
ye it looks like real life, but its plays nothing like the real life. not to mention half of my goals are own goals -_-
so i think we need to admit that PES2011 is still far from comparing it to real Football.
if in PES2012 konami fixed the problems i mentioned above, it will be an amazing game and for sure it will beat PES5/WE9...
well we have lots of time till that day to come, and my advise to you people is to play WE9LE.
its an improved Version of PES5, its btw 5 and 6, and its absolutly the best Winning eleven title i have ever played interms of gameplay, player movments are just so realistic, passing/shooting. if you got the timing rights, you will enjoy your own freedom. Player AI are Superb. defence and attack is ballanced. italian/german teams have a damn great defence that takes skill to pass them.
play WE9LE for couple of days. ye you will get frastrated in the first 3-4 matchs especially if you are coming back from PES2011 or fifa. i was hella frastrated, but when i got used to it again. Man what a relief. BEST FOOTBALL GAME EVER!!
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