Rainbow Six : Vegas 2

Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

This game is gonna be the dogs bollucks.*

* I'll get my coat...Taxi!
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Yes, why?

actually i havent, but i always wondered why people say something seems fake or unrealistic, when they have never experienced it themselves. Of course shooting behind a corner with pin point accuaracy is pretty impossible. I think your points on the game are good, but it seems people are quick to say COD is stupid because its fake, and there are no tactics involved, but really how they hell do any of us know....
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Sorry, but since when have you been able to actually aim whilst looking round a corner on Rainbow? :LOL:

What you can do is blind fire, which is realistic.
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

actually i havent, but i always wondered why people say something seems fake or unrealistic, when they have never experienced it themselves. Of course shooting behind a corner with pin point accuaracy is pretty impossible. I think your points on the game are good, but it seems people are quick to say COD is stupid because its fake, and there are no tactics involved, but really how they hell do any of us know....

Aha I see, actually a good post, I agree with you :)

Sorry, but since when have you been able to actually aim whilst looking round a corner on Rainbow? :LOL:

What you can do is blind fire, which is realistic.

Watch the 10 min gameplay video, he clearly is moving his crosshair to aim at targets whilst his character's whole body (and head) is tucked behind the wall.
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Watch the 10 min gameplay video, he clearly is moving his crosshair to aim at targets whilst his character's whole body (and head) is tucked behind the wall.

That was in Vegas and it was still an awesome game

I dont think the crosshair behind a wall was on the multiplayer games though

but there used to be a way of kinda getting one
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

That was in Vegas and it was still an awesome game

Well horses for courses and all that, in an arcade game I don't mind it, for example I'm playing Godfather right now on the 360 and you do something similar, hug the wall, select a target, then when you press fire he pops out of cover and fires where you aimed and then goes back again behind the wall, in an arcade game it's fine for me, in a relatively realistic (well isn't that what the R6 series is known for?) shooter I expect more simulation like gameplay and aren't too happy to see arcade elements in there.
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

If it's the same as the old Rainbows then you can't do it online, which is fine with me :)).

I have NEVER played single player mode on ANY of the Rainbows, and is still easily worth buying every copy when it comes out.
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

I watched the whole 30 mins of Gamersyde vids and it seems fairly decent in what it does, can't say it appeals to me compared to the gameplay of early PC R6's seems majorly dumbed down since the originals (that were almost too hard on PC), I haven't followed the franchise that closely so maybe it's just the Vegas ones that were dumbed down a bit to aim more for the mass market crowd?
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

I watched the whole 30 mins of Gamersyde vids and it seems fairly decent in what it does, can't say it appeals to me compared to the gameplay of early PC R6's seems majorly dumbed down since the originals (that were almost too hard on PC), I haven't followed the franchise that closely so maybe it's just the Vegas ones that were dumbed down a bit to aim more for the mass market crowd?

I had the first R6 on PC and it was a lot more tactical. There was more than 1 team and you could set a route for EVER member of each team. There was a lot of weapon depth and 1 hit basically meant death. Its a lot harder. I agree the console versions are 'dumbed down' but I think its the only way to appeal to the audience.
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Looks awesome!!! So co-op is online, say do story line with my mate?
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

But tis only 2 player online Co-Op storyville this time, not 4 like the last, there is 4 men in your squad, just one player can control the other 2 men, like giving them orders.
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Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

I like the way they did the last part

where he tells them to clear while he distracts then by smashing the window
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Guys is it like Ghost Recon (which bored the pants off me) where you give commands and all that bullshit?
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Not online it isn't, you are your own man - and online is where it's at.
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

I love the way the blood splats on the walls when you kill someone - Thats Cool!!
Re: Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Is the co op in the game more than 2 players?
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