[PSP] Winning Eleven 9 Ubiquitous Evolution - September

Flawl3ssCowb0y said:
Have you not seen that in-game video of the guy actually holding a PSP and playing it, while his mate films it? It's about 2 minutes long, all in-game footage. Doesn't look at all different from the PS2 version tbh

NO! I HAVE! I just want to see it in my HANDS! ARGHHHHHHH AHH MUHAWA!!!!
In terms of the option file, surely someone will upload their savefile with all of the translations and all of the other fixes that might need to be made (transfers etc).

I'm just worried about whether or not the language in the actual menus can be translated
There are some clever people in our community, so I'm sure it will be done. But I don't know how long it will take. Luckily psp umd's hold just normal iso files but their structured differently, but someone will figure it out.....god bless em :mrgreen:
I was just wondering, if its going to be possible to play it on US PSP system(ofcourse not), and if there is how???
I'm sure it will contain AFS file etc for graphics, but I'm just curious how greats like Fernando change the language? What do they edit?

Also, you know the way you can share option files between this and the PS2 version, does anyone yet if it's 'everything' (Kits, names, stats etc) or just, for example, Master League teams....if it's everything, someone with both a PSP and PS2 (with WE) can convert it for us and we'll have an instantly updated game.
Well there will be a language file hopefully similar to the J_TEXT found in WE, then it's just a case of changing the content of the files whether they be str or bin files. Hopefully we won't need new tools, but their also the possiblity of using the language files from the PES5 like what was done early on with WE9 on the PS2. :)
Ah, I see.

What tool is used to edit these language files?

Can't believe how hyped I am about PSP WE. It must be because I sold my PS2 and haven't got my annual WE 'fix'. Can't wait for release on PC and XBOX as well.
Well it can be done with dkz studio, there's loads and loads of files when you open a language afs. Then each file contains the text for the everything in the game, hopefully we won't need new tools. But if worst comes to worst there's always the PES5 languge files. Also having WE9 sort of helps cos I now no my way around the menu's :lol:

But I can't wait to get the game, I'll mostly be playing multiplayer and probably while I'm on the shitter lol.
Had this on order since it was put on lik-sang! Cant wait ! hope it ships in the next day or so!
Well till then heres a background (wallpaper) for your PSP i have made
KOP_007 said:
Ah, I see.

What tool is used to edit these language files?

Can't believe how hyped I am about PSP WE. It must be because I sold my PS2 and haven't got my annual WE 'fix'. Can't wait for release on PC and XBOX as well.

good thing that. Winning Eleven was the ONLY reason left to keep it. Even the GTA series is going the PSP route now. I don't know i'll keep my PS2 cuz it can do so much;)
KOP_007 said:
Actually, I've just thought...you can get your iso by ripping it from the UMD you've ordered...are we ok for guides on that?

cheers for the help mate, but seems best just to wait just a few days longer for the umd. C'MON WE9 PSP. My log dumping sessions are going to exceed all previous records set lol
Wheres the best place to order it from?

Yes Asia or Lik-sang?

Both offer free shipping though YesAsia seems a better deal as its slightly cheaper.

Anyone ordered from both so i can compare the two?

contrary to what some people have been saying its been described on Amazon.co.uk that the european version of WE9 for the PSP WILL have a master league mode.

Is this different to WE9:UE??

I quote, from Amazon:

"The game is expected to include many of the new features from the latest home console versions, including the introduction of wingbacks and more realistic weather conditions. One feature that is definitely confirmed for the PSP is the Master League that allows you to take on a player manager role. Indeed, series creator Shingo "Seabass" Takatsuka has suggested that the Master League may be expanded to such a degree that it will become almost a mini version of Championship Manager -- so that you’ll be quite happy just playing that on the move and the actual matches when you get home."

So PES5 for the PSP will have a master league...excellent.
I was wondering how the different types of firmware might influence the ease of which the game can be edited? For instance if you had to rip ISO files etc isnt this harder with 2.0 firmware?
Well getting iso files to play on a psp with firmware 2.0 is harder, well it ain't been done yet. But there should be a downgrader out before to long, but you may need to upgrade to firmware 2.0 to actually play the game. But there's a program available which fools your psp into thinking it has a different version of firware. But the iso won't contain firmware v2.0, so depending on it's structure and layout we should hopefully be able to edit it with out too many probs ;)
The fastloader will bypass the firmware upgrade anyways.

Best to use it to boot your origional UMD's also as you can change the clock speed 222/266/333mhz

Really cant wait for this anymore, going mad!! Burnout is good but its not pro evo/we!!

Trying to steer clear of the PS2 version for a bit, although that is a challenge in itself!!

sorry cos i am new to these things. How to upclock your psp? Can anybody give me the link to download? I don't want to wait hours for my match to load. Thanks a lot.
Well really your not overclocking it, the psp was underclocked to save battery life. It is supposed to run at 333mhz, but your battery life will be used quicker. Just do a search on google for fastloader v0.7, it can run umd's that are in the drive. It also will run games off your memory stick and allow you to dump games on your memory stick from the umd. ;)
OK theres been alot of discussion. just wanna clear things up

1)Will WE9(PSP)have the firmware 2.0 already on it?
2)If not will we have to upgrade?

These questions have been floating around for awhile and it affects those who use the apps with earlier vers of the PSP. I myself don't care as i believe EVEN the 2.0 firmware will be worked at to get working with outside apps.

I personally don't care don't really wanna turn my PSP into a my PS2
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