PES2016 - PC Version Discussion Thread

Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

i think they let it unclear, this sounds good enough for people to buy it
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

is strangely written, this year is different from the console, but it will pair of new generation. :)
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

i think they let it unclear, this sounds good enough for people to buy it
That would be a shame.

That "muy a la par" doesn't make it any clearer to me.
It could mean that we'll have the PS4 version without the chance to import full kits, or without that manual celebration thing, but it could also mean that it' s still hybrid, who knows...

Until someone at Konami shows some actual balls and release an official statement I won't believe either to the ones crying that it's old gen or to the ones sure that it'll be a PS4 port.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

Probably 2d grass on some angles, no dynamic weather, no water splash,no gameplay effect during rai, and 2014 crowds.. lol you name it
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

thats a bit more news

Ayer me dijeron que la versión de PES2016 en PC NO será igual a la de ps3 y Xbox360 como lo fue el año pasado. #E3

Yesterday I was told that the PC version of PES2016 will not equal the PS3 and Xbox360 as it was last year. # E3
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)


Robbye Ron ‏@robbyearon 10 minHá 10 min Los Angeles, CA

Ayer me dijeron que la versión de PES2016 en PC NO será igual a la de ps3 y Xbox360 como lo fue el año pasado. #E3

Translate: "Yesterday I was told that the PC version of PES2016 will NOT equal the PS3 and Xbox360 as it was last year."

Sorry for my bad English .
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

Konami would never say last year's was 'equal to PS3/X360'. They (tried to) make a big song and dance about how it was a hybrid, they'd never admit it wasn't.

Konami are not worth our time as PC users. They're a company stuck in the 90's run by idiots who are getting rid of their most creative force.

I sadly but honestly believe we need Konami to go out of business, and hope that someone else rises to fill the gap with regards to a football game. Cause they're done.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

Try to get in touch with Luca from official pes.
He might bring in some clearance.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

Konami are not worth our time as PC users. They're a company stuck in the 90's run by idiots who are getting rid of their most creative force.

I sadly but honestly believe we need Konami to go out of business, and hope that someone else rises to fill the gap with regards to a football game. Cause they're done.
For christ's sake man get a grip, it's only a damn game. Good grief. PES 2015 was a very good game. The PES 2016 gameplay vid looks like more of the same. So what's the issue? If you didn't like PES 2015, don't buy PES 2016. Move on, go play something else.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

If it will not equal PS3 and Xbox 360 then it will be even worse.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

PES 2015 was a very good game.
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it but doesn't mean you're right.
Granted the gameplay was an definte improvement over PES 2014 but PES 2015 on the PC was a failure in many departments.
Compared to the demo,the full version looked rushed, the input delay in my club was horrendous, not to mention the amount of online cheaters.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)


Stop even thinking of KONAMI's move to release out the old generation game for PC this year again. They have no choice and even though they seem to be just stupid and unprofessional in many cases, they're not that audacious to get it released out in same, fully of embarrassment way as it happened in 2014.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)


Stop even thinking of KONAMI's move to release out the old generation game for PC this year again. They have no choice and even though they seem to be just stupid and unprofessional in many cases, they're not that audacious to get it released out in same, fully of embarrassment way as it happened in 2014.

So... why they fool us last year after tell us the game was not next-gen one week to release the game? No sence. :BORED:
I'm so bored as hell, i just want to jump all over the window for good. And maybe play PES 2050 with god in the sky right now. :LOL:
Is that so complicated to show us the PC version on one video? I'm going to buy Killer Instinct then.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

Hate to say I called it, but it seems we're getting stiffed again.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

Hate to say I called it, but it seems we're getting stiffed again.

It's certainly looking like it. Maybe Konami are afraid that a full Next-Gen PC port would steal their precious PS4 versions thunder.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

The time goes on. It is too early yet to get any of confirmed speculations of what generation of Pro 16 PC players will get in this year. However, as it's been written couple of times earlier on, all of us know that it is the last chance for KONAMI to get back on the scene with their product and project called 'Pro Evolution Soccer'.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

just do it guys!


its (not) gonna hurt you/r wallet only/
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

aaaand thats about it

AnimalBear ‏@ScorpioHyper 3h3 hours ago
@officialpes Send me a message when they know 100% if the PC version will have next generation or not. I am grateful for your response.

Pro Evolution Soccer ‏@officialpes 1h1 hour ago
@ScorpioHyper As soon as we have the PC specs, we'll make sure to post them!
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

Maybe they're not saying anything about PC solely because they want to keep the focus on "next-gen" (cringe everytime this term is mentioned) consoles.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

I told you 2 days ago it will be a hybrid between old gen and next gen.

I think PC version will be a mix of PS3 and PS4. Probably better LOD but not the exact same gameplay (specially in terms of transitions between animations, smoothness, responsiveness, etc). But surely better graphics.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

And the story continues...
You won´t have any excuse to say "sorry" to Pro Evolution Soccer.
Says "Adam".

Like i give a dam #uck to Exclusivities, if they not show anything to PC.

This gif can feel us much better.

So sorry for my bad strong language.
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Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

first week sales: The PlayStation 4 version accounted for more than half of the sales with sales of 193,431 units. The PlayStation 3 version sold 145,038 units. The PC version sold 15,593 units, the Xbox 360 version sold 14,158 and the Xbox One version sold 13,800 units.

Thats why we are not that important, we can blame Konami, but piracy is also a problem.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

first week sales: The PlayStation 4 version accounted for more than half of the sales with sales of 193,431 units. The PlayStation 3 version sold 145,038 units. The PC version sold 15,593 units, the Xbox 360 version sold 14,158 and the Xbox One version sold 13,800 units.

Thats why we are not that important, we can blame Konami, but piracy is also a problem.

VGChartz is not so reliable... :YAWN:
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

first week sales: The PlayStation 4 version accounted for more than half of the sales with sales of 193,431 units. The PlayStation 3 version sold 145,038 units. The PC version sold 15,593 units, the Xbox 360 version sold 14,158 and the Xbox One version sold 13,800 units.

Thats why we are not that important, we can blame Konami, but piracy is also a problem.

I'm sure VGACHARTZ figures don't include digital copies sales. Going by those figures PC sold more than 360 and xb1 and to my knowledge XB1 don't run pirate games.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

VGAChartz doesn't include digital sales. And 95% of PC sales are digital (more than any other platform in terms of percentage of digital).

Like me, I got my copy from Steam (not included in the numbers).
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

first week sales: The PlayStation 4 version accounted for more than half of the sales with sales of 193,431 units. The PlayStation 3 version sold 145,038 units. The PC version sold 15,593 units, the Xbox 360 version sold 14,158 and the Xbox One version sold 13,800 units.

Thats why we are not that important, we can blame Konami, but piracy is also a problem.

If they made the PC version as good as PS4 version, the sales would be on par with the PS3 and PS4 sales. Piracy is an excuse. As for the low xbox sales, it's always been a sony/pc game + xbox has an even more limited edit mode, so obviously xbox people turn to FIFA.

People are not dumb. They heard how bad PC 2015 will be a week before release and decided not to buy it. If they made all the features equal across all platforms, it would sell equally well. If they make another terrible PC port this year, PC first week sales will be between 100-200.
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

You can't on the one hand provide an inferior product and service and then say "You see, sales are low, I need to respond with even worse service and a worse product"

That's the stubborn Japanese mentality. And it's idiotic. You get sales by providing the best service and the best product. And you keep on doing that.. Providing the best service possible.

The best response I have ever seen is CD Projekt Red about Witcher 3:
Question: "How do you guys plan on combating piracy?"
Answer: "By delivering the best product we possibly can"
Re: PES2016 - Discussion & Wishlists ( **IGNORE ADAM BHATTI HES NOT FOR PC! **)

Gabe Newell:

"In general, we think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem. For example, if a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24x7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate's service is more valuable.

"Our goal is to create greater service value than pirates, and this has been successful enough for us that piracy is basically a non-issue for our company.

"For example," Newell added, "prior to entering the Russian market, we were told that Russia was a waste of time because everyone would pirate our products. Russia is now about to become our largest market in Europe."
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