PES2010 discussion thread

Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Watching the tactical settings and the card settings in that video, I have to say I'm really excited. It seems a lot more managerial. So if you want to "turn off" Messi's incisive runs because it's spoiling your tactics (i.e. tell him not to keep being selfish), you can.

The only thing that worries me is how do they implement cards like "incisive run" if you're controlling the player? Does it give you a burst of acceleration or something? But then that's not what an incisive run is, to my mind... And it pisses me off no end that I like the managerial settings and yet you still can't switch teams in the ML, that and the fact that I hate the ML...
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

PATe, just insert the YouTube link and it will automatically be embedded.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Thanks to No1Mohsin for the French Translation to English .....

Seabass: I'm going to show you the graphic developement of PES 2010. It's developed by this team. (To developer Could you explain the graphical improvements brought to PES 2010?

Developer: Yes. We've concentrated this year on lighting to improve players' details, like their faces, for example. It allows for the highest level of accurace, you can even see the hair on their arms. The brightness on this screen is too high to see the hairs in this instance though. Similarly, exterior lighting has also been improved. Exterior lighting reflects onto the players so that they appear more realistic on the field.

The new filter allows us to achieve a more realistic colour. Indeed, the graphics have the same feel as a live television broadcast with the auto-shade, for example. We can't show you proper matches at the moment but other lighting effects will be included in the game.

Seabass: Let's go have a look at the rest of the developement. A new system. One of the best improvements for PES 2010.

Presenter (in English): Ok, let's go see it!

Seabass: Hello, Tanaka-kun.

Tanaka-kun: Hello.

SB: Could you show our new system to European fans of PES?

TK: Yes, absolutely. I'm working on it now, incidentally.

SB: For the production of PES 2010, "the important of the team game" along with "the individuality of players" were created in a more realistic fashion for the game. Could you explain this new system, which will lend more importance to team tactics, Tanaka-kun?

TK: We have the option of "Tactics" under "Game plan" as well as under "Formation" and if we scroll down a bit, we have "Team Style". We have a new system, provisionally named "slider" around here. As you can see, there are several sliders, and by adjusting the sliders, you can exploit your team's potential to its maximum. Let's take for example the slider "Player Support". Look at the screen here. As we reduce the "Player Support", the whole team becomes more defensive and thinks primarily about the defence behind.

In the case of "Pressing", when the slider is very high, the team will aggressively chase down the opponent that has the ball.

TK (continued): When it's low, instead of chasing the opponent, the team will sit back. By adjusting these cursors as you wish, you can make your team play in the style that you want them to play. You can also have fun by implementing your ideal style of play to a team. This new system works even better when it's combined with a raised 1A [no idea what that bit means, sorry], which makes the game very realistic.

SB: This new system works even better when it's combined with the raised AI, which makes the game very realistic.Could you talk to us about that that, Tanaka-kun?

TK: Yeah. Up to now, I've only talked about team play. Let's move onto individual players now. We've provisionally named this system "Card". Let's take Messi for example. You'll see these cards here. "P" corresponds to "Playing Style" - these are his characteristic movements. This card here is "Penetrating Attack" - the player cuts inside from the wing, and arrives towards goal just like the real Messi. If you turn this card 'on', the player will make this movement. Each player will have a range of different cards and it's up to you to decide if you want to use these cards or not. With these sliders and cards that control the team, you'll have more control both over the team and over individual players. It's a first.

SB: These new tactics systems change the way in which the game develops over the course of a match. I find it very gratifying. Maybe I can talk to you about it a bit more at my desk just over there.

Presenter (in English): Seabass, this was great. One last thing, could you tell us the basic concept of PES 2010?

SB: The concept of PES 2010 is the research of team play and the individuality of the players. I know that the European users of PES want it to be more realistic. I've realised that and toned down the AI and the adjustment of tactics. I think one can find a new way of playing PES, so rejoice at the idea of having PES 2010!

Presenter (in English): Seabass, thank you so much etc.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I don't trust the wenb guys. Their opinions are biased.

Of course, they host a PES blog. This is rather normal, but some people make liars and traitors of them and I have to say that I find that a bit over the top
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I think the match played on the left monitor does not represent the real speed of the game. That person programs strategies and I think that monitor shows an automatic match ( without playing humans ) to check the way strategies work out. There is also a lot of text and numbers on that screen: Probably debug-info.
If that was the real speed, it would be far too fast.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

The video is a bit short in everything. Seabass looks like he's in a funeral, shouldn't he be trying to win the spectators? His attitude was horrible during the whole thing.

nah, not horrible, just japanese. :) don't think you can really compare game developers of the western world with the "working machines" of japan;)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Yes japs aren't suited for this sort of things...but u gotta appreciate the effort...he was embarassed all the time.

Dunno what to make of all this customisation...i'd rather have a smart AI that plays differently according to the situation that having to spend too much time on all this settings and cards.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Well ofcourse the teams will act differently to the situation, this hopefully just means most teams you play vs the computer will play differentlt which would be awesome, I mean some did already, but this means a huge variety of way teams play, meaning you may actually have to change tactic to beat them etc.

I think with the cards, like incisive run it will not effect you playing as them, as effectively you can decide whether you cut in with Messi, rather than the AI making you do it, well thats what I suppose it means, or if your playing as one player etc.

That net looks Blue and Red to me :)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Think the cards are supposed to only help you customize your teams AI.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Well ofcourse the teams will act differently to the situation, this hopefully just means most teams you play vs the computer will play differentlt which would be awesome, I mean some did already, but this means a huge variety of way teams play, meaning you may actually have to change tactic to beat them etc.

I think with the cards, like incisive run it will not effect you playing as them, as effectively you can decide whether you cut in with Messi, rather than the AI making you do it, well thats what I suppose it means, or if your playing as one player etc.

That net looks Blue and Red to me :)

Yes it's blue and red and FC Barcelona is playing... Camp Nou?
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread


In HD from
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Hope Its Not The Nou Camp, It Could Be St Jakob, Which Has Red And Blue Nets?
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Changing a little bit the subject here, I'd like to know your opinion about one thing: the size of the field. Is it too small? Is it okey?
I always felt the fields in football games were not big enough. For example, when I play BAL, it seems like a kid's football game: everyone is close to each other, pursuing the ball, and I can't avoid to think that's have something to do with the field's size (obviously, it also has to do with AI and other things).
Since I don't remember to see a discussion on this and considering that increasing the fields would cause a big change in the game dynamics, I'm bringing it up.

Sorry for the terrible English. =/
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

The video was good IMO. It did not give too much away but what I saw of Messi was stunning. Check out the way the shirt etc creases when he strikes at 2.04.The animation was also superb and the shading/lighting is fantastic.

I agree with Chris in respect of the managerial side of things, this has got me excited and shows the game may well have far more depth than it has had before.

more importantly, Konami have shown a very big office with an awful lot of people working on the game.......................when was the last time did we ever see that!
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Konami should release developer videos like this more often. It's got me even more excited for PES2010 now. The only negative was the pitch texture (I love the grass texture in PES2009) but It may look much better in a higher quality gameplay video.
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