PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PC)

Guys wanted to have your take on something.

Do you (at least those who are on PC) also feel huge differences in gameplay when playing in Cloudy with Rain compared to Fine settings (day matches at least)? In my case, when on the former I am having wonderful games - they seem slower, animations are more fluent, I have plenty of fouls, there's an almost real flow of a game, hell even AI is satisfactory (this particular one might be more related to Klashman's tactics, that are great by the way). I just had a couple of games over two days where I just couldn't stop playing and was in awe how good PES2019 can be! On the contrary, when I am playing on Fine/Day settings, in these sunny pitches, I want to throw my joystick through the window - there it seems like PES2018, full of rushed animations, there it runs 200mph and it's even ugly to watch.

It's definitely not placebo, the difference is huge. Maybe it depends on my rig or something. Do you also have anything like that?
Thanks @el niche for your feedback. Happy to read that.
I tried it on Superstar PA1 BASIC shoot and speed 0. You should notice varied shoot and also outside of the box. You should note also that attacker doesn't came back when on 1v1 (or at least lesser). Yeah attack on the wing is not disappeared (i thimk its hardcoded in the exe) but less low crosses seemed to me. Did you notice still keepers glued? And last, attacked should not rallenta when 1v1.
I agree with your points, definitely more mid range shot outside the box and more attack from the middle.
However, I think you tuned down the fullback a bit too much that now they barely run forward to support the side even with the attacking fullback instruction
I think thats the sacrifice of forcing ai attack more from middle?
anyway thats a good experiment and I hope you can work on ai dribble too
I’ve been playing a friend online and it seems we can’t make the matches any longer than 15 minutes... does anyone know if there’s a way to increase the length of the match?

What the hell are Konami doing (or not doing) about this VNBP733 error? It's an absolute shambles that they havent yet fixed it :/
Unbelievable we're taking so much shit from Konami for a week now! And for what, for a f@cked up myclub where all the noobies have a full black ball players squad after 1 week?!
I haven't touched a PES game since 2010 and I have to ask what has happened to the "Game Plan" department of the game, the tactics are so linear. The older PES games you could chose a formation, modify the positions, chose how you want them to run when attacking. Now it's just crappy pre-sets with just counter or possession play..

Am I missing something? Why did older PES games have a deeper tactical side?
I haven't touched a PES game since 2010 and I have to ask what has happened to the "Game Plan" department of the game, the tactics are so linear. The older PES games you could chose a formation, modify the positions, chose how you want them to run when attacking. Now it's just crappy pre-sets with just counter or possession play..

Am I missing something? Why did older PES games have a deeper tactical side?

All games are now more "user friendly" with the checkpoint saves in every 5 mins and instructions on the screen how to move forward with the analoge stick.
[Update] Issues Under Investigation
This is an update regarding the following issues currently being encountered by some users:

・An issue where the screen turns white and the game subsequently crashes
・An issue where users are unable to connect to the server and the “CODE:VNBP733” error is displayed

Although we have gleaned some additional information regarding each of the issues from several of our users, we have not yet been able to determine the underlying causes.

In the meantime, some users have reported success by using the following methods:
*Disclaimer: Please note that these methods have not worked for all users. Rest assured that we are hard at work to develop a fix that will work for everybody.

・ How to fix the screen white-out/game crash issue

Use the links listed below to install all the necessary runtime libraries.

<Runtime Libraries Needed for PES 2019>

1. DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) [directx_Jun2010_redist.exe]

2.Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015[vc_redist.x64.exe]

3. The .NET Framework 4.6.2 offline installer for Windows[NDP462-KB3151800-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe]

・How to fix the error Code VNBP733 issue that prevents you from logging into the server

Ensure PES 2019 is not being blocked by Windows Defender or Windows Firewall (detailed procedure below)

<How to ensure that Windows Defender is not blocking PES 2019>

Windows 10

1. Open Windows Defender.
2. Go to the Firewall & Network Protection tab.
3. Open Advanced Settings.
4. Click on the Outbound Rules tab on the left side of the window.
5. Scroll down till you find Pro Evolution Soccer 2019.
6. Click the game in the list to highlight it.
7. Click Disable Rule on the right side of the screen.

Windows 7

1. Go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall.
2. Open Advanced Settings.
3. Click on the Outbound Rules tab on the left side of the window.
4. Click Pro Evolution Soccer 2019.
5. Click Disable Rule on the right side of the screen.

We would like to extend a sincere thank you to all users who have cooperated in our investigation. We also appreciate your patience and understanding, and are also planning to compensate all users for any inconvenience caused by these issues.

Please bear with us we work to fix these issues.
[Update] Issues Under Investigation
This is an update regarding the following issues currently being encountered by some users:

・An issue where the screen turns white and the game subsequently crashes
・An issue where users are unable to connect to the server and the “CODE:VNBP733” error is displayed

Although we have gleaned some additional information regarding each of the issues from several of our users, we have not yet been able to determine the underlying causes.

In the meantime, some users have reported success by using the following methods:
*Disclaimer: Please note that these methods have not worked for all users. Rest assured that we are hard at work to develop a fix that will work for everybody.

・ How to fix the screen white-out/game crash issue

Use the links listed below to install all the necessary runtime libraries.

<Runtime Libraries Needed for PES 2019>

1. DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) [directx_Jun2010_redist.exe]

2.Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015[vc_redist.x64.exe]

3. The .NET Framework 4.6.2 offline installer for Windows[NDP462-KB3151800-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe]

・How to fix the error Code VNBP733 issue that prevents you from logging into the server

Ensure PES 2019 is not being blocked by Windows Defender or Windows Firewall (detailed procedure below)

<How to ensure that Windows Defender is not blocking PES 2019>

Windows 10

1. Open Windows Defender.
2. Go to the Firewall & Network Protection tab.
3. Open Advanced Settings.
4. Click on the Outbound Rules tab on the left side of the window.
5. Scroll down till you find Pro Evolution Soccer 2019.
6. Click the game in the list to highlight it.
7. Click Disable Rule on the right side of the screen.

Windows 7

1. Go to Control Panel > Windows Firewall.
2. Open Advanced Settings.
3. Click on the Outbound Rules tab on the left side of the window.
4. Click Pro Evolution Soccer 2019.
5. Click Disable Rule on the right side of the screen.

We would like to extend a sincere thank you to all users who have cooperated in our investigation. We also appreciate your patience and understanding, and are also planning to compensate all users for any inconvenience caused by these issues.

Please bear with us we work to fix these issues.

they consider that as a FIX? Jesus fcking Christ
I haven't touched a PES game since 2010 and I have to ask what has happened to the "Game Plan" department of the game, the tactics are so linear. The older PES games you could chose a formation, modify the positions, chose how you want them to run when attacking. Now it's just crappy pre-sets with just counter or possession play..

Am I missing something? Why did older PES games have a deeper tactical side?

I miss the old tactical options either.
Loved, to be able to give every player individual instructions.
Thanks @el niche for your feedback. Happy to read that.
I tried it on Superstar PA1 BASIC shoot and speed 0. You should notice varied shoot and also outside of the box. You should note also that attacker doesn't came back when on 1v1 (or at least lesser). Yeah attack on the wing is not disappeared (i thimk its hardcoded in the exe) but less low crosses seemed to me. Did you notice still keepers glued? And last, attacked should not rallenta when 1v1.

I do think I saw different shots from outside .In one instance the AI was 1on1 with the keeper and they didn't go to the wing but shot and missed which made me jump it off my chair.

Remember l only played a couple of games. Unfortunately from what I saw the keepers were still glued too the line. Again, I'll try more games today as I need more feel to it. It was encouraging. Oh man I hope it wasn't placebo or just one-off games from the AI.
Just being curious here ... up to now I didn't have any CODE:VNBP733 problems at all. Today I've attached the sider for the first time since PES 2019 got released and bam ... somewhere along the road I started getting CODE:VNBP733 and Account verification failed. Now it keeps failing even without sider being run.

I haven't tried any of the recommended steps from the previous post yet. Just curious whether something (denuvo?) could have detected sider attached and caused the ruckus? Or even some kind of blacklisting?

Did anyone who still has the virgin-clean game from the day 1 (official updates only) and who had never used sider also get those CODE and Verification issues?
Hmmm, seems to be hit and miss ...

Didn't install any run-times, only checked windows firewall. There were no outbound rules for PES 2019 at all, but there were two inbound rules for PES 2019. Disabled them both - tried again - no luck. Rebooted, with inbound rules disabled - luck. Without and with sider active.

Closed the game, started again - and again no luck. Without and with the sider.
Just being curious here ... up to now I didn't have any CODE:VNBP733 problems at all. Today I've attached the sider for the first time since PES 2019 got released and bam ... somewhere along the road I started getting CODE:VNBP733 and Account verification failed. Now it keeps failing even without sider being run.

I haven't tried any of the recommended steps from the previous post yet. Just curious whether something (denuvo?) could have detected sider attached and caused the ruckus? Or even some kind of blacklisting?

Did anyone who still has the virgin-clean game from the day 1 (official updates only) and who had never used sider also get those CODE and Verification issues?
Yeah i haven't installed sider(except for the demo) or any other mods except from the OF and i still had the errors on a clean full game.It seems that it's totally random and sometimes it works and sometimes not.
Probably it fails because their servers are shit as we know for all these years and they haven't done anything to upgrade them and they get overloaded easily.Or maybe this shitty Denuvo thing fucks it up somehow.
And what's the point of paying for Denuvo when the game is still gonna be cracked eventually like last year?
It's just wasted money and also the rumors are that Denuvo fucks up many games and gives technical problems.
Thanks @el niche for your feedback. Happy to read that.
I tried it on Superstar PA1 BASIC shoot and speed 0. You should notice varied shoot and also outside of the box. You should note also that attacker doesn't came back when on 1v1 (or at least lesser). Yeah attack on the wing is not disappeared (i thimk its hardcoded in the exe) but less low crosses seemed to me. Did you notice still keepers glued? And last, attacked should not rallenta when 1v1.

Hi mate!
Just one question for you:
Does your gameplay change standart "handicape". That what i mean - when i played in previous versions (pes 6, pes 13) with "real" gameplay patch all games was on same script - i was attacking all time, or AI attacking all time and 1-0, 0-0, 0-1 at final.
I was played at standart gameplay yeterday and i had "white" period at beginning (4 win, 2 draws, 1 lost) then i had draw 3-3 (and 0-3 at half-time), then "black" period was started (4 loss In a row). And it's very interesting. Is this left in your fix?
Guys wanted to have your take on something.

Do you (at least those who are on PC) also feel huge differences in gameplay when playing in Cloudy with Rain compared to Fine settings (day matches at least)? In my case, when on the former I am having wonderful games - they seem slower, animations are more fluent, I have plenty of fouls, there's an almost real flow of a game, hell even AI is satisfactory (this particular one might be more related to Klashman's tactics, that are great by the way). I just had a couple of games over two days where I just couldn't stop playing and was in awe how good PES2019 can be! On the contrary, when I am playing on Fine/Day settings, in these sunny pitches, I want to throw my joystick through the window - there it seems like PES2018, full of rushed animations, there it runs 200mph and it's even ugly to watch.

It's definitely not placebo, the difference is huge. Maybe it depends on my rig or something. Do you also have anything like that?
Yeah that's totally true.Weather settings influence the gameplay.I have also noticed that in cloudy with rain it plays more slowly and heavilly and feels more realistic.Even the different stadiums and if the game is played in day or night plays a role in that.Maybe because it loads more elements like lighting etc it feels slower and realistic in some cases and in others it feels more arcady.I had also noticed this in 18 and now it seems like it's the same in 19.
Many things determine how the game plays and feels and even the tv or monitor you are playing.
Some monitors may be skipping frames and it will feel faster and less fluid than others so when someone says that the game is too fast for him it doesn't mean that it will be also the same for someone else.
Just being curious here ... up to now I didn't have any CODE:VNBP733 problems at all. Today I've attached the sider for the first time since PES 2019 got released and bam ... somewhere along the road I started getting CODE:VNBP733 and Account verification failed. Now it keeps failing even without sider being run.

I haven't tried any of the recommended steps from the previous post yet. Just curious whether something (denuvo?) could have detected sider attached and caused the ruckus? Or even some kind of blacklisting?

Did anyone who still has the virgin-clean game from the day 1 (official updates only) and who had never used sider also get those CODE and Verification issues?
Did it for me the first time I added a custom cpk so you could be onto something..since then it's been hit & miss with & without sider, I'm not using any custom cpk's right now just sider.
As far as the three proposed run-time updates go, my situation is:
1. dx update can be installed
2. vc++ 2015 refuses to install itself, because I already have newer vc++ 2017 runtime installed (bit of googling reveals that vc++ 2017 runtime is binary-compatible replacement for vc++ 2015 runtime, totally super-seeding it ... so I should be golden on that front)
3. .net 4.6.2. cannot be installed because it already is installed

And still no luck ...
As far as the three proposed run-time updates go, my situation is:
1. dx update can be installed
2. vc++ 2015 refuses to install itself, because I already have newer vc++ 2017 runtime installed (bit of googling reveals that vc++ 2017 runtime is binary-compatible replacement for vc++ 2015 runtime, totally super-seeding it ... so I should be golden on that front)
3. .net 4.6.2. cannot be installed because it already is installed

And still no luck ...

those are generic fixes for most of the problems, try those firewalls tricks but AFAIK, it doesnt work
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't remember Jenkey being vietnamese ... probably fake twitter account?

Meh... i don´t know. Maybe ask him? The videos are all from is account on youtube.
Appears Osaka, but it seems just speak vietnamese.
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