That's a gameplay camera.. Vertical I think.
Even on normal wide cameras, the player models is the same quality as the close-up vertical cam I posted.
The Anti-alias has been improved, the players look a lot smoother even on normal wide cameras.
I believe that even if you put the grass textures from TV and place it in PES. It will still look fake.
The grass on real matches on TV only looks real, because we know it's real.
I think they've done a good job with replicating the grass on TV.
If you take a screenshot of PES2019, and make the image smaller, it will look real.
If you video record your game, it will look real when watched on phone.
If you watch 30 feet from your TV, it will look real.
I think it's because we see lesser details and there's a certain blurriness(i don't the word to use), similar to what you see on real matches on TV.
Don´t know about Anti-Aliasing on PC (you have countless of options there), on the PS4 it is rough/edgy in comparison to PES2018 to me - the pitch as well as the players.
Of course you are right and PES2019 looks great in videos or from bigger distance. But normal playing in front of a full HD screen is exhausting to me because of this immense level of detail far from the picture you get when looking at a real life match. Colour palette itself is great.
I wonder if it was designed for PS4 4K and just being downscaled on Full HD...