PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Does people feel as if the CPU/AI played better in PES 2017? I always thought the AI in PES 2017 was pretty good(aside from the rigidness)

I haven't bought the game so my experience is limited, but in the games I have played round friends at work etc I would agree that the AI in 2017 is better, it is rigid but there were clear improvements on the AI in the games before it, whereas the AI in 2018 seems even more rigid like it has regressed to a PES2016 type AI (if you remember, passing it amongst the defence no matter what the game time/situation)

I've stayed away from posting a bit as i fear I would just be too negative and bring the place down, but i'm really looking forward to see if the gameplay patch nails the issues we have, otherwise i'll have broken a 19 year streak of buying ISS/PES games...
I have been playing some PES 2018 recently and I am dissapointed with the AI. I love the gameplay and the dribbling. Nothing beats PES 2018 dribbling individuality but how linear can the AI be? Every team(even Crystal Palace, Sunderland, Aston Villa, etc) plays tiki taka accurate passes and then lob through splitting my entire defense. It's rinse and repeat. I don't think I have ever saw such a linear AI from PES ever. You can predict the CPU's entire move but can't do anything about it.
This PES has the most realistic goalkeepers in any football game, also the manual long pass/ball physics make them a joy to use. I'm not into football or their video games as much as I used to be, but co-op mode makes me glad I bought the game; had some great matches/moments! Shame it can take a while to find teammates/opponents on PC sometimes!
I have been playing some PES 2018 recently and I am dissapointed with the AI. I love the gameplay and the dribbling. Nothing beats PES 2018 dribbling individuality but how linear can the AI be? Every team(even Crystal Palace, Sunderland, Aston Villa, etc) plays tiki taka accurate passes and then lob through splitting my entire defense. It's rinse and repeat. I don't think I have ever saw such a linear AI from PES ever. You can predict the CPU's entire move but can't do anything about it.

I suppose you aren't playing with Kilay's Option File, are you?.
It made a tremendous impact for me. Now teams play proper football.

EDIT: I just realized you are on consoles. Too bad. PC is the way to go for PES 2018 (IMO)!
I suppose you aren't playing with Kilay's Option File, are you?.
It made a tremendous impact for me. Now teams play proper football.

EDIT: I just realized you are on consoles. Too bad. PC is the way to go for PES 2018 (IMO)!

I bought PES for console this year and FIFA for both console and PC. Usually I find PES quite sluggish in PC. It's annoying how lazy the PES team is when it comes to assigning teams the correct tactics.
Put the game aside until they fix it. Can't really play it, not because the game is not great, but because it's frustrating knowing i could have been playing a much better version of the game if only they were much more quick to fix issues that shouldn't even be ingame if they really tested the game before releasing it.

I also decided this is the last time i buy Pes at day one, it's simply not worth it. You spend two months after release waiting they will complete the game, meanwhile you already paid for it. Honestly don't want to give them the excuse of the "small development team". KONAMI is making a huge disservice to one of its historical IPs, they want to keep Pes alive because it still sells enough, but they just don't want to invest in it. Considering this i think it's better not support this practice.
well said mate, that’s exactly how I feel as well
Yes I feel pes 2017 ai is better but remember it was rubbished by many but gradually got there through patches.
Your right buddy, I remember trying playing pes 17 without patches and couldn’t play it, after the 2nd proper patch, it was for me the best pes ever despite not having all hardcore elements that we all want, was really good to play and also I feel more individuality atm with 17 than 18
Your right buddy, I remember trying playing pes 17 without patches and couldn’t play it, after the 2nd proper patch, it was for me the best pes ever despite not having all hardcore elements that we all want, was really good to play and also I feel more individuality atm with 17 than 18

It all depends Jimi if the will is there to fix Pes 2018 instead of cutting corners for maximum profit. .Pes 2017 proves that the faults can be ironed out eventually. .I know that the game should be top notch right out of the box but Pes 2018 could be better than Pes 2017 with the right tweaks.
I know that the game should be top notch right out of the box but Pes 2018 could be better than Pes 2017 with the right tweaks.

Correct but they ask us to buy an incomplete game. Not talking about missing stadiums that will be added later, we are talking about basics of football games. How could they release a game where 90% of matches against CPU is with 1 or less total fouls still shocks me...

The problem is we (@Matt10 and every other reasonable people here) could see the game's issues since the first gameplay videos in June as soon as we saw matches against CPU at Superstar level. We tried talking to Adam, i tweeted him @Matt10 's analysis, i tried to tell him a game without fouls in not a real football game to me, he answered they were working on it. In June.

Four months have passed, a patch is still far from release, and the issues are all there. I could enjoy the game (because, i repeat, there is plenty to like) if i hadn't this feeling to have been treated like an idiot. Talking about fouls he said they were working on it in June as damage control, i really can't believe they still haven't found a way to balance it after months. That's why after the umpteenth time he said "we have to find a balance" i told him the way i feel about his words. You can't lie to your fans like that.

When (and if) they will manage to release a patch and improve or fix these issues i will not thank them either. As i already said it's something that should have never passed test phases, they should have never released the game with such a glaring issue.
Correct but they ask us to buy an incomplete game. Not talking about missing stadiums that will be added later, we are talking about basics of football games. How could they release a game where 90% of matches against CPU is with 1 or less total fouls still shocks me...

The problem is we (@Matt10 and every other reasonable people here) could see the game's issues since the first gameplay videos in June as soon as we saw matches against CPU at Superstar level. We tried talking to Adam, i tweeted him @Matt10 's analysis, i tried to tell him a game without fouls in not a real football game to me, he answered they were working on it. In June.

Four months have passed, a patch is still far from release, and the issues are all there. I could enjoy the game (because, i repeat, there is plenty to like) if i hadn't this feeling to have been treated like an idiot. Talking about fouls he said they were working on it in June as damage control, i really can't believe they still haven't found a way to balance it after months. That's why after the umpteenth time he said "we have to find a balance" i told him the way i feel about his words. You can't lie to your fans like that.

When (and if) they will manage to release a patch and improve or fix these issues i will not thank them either. As i already said it's something that should have never passed test phases, they should have never released the game with such a glaring issue.
I don't get it.... It's so clear to see and then they have the audacity to brag about a new difficulty level pre release. All they did was script it to an impossible level and dumb down top player defensively. It's apparent within minutes when you play the game. I somehow suspected they fucked up the AI when he was talking about a new legendary mode on Twitter initially.

The same guy that complained about magic boots before he was employed by Konami. He went viral about it when he saw it was introduced is okay with killing the game off with horrendous ai.

I get it he is a Konami employee now but ffs man have some integrity and do something about it. You in such a good position to take this game forward.

Online is fucking amazing though the dribbling mechanics as well as the player ball physics and interaction, it's imo the best we have had to date but playing the AI offline is an utter waste because of the issues.

All we can do is hope it is fixed soon I get fouls but not as many as I would like but worse than that is the AI perfect passing and play.
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I get it he is a Konami employee now but ffs man have some integrity and do something about it. You in such a good position to take this game forward.

I don't know, i really think he can do nothing. He just gives the dev team our feedback and they decide what to work on based on their priorities and budget. His hands are tied, just like developers hands are tied to the low budget.

KONAMI managers are the real reason Pes is not progressing to the next level.
Then they must bring back Seabass because kei Masuda is losing the offline player.

Even Seabass couldn't make miracles the way they are developing Pes right now. I still think there are deeper issues that don't come from the dev team itself but from KONAMI's new direction. We can just hope they decide to give Pes the attention it deserves.
Seabass? Are you guys serious? That guy made the worst PES games of all times!
Chicken-run style animations, floaty balls, too many fantasy elements (such as the previously mentioned magic boots) to the game, etc. The only thing I miss from SOME of Seabass games are the Tactics/Strategy depth and the menus.
Under the direction of Seabass, Konami produced the best football games of all time (PES 3-6). PES has gone down hill since his departure.
Yeah was a bit emo this morning. Played a few games and loved it again :D

Had a international cup session this morning and enjoyed it again. It's just the little shitty things on the ai side that piss me off so much. This game is so close to greatness
He was but If you saw his interview in that time you will know that he was angry. Very often he said that Pes need new engine and more money to licenses. Konami didnt give him.....

And this is exactly what i am talking about. With no real investments in development neither Seabass or Masuda or anybody else can improve the game the way it should be right now. So, we can all agree, the issue here comes from KONAMI's management and reflects on the game development.
Yeah I don't think anyone can argue that PES doesn't get proper investment and is managed badly by konami. Look at the post above for a great example. One of the only two new master League features was the release fee buyout and they went for a quick cheap untested implementation that actually makes the overall mode worse. Konami need more Devs and more testers it's simple as that, until then we will never get the improvements we crave or dream of
I noticed the high transfer levels on my ML the other day when playing. Bournemouth sold all but two of their midfielders in the first window, which dropped their overall midfield rating to 57. Who knows what formation they're playing with that :CONFUSE:.

I've played a lot since release and it's been enjoyable overall but I too am taking a break until they patch the game. I have a little bit of hope as while lurking here and elsewhere I can see a lot of my frustrations are shared by others. Hopefully the game can improve. I played 17 right up to the release of 18's demo, which is the first time I've done that with PES for years. Unfortunately if the issues are not fixed I doubt I'll be doing the same this year.
Will see how Konami responds in next years game with a lot of the older community starting to head over to the other game which quite a few have,
And this is exactly what i am talking about. With no real investments in development neither Seabass or Masuda or anybody else can improve the game the way it should be right now. So, we can all agree, the issue here comes from KONAMI's management and reflects on the game development.
we all know for a fact now they have shit load of dollars cos of the 50 million downloads, they can’t use we don’t have enough funds bullshit excuse anymore, I’m pretty pissed still cause I’m sure they could’ve done a lot more for ML offline.
Will see how Konami responds in next years game with a lot of the older community starting to head over to the other game which quite a few have,

we all know for a fact now they have shit load of dollars cos of the 50 million downloads, they can’t use we don’t have enough funds bullshit excuse anymore, I’m pretty pissed still cause I’m sure they could’ve done a lot more for ML offline.

They have money but they don't use it in Pes game development. There are not just issues like ML offline AI, but also many others errors like wrong kits, teams not yet updated (like Ligue 2 Paris FC) that come from the low number of developers and resources. They also spend too much time creating stadiums that for the most parts are not good enough as an evidence of that. It's fact Pes is a low budget game. This doesn't mean they are excused, we should expect way more than we have now as a complete product.

Anyway, even if it was not a money issue but an issue with bad developers, it's up to KONAMI's management to fire bad developers and hire better ones. They are the ones not wanting to change a bit, because they think Pes is good enough as it is right now. They don't care giving us a more complete game.

P.s. The 50 millions downloads come from Pes 2017 mobile that is free to play, they only earn from microtransactions in that game.
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