PES 2018 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

The biggest reason stadiums matter to me is because when you are on ML with a lower team, it's pretty magical to finally get to play at the Bernabeu, Camp Nou, San Siro, Old Trafford, etc...I for one can't believe clubs like Sevilla, Napoli, Lyon don't have their stadiums licensed in either game. Frustrating really, because the only reason that is so is because they aren't the global brands so both companies feel like they don't matter.

Also regarding resources, I've heard a couple of times already and, I think it's a quote from Adam, that the reason they don't spend more resources on ML or the single player experience is because their data indicates people don't play those as much. Well yeah, but the conclusion to not spend resources on that might just be wrong. All anecdotal experience, but I certainly play less ML now than I did 10 years ago, but not because I don't want to, but because PES doesn't fulfill the need as they haven't spent resources there. I'm sure there are many of us out there that feel the same. So we turn to online gaming, but only because that's the only other option. I feel that if they invested resources on ML, they'd see people going back to play it.
Oh, and the stadium editor will never, ever, ever be coming back. Anytime soon at least. The only way I could see it returning is if the gameplay and other features are near perfection that they can revisit including a stadium editor, otherwise they will be accused of not using resources properly if other stuff isn't right. Maybe we on here wouldn't, including I, but they would likely face that accusation elsewhere.
Is being accused of something - by the very small number of us who debate such things - likely to have any impact on the game? I can't help but doubt it - I'm not saying they don't listen to their community (I think they do now more than ever), but by the same token, I'd say they have a vision, which they aren't going to abandon because Steve from Coventry isn't happy with the game and wants to know "ffs were are the indoor pitches u moroons".

I want to say, "if the community can make the game look 100% licensed - including stadiums, even if they're not perfect - then the media they can create will convince the FIFA guys to at least give PES a chance, and therefore I'd argue that it's really important for them to consider the editing tools they provide".

But I have to admit, who knows if that could convince enough people for it to have been worth their while - it's entirely theoretical, really.

I only know that, being honest with myself, the best gameplay ever wouldn't keep me playing if I couldn't correct (at the very least) all of the team names and player names - and being able to batch-import teams now is such a huge boost - but the vast majority still aren't going to care if they can't press at most a few buttons, and have everything (unofficially) licensed and ready-to-go.

I think it's asking a lot of the casual gamer (blokes who like football and play games, that's their core audience) - who would probably actually quite like to play a more realistic football game and have a FIFA alternative (!), but feel like the experience is ruined in total by fake names and blank shirts - to learn how to import an option file, using a USB stick and a laptop, which they may not have.

Ergo, I think it's asking a lot of the casual gamer just to give PES a chance*.
That is a pretty big problem (we all want PES to have more investment).

For many, many years now, the editors amongst us (I don't really include myself, I compile patches because I have no talent) have begged Konami - "we know you can't make a complete game, so please give us the tools to make it complete".

If we say "get the gameplay right, then give us the tools" - the waiting will never end, because the gameplay will never universally be considered "perfect", because that's impossible. I'd argue that enough "gameplay years" have passed now for us to be given these tools.

*There's a "give peace a chance" pun in there somewhere...
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Playing in the same 10 stadiums will get sooo tiresome during a Master League campaign. I know it did for me in PES 2017 and 16 etc

One of the many reasons I loved PES 2013 was the Stadium Editor and having lots of different stadiums that sorta looked like their real life counterparts. I would be happy with that. Even if Konami themselves made more Fake Stadiums....
PES was the first to have 8 or so turfs for each stadium depending on the conditions and then FIFA copied it and the PES took it out
In PES 5 and 6 they also went further than that: they used to have different goalnet textures according to the weather. The goalnet textures for df and nf were plain white (with the texture to make them look like ropes) where the rain and snow ones were a little brownish (to make them look wet and possibly dirty 'cause of the mud). Attention to the details to its very best! :CRY:

I bet on Adriano and Juninho

ZICO = Flamengo
Rivelino = Corinthians
Is being accused of something - by the very small number of us who debate such things - likely to have any impact on the game? I can't help but doubt it - I'm not saying they don't listen to their community (I think they do now more than ever), but by the same token, I'd say they have a vision, which they aren't going to abandon because Steve from Coventry isn't happy with the game and wants to know "ffs were are the indoor pitches u moroons".

I want to say, "if the community can make the game look 100% licensed - including stadiums, even if they're not perfect - then the media they can create will convince the FIFA guys to at least give PES a chance, and therefore I'd argue that it's really important for them to consider the editing tools they provide".

But I have to admit, who knows if that could convince enough people for it to have been worth their while - it's entirely theoretical, really.

I only know that, being honest with myself, the best gameplay ever wouldn't keep me playing if I couldn't correct (at the very least) all of the team names and player names - and being able to batch-import teams now is such a huge boost - but the vast majority still aren't going to care if they can't press at most a few buttons, and have everything (unofficially) licensed and ready-to-go.

I think it's asking a lot of the casual gamer (blokes who like football and play games, that's their core audience) - who would probably actually quite like to play a more realistic football game and have a FIFA alternative (!), but feel like the experience is ruined in total by fake names and blank shirts - to learn how to import an option file, using a USB stick and a laptop, which they may not have.

Ergo, I think it's asking a lot of the casual gamer just to give PES a chance*.
That is a pretty big problem (we all want PES to have more investment).

For many, many years now, the editors amongst us (I don't really include myself, I compile patches because I have no talent) have begged Konami - "we know you can't make a complete game, so please give us the tools to make it complete".

If we say "get the gameplay right, then give us the tools" - the waiting will never end, because the gameplay will never universally be considered "perfect", because that's impossible. I'd argue that enough "gameplay years" have passed now for us to be given these tools.

*There's a "give peace a chance" pun in there somewhere...

Good post, but what I was meaning is that while we would have no issue with them including a stadium editor if some of the rest of the game could do with some work/improvements, especially when considering gameplay and modes, then it is the wider fan-base, or potential fan-base, who could very well say that the stadium editor is using resources poorly when other things require.

The way I see it is like this: they are looking to acquire partnerships to make the entire product more of a draw to players, especially fans of the clubs in question. I also think it is a statement of intent. Whether they can ultimately achieve what their intentions are is another matter entirely and as we know is kind of out of their hands.

Honestly, I'll take anything when it comes to partnerships and/or licenses given the reality of what they are having to negotiate round, not with. They aren't going to get the EPL or Bundesliga in it's entirety anytime soon, same goes for La Liga unless I am mistaken, so them just simply having some teams in place, a horse in the "race" and them showing what they can do if given access, is not as pointless as it may initially appear.

It's weird. I have played the game now but can't shake this feeling more is to come in general regards announcements in the build-up to release of the game that might actually prove pleasantly surprising. Could be off there, but I do think it could be the most complete out-the-box PES game in years, which as we know is always going to be different from it being the most complete/licensed football game.
Could be off there, but I do think it could be the most complete out-the-box PES game in years, which as we know is always going to be different from it being the most complete/licensed football game.
If all you wanted to do is play in any fully-licensed league, you've got options - but the global popularity just isn't there for those leagues, sadly, so from a sales point of view, it only helps in those parts of the world. (It all adds up, don't get me wrong, but licenses other than "the biggies" that Konami will never have just don't matter from a global sales perspective, I don't think.)

I feel like they clearly focus on where the game sells well - South America, for example - and where they can realistically challenge EA in terms of wrestling any licenses away from them. Can't blame them for that - but it doesn't fix the problem of 2-3 of the world's most popular leagues (that maybe 50%+ of football fans follow) being reduced to fake names and plain T-shirts.

I just can't shake the idea that if importing a complete option file was as easy as pressing "Option File Centre" from the main menu of the game and selecting the download package you want, there would be a legion of football fans who'd suddenly go "I don't think I can play FIFA again now".

I guess the issue would be where to host them - Konami can't host them or they'd have legal issues, and Sony wouldn't allow the community to use their own links (you could send people to porn or viruses or anything).

I just feel like, if PES doesn't sell more copies than it does now, they'll never have the investment to do more than a couple of things per year (such as adding "chairman expectations" to the ML, which on its own just seems ... lame).

Speaking as a big fan of the game, it sucks that we're in a place where just adding a new stadium is such financial/time drain away from the priorities that it only happens once every two years - nor can they even provide a stadium editor.
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The biggest reason stadiums matter to me is because when you are on ML with a lower team, it's pretty magical to finally get to play at the Bernabeu, Camp Nou, San Siro, Old Trafford, etc...I for one can't believe clubs like Sevilla, Napoli, Lyon don't have their stadiums licensed in either game. Frustrating really, because the only reason that is so is because they aren't the global brands so both companies feel like they don't matter.

Also regarding resources, I've heard a couple of times already and, I think it's a quote from Adam, that the reason they don't spend more resources on ML or the single player experience is because their data indicates people don't play those as much. Well yeah, but the conclusion to not spend resources on that might just be wrong. All anecdotal experience, but I certainly play less ML now than I did 10 years ago, but not because I don't want to, but because PES doesn't fulfill the need as they haven't spent resources there. I'm sure there are many of us out there that feel the same. So we turn to online gaming, but only because that's the only other option. I feel that if they invested resources on ML, they'd see people going back to play it.
this. adam always use this to answer questions
when someone raised a question that pes didn't fix, he would say that the majority didn't report/put in 1st priority
pls respect majority/we focus on major problems from our fans first/we don't think its the problem if not many fans report blahblahblah etc
I never know what major problems are and konami can say anything themselves
I just can't shake the idea that if importing a complete option file was as easy as pressing "Option File Centre" from the main menu of the game and selecting the download package you want, there would be a legion of football fans who'd suddenly go "I don't think I can play FIFA again now".

I guess the issue would be where to host them - Konami can't host them or they'd have legal issues, and Sony wouldn't allow the community to use their own links (you could send people to porn or viruses or anything).

I just feel like, if PES doesn't sell more copies than it does now, they'll never have the investment to do more than a couple of things per year (such as adding "chairman expectations" to the ML, which on its own just seems ... lame).

Agree with that regarding a direct import feature that is hosted within the game and if I were Konami I would seriously consider looking into the possibilities of doing so. As it stands, it is only the user who sees the option file once they have imported it, so it isn't the case that my Juventus kit imported is seen at the other users end when it is online play. After that, well there is only so much you can do with likenesses so it isn't as if you can give Neymar a penis for a head or anything. Names? I mean who wants their centre forward to be called "Dickhead", and who is going download swears anyway? Piece of piss to filter out as well, I reckon. There could be a submission and moderating process put in place so after you upload it has to clear that. Okay, so then you have the license issue, but I'd look to negotiate with associations, sell to them we are trying to give the member clubs more exposure in a booming market whilst assuring them that everything is purely in the interests of authenticity with regards to the sport. it's just dudes wanting to play football with real names and kits, our product can't be used for anything else beyond playing videogame football. I'd say that there exclusive deal with EA wouldn't be under threat, given the numbers it shifts, unless they liked what they saw with what we allow our users to do and start to think exclusivity might not be the way forward.

I'd ask why they wouldn't their clubs getting more exposure and insist on trying to funnel people down one path alone.

If they said "money" I would ask:

"Well, do you want some from us too? Why wouldn't you want money from us just to be able to allow pictures of kits and emblems in our football videogame? Why do you not want more money? Why do you think our competitor offers the money it does? Do you think it is because they are better, or that they are a wee bit concerned that competition would be problematic for them? Do you really think they have all the potential audience for these games? Really? 18 million people or so? How many fans of the sport and your clubs do you think there out there? How many more folk do you think might be out there and aren't playing these games because they don't like our competitors product, or that ours is proving restrictive? Don't you want more exposure? More money?"
For me the biggest thing they could have added they have - the ability to select time of day in the master league. I want more stadiums, but to me the most important think about a stadium is the turf as it is 95% of what you look at when you play the game.

If I can select a team with a decent turf and none electronic add-boards, I would be happy playing every game in that stadium and just changing the conditions. I wouldn't mind them bringing afternoon back as a selectable match time, PES was the first to have 8 or so turfs for each stadium depending on the conditions and then FIFA copied it and the PES took it out

like that? (Konami please look is pretty simple)
Dortmund and Liverpool stadiums were announced during their announcements in August last year
this time they didn't say that there would be stadiums for fulham and valencia
they only said their kits and squads would be fully recreated
If stadiums would come later in DLC why didn't they announce too
doesn't mean that stadiums can't be announced later. Think about it, we have Barcelona, and new Atletico stadium. So why wouldn't they make Valencia stadium? Every partnership they have in game has stadiums included.
doesn't mean that stadiums can't be announced later. Think about it, we have Barcelona, and new Atletico stadium. So why wouldn't they make Valencia stadium? Every partnership they have in game has stadiums included.
I read somewhere Schalke 04 will be official as well,having them vs BVB on both stadiums would be massive.
Hope for new and more stadiums
I read somewhere Schalke 04 will be official as well,having them vs BVB on both stadiums would be massive.
Hope for new and more stadiums
Schalke 04 has to be a partnership for a stadium though.
in a video showing off Atletico's new stadium, Adam said the number one thing people ask for is stadiums. They will come.

Arsenal isn't a partnership that's why no stadium.
Valencia is partnership so there will be a stadium.
partnership = all rights to team
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in a video showing off Atletico's new stadium, Adam said the number one thing people ask for is stadiums. They will come.

Arsenal isn't a partnership that's why no stadium.
Valencia is partnership so there will be a stadium.
partnership = all rights to team
Sounds good mate,would love to have a 1st and second league with full licence
But I'll take stadiums any day
if it's a team license like Arsenal then 90% chance no stadium. If it's a partnership deal then 90% chance a stadium.

Sorry Bond.. was just a joke :)
like a lot of people said , there isn't a good chance that they was forced to put the homeground of a new licensed team . About stadium the Konami is really behind all of our expectations, personally if i had a console and my purpose is play PES 2017, the first thing that i should forgot are the stadiums, the faces and the most of customization about the game..

in 2008 and 2011 i've played PES over my Xbox 360, at the time there was a great difference between console and PC in terms of detail and gameplay, but modding that was a nighmare, IMO in the last years (and even more this year) those difference between platform was filled, so i hope in a holy man that are able to unlock more modding features also over the console
if not i think that this one could be the right season to buy/upgrade a pc to take advantage of the modding comunity, BTW is better wait the first release of the game before draw conclusions
Sorry Bond.. was just a joke :)
like a lot of people said , there isn't a good chance that they was forced to put the homeground of a new licensed team . About stadium the Konami is really behind all of our expectations, personally if i had a console and my purpose is play PES 2017, the first thing that i should forgot are the stadiums, the faces and the most of customization about the game..
a joke? OK...:))
the reason Konami is getting these partnerships with real stadiums is for us console gamers. We are the majority sales.
BTW is better wait the first release of the game before draw conclusions
agreed, we will know in 6 months after all data packs are here.
Vasco da Gama's stadium is in the game, plus Romário and Sócrates are the new PES 2018 Legends for Brazil. Sweet, the South American market is expanding even more which is something I like to see. Hopefully Universidad de Chile, Colo-Colo and Universidad Católica receive the same benefits such as having their stadium, faces and more in the game as DLC. One can only dream.

Anyways, here's the PES 2018 trailer for Brazil:

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Vasco da Gama's stadium is in the game, plus Romário and Sócrates are the new PES 2018 Legends for Brazil. Sweet, the South American market is expanding even more which is something I like to see. Hopefully Universidad de Chile, Colo-Colo and Universidad Católica receive the same benefits such as having their stadium, faces and more in the game as DLC. One can only dream.

Anyways, here's the PES 2018 trailer for Brazil:

Also Arena Chorinthians?

Vasco da Gama's stadium is in the game, plus Romário and Sócrates are the new PES 2018 Legends for Brazil. Sweet, the South American market is expanding even more which is something I like to see. Hopefully Universidad de Chile, Colo-Colo and Universidad Católica receive the same benefits such as having their stadium, faces and more in the game as DLC. One can only dream.

Anyways, here's the PES 2018 trailer for Brazil:

LOL. Finally my team + São Januário stadium in the game. Well played Konami!:EASY:
Vasco da Gama's stadium is in the game, plus Romário and Sócrates are the new PES 2018 Legends for Brazil. Sweet, the South American market is expanding even more which is something I like to see. Hopefully Universidad de Chile, Colo-Colo and Universidad Católica receive the same benefits such as having their stadium, faces and more in the game as DLC. One can only dream.

Anyways, here's the PES 2018 trailer for Brazil:




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