PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

The gengenpress could destroy the game online if not implemented properly. They have to nail stamina to perfection.
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Challenge them to show you a game vs AI with more than 3 fouls :COOL:
Three fouls? How about any fouls period? Two years in a row of the CPU scoring with nothing but low corner shots... that HAS to be fixed this year or I'm not touching this game with a ten-foot pole. So yes, please show us some CPU game play that proves the many CPU AI issues from 2015 and 2016 were fixed.
Three fouls? How about any fouls period? Two years in a row of the CPU scoring with nothing but low corner shots... that HAS to be fixed this year or I'm not touching this game with a ten-foot pole. So yes, please show us some CPU game play that proves the many CPU AI issues from 2015 and 2016 were fixed.

Nobody is mentioning the cpu shots which is worrying .. they hopefully will take high and medium height shots and long shots etc and throw in the odd penalty for the user.
Nobody is mentioning the cpu shots which is worrying .. they hopefully will take high and medium height shots and long shots etc and throw in the odd penalty for the user.
I was thinking about just how ludicrous and unacceptable the CPU low-corner-shot-only issue is. Imagine the flak EA would get if, in Madden, the CPU only ever scored TDs via run plays. Or the outcry if, in NBA 2K, the CPU only scored baskets via the layup. PES gamers have become so blue-pill-accepting of Konami's incompetence over the past decade that a game-breaking issue like this can remain in the game for two years now without anyone in the game-review community raising a peep about it.
I was thinking about just how ludicrous and unacceptable the CPU low-corner-shot-only issue is. Imagine the flak EA would get if, in Madden, the CPU only ever scored TDs via run plays. Or the outcry if, in NBA 2K, the CPU only scored baskets via the layup. PES gamers have become so blue-pill-accepting of Konami's incompetence over the past decade that a game-breaking issue like this can remain in the game for two years now without anyone in the game-review community raising a peep about it.

The metacritic score and general high praise that PES2016 has received from games journalists is quite baffling to me when you take into account the basic, frankly unacceptable issues that blight what could otherwise be a very good game.
The metacritic score and general high praise that PES2016 has received from games journalists is quite baffling to me when you take into account the basic, frankly unacceptable issues that blight what could otherwise be a very good game.

Agreed. It's quite pitiful when you see such basic fundamentals of the game lost upon the reviewer, or not addressed at all. Which is why I kind of laugh at those who analyze the reveal trailers as if it's the actual product we are going to get. The best I will review will be a gameplay trailer/demo like I did with PES 16.
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The metacritic score and general high praise that PES2016 has received from games journalists is quite baffling to me when you take into account the basic, frankly unacceptable issues that blight what could otherwise be a very good game.

the gamers that review metacritic score aren't but casual players.

they probably played PES for 2 days
frankly unacceptable issues that blight what could otherwise be a very good game.
Exactly how I feel. I fire up a game of PES, having a good time, but then the CPU guides a soft roller along the carpet into the far corner just as my GK is starting to go into his failed-lunge-dive animation. Sigh. Hit pause. Exit and quit game.
2016 was an amazing improvement if you compare it with 2015 on PS, and FIFA was almost the same since 2014 bringing nothing new, so yes, they had a reason to be impressed with PES.
That doesn't mean that it's a perfect game.

For many (me imcluded), Pes 2016 was not an improvement from Pes 2015. It was a step backward in some aspects.
when you take into account the basic, frankly unacceptable issues that blight what could otherwise be a very good game.

Deja vu. Every year.

When will this end?

I just want a time to come where they've finally nailed everything. I hope that happens in my lifetime.
Three fouls? How about any fouls period? Two years in a row of the CPU scoring with nothing but low corner shots... that HAS to be fixed this year or I'm not touching this game with a ten-foot pole. So yes, please show us some CPU game play that proves the many CPU AI issues from 2015 and 2016 were fixed.

These issues should be the FIRST things to investigate if you're really reviewing the game with any form of integrity.

I was thinking about just how ludicrous and unacceptable the CPU low-corner-shot-only issue is. Imagine the flak EA would get if, in Madden, the CPU only ever scored TDs via run plays. Or the outcry if, in NBA 2K, the CPU only scored baskets via the layup. PES gamers have become so blue-pill-accepting of Konami's incompetence over the past decade that a game-breaking issue like this can remain in the game for two years now without anyone in the game-review community raising a peep about it.

In this day and age, where you can release patches, steam support, DLCs these things are ignored. It's an insult to the player IMHO
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The best I will review will be a gameplay trailer/demo like I did with PES 16.
CPU AI, 1:30 mark: "You see how the [CB] moves out of the way, just pushes backwards, why is he pushing so far back?"

This, for me, is the #1 absolute game-breaking issue with 2015 and 2016. My CPU-controlled defenders, time and again, have the opportunity to grab the loose bouncing ball, but will instead turn and run towards my goal, away from the ball, allowing the CPU attacker to scoop up the ball and fire a shot on goal. I spent a few hours trying every difficulty level, and every tactic and player setting, to fix the issue. But there is nothing in the game that can fix this, it's a coding issue. In fact I believe it's coded that way intentionally as part of the cheat AI programming, to give the CPU that extra chance to score a goal.
These issues should be the FIRST things to investigate if you're really reviewing the game with any form of integrity.
That's exactly what I have been saying for two years at least. Where were the pre-release reviews in 2015 that critiqued the many CPU AI shooting issues? Okay, failing to mention it that first year was maybe understandable. But we all knew about these issues going into 2016. But I don't recall reading a single review that talked about all those issues being in the game still. And did Konami's spokespeople ever speak up about it, Adam and the other guy? Of course not. And now this year we have the same thing happening all over again, the same generic "So many improvements!" review whitewashing.
PES 2017: Interview with Pes Colombia (E3 build)


Interviewer: @PES_Russia
Reviewer: @Pes_Colombia

@PES_Russia: "We apologize for any imperfections considering our English!"

Your impression

Physical contact
More realistic physical contact including vibration in the control when physical contact happens.

Loss of balance players (not in the rain, not by contact)
I don't see any loss of balance without contact.

Shots and passes of the uncomfortable position
In uncomfortable position is hard to make and perfect pass or shot. In uncomfortable position loses accuracy.

Reception (input) of the ball players
Reception is perfect and have more animations to receive the ball.

COM density/positioning players
The artificial intelligence is amazing. Com learn how you play and always cover this. For example: if you always pass the ball to Griezmann or the best player or your team, Com automatically puts double mark to the player or put a zone defense around the player and for obligation you have to change your moves.

Feints (R-stick)
Same feints, but the players response is faster not only in feint in passes, shooting, etc.

Adequacy (referee, yellow/red card)
Referee is very strict. Bad slide immediately card. Back slide immediately red card.

Shot Power
I saw the same shot power that in pes 16, sometimes a player with low shot power can make a very powerful shot from long distance.

Intentional fouls COM
Intentional fouls immediately card, depends of the type of foul, yellow or red card.

Response control
That's what I love in this demo, the response of the players is immediately you push the button. Immediately passes, immediately shots, defense response and goalkeeper response is so fast so is hard score.

L1 + triangle
Personally I use a lot this type of game L1 + triangle and today I try to pass L1 triangle to Griezmann but defense position cannot leave me done with success. I try lot of time and always defense response running back and heading the ball. (I need to find the way to make work haha)

R2 dribbling
Not use today the R2 dribling.


1) Pressing (clicking on the button pressing) is still hyperactive?
Yes pressing button is still hyperactive.

2) The ball bounces on the lawn after a low pass?
Passes are better on this demo. More accuracy and konami works to make the passes better.

3) Do defenders Adaptable (team player) under the COM attack?
Defenders are better in this game, and you can choose new strategies to use in your defense. Advance strategies.

4) Does the R-stick for a power struggle?

3) Do high passes changed?
I feel high passes the same, just fast reaction between player and when you push the button.

4) Replays after the match accompanied by a commentator?
No commentator on demo.

5) Do goalkeepers superman?
Not supermen, but are more intelligent to anticipate shots, is harder to score an R2 shot.

6) Switch cursor r-Stick is faster? It is more logical?
Yes, faster and give the impression that always change to the player that you need.

9) Are there any true fan-sector?

10) Any changes to the broadcast of the match (black screen / freeze frame there?)
Not in the demo and hope not in the game, black screen and freeze always happened in online games. We need to wait.

11) Jumping GK feel limited/constrained?
The best for me in this game are defenders and goalkeeper. Goalkeepers are more real.

12) Does the game camera's have changed? New there?
Same tv camera and for the demo we cannot change.

13) COM often changes tactics during the match?
AI of the com is exceptional. For example if you always pass the ball to your superstar player, COM change the strategy to cover that and force you to change your strategy.

14) Slide the players feel?
Is difficult to slide successful because the referee is very strict and 80% is foul and card. Slide and touch the opponent makes the control vibrate.

15) COM looking for weaknesses in the protection of human or attacking monotonous?
AI is renovated in this game is better to play vs COM you can't win always.
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In this day and age, where you can release patches, steam support, DLCs these things are ignored. It's an insult to the player IMHO
That's a very good point actually, maybe the most telling of all. These issues could be easily patched. Yet where is the interest on Konami's part to address these problems? It makes you scratch your head, how is it that a company that has so much consumer trust to try and win back, can be THIS disinterested and negligent? It's mind-boggling.
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Deja vu. Every year.

When will this end?

I just want a time to come where they've finally nailed everything. I hope that happens in my lifetime.

So frustrating. Konami have given us the perfect football game...the trouble is all the best bits are spread across the last four or five years. :CONFUSE:
That's a very good point actually, maybe the most telling of all. These issues could be easily patched. Yet where is the interest on Konami's part to address these problems? It makes you scratch your head, how is it possible that a company that has so much consumer trust to try and win back, can be THIS negligent? It's mind-boggling.

Do you remember these forums on the days of PES 6 and then on PES 2013?

The amount of brilliant creative material that was produced by the community like Jenky's patches and kitserver files has made it easy for Konami to dominate. People never worried about licenses, cameras,GFX or even Stadiums!!

At this point of time where did we end up? where is everyone?

You can't even get an answer from the community guys about fouls, They blatantly lie to you about it. Yet the game gets amazing ratings!!

Go to you tube and watch goals from PES 2015 or 2016, It's a total disgrace, Everyone scores the same type goals. every attack is identical, These are the issues that needs addressing really.
Do you remember these forums on the days of PES 6 and then on PES 2013?

The amount of brilliant creative material that was produced by the community like Jenky's patches and kitserver files has made it easy for Konami to dominate. People never worried about licenses, cameras,GFX or even Stadiums!!

At this point of time where did we end up? where is everyone?

You can't even get an answer from the community guys about fouls, They blatantly lie to you about it. Yet the game gets amazing ratings!!

Go to you tube and watch goals from PES 2015 or 2016, It's a total disgrace, Everyone scores the same type goals. every attack is identical, These are the issues that needs addressing really.
i agree a lot, pes needs to implement the cpu variety of fifa 16, it's closest game, why they cant do coding like fifa cpu gameplay, it just needs that, the variety of shooting of attacking etc..
At this point of time where did we end up? where is everyone?

You can't even get an answer from the community guys about fouls
My take on that is similar to the PC-version issue. When console gaming took over, the PC version was relegated to secondary-importance status. And those same console gamers are mostly only interested in PvP online gaming and modes, relegating PvCPU game-play programming to secondary-importance status as well. I'd say we don't get CPU AI improvements answers from community people or from game reviewers, because that's neither their focus nor the focus of the vast majority of football gamers.
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