PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Im not talking bullshit.

Gamescome build is definetly different from PESDAY2 build and its also better:

Passing doesnt feel too direct and fast, ball loose speed in its trajectory, making that transition from defence to attack not so easy and fast.
Looks great, but just to provide some balance, there's still some really silly / annoying "you're playing a game" moments in there that don't tend to happen in the other game.

1:15, the Barcelona defender slides horizontally towards his own goal - as if someone's got an elastic band lasso around him - when he tries to tackle the ball-carrier. An invisible forcefield moonwalks him away from the ball-carrier and I doubt that's intentional. It's stuff like that where the CPU scores and you think "what's the point, you're stacking the odds against me here and forcing the loss". It looks really weird.

On balance there's big improvements and hopefully that's an animation blunder as opposed to a bullshit AI move, but if he'd scored and that had been my defender, I'd have put the controller down and gone to find myself a nice quiet room to scream in.

But the ball seems so much more free.

EDIT: Just read the post below mine, if it turns out that they're playing on manual I'll be gutted. But even then, the defending seems much more organised so... I'm hoping they're not...
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Is it possible that those videos are played at manual settings? I can't believe they made passing so free compared to last build. There are much more errors made by players, shots going wide too and not only directed to high corner. Definitely seems improved and with a better pace compared to Pesday2 build.
Is it possible that those videos are played at manual settings? I can't believe they made passing so free compared to last build. There are much more errors made by players, shots going wide too and not only directed to high corner. Definitely seems improved and with a better pace compared to Pesday2 build.

They made the passing more free like in pesday1, Asim confirmed this to lelly. I think they made the passing in pesday2 more assisted to see how the community thinks of it and get the feedback. The passing in the videos dudu shared were probably level 1 support. There were some good string of perfect passes that looked too good for manual passing.
Those gamescom vids look great . .I'm really optimistic now . . if they leave it like that I'll be quite pleased
Arrhhhh... Adam is awful on PES ... painful to watch how he is so counterproductive and skill-less , even on low difficult .

It's Asim actually who was playing as Adam was just talking about the game and watching the game live. And It's probably Top player or even super star not low difficult at all.
It's Asim actually who was playing as Adam was just talking about the game and watching the game live. And It's probably Top player or even super star not low difficult at all.

A.I plays like a Dummy ... it cant be on top or super start ..
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The earlier video looked ok but this one with Adam is awful again, just seems passing is so unnaturally quick..need demo to decide now
Stop whining please:

Adam_Bhatti: Who the hell makes these rumours �� we will have 30 after data packs, 28 at launch.
Someone: @Adam_Bhatti Hey Adam, Only 5 licensed stadiums at launch? That cannot be right can it?

Still too few. One of the new stadiums playable in the demo is this neu sonne arena

since adam said 30 stadiums, i'm expecting about 15 licensed and 15 unlicensed.

Im not talking bullshit.

Gamescome build is definetly different from PESDAY2 build and its also better:

Passing doesnt feel too direct and fast, ball loose speed in its trajectory, making that transition from defence to attack not so easy and fast.

Also, midfeld plays a lot more organized and recomposes better, AI also anticipates better to those long passes to attack.

I saw Mascherano anticipating to a long pass dorect to Girou twice. Midfield defenders are really doing their job anticipating to opponents passes.

One interesting thing I saw on this video was Mascherano pass at 0:52: he overhits passing wich made even Messi struggle to control the ball. Really nice. Thats what we all want to see more often.

That one really looked great
I'm just confused is the Spanish league final for the licensed teams? Because so far there is only two and Real Madrid needs to at least be in. Champions league winners not in the game is a bummer.
After watching Asim play on superstar on twitch, I honesty cannot wait to play the demo, I have to accept the fact that fouls are gonna be minimal, but apart from that I really like the intensity the AI gives u on superstar, that really impressed me, and from what I saw the AI attacks more human, more passing errors, is really good, didn't see many long rangers performed but there was a few times it tried when opportunity arose, I like that means it won't be cheesey, lookin good fellas.
I cannot believe what I'm seeing – or not seeing, I should say. Does nobody remember that there's supposed to be a free kick every once in a while in a game of football? I'll quote myself from June –

whatever the early PES2017 testers might say now (those few who actually play it in single-player, anyway), PES2017 will be a no-fouls game too.


it's interesting to see how little fuss is made about PES having become a no-fouls football game. It gets mentioned every so often, like now, but it's not the big scandal that I believe it should be.

I cannot believe that the community is rolling over and allowing its tummy to be tickled at the sight of the new shiny. I do like the look of how PES2017 moves, but,, but... How is everybody managing to ignore the glaring obvious? Has the Fun First faction infiltrated PESland to the extent that there's not really anyone left who's bothered?

i'd like to ask a question of any testers who assured us 'refs are fixed now'. Any thoughts on what we're seeing? Of course, I knew at the time that refs would not be fixed, as I posted above, and that the testers had simply played each other in multiplayer (where there are always 'enough' fouls), but I had hope.

No fucking fouls again. Bollocks.
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We all want fouls in the game and I'm sure they are fully aware that we want them, but it looks like it's not gonna happen, not from the videos that Iv seen, could be that there worried it could be too much start stop and that will piss people off as well, and the majority of people that will be pissed off will be the ones that want constant flow, we are the minority, t's how it is unfortunately, disappointed but as long as the other areas are good, I'm happy to give it a go or else I won't be playing any football games this year, cos the other bloody game, the AI attack is more direct this year which ruined it for me.
Fouls were in that video with Adam and Asim talking to IGN? There was an instance in which there were fouls back to back?? The first was on the P1 fouling the CPU pretty late, and then right away the CPU fouled the P1, resulting in a quick free kick taken.

I don't have the video up, but I swear I saw that.

At least the referee is calling fouls this go around. I think we need to remain optimistic about the collision detection for those fouls.
Fouls were in that video with Adam and Asim talking to IGN? There was an instance in which there were fouls back to back?? The first was on the P1 fouling the CPU pretty late, and then right away the CPU fouled the P1, resulting in a quick free kick taken.

I don't have the video up, but I swear I saw that.

At least the referee is calling fouls this go around. I think we need to remain optimistic about the collision detection for those fouls.

That ign wasn't it, it was on twitch tv, if you go on that and go to the full event, they are on at 4hrs 50min mark, the intensity of the AI is even better than the one on ign, cos they even say it's set on superstar, definately worth a look.
Well the reason we're bringing up fouls is to get the message across to the Konami crew.

Too bad the reviewers are too scared to mention it to them in fear of being sent home and missing on the chance to be relevant.
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