PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

pes 2014 sometimes felt like the game i always dreamed of, especially in midfield, loved the momentum of the players, almost no space in midfield as it should be

but the dribbling ruined everything for me, you can hold down R1 with robben and it feels like you are running against a wall and pirlo chases you down from 10 meters behind

too bad they didn't try to work on it and made a complete 180 with pes 2015

Agree with you 100% although they might add in elements of it in the future!
So wait wait wait hang on

PES 2014 that many people except Deco myself and a few others hated is finally getting the recognition it deserves. Lol I said this would happen.

Tbh for me still the most complete pes in terms of gameplay and modes particularly online was PES 2011

The shooting on that game was Sublime. I remember being able to place a shot between the keepers legs or curling to the far post - whatever you thought you wanted to do was translated in the control and the game play. The only downside was the ping pong that any team could do
So wait wait wait hang on

PES 2014 that many people except Deco myself and a few others hated is finally getting the recognition it deserves. Lol I said this would happen.

I wrote last year that PES 2014 and PES 2011 were the best of what was made after PS2, especially with some global adjustments. However I usually keep it for myself when arround 90 percent of global opinion is the opposite, as I dont see the sense of such convincing work.
So wait wait wait hang on

PES 2014 that many people except Deco myself and a few others hated is finally getting the recognition it deserves. Lol I said this would happen.

Tbh for me still the most complete pes in terms of gameplay and modes particularly online was PES 2011

The shooting on that game was Sublime. I remember being able to place a shot between the keepers legs or curling to the far post - whatever you thought you wanted to do was translated in the control and the game play. The only downside was the ping pong that any team could do

PES 2011 was the best for me but 2014 did a lot right. MASS was brilliant, not sure why it's disappeared.
For me 2015 was the first version since PS2 era, that gave me back the old feeling.
2014 was crap imo, sold the game after 2 weeks. 2016 seems to be another step in the right direction. Really looking forward to it.

I hope for PS4 Version they do also implement a way to import data edited by other guys.
Steam refund policy is a real game changer. I hope it comes to PSN and XBL.

The Gamers need the power back in their hands.
PES 2011 was the best for me but 2014 did a lot right. MASS was brilliant, not sure why it's disappeared.

I am glad it just wasn't me who enjoyed both of those two. You could actually tell a difference between good and bad players in both PES 2011 and PES 2014. I remember playing with Hazard and I was marked by 4 defenders at one time.
This is the PES2016 News & Discussion Thread but there is anything but posted here.

Keep it on topic and use the correct thread for the versions You want to post about.

Will clean it up a bit eh.:BLEH:
I just noticed that Casillas has an overall rating of 90 on the E3 screenshots, while Neuer has an overall rating of 89 in the PlayStation Access gameplay video. WTF?
Ok, so how old exactly is the Build for PES 2016 as we seen.

Just played PES 2014 again using Zee's settings. What interested me is even compared to FIFA, PES 2014 has the best, most realistic animations, because nothing, is quick, everything is tied together.

So i'd presume this was a very early build, maybe even back from February for all we know (not saying it was February, but who knows) which seems possible since you got all the old kits and squads and the international teams have barely been updated much and right now all they re working on is better animations.

The goal really is to get back to PES 2014 level of animations fluidity. on 1.16 the animations are seamless and all blend really, really, well, again even better than FIFA. Shame 2014 has so, so, so, so, so, so.. many problems

I'm 100% sure the gameplay we saw will be pretty much 80% the same, will the other 20% be the animations all very seamlessly working together.

There was a huge jump from PES 2015 shown behind closed doors at selected events in June/July to what we saw at Gamescom/Demo then the full game.

It's part of the hype and marketing to show progression through builds as part of the hype. This is the opposite to 2014 where Konami brought their big marketing guns out very early as they knew they would have issues getting the game to run smoothly. Like last year i expect to seem some very interesting stuff come Gamescom/Demo.

Konami stopped working and worrying about PES 2015 basically as soon s it was released, they seem very, very confident.
I still believe that they should have sorted a lot of Pes 2014's problems and built on it instead of going back to basics with Pes 2015.

In my opinion it's a waste of a year. . . . but then again they might gradually add the good things from Pes 2014 and go from there. the problem with Pes 2014 was that they tried to put too much in at once instead of gradually and cocked it up . . .particularly the fouls!
I still believe that they should have sorted a lot of Pes 2014's problems and built on it instead of going back to basics with Pes 2015.

In my opinion it's a waste of a year. . . . but then again they might gradually add the good things from Pes 2014 and go from there. the problem with Pes 2014 was that they tried to put too much in at once instead of gradually and cocked it up . . .particularly the fouls!

Disagree. In the match i played, or well i played it 5 times now, the game is quite literally fucked, stats mean very little (my PESEdit has screwed up and i'm playing vs a team of 'DUMMY' players FFS), horrible amount of rubber banding and cheating and most of all absolutely no dribbling whatsoever in any way in 2014.

The entire dribbling model was flat broken! To cap it off, far too few animations, which lead to so many clumsy moments and goals which makes it hard to take seriously when you know you can just get easy cheap goals in certain situations.

Its essentially playing a simulation of amateur Sunday league pub team football.

PES 2014 feels nicer, more natural and has better animations than 2015 but its far inferior in gameplay.

PES 2016 would be a success if they manage to bring the animations and weight feeling from 2014 back. They got rid of the physicality element to create a dribbling system which worked well, the basic game 2015 was a success for me and many out there, you could play football, PES 2014 was like your fighting with the game to get some responsiveness out of it. Good thing they have brought the physicality back to 2016!

Still have no idea why they removed the shirt physics!
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Pes 2015 was too basic for me in an attempt to replicate pes5 and 6. .. skip midfield and pass into the big gap in the middle of the defence and press shoot and score. It wasn't for me. . .they didn't bother to try correct Pes 14 just fucked it away.

Fingers crossed that Pes 2016 is better and if they bring back the good bits of Pes 2014 it will be interesting.
Pes 2015 was too basic for me in an attempt to replicate pes5 and 6. .. skip midfield and pass into the big gap in the middle of the defence and press shoot and score. It wasn't for me. . .

That's the most worrying thing on PES 2015 and hope KONAMI work on AI and player potition on the field.
Disagree. In the match i played, or well i played it 5 times now, the game is quite literally fucked, stats mean very little
You've got that backwards. Similarly you also defended the shooting in PES 2105, which from a stats perspective is the absolute worst it's ever been in PES. Shot ratings mean nothing anymore, any player can easily score a goals from anywhere. Balance and positioning before shooting, which used to mean something, which used to be the heart and soul of PES gameplay, means absolutely nothing in PES 2015.

I spent a day trying to fix the broken pass % issue in PES 2015. Every CPU team completes 89-95% of its passes, every game. I lowered all players ratings to 40, including pass ratings of course. No difference whatsoever, the CPU still ping-ponged the ball around perfectly @ 90% plus. Even lowering kicking power (a trick that works in FIFA to correct the same issue) made no difference. The ball zipped around at the same speed like it was laser- guided, not even a bounce or a wobble.

Yesterday I tried the same experiment in PES 2014. Instant results. CPU pass % fell into the low 70s. The ball speed was noticeably slower, the ball bounced and bobbled across the pitch in a realistic manner, which it never does in PES 2015.

After that I decided I'm now going to wait before buying PES 2016. Konami fucked the player ratings in PES 2015, completely broke some aspects. It appears they're dumbing down the actual nuts and bolts of the game in order to make the game look pretty... give it the appearance of LOOKING like it's playing sim when it's actually not. There really is no point in buying the game if player rating effectiveness in 2016 is as broken and meaningless as it is in 2015.
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After that I decided I'm now going to wait before buying PES 2016. Konami fucked the player ratings in PES 2015, completely broke some aspects. It appears they're dumbing down the actual nuts and bolts of the game in order to make the game look pretty... give it the appearance of LOOKING like it's playing sim when it's actually not. There really is no point in buying the game if player rating effectiveness in 2016 is as broken and meaningless as it is in 2015.
Yeah, that's absolutely true. The new tactics options in PES 2015 made the AI completely ignore the players' stats. You have to say though that some player stats were already broken in PES 2014, for example player speed.
just like in the wenb podcast they say. especially when the cpu plays there is no player id now like back in the days, only team id. just dunno what all those stats and special cards for then?
the arcade-lovers (99% of all pes players i guess) hated it because it was soooooooooo slow und sooooo boring.


Pes 2014 was unplayable. Arcade lover or not, a game should not be so slow, especially in dribbling. Even Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo felt like tanks when you controlled them.
You have to say though that some player stats were already broken in PES 2014, for example player speed.
Konami started screwing up player ratings back in 2011-12. For one thing they removed critical shot ratings, which is why the shooting now feels so vanilla, and why proper balance and positioning is no longer necessary in order to get good shots off. They removed other ratings as well and also changed the ratings scale from 1-99 to 40-99 in 2014. Meaning ratings are far less effective now, and players are far less varied in skill than they were years ago.

In all honesty, after testing the pass ratings in PES 2015, I was shocked to find how broken and useless they are. I was going to buy 2016 Day 1, but now I'm not sure. Konami appears to be doing what EA has been doing for some time; they're focusing almost exclusively on online and how the game looks, and in the process the actual gameplay nuts and bolts are getting fucked up in the process with all the changes. But they're not correcting the broken game code. I'm sure they're not even testing it to see how unresponsive player stats are, and how broken the defensive sliders are. Because if they were testing it, they would quickly see that a lot of what's in the game isn't in fact working.
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