Champions League
the arcade-lovers (99% of all pes players i guess) hated it because it was soooooooooo slow und sooooo boring.
Also the ctach up bug fucked them up completely

But for their defence, KONAMI put a lil too much on that.
I also don´t understand why they made a 180 degree change with PES 2015 and not working on 2014´s basics.
Maybe they weren´t confident enough.
Too bad, as I didn´t like the ball physics in PES 2015 at all.
They were good in 2014. Also them through balls look so laserguided as zeus0r said. That´s actually the perfect word for it.
PES 2016 seem to have improved ball physics, but still that same ground passing thing like in PES 2015.
The high passes look great though!
I love how the ball makes that slight curve.
What I also found very positive was the atmosphere on that gameplay vids, visually at least.
It looked like there´s a lot of stuff going on in the stadium.
On PES 2015 it was quite dull, but maybe up to the fact that you had to patch away the crowd to make it more responsive.
I hope that this doesn´t have to be done for PES 2016 on PC.