PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

Playstation access video looks mint, makes the gamespot vid look like a bag of ass.
Hilarious off pitch run by Reus at about 5:08 :D But so many nice tumbles and things going on and that save that Lami mentioned, fantastic.

It's hardly a big deal but I love the new PES ball! it looks like a proper old school football from long range. Best original PES ball ever, I would say.

Pes 2016 is going to be mad expensive for me this year, since I'm getting a PS4 as well. But I'm excited. The hype train is out of the station and I'll probably be laying tracks for it myself!

Now watch the next gameplay video come out dampening everything again :LOL: This is like a rollercoaster.
I'm smiling while watching the gameplay. It's just so good to see how PES looks better this year. The much fluid animation, physicality, and collision. I'm pretty sure this is gonna be a new experience for me.
nice, playing on regular again or on lower level probably. and these guys get payed for this. but at least they trying out R2 shots frequently. i can tell they do that all the time on 2015 :)))
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I like the stamina system. Adds a huge element of strategy to every game.

I get what you mean but shouldn't it take account of how much they worked on the match and their stamina stat instead of putting everyone's stamina empty at the end of the match? That way, I atleast have control over my player's stamina instead of a random timer decreasing every player's stamina over time.

Easily the best video of the lot.

"Its seems like they kept all the things they got right from last year and bolted on some extra bits".

The save at 20:15 also

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kicked right at the keeper. im more worried that Tevez could score in the end with ease, no miss factor included at all. again

im a buzzkill i know
Please watch the video below at 60 fps, and compare it to the previous pes 2016 video.
Compare tha natural motion, the ball physics, the animations, the collisions, the speed, and the graphics and how beautiful the shirts are waving.

KONAMI removed all the nextgen technology tha Pes 2014 had, and served a polished Pes 11/12/13 with new graphic engine as Pes 2015. It played fast and accurate, but nothing close to pes 2014 natural and physical sensation.
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that ps access video is far better.

Some things that need sorted, that finesse shot needs calmed the fuck down, that tevez goal is too easy.


Injuries! played ML since release of 2015 and not had an injury
Please watch the video below at 60 fps, and compare it to the previous pes 2016 video.
Compare tha natural motion, the ball physics, the animations, the collisions, the speed, and the graphics and how beautiful the shirts are waving.

KONAMI removed all the nextgen technology tha Pes 2014 had, and served a polished Pes 11/12/13 with new graphic engine as Pes 2015. It played fast and accurate, but nothing close to pes 2014 natural and physical sensation.

I disagree entirely, if you want that physical and natural sensation you can change the speed in system setings. PES 2014 plays far too lethargic for my liking and is not akin to the football I know.

PES 2015 is a far better game than PES 2014 and this is my opinion. Try and play the game on manual with no assists and feel how good of a game it plays.
Try and play the game on manual with no assists and feel how good of a game it plays.

I always play fully manual. Zero assist.
The pes 2014 video didn't look more natural?

I know that pes 2015 was more responsive, accurate, with better keepers, generally a better balanced game, but it became too linear, wooden, choppy and predictable.
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Is it too much to ask to get 2 people who know how to play the game to have a game for this videos.

No fun in watching someone smash the other guy to pieces.

Looks good though but the proof will be in the demo
I hope that they include a pro clubs type mode, thats all i play on FIFA these days
I feel much better about this game now!

I don't know if you guys noticed (probably nobody aside from me cares) but Brazil's and Juventus' defending seemed much more narrow. Hopefully, this means the compactness slider is working
Please watch the video below at 60 fps, and compare it to the previous pes 2016 video.
Compare tha natural motion, the ball physics, the animations, the collisions, the speed, and the graphics and how beautiful the shirts are waving.

KONAMI removed all the nextgen technology tha Pes 2014 had, and served a polished Pes 11/12/13 with new graphic engine as Pes 2015. It played fast and accurate, but nothing close to pes 2014 natural and physical sensation.

they tottaly removed the kit physics. this is abnormal !

Best gameplay video of PES 2016 so far. Looks really good animation-wise.

What I don't like is the automated perfect first touch for everyone and the seemingly automated shooting-mechanism.

If they would get more variation and possibilities into shooting and first-touch and add a proper realtime two-tiered stamina/fatigue system, this could be really sweet.
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