PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

We will see more of pes 2016 in the next hour.

I just hope its a video and not some preview/first impressions from gamespot.
Done watching. So this gamespot gameplay looked slower than IGN's video. I'm getting confused now. And the keepers look the same as 2015 to me. They're still slow to react and somewhat float. But I see improved gameplay there definitely.
my italian is a bit rusty

He says aerial battles are great, awesome, best in any footbal game until now.

Graphics are really great and new dynamic camera is great.Defending is good, responsive,the only thing he doesn't like is that right and left backs leave empty spaces when they are attacking. They don't come back to defend.

He played the early code.
Damn I think I did miss it.

I made the wrong translatio between uk time and Brazil time
Done watching. So this gamespot gameplay looked slower than IGN's video. I'm getting confused now. And the keepers look the same as 2015 to me. They're still slow to react and somewhat float. But I see improved gameplay there definitely.


It seems to me this gameplay is faster. Maybe because animations feel more fluid, don't know.

Animations are definitely better and there is now a clear difference compared to Pes 2015. Aerial battles and physicality are much more pronounced here compared to Pes 2015.

General gameplay can't judge if better or worse. Have to play it.
I want to see the keepers do more effort. Even if it's a late reaction because they didn't seeing the ball or didn't expect it, but at least show effort if they do jump, not the half-assed floaty ones.
Those guys didnt help at all to make the game look good, but some improvements are very notable, some others are more subtles.

Graphics are clearly improved. Lighting is better, so are the grass. But like someone said at wenb its not at the trailers level yet.

I can feel that the ball physics are improved, it flows a bit more natural on the pitch and theres more curl. You can see that when you see an air ball crossing one side of the pitch to the others.

The game overall looks more fluid with some nice new animations, but probably the most notable improvement gameplay wise are the physics colisions, players reactions after getting a slide tackle are quite realistic and you can feel the weight. Areal battles are much better as well, more unpredictable and more dependent on positioning, strength, height and the timing of the jump of each player, like in real life.

Some nice new cutscenes of players discussing with the refs after the fauls being called.

The game looks promising to me. So far it definetly looks an improvement over pes 2015, wich was already a very good game for first try on nextgeneration, but its not a huge leap.
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Those guys didnt help at all to make the game look good, but some improvements are very notable, some others are more subtles.

Graphics are clearly improved. Lighting is better, so are the grass. But like someone said at wenb its not at the trailers level yet.

I can feel that the ball physics are improved, it flows a bit more natural on the pitch and theres more curl. You can see that when you see an air ball crossing one side of the pitch to the others.

The game overall looks more fluid with some nice new animations, but probably the most notable improvement gameplay wise are the physics colisions, players reactions after getting a slide tackle are quite realistic and you can feel the weight. Areal battles are much better as well, more unpredictable and more dependent on positioning, strength, height and the timing of the jump of each player, like in real life.

Some nice new cutscenes of players discussing with the refs after the fauls being called.

The game looks promising to me. So far it definetly looks an improvement over pes 2015, wich was already a very good game for first try on nextgeneration, but its not a huge leap.


The keeper though needs to react a bit faster and try to make for saves and they should tweak the shot speed and reduce it as well. Maybe have a reaction speed stat for keepers? Anyway, the game looks really addicting and I think I will get it for PS4 this year.

The keeper though needs to react a bit faster and try to make for saves and they should tweak the shot speed and reduce it as well. Maybe have a reaction speed stat for keepers? Anyway, the game looks really addicting and I think I will get it for PS4 this year.

Yeah keepers need to react faster, its like they work on a different tempo compared to the other players.

Its hard to judge the shooting yet...
-Graphics from entrance scenes, cutscenes and replays look wonderful. However I feel they take some of that awesomeness out for the gameplay camera. I would like them to improve that. The turf in this night match looks too lifeless. It should be a little greener, more vibrant. SweetFX/ReShade will make this game perfect (if PC graphics are up to the PS4 version).

-One good thing I noticed, VERY good thing actually, is that now players may be able to keep possession after a physical challenge. In both PES 2014 and 15 they would just get dispossessed and look ridiculous, they wouldn't even try to retain the ball. This is very good news.

-I'm a bit worried about the fatigue system. Neymar was exhausted by the 25th minute of the first half. Look at the video, notice the red bar at the bottom left corner.

-Another thing that I'm sure will be irritating and unrealistic is the way players sprint at full speed and yet they are able to perform a full stop in half a second. Without losing balance or anything. They go from running at 100 miles in a second to 0, in a single animation :|

-There's still an alarming LACK of passing animations, at least in that video. I think I actually saw just 4 or 5 passing animations used. WTF KONAMI? DON'T YOU GET IT? IT'S ALL ABOUT ANIMATIONS!

-I've also noticed a lack of variations in the attacks from each team. No posession. No players making good runs. Everything happened pretty much down the center of the pitch, or... Neymar. Of course is can be due to the 2 "human" (LOL) players. But this was also something I noticed in PES 2015, so I'm sure it's not JUST about the 2 guys with the gamepads.

-And last but not least... I perceive an excess of physical battles. Take a closer look. There's (almost) NOT ONE single play where there isn't a physical challenge. Specially when Neymar is on the ball. This might be VERY frustrating.

-Also... I've been watching a few of the PES 2015 (yes, 2015) videos of last year at E3, and it looked as responsive as this one. I remember all of us in here so happy about it back then. So I wouldn't be too quick to judge PES 2016 in that matter just yet. I'm sure they improved that, but I'm curious to see just how much they've actually improved it. I want it to be PES 2013 RESPONSIVE.

Like I said... this game will be a lot better than PES 2015. But there will be numerous annoyances that may be a gamebreaker. I'm sure.
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It's way too early to worry about most of those things though. The game is going to get a load of polish from now and release. I doubt they have got all the animations in the game yet but we're still seeing and impressive amount of new animations. As for the physical battles... Well it all depends on how you play the game, play like a dribble merchant and expect the face a battle.

It's a boring thing to say but at this point you pretty much have to wait and see rather than get too disappointed/worried/excited.
It's way too early to worry about most of those things though.

It is not. Actually, it's too late.

Last year, half of the things I was worried in the PES 2015 E3 videos, became true in the final game upon release.

Konami (and EA as well) change little to nothing after the E3 videos. And whatever they do change, it's usually for worse.
It's way too early to worry about most of those things though. The game is going to get a load of polish from now and release....

Not sure why this keeps getting dished up every year. Sorry, but I've seen nothing to say that's true over the last few years. There "could" be some improvements added but how much of an impact they'll have and whether it's for the better or worse is pot luck. To assume any current negatives will be ironed out is wishful thinking. Maybe they will, but it's not a given.
I'm worried that they're not saying anything about improving online gameplay and button lag.
Not sure why this keeps getting dished up every year. Sorry, but I've seen nothing to say that's true over the last few years. There "could" be some improvements added but how much of an impact they'll have and whether it's for the better or worse is pot luck. To assume any current negatives will be ironed out is wishful thinking. Maybe they will, but it's not a given.

In game development terms there is plenty of time for things to be tweaked. Remember last year hiw Asim changed his mind post E3 and mentioned how much of a rapid improvement there was come games com?. The closer it gets the less likely things will change but at E3 code there is plenty of room for Improvement, so if you're worrying about a feature they have already announced or alone about wait a while before worrying

Saying that, Sure, worry about the things they haven't spoken about but even then you're wasting your time because it 98% probably won't be in the game/changed unless someone else mentions it later on before release, In which case my mantra of chill out and wait and see still applies Because what can you do about it?
In game development terms there is plenty of time for things to be tweaked. Remember last year hiw Asim changed his mind post E3 and mentioned how much of a rapid improvement there was come games com?. The closer it gets the less likely things will change but at E3 code there is plenty of room for Improvement, so if you're worrying about a feature they have already announced or alone about wait a while before worrying

Saying that, Sure, worry about the things they haven't spoken about but even then you're wasting your time because it 98% probably won't be in the game/changed unless someone else mentions it later on before release, In which case my mantra of chill out and wait and see still applies Because what can you do about it?

I agree with that part in bold text. But what I'm saying is having time and actually fixing it are two separate things. And I haven't seen much major progress in the last two months going by the last few years experience.
-Another thing that I'm sure will be irritating and unrealistic is the way players sprint at full speed and yet they are able to perform a full stop in half a second. Without losing balance or anything. They go from running at 100 miles in a second to 0, in a single animation :|
Yeah, that looked annoying as there should be some type of consequence for attempting to change direction at top speed. Konami should add some little staggered steps animation with flailing arms when attempting to regain balance after decelerating so quickly or a slip animation if you get too greedy trying to change you body weight in the opposite direction(it should also apply to the chasing defender too).

I'm not sure we can make a good judgement-call on the game from this video because Human V Human matches suck as you could see from that horrible first goal.
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Yeah, that looked annoying as there should be some type of consequence for attempting to change direction at top speed. Konami should add some little staggered steps animation with flailing arms when attempting to regain balance after decelerating so quickly or a slip animation if you get too greedy trying to change you body weight in the opposite direction(it should also apply to the chasing defender too).

I'm not sure we can make a good judgement-call on the game from this video because Human V Human matches suck as you could see from that horrible first goal.

That's the thing. There is almost nothing to go on for us so until we get more information we can only take the views from those that have seen more at E3 with any pinch of salt. No point worrying about anything unless they either mention it or we get more footage to go on ourselves
hard to judge without playing it but apart from Neymar looking like Lou Ferrigno in pES16 I dont see much difference to PES15

Push A when you are running alongside your opponent
Take the ball by pushing your opponent away. Be careful, being too aggressive may lead to a foul!
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