PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

Anyone knows if there is gonna be any offline or online tournament in Myclub mode. Playing against COM and other people online is gonna be pretty boring after a while?
And do you guys also get Input lags when playing online? It´s almost impossible to make the right passes when its 1 second behind everytime I Press.
...that makes so much sense....

....but my question is..."can they shoot like Roberto Carlos"?

I do worry a bit about you sometimes, there has never been a game in the 6 years of reading your posts that you actually like. Your just cynical and hate everything. Literally the only think you said which was positive was FIFA sliders to combat 'cheating', you still don't even like the game

If you hate games so much why bother?
Ugh, really frustrated with playing against high pressure players online. With how long it takes to bloody power up a pass, I'm constantly getting caught on the ball.

It's also taking forever to find matches and lag is a regular issue.

Maybe it'll get better but this game doesn't feel particularly well optimized for online play.


Online can be frustrating at times.

I feel like my opponent has his players all over the place with the pressure, wich gets really bad when you see your players having a bad response to move and pass.

Sometimes I feel like I have no controlls over my plays, I can't sprint and stop on the spot where I want, I see the passing bar being powered up but takes an extra second to play the passing animation.

And I also think passing feels so restricted and limited online, it's so "straight to the feed", it's weird, I always feel forced to use the mnaual modfier button, and I'm not good at it yet.

My last game tonight was horrible, everything felt like it was out of my controll.

Tonight: 2 wins, 1 draw and 1 loose. But I had no satisfaction on any of these matchs, including the ones I won.
this game

superstar level

cpu team abilities: super dispossession, super drible, super passing, super ball covering
my team abilities: horrible dispossession, horrible ball covering

most of the time im bouncing of the cpu, yet the cpu tackles with eaaaaaaaaaaaaaase

this game.

a big question mark

In obvious cross situations, the cpu ai chooses to feint and try to juke his way inside the box then ground pass. the wing play is severely lacking and i don't know how tactics can fix it since be hardcoded in the game.

Has anyone else noticed this ? even pure wingers try to dribble their way in to do the ground pass or shoot in OBVIOUS crossing situations ( plenty of players in the box, or an open target man)

one of the big gameplay problems of PES 15 IMO and it's a big hit on an otherwise solid game.
Is it the way I play, or am I seeing things, cause when I play, the CPU does crosses. They don't tackle too wildly, but it does happen sometimes and I feel ok with it.

Also, I don't see much passing lag, but I do press the pass before i need to pass and got used to that timing.
this game

superstar level

cpu team abilities: super dispossession, super drible, super passing, super ball covering
my team abilities: horrible dispossession, horrible ball covering

most of the time im bouncing of the cpu, yet the cpu tackles with eaaaaaaaaaaaaaase

this game.

a big question mark


What actually people expect from top player vs superstar level ?
I really think so...
Post of the year candidate. :D

I'm surprised there's people complaining about the online play and saying people are constantly pressuring and winning by "sweaty goals", fair enough I'm only half way up the league system thus far but I'm not finding that to be my experience at all. I played a guy last night who had nearly 99 chemistry or whatever they call it (first time I've seen that), and I was 1-0 up at half time!

...Lost 5-1 at full time, but you know, for 45 minutes I had him. :D

I'm finding it really enjoyable, with the very occasional moron. Went back to "the other game" afterwards and had a 1-0 on Ultimate Team which surprised me, but the pace of the game was ridiculous, I was on the edge of my seat and panicking for 90 minutes at every through-ball and lofted through-ball (of which there were many).

Doesn't excuse the faults in PES this year (of which there are plenty) but it's the best football game online this year, I think.

I'm going to break out FIFA 14 online tonight and see what that's like, because I remember that being pretty good (or at least better than it is this year). Just to see if there can ever be a middle ground between Pro Evo's stiffness (but realism) and FIFA's freedom (but general ridiculousness).
About the crosses. I´ve seen a fair amount too. I remember when I first got Fifa 15, everyone was complaining about the exactly same thing. CPU could only dribble, no long passes etc. Well, at least on PES demo, I´ve seen a few crosses and lots of long passes to my box. On PC also, yesterday, first goal I gave away was in a counter attack, cross to unmarked cpu striker.

I really believe that AI is a proper one this year, and they do what we let them to. There are also teams that play a possession game and sometimes seems exagerate. But I noticed that as soon as I go up and leave an intentional gap in midfield, CPU uses it immediatly. I´m still getting the hang of the game and clearly haven´t played enough, but first sight seems to me that CPU reacts strongly to our way of attacking and defending. Cover the spaces and lines, and they will stay deep in their half or try long balls. Leave space to explore or possible one on ones, and CPU will try to drible.

Buy the way, just bought it for X1. Damn.
Not bad at all.

EDIT: Just scored this beauty, Modena vs Barcelona B, on manual shooting and passing :)

YouTube - PES 2015 Wonder Strike Manual Shooting

Lost 1-4 but enjoyed it thoroughly :)

EDIT: I'd love to see this replay in normal speed though :(

Lami, what's the deal with manual shooting? I've tried many times and I still can't figure it out. My shots go all over the place. Is it a two tap system or something. i.e. first tap for power and second for direction?

Help! :CONF:
I don't remember seeing any AI crossing on the PS3. Hopefully some have slipped by without me noticing. I did manage my first two header goals from corners last night, amazingly both in the same game. That was a relief, I had only once before managed to head the ball in from a corner, and that was in the demo against a human opponent.
I played a guy last night who had nearly 99 chemistry or whatever they call it (first time I've seen that), and I was 1-0 up at half time!

...Lost 5-1 at full time, but you know, for 45 minutes I had him. :D
Yes, it is strange how fast peaple can build up 99 chemistry in MyClub.
What about a team like this: A guy from a Dutch forum got this against him 2 days ago ( the day the coins came available ) :


I wonder if he stole money from daddy's bank-account to buy a lot of coins, or if he found a way to cheat...
In both cases I think he did not get this team in a fair way.
Conceded a header last night (not my first, I hasten to add). I think it was Rotherham against my Brighton side, crossing was practically all they knew to do. Given how much of a team's style is based on the tactics set up, it shouldn't be too hard to see what it is that separates them from the teams that seem to refuse to cross. Maybe it's that I've changed my tactics too, to an extent - sitting deeper and being more conservative, rather than pushing up and trying to win the ball high up the pitch.

I've scored a few cracking headers myself, a towering effort from Gardner to get on the end of a Dockal pinpoint cross last night (which, combined with a long range drive and a penalty won him the match ball) and quite a few from fizzing corners to the near post. I'm pretty happy with the crossing & corner gameplay, it's just the frequency of crossing that needs ramping up compared to taking the fullback on and running inside.

Is there still a way to 'contain', in the way you used to press X and back, or R2+X, to keep your distance from a dribbler? It seems to have gone. I don't know if it's because I'm Brighton, but I do find it very difficult to track the CPU dribbler because jockeying lacks the precision and nimbleness that you get when actually dribbling. I do wish you could jockey at a walking pace, to inch your way sideways rather than take a big old hop. It'd be a lot easier to line up a tackle that way, particularly when the CPU is one on one with you out wide.
Lami, what's the deal with manual shooting? I've tried many times and I still can't figure it out. My shots go all over the place. Is it a two tap system or something. i.e. first tap for power and second for direction?

Help! :CONF:

Nah mate, I just aim and shoot :) Obviously not always accurate though but needs training and trial.
Something that is really annoying is when playing 15mins or 20 mins half games the results are ridiculously very high. I was playing a champions league campaign on 20 minutes superstar and the other games result where like Roma – vs Cska 8 - 4, city vs galatassaray 5-5, PSG–vs Tel Aviv 9- 1, Barcelona vs real 3-7 etc...This happens all the time in all modes actually. Is this going to be patched at all? it’s really frustrating…
Really? Random fullback developing Messi dribbling skills in dying minutes of a match ... never happened in PES 6, right?
well noticed. top player is also cheating

or i cant tackle, all my Arsenal defenders midfilders are bouncing of a dull running Burnley striker? really? they cant tackle? why? what is this shit really? dont fuck with me that i have to play on professional

but what if the cpu starts to run on pro? the bouncing of effect will be there? how on earth tackle in this game really? all my defenders doing is running in the back of the opposition, smelling his ass or bouncing of his side, a try front is impossible since cpu dribbles like Maradona

btw just played a season with Barca in PES 6 on top player, an easy second position with 3 defeats only so i dont know what cheat are you talking about in that game.
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Seems like there is a bug in the game, where the AI doesn't cross, needs to be sorted next patch.

In obvious cross situations, the cpu ai chooses to feint and try to juke his way inside the box then ground pass. the wing play is severely lacking and i don't know how tactics can fix it since be hardcoded in the game.

I played against Lazio last night and Candreva put in three great crosses for Klose, one of which he headed in - and the other two were close.

It depends on the opposition's tactical set-up. In "Team Instructions" there's one option (can't remember what it's called, "Approach Play" or "Build-Up" or something like that) where you can select "Centre" or "Wide". The problem is, if it's set to "Centre" they almost never cross, and if it's set to "Wide" they look for the cross almost every time. So the "Centre" option is ideal for teams like Barca, or sides who play on the counter with one small, nippy striker who's always looking to run in behind, and who never cross, while "Wide" is perfect for teams with wingers and a target man.

The trouble is, there's no reliable way to blend the two. Really, there should be four options at least: "Centre" and "Wide" should be reserved for teams with very specific playing styles, then you'd have "Balanced/Centre" and "Balanced/Wide", with someone like Real Madrid set as the former and someone like Manchester United on the latter. Not something that can be patched in, sadly.

(I'm talking about the PS3 here, by the way, but I can't see it being any different on PS4 or XB1.)
I played against Lazio last night and Candreva put in three great crosses for Klose, one of which he headed in - and the other two were close.

It depends on the opposition's tactical set-up. In "Team Instructions" there's one option (can't remember what it's called, "Approach Play" or "Build-Up" or something like that) where you can select "Centre" or "Wide". The problem is, if it's set to "Centre" they almost never cross, and if it's set to "Wide" they look for the cross almost every time. So the "Centre" option is ideal for teams like Barca, or sides who play on the counter with one small, nippy striker who's always looking to run in behind, and who never cross, while "Wide" is perfect for teams with wingers and a target man.

The trouble is, there's no reliable way to blend the two. Really, there should be four options at least: "Centre" and "Wide" should be reserved for teams with very specific playing styles, then you'd have "Balanced/Centre" and "Balanced/Wide", with someone like Real Madrid set as the former and someone like Manchester United on the latter. Not something that can be patched in, sadly.

(I'm talking about the PS3 here, by the way, but I can't see it being any different on PS4 or XB1.)

This is why i said before the older tactical settings where better and deeper, everything was based on sliders so you had a range of 0-20 to select on how wide or narrow your team would play, now it's too extreme.
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