PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

At the moment I both like fifa15 and pes2015 demo.

Not sure which one to get. Both seems good, but both have their failures.

I will concentrate on the failures / room for improvement

1. Pes 2015
- it seems, that you cannot anymore change the direction of the shots, after you press the button and you haven't kicked the ball yet
- it seems, that after pressing shot button, you cannot modify or, you have less time to change for a contriolled shot (R2), I really liked, that on PS2 time PES games
- R2 shots have too much curve to them
- on set pieces, you cannot add extra power after the initial button press
- when 1 on 1 goalies stay on their line / coming out too late instead of coming out to close down angles, I like a lot to beat the keeper running out with some nice tricks and hit the empty net
- there are not enough fouls from AI
- fake shot is too toned down
- super-cancel is not proper, you do have a limited time to register the button presses

2. Fifa
- less wheight to playes, than in PES
- worst faces, than PES by a mile
- nets look worse, they have all the licenses, bells and whishtles and they cannot implement correct nets, you cannot see goal nets anywhere in the word which FIFA has for years / decades
- lower level of detail

I may wait for PES2015 in November, wait for the opinions here and over WENB and make a decision. But I guess I will get PES2015. I'm a PES player in the end and want that game to be good and it's not far away.

If they fuck up as usual I go and trade in for FIFA15. By the way I think it's a good move not to go head-to-head with FIFA. By November a lot of player will be fed up with FIFA and might give it a go, and they also have more time to listen to demo feedback and implement changes.

Let's see.
Keep enjoying the game whenever I get a chance to get some games in (I can't believe its still more than a month of waiting). Two questions:

- There should be a difficulty on release between regular and superstar correct? (Regular is way too easy, but yesterday I couldnt get anything going on Superstar)
- Sometimes I tackle but then realize the AI doesnt have the ball, but my power meter already got pressed, how do I cancel the action, it happens that I think I dont have the ball, press button, then my player ends up passing it to no one

Bring on November... and please I would love to see the AI once in a while make an aggressive tackle, who knows... maybe a *gasp* foul?
- There should be a difficulty on release between regular and superstar correct? (Regular is way too easy, but yesterday I couldnt get anything going on Superstar)
Yes, there is always around 5 difficulty levels. Hopefully more. The more the merrier.
- Sometimes I tackle but then realize the AI doesnt have the ball, but my power meter already got pressed, how do I cancel the action, it happens that I think I dont have the ball, press button, then my player ends up passing it to no one
Incessant shouting at the screen is the nearest I've got.
Read this on another forum and it accurately depicts what's wrong with pes15..hate to burst peoples pes15 bubbles but lets not kid our to the author closer.

Pes has been having this issue for a long time. One could argue that Pes 2011 was the first pes to reduce the effects of rails. What you have talked about above is one of the many legacy issues with this game. Another major problem in Pes 2015 is passing. The passing trajectories are all preset. Even when a ball has a spin on it, it is still travelling on a 'rail'. In my opinion, there can be no individuality between passers when everything is still on rails. There are so many types of passes we see made in real life that we cannot see in pes 2015. This is due in part to the poor passing system in this game combined with the rails of this game. Curving your run automatically causes a significant reduction in speed to the point where it feels like rubberbanding is back in full force. There are very few player in real life who can beat Ronaldo or Bale in a full sprint yet players like Pique do it with no issues in this game. You want to play a measured pass? Its highly unlikely in this game. In fact, it is best if you just bypass the midfield all together. The introduction of advanced through passing in Pes 2014 was a farce and it is still a farce in pes 2015. You should be able to pull of those through ball passes with highly rated passers in Pes 2015 and that control scheme needs to be removed. Advanced through ball passing is essentially what you can do in Fifa 15 on basic controls. This desire to over-complicate things is truly unnecessary. There can be depth in simplicity.

Another issue I have noticed is the ineffectiveness of CPU drive runs. What do i mean? Well i'm referring to the runs your forward should make. What happened to the curved runs that we used to see before? They are pretty much non existent. To make matters worse, defensive marking is so poor. I believe it was vital who initially noticed this in the lead up to the demo while the rest of us where giving the gameplay videos raving reviews. The defensive line is not dynamic but static. It always maintains a certain gap within players. There are so many times while playing the game, a winger will cut in but the rb/lb will stay in the same area marking empty space. Honestly, many of you might already have tired of my complaints but I will not stop bringing these issues up because the series cannot afford to continue in this direction. The devs cannot continue to 'hard code' these things in while every other studio on the planet is moving towards dynamic systems. I'm not surprised that people are not seeing glaring issues with this game. It is still the honey moon phase and it will continue to be so till maybe early next year.

All the issues with this game are down to one thing which has been identified by harmonyvid35. Everything is on rails. Shot trajectory are all the same regardless of the player. The pass trajectories are all the similar and in a way, some individuality has been lost in my opinion. Everything wrong with this game stems from the developers being trapped in a mentality that is 2 decades old. The ps2 is dead and gone and they need to evolve. Pes 2011 signified the first major step towards evolution but they reverted back to their old habits with 2012 and 2013. As bad as 2014 was, it was another attempt to evolve by attempting to introduce physics into the game but it failed. Again they have resorted back to their old habits with 2015. At this point, i think the development of this franchise needs to leave Japan. It is quite obvious that the dev team is not technically adept. If you look at all the japanese studios, with the exception of Kojima's studio, they have all failed to evolve. Even Kojima's studio is lagging significantly behind western developers. MGS V is not a next gen looking game. There have significant issues with their engine that needs to be addressed before they can catch up.

I don't even know why the pes team decided to use the fox engine. They could have licensed engines like Unreal engine 4, Unity or even Cry engine but i suppose that japanese language support was the main deciding factor. Honestly at this point, i don't care which company produces the football game that i've been waiting for. It doesn't matter if it Konami, EA, 2k, Rockstar, whoever but things really need to change. Konami pretty much stagnated throughout last gen and they are on pace to do it again this gen. Ea made some initial strides early last gen and just stagnated through the rest of the gen. I'm hopeful that one day, EA can get it right. They have all the technical systems in place to make an excellent football game but the gameplay and AI need a significant overhaul which they have been unwilling to make so far.
I dont know if this has been brought up yet or if it was also in PES 2014 but the stamina system is now related to the work the player does. Stamina always used to deplete throughout the match according to the value assigned to the stat and time passed, no matter how much running the player did the stamina would always decrease at the same rate, it was solely dictated by that value. Last night I used unassisted cursor switching and controlled Pirlo for the whole match and did as little as the game would let me, at the end of the match I had nearly a whole bar of stamina left. If I still played online this would please me to no end, the constant sprint pressuring was one thing that ruined the game and now those people will be made to pay. I have seen some grumblings about the stamina reducing too fast, these people have outed themselves are sprint whores and its about time that that play style will been punished, adapt or die bitches!

Excellent news!
Read this on another forum and it accurately depicts what's wrong with pes15..hate to burst peoples pes15 bubbles but lets not kid our to the author closer.


Good post and I think that's the main thing that's a negative for this game. You can predict which shots are going to be saved and which are going to hit the back of the net quite often just because you've seen it all before. Gameplay and the pitch is ours needs to encompass the freedom introduced in PES 2011 otherwise it's just the middle of the pitch is ours and the rest of the pitch is already pre-determined.
I too agree with that post, they have a very long way to go and people saying its the best PES or that PES is back doesn't help.
simple really. If you like it go buy it and play it. If you dont like it then dont buy it.

Yes it has some flaws but Im enjoying this PES for the first time in about 5 years and for the first time in a long while Im not even thinking about what FIFA is doing or has.

Ive played over 75 games on this demo and thats probably more games than I played on FIFA14.
Read this on another forum and it accurately depicts what's wrong with pes15..hate to burst peoples pes15 bubbles but lets not kid our to the author closer.

Pes has been having this issue for a long time. One could argue that Pes 2011 was the first pes to reduce the effects of rails. What you have talked about above is one of the many legacy issues with this game. Another major problem in Pes 2015 is passing. The passing trajectories are all preset. Even when a ball has a spin on it, it is still travelling on a 'rail'. In my opinion, there can be no individuality between passers when everything is still on rails. There are so many types of passes we see made in real life that we cannot see in pes 2015. This is due in part to the poor passing system in this game combined with the rails of this game. Curving your run automatically causes a significant reduction in speed to the point where it feels like rubberbanding is back in full force. There are very few player in real life who can beat Ronaldo or Bale in a full sprint yet players like Pique do it with no issues in this game. You want to play a measured pass? Its highly unlikely in this game. In fact, it is best if you just bypass the midfield all together. The introduction of advanced through passing in Pes 2014 was a farce and it is still a farce in pes 2015. You should be able to pull of those through ball passes with highly rated passers in Pes 2015 and that control scheme needs to be removed. Advanced through ball passing is essentially what you can do in Fifa 15 on basic controls. This desire to over-complicate things is truly unnecessary. There can be depth in simplicity.

Another issue I have noticed is the ineffectiveness of CPU drive runs. What do i mean? Well i'm referring to the runs your forward should make. What happened to the curved runs that we used to see before? They are pretty much non existent. To make matters worse, defensive marking is so poor. I believe it was vital who initially noticed this in the lead up to the demo while the rest of us where giving the gameplay videos raving reviews. The defensive line is not dynamic but static. It always maintains a certain gap within players. There are so many times while playing the game, a winger will cut in but the rb/lb will stay in the same area marking empty space. Honestly, many of you might already have tired of my complaints but I will not stop bringing these issues up because the series cannot afford to continue in this direction. The devs cannot continue to 'hard code' these things in while every other studio on the planet is moving towards dynamic systems. I'm not surprised that people are not seeing glaring issues with this game. It is still the honey moon phase and it will continue to be so till maybe early next year.

All the issues with this game are down to one thing which has been identified by harmonyvid35. Everything is on rails. Shot trajectory are all the same regardless of the player. The pass trajectories are all the similar and in a way, some individuality has been lost in my opinion. Everything wrong with this game stems from the developers being trapped in a mentality that is 2 decades old. The ps2 is dead and gone and they need to evolve. Pes 2011 signified the first major step towards evolution but they reverted back to their old habits with 2012 and 2013. As bad as 2014 was, it was another attempt to evolve by attempting to introduce physics into the game but it failed. Again they have resorted back to their old habits with 2015. At this point, i think the development of this franchise needs to leave Japan. It is quite obvious that the dev team is not technically adept. If you look at all the japanese studios, with the exception of Kojima's studio, they have all failed to evolve. Even Kojima's studio is lagging significantly behind western developers. MGS V is not a next gen looking game. There have significant issues with their engine that needs to be addressed before they can catch up.

I don't even know why the pes team decided to use the fox engine. They could have licensed engines like Unreal engine 4, Unity or even Cry engine but i suppose that japanese language support was the main deciding factor. Honestly at this point, i don't care which company produces the football game that i've been waiting for. It doesn't matter if it Konami, EA, 2k, Rockstar, whoever but things really need to change. Konami pretty much stagnated throughout last gen and they are on pace to do it again this gen. Ea made some initial strides early last gen and just stagnated through the rest of the gen. I'm hopeful that one day, EA can get it right. They have all the technical systems in place to make an excellent football game but the gameplay and AI need a significant overhaul which they have been unwilling to make so far.

pretty much sums it up -PES 15 demo plays like a PS2 game - but i think a lot of people will like that in here as PES 5 is highly regarded - its a massive backward step for me in terms of gameplay
What's the deal with attacking headers in this game? I've played the demo a lot but I don't think I've scored from a single header yet. Not from a corner or from crosses. Anyone found this?

Other than this, the lack of fouls and maybe a little more variation in shooting, this is looking like a very decent PES indeed.
Plays like a ps2 game :LOL:

Sorry but that is absolute rubbish.

I don't even what to go into a bullet point on the amount of nonsense that post is about.

I mean even hitmanuk agrees with it :FAIL:
Read this on another forum and it accurately depicts what's wrong with pes15..hate to burst peoples pes15 bubbles but lets not kid our to the author closer.

Pes has been having this issue for a long time. One could argue that Pes 2011 was the first pes to reduce the effects of rails. What you have talked about above is one of the many legacy issues with this game. Another major problem in Pes 2015 is passing. The passing trajectories are all preset. Even when a ball has a spin on it, it is still travelling on a 'rail'. In my opinion, there can be no individuality between passers when everything is still on rails. There are so many types of passes we see made in real life that we cannot see in pes 2015. This is due in part to the poor passing system in this game combined with the rails of this game. Curving your run automatically causes a significant reduction in speed to the point where it feels like rubberbanding is back in full force. There are very few player in real life who can beat Ronaldo or Bale in a full sprint yet players like Pique do it with no issues in this game. You want to play a measured pass? Its highly unlikely in this game. In fact, it is best if you just bypass the midfield all together. The introduction of advanced through passing in Pes 2014 was a farce and it is still a farce in pes 2015. You should be able to pull of those through ball passes with highly rated passers in Pes 2015 and that control scheme needs to be removed. Advanced through ball passing is essentially what you can do in Fifa 15 on basic controls. This desire to over-complicate things is truly unnecessary. There can be depth in simplicity.

Another issue I have noticed is the ineffectiveness of CPU drive runs. What do i mean? Well i'm referring to the runs your forward should make. What happened to the curved runs that we used to see before? They are pretty much non existent. To make matters worse, defensive marking is so poor. I believe it was vital who initially noticed this in the lead up to the demo while the rest of us where giving the gameplay videos raving reviews. The defensive line is not dynamic but static. It always maintains a certain gap within players. There are so many times while playing the game, a winger will cut in but the rb/lb will stay in the same area marking empty space. Honestly, many of you might already have tired of my complaints but I will not stop bringing these issues up because the series cannot afford to continue in this direction. The devs cannot continue to 'hard code' these things in while every other studio on the planet is moving towards dynamic systems. I'm not surprised that people are not seeing glaring issues with this game. It is still the honey moon phase and it will continue to be so till maybe early next year.

All the issues with this game are down to one thing which has been identified by harmonyvid35. Everything is on rails. Shot trajectory are all the same regardless of the player. The pass trajectories are all the similar and in a way, some individuality has been lost in my opinion. Everything wrong with this game stems from the developers being trapped in a mentality that is 2 decades old. The ps2 is dead and gone and they need to evolve. Pes 2011 signified the first major step towards evolution but they reverted back to their old habits with 2012 and 2013. As bad as 2014 was, it was another attempt to evolve by attempting to introduce physics into the game but it failed. Again they have resorted back to their old habits with 2015. At this point, i think the development of this franchise needs to leave Japan. It is quite obvious that the dev team is not technically adept. If you look at all the japanese studios, with the exception of Kojima's studio, they have all failed to evolve. Even Kojima's studio is lagging significantly behind western developers. MGS V is not a next gen looking game. There have significant issues with their engine that needs to be addressed before they can catch up.

I don't even know why the pes team decided to use the fox engine. They could have licensed engines like Unreal engine 4, Unity or even Cry engine but i suppose that japanese language support was the main deciding factor. Honestly at this point, i don't care which company produces the football game that i've been waiting for. It doesn't matter if it Konami, EA, 2k, Rockstar, whoever but things really need to change. Konami pretty much stagnated throughout last gen and they are on pace to do it again this gen. Ea made some initial strides early last gen and just stagnated through the rest of the gen. I'm hopeful that one day, EA can get it right. They have all the technical systems in place to make an excellent football game but the gameplay and AI need a significant overhaul which they have been unwilling to make so far.

That's my biggest issue with the game..In this day and age, a football game shouldn't have rails..I've been saying this for years.It's so annoying and restrictive to play on rails and i don't feel any individuality in Pes 15 because of it..
Plays like a ps2 game :LOL:

Sorry but that is absolute rubbish.

I don't even what to go into a bullet point on the amount of nonsense that post is about.

I mean even hitmanuk agrees with it :FAIL:

afraid it does, point and pass , point and shoot - skipping animations, collision detection or some form of AI decision making process issues seeing that fouls have been all but eradicated from the game..the game is so evidently on rails and close to no freedom of play even on manual passing the AI overrides user decisions..of course im talking about the demo and about 40 games in so i think that qualifies me to have an opinion - obviously it looks nice though on the ps4 :)...main thing is you enjoy it
Read this on another forum and it accurately depicts what's wrong with pes15..hate to burst peoples pes15 bubbles but lets not kid our to the author closer.

Pes has been having this issue for a long time. One could argue that Pes 2011 was the first pes to reduce the effects of rails. What you have talked about above is one of the many legacy issues with this game. Another major problem in Pes 2015 is passing. The passing trajectories are all preset. Even when a ball has a spin on it, it is still travelling on a 'rail'. In my opinion, there can be no individuality between passers when everything is still on rails. There are so many types of passes we see made in real life that we cannot see in pes 2015. This is due in part to the poor passing system in this game combined with the rails of this game. Curving your run automatically causes a significant reduction in speed to the point where it feels like rubberbanding is back in full force. There are very few player in real life who can beat Ronaldo or Bale in a full sprint yet players like Pique do it with no issues in this game. You want to play a measured pass? Its highly unlikely in this game. In fact, it is best if you just bypass the midfield all together. The introduction of advanced through passing in Pes 2014 was a farce and it is still a farce in pes 2015. You should be able to pull of those through ball passes with highly rated passers in Pes 2015 and that control scheme needs to be removed. Advanced through ball passing is essentially what you can do in Fifa 15 on basic controls. This desire to over-complicate things is truly unnecessary. There can be depth in simplicity.

Another issue I have noticed is the ineffectiveness of CPU drive runs. What do i mean? Well i'm referring to the runs your forward should make. What happened to the curved runs that we used to see before? They are pretty much non existent. To make matters worse, defensive marking is so poor. I believe it was vital who initially noticed this in the lead up to the demo while the rest of us where giving the gameplay videos raving reviews. The defensive line is not dynamic but static. It always maintains a certain gap within players. There are so many times while playing the game, a winger will cut in but the rb/lb will stay in the same area marking empty space. Honestly, many of you might already have tired of my complaints but I will not stop bringing these issues up because the series cannot afford to continue in this direction. The devs cannot continue to 'hard code' these things in while every other studio on the planet is moving towards dynamic systems. I'm not surprised that people are not seeing glaring issues with this game. It is still the honey moon phase and it will continue to be so till maybe early next year.

All the issues with this game are down to one thing which has been identified by harmonyvid35. Everything is on rails. Shot trajectory are all the same regardless of the player. The pass trajectories are all the similar and in a way, some individuality has been lost in my opinion. Everything wrong with this game stems from the developers being trapped in a mentality that is 2 decades old. The ps2 is dead and gone and they need to evolve. Pes 2011 signified the first major step towards evolution but they reverted back to their old habits with 2012 and 2013. As bad as 2014 was, it was another attempt to evolve by attempting to introduce physics into the game but it failed. Again they have resorted back to their old habits with 2015. At this point, i think the development of this franchise needs to leave Japan. It is quite obvious that the dev team is not technically adept. If you look at all the japanese studios, with the exception of Kojima's studio, they have all failed to evolve. Even Kojima's studio is lagging significantly behind western developers. MGS V is not a next gen looking game. There have significant issues with their engine that needs to be addressed before they can catch up.

I don't even know why the pes team decided to use the fox engine. They could have licensed engines like Unreal engine 4, Unity or even Cry engine but i suppose that japanese language support was the main deciding factor. Honestly at this point, i don't care which company produces the football game that i've been waiting for. It doesn't matter if it Konami, EA, 2k, Rockstar, whoever but things really need to change. Konami pretty much stagnated throughout last gen and they are on pace to do it again this gen. Ea made some initial strides early last gen and just stagnated through the rest of the gen. I'm hopeful that one day, EA can get it right. They have all the technical systems in place to make an excellent football game but the gameplay and AI need a significant overhaul which they have been unwilling to make so far.


That's exactly my thoughts about PES 2015 demo. Rails, rails, rails, bad passing system, and because of the above, gameplay with no freedom.

@Banksy where did you find this post? I want to congratulate the author.
What really doesn't help is people providing definitive opinions on a game that won't be released for another month.

That's fair but do you expect the gameplay to change/improve between now and release?

I don't.
pretty much sums it up -PES 15 demo plays like a PS2 game - but i think a lot of people will like that in here as PES 5 is highly regarded - its a massive backward step for me in terms of gameplay

I don't thinks it plays like a ps2 game. In the ps2 games the ball felt more "loose" and a lot more unpredictable stuff happened in those game. That's what I miss in pes2015 indeed, it has a too much on rails feeling and the individuality in players is less than in the ps2 games was.
Had a few more games last night and had differing feelings.

- I really noticed how quick the game speed was. When i originally played the demo I had convinced myself it was perfect but as someone who has been a -1er on the previous few PES games I am finding that I wished there was a game speed option in the demo at least!

- the difference between 1 bar and 0 bar passing is night and day. I agree somewhat with what some people are saying about passing being on 'rails' but really that is what you are going to get with pass 'assistance' there is an issue though - the restricted rails and alck of variation means that 4-3-2 and 1 bar passing are all pretty much the same (in my opinion) but the errors that occur are stupid like not passing to the nearest man when you barely tap the pass button.

When i finally switched to 0 bar passing last night the freedom was beautiful, it took me about 4 or 5 games to get the hang of it and i still make mistakes but I genuinely feel it is still stat driven and yet i am in complete control.

- Direct still rules the roost.

if you want to simply just win, you are better off getting it as quickly up the pitch as possible. if you have a quick sprinter driving through the middle gains you a good 50 yards, you wont get an opportunity every time but combine this with one touch passing and you create far more chances than if you try and play a normal game of football. Online this will be a nightmare imo (luckily i don't play online ;))
Rails and individuality are two completely different things.

Pes 5 had rails, a lot more than Pes 2015, yet, it had the best representation of individual players.

I see now people are saying Pes 2014 was better. Good luck trying to control your player stuck in an unnecessary animation.

Pes 2015 may look dated (animations look worse, they cut transition animations to improve responsiveness) but it's really fun to play and that was the most important thing lacking since years. The rest can be improved later, but if a game is not fun to play, it's just frustrating.

Sorry i don't want to be frustrated by unresponsive game like Pes 2014 anymore.
Good post and I think that's the main thing that's a negative for this game. You can predict which shots are going to be saved and which are going to hit the back of the net quite often just because you've seen it all before. Gameplay and the pitch is ours needs to encompass the freedom introduced in PES 2011 otherwise it's just the middle of the pitch is ours and the rest of the pitch is already pre-determined.

You must have some kind of magic powers since i can almost never predict if i will score or not while shooting.
Shooting still depends on body position, player shooting stats, if you are running or not,your directinal input in the exact moment you hit the ball, etc.

Even on basic shooting.

The only thing i don't like about shooting is it's a bit overpowered but the rest is good, don't know what do you expect.
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...Pes 2011 signified the first major step towards evolution but they reverted back to their old habits with 2012 and 2013....


So much this! I don´t wanna judge the rest of that post as
I haven´t played the demo enough (probably made about 10 - 15 games only, yeah sorry FIFA came in between unexpected).

But I remember being very satisfied with PES 2011 and quite deflated with PES 2012.
It felt like a totally different game.

But still, I´d wait for the full release to make final conclusions.
Yep I agree with what determines the effectiveness of shooting. However, the first two goals I scored on the demo I could just sense that once I had pressed the button but before the ball had left the players boot, the keeper wasn't going to save it.
I honestly don't know what you lot are playing. I have hit shots and wondered how the fuck did he save that

Don't even get me started on randomness. The way Neuer has stuck out a hand and saved some point blank shots have raised a round of applause in our big offline session.

Go play this game with mates just 1 session and chime back

You not going to get much from the cpu on this limited demo
That's my biggest issue with the game..In this day and age, a football game shouldn't have rails..I've been saying this for years.It's so annoying and restrictive to play on rails and i don't feel any individuality in Pes 15 because of it..
:LMAO: please just go and play fifa, no individuality in pes 2015 ??? are you serious ??

In myClub, your aim is to build an all-conquering team by acquiring the right players and managers.

Your first objective is to play matches and earn GP as well as acquiring agents.
Competitions may provide a stern challenge, but the rewards can be huge if you do well.
The GP and agents you accumulate can then help you bring in the players and managers which you need to strengthen your team.

The chemistry between your players and managers is a huge factor in building a team. The quickest way to success would be to just acquire players and managers who share the same Team Instructions.
"Team Spirit" is a very potent weapon for any potential giant killer.

Please note that players and managers are bound to contracts that dictate the number of matches they can take part in.
Once expired, they will be unavailable for selection.
Contracts however, can be renewed at any time and once you have a new deal in place, they can be selected again.
Always keep a watchful eye on your finances and make sure you spend wisely.

The types of matches you can play in myClub are as follows:

Play a series of 10 game seasons with teams being promoted and relegated based on their final standings. The higher the division, the harsher the conditions are to get promoted. Have you got what it takes to make it to the very top?

In coach mode, you will only make the team's tactical decisions such as selecting strategies or making substitutions as opposed to having to actually control any players who are on the pitch.
So, if you never saw yourself as the type to beat online opponents through quick reflexes and dexterity, use your guile and tactical nous instead.

Play against clubs created by other online users which are controlled by the COM.
You will play a series of 6 matches and if you earn more than 10 points, your level increases. The higher your level, the stronger the teams you will face.
The 6 matches will comprise of 3 home games and 3 away games.

Competitions attract a large number of users who are all fighting for top spot.
All entrants are required to play a series of matches in the Qualifying Round with the best performers advancing to the Knockout Phase.

You can acquire both GP and agents after completing matches of any type.
The amount of GP you are awarded can vary depending on results.

A Squad can comprise of up to 23 players: the starting eleven, 7 substitutes and 5 reserves.
The minimum size of a Squad is 19 including the manager.
You are unable to play matches if any one of the selected squad members meet the below conditions.
・The player or manager's contract has expired
・There are empty slots in either the starting lineup or the sub's bench
・A suspended player has been included
In such cases, select [Squad Management] and check player / manager status.

Choice of Team Instructions and Formations are both entirely dependant on your manager.
As you can register up to 10 Squads, try testing out different player / manager combinations in order to find your ideal setup.

The ways in which you can sign players are as described below.
Choose whichever method which suits your club's situation best.

<Signing players using agents>
Players can only be signed on a permanent basis through agents.
There are 2 types of agents, ones which can be obtained by just playing matches and "Top Agents" for which you can pay either by GP or myClub Coins.
If you are using the former, you can use multiple agents when signing players. This can increase the chances of you signing big players.
While Top Agents require GP or myClub Coins to hire, they can drastically improve your odds when trying to sign quality players.
Agents all have their own strengths and will generally bring in players that are a good match to their specialist fields. However, please note that this may not be always the case, especially when you hire multiple agents.

<Loan transfer>
Players can also be brought in on loan.
The advantage of signing someone on loan is that you can bring in quality without having to use agents. However, the below restrictions apply:
・Players will leave once their loan spells end and their contracts cannot be renewed.
・Loaned players do not count as squad players. For example, the minimum Squad size of 18 cannot be made up of just loan signings.
Players are also only available on loan for limited periods and will be taken off the loan list once the period ends.

If you want to check who you signed, select [myClub Members].
Make sure that you don't forget to register any newly signed players to your Squad by selecting [Squad Management] if you want to use them in matches.

You can hire managers by using either GP or myClub Coins.
Any manager you hire will be listed in [myClub Members].

Some great managers may be locked.
These managers cannot be hired using GP and only by playing a number of matches will they become available.
However, locks can be instantly disabled if you choose to spend myClub Coins.
A great manager is essential to get the most out of great players.
As you can keep 20 managers on your books, this should afford you the flexibility to have team setups for all types of opponents.

Finally, manager lists are updated daily. So, if you see someone you like shortlisted, it would be best to move quickly and hire him.

Each manager has his own set of specialist team instructions that also applies to players.
Keep Team Spirit high by signing players who have a high tactical fit with the manager's strategies.
Aside from instructions, the other factors which can affect Team Spirit are player's playing styles, skills and positional compatibility (whether or not players are being played in their correct positions).
A high Team Spirit ensures good team work amongst the players which can more than make up what's lacking in players' individual skills.
Try testing out how certain player - manager combinations affect Team Spirit in [Squad Management].

To check the level of tactical fit of all players who are registered to your Squad, have a look in [myClub Members] - [Squad List].
It will be strongly advisable to do this when you have just brought in new players or managers.

Play a series of 10 game seasons with teams being promoted and relegated based on their final standings.
As Divisions take into consideration the record of users who belong to them, including what Division you play for in the Matchmaking Conditions can help in looking for suitable opponents.
The higher the division, the harsher the conditions are to get promoted but the more GP you can earn at the same time.
Have you got what it takes to make it to the very top?

Records and results that decide which division you play in are kept separately by match type.
i.e. Match records from DIVISIONS and DIVISIONS (SIM) are kept separately.

<Team Strength>
Team Strength is the combined total of the Overall Ratings of all players on the team's books.
It can be seen as an indication of the team's basic potential.

<Team Strength Level>
There are 5 levels of Team Strength.
Team Strength Levels are used as one of the many conditions in matchmaking.

In myClub, fatigue builds up in proportion to playing time.
To help tired players recover, you can rest them and avoid playing them for extended spells.
Always keep an eye on players' fatigue levels in [Squad Management] and rotate your squad as you see fit.
You can also use items or myClub Coins for instant stamina recovery. These decisions could prove key if there are crunch games coming up including competitions where you badly need your best players.

The amount of times you log in to myClub is counted on a daily basis and you will receive rewards accordingly.
Counts go up to day 9 then the loop starts again.
The day counts are for total days as opposed to consecutive days where you have logged in
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