PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

They can fix anything on pes 2014, but they can´t do nothing about me, because i already run away for GTA V. All the videos, scam, trolling, and fake news are totally described upthere in the last posts... If you wanna now see PES 2015, wait for 25 June as KONAMI Promisse, and wait for October release, or maybe the Curse of the demo on 25th December... Ho! Ho! Ho! With some creppypasta voice of Santa... :JAY:
The World Cup is about to start Tomorow, and let's forget KONAMI for good.

You and Redfish been hittin' the wacky backy again.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

You and Redfish been hittin' the wacky backy again.

No. People talking to much on each day, like what happen to PES 2014. That's why we recieve a beta version, if that people don´t stop showing fake and rumours news.
The pictures from konami are real, but the real game is a secrect of konami.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Sorry guys but most of you are stupid:P What do you exepct? KONAMI created new engine for Pes 2014 and it's clear that Pes 2015 will look the same with better resolution 1080 P. Do you expect super ultra different game?:CONFUSE: Pes 2015 will have much better graphisc with extra stuff like rain, snow etc. Better gameplay and much fluid animations. That's it :SMUG:
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

first thing I wanna see in Pes2015 is a realstic short term stamina system, if thats not implemented this year is gonna be another rugby game (pes2014 biggest example)
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

The game could look exactly the same as PES2014 for all I care (although I wouldn't mind better/much better textures), but to me a game that moves and looks the same, can't be much different on the pitch as well.

Because it translates into the usual "tweak and polish, add features and remove features" release, and that's not acceptable for a new-gen game. It would be if the foundation (in terms of physics, animations and core gameplay) was any decent last year, and to me it wasn't.

And don't pretend that if this was any other company, you wouldn't be demanding an overhaul in every department. The fact this is Konami shouldn't be an excuse.
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Sorry guys but most of you are stupid:P What do you exepct? KONAMI created new engine for Pes 2014 and it's clear that Pes 2015 will look the same with better resolution 1080 P. Do you expect super ultra different game?:CONFUSE: Pes 2015 will have much better graphisc with extra stuff like rain, snow etc. Better gameplay and much fluid animations. That's it :SMUG:

I wouldn't come here saying we are stupids, fanboys or anything else in you head, when there are also people from 60es..
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Sorry guys but most of you are stupid:P What do you exepct? KONAMI created new engine for Pes 2014 and it's clear that Pes 2015 will look the same with better resolution 1080 P. Do you expect super ultra different game?:CONFUSE: Pes 2015 will have much better graphisc with extra stuff like rain, snow etc. Better gameplay and much fluid animations. That's it :SMUG:

Stop Crying and go play FIFA please.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

E3 For Konami Today Guys :D !!!

Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

That ball looks the same. I can tell the net animations will be bad.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

just find out from one source, I can't tell which that PES2015 is polished version of PES2014. This guy was very disappointed with the game and said that they told the code is about 50% complete. Konami don't have any finished trailer yet and that's why we must wait 25... and they are like from another planet, not professional at all and for all of them this is a joke fierce.

I hope this is not true, but we'll see on 25.

maremas from wenb posted that.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Somebody on elotrolado forum is claiming he played PES 2015 and the game is visually mostly the same, but with improved and more fluid gameplay (“La jugabilidad mucho mejor que en 14, más rapida y menos tosca. Gráficamente es igual que el 14, pero 1080p, 60fps y caras mejores y expresiones tambien mejores. El publíco mejor tambien, pero nada que llamase la atención.”).

- 2 teams confirmed for PES 2015 demo : Juventus and Bayern.

- PES 2015 demo from E3 does not have weather selector, but probably full game will have.

- “I was happy because fluency is much better than in pes 2014″
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

just find out from one source, I can't tell which that PES2015 is polished version of PES2014. This guy was very disappointed with the game and said that they told the code is about 50% complete. Konami don't have any finished trailer yet and that's why we must wait 25... and they are like from another planet, not professional at all and for all of them this is a joke fierce.

I hope this is not true, but we'll see on 25.

maremas from wenb posted that.

Good stuff.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Great stuff.

Certainly not very keen on PES 2015 at this point. Or football games in general.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

just find out from one source, I can't tell which that PES2015 is polished version of PES2014. This guy was very disappointed with the game and said that they told the code is about 50% complete. Konami don't have any finished trailer yet and that's why we must wait 25... and they are like from another planet, not professional at all and for all of them this is a joke fierce.

I hope this is not true, but we'll see on 25.

maremas from wenb posted that.

This guy is one gaming journalist from London who is on E3, that's all I know and he is a friend and associate of one guy from Serbia. This guy tell us that.

If he's lying than I am lying too.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

This guy is one gaming journalist from London who is on E3, that's all I know and he is a friend and associate of one guy from Serbia. This guy tell us that.

If he's lying than I am lying too.

the only thing I can possibly think s they player pes2015 on ps3 or xbox360.. that I can accept.
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

i'm going out for a date.. wish me luck ;)
it will keep me busy until the world cup starts ;)

maybe we need to stop visiting fan sites and unfollow konami and Adam for one year and maybe then they will start and see what they are doing wrong, we need to show no interest in this game .
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Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

They showcased PS4 and MGS + PES 2015 there. Wondering if CDA played PES 2015 at all as want to hear their impressions (Polish biggest gaming mag).

As for maremas, he is one of guys I respect on WENB and on here, so I would say, I am worried they won't even fix what he showed in his videos :/.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

They showcased PS4 and MGS + PES 2015 there. Wondering if CDA played PES 2015 at all as want to hear their impressions (Polish biggest gaming mag).

As for maremas, he is one of guys I respect on WENB and on here, so I would say, I am worried they won't even fix what he showed in his videos :/.

Yeah right. I am sure you would have said the same thing if he spoke highly of it
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

Not really...

There are so many things to do, even regarding gameplay, that's almost impossible to nail in 1 year. Unless UK studio worked on FOX Engine since 2012.

Let's start with things maremas posted on 1st page. Are those fixed? Stats mean jack sh*t in PES 2014. Period. CR7 is the same as Mascherano in terms of controls and speed/acceleration. There is NO variety or that thing, that makes one player special to other. Nada.

2nd thing. Will there be variable speed depending on how far analogue stick is pushed? Walk, dribble, jog? Sprinting on Right Trigger making it also analogue? The further you push the trigger the faster you sprint? No? Well, feck you then KONAMI. We don't live in prehistorical age anymore! I want to dictate tempo with players like Pirlo/Gerrard. Can't do that now. It's either run. sprint, speed burst or stop. No in betweens.

3rd. LOD. This is a disgrace for PC users with high end computers. You lowered the Level of Detail so much with 1.12. and 1.13. patches my eyes are BLEEDING out. The game looks now like poop. If PES 2015 looks the same, I start to worry.

4th. Animations and variety. Not ENOUGH. You need to mo-cap PROFESSIONAL players from VARIOUS leagues to get VARIETY in place. Right now, there is almost no such thing. Look at NBA 2k and their mo-cap work...

5th. Goalkeepers. Hopefully they are heaps better at positioning and reading the game. Not just standing on the line in 1on1 situation watching the ball.

6th. Stamina. Will there be realistic system implemented? I mean my players are always tired ~60-70 min mark. It doesn't matter if I sprinted with them all the time or not. It's random and it doesn't make an ounce of sense! Btw AI is NOT impacted the same way as humans. They can pressure and harass you all game long without being hit by it. Even in late game when I put on fresh sub, he is caught up by defender... But hm this is...

7th. CATCH UP SCRIPT. I want to punch my monitor everytime I thing about that stuff!

Not gameplay related:

8th. Allow for more camera customization.

9th. Overhaul of UI is massively needed. It looks like a game from 2005 not 2014.

10th. What does their license for UEFA CL/EL really mean? If I were KONAMI I would have got rid of it. It's pointless in a state it is now. CL license is here, but teams who play it irl are not? Crazy. If that's how it works, modders can do it also :).

11th. BRING back STADIUMS and stadium creator! I mean come on... 20 stadiums? (and 2 are annoyingly being repeated each year: San Siro = Guiseppe Meazza ffs KONAMI, LEARN this already!). Almost all are BIG stadiums, so there is no point in playing in D2 league. We want more industrial stadiums, allow us to create those if you cannot.

12th. Overhaul of Master League and Be A Legend. They need to make this way more immersive and interactive. Please make transfers and player valuations also more realistic. Och and randomize the Regens creation. I hate to see regens of Giggs popping aged 16 and having 90 rating :lol:.

13th. Commentary team for English needs to go away and never come back. Another year of listening to Jim and Champion will make me puke. Have enough of their boredom.

14th. We want SNOW and RAIN back and... Dynamic lightning system. I want to have possibility to start matches at any time of the day with 30 mins periods (so 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30 etc.) and I want to see sun change it's position depending on this (FIFA does this well, but it's not really dynamic, but static). Imagine starting game in late afternoon and falling into evening. Awesome ;). Maybe add back dynamic weather? (start in sunny weather, then rain happens, then it's sunny again).

15th. Tactical system should allow for more than 3 tactics to get stored for a team.

It's only a tip of the iceberg, but good start to what improve. I didn't even touch on AI here or online modes, but that is whole different story to handle...

Can this all be done in 1 year time? I doubt it. It would take 2-4 years of development. Ach and let me remind you they have already cut out so many things from PES 3-6 that were there before and worked fine, only to not appear in the series ever again (match ratings and text underneath for what the player got MOTM award, injuried player getting off field on stretcher, referee had memory to hold whole half in their minds and go back to the foul committed 10 mins earlier and give card, scoreboard showed scorer AND time the goal was scored at, etc.) :(.

This is what I posted on WENB. Am I totally wrong?

So far PES 2015 shapes up to be disappointing and maybe, that's strategy KONAMI took for this year. Just to come back with big bang on 25th. Who knows?
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

1.I stopped reading after your first line - Rubbish Mascherano is the same as Cristiano

I dont know if you play PES but my keeper is also more than fine after the 2nd last patch

Yes they were issues but many have been rectified

The speed thing is there for a reason and has been explained more times than i care to report. It is done to overcome the horrible mess that is online when people keep pumping long balls to fast strikers over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

People moan for the sake of moaning those who dont play it are the biggest critics based on what they got from the 1st half hour they played it and some just have this wierd desire to see Konami fail.

As for 2015 I dont get how all these deductions are made from literally fuckall. People complaining about lighting from a picture in the background?! I mean come now? How can this be sane and rational behaviour?

Whats that qoute Michael Cane tells Bruce Wayne

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical.
They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with.
Some men just want to watch the world burn." - Alfred, Bruce Wayne's Butler
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

All you say, adding the best they did untill now, would be a good starting point to land on PS4.
PlayStation Latam anuncia bundles exclusivos para Latinoamerica de PS3 y PS4 con el videojuego #FIFA15

PlayStation announce an alliance with Electronic Arts and presents #FIFA15, it breaks old love with Konami / PlayStation.

source: Todowe

Guys the time goes by and things change. Someone may takes this news thinking there's no release date for PES, which in this moment is unconventionally to be worried about, but I feel SONY is going to change plans about soccer games.
Re: PES 2015 Discussion Thread

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical.
They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with.
Some men just want to watch the world burn." - Alfred, Bruce Wayne's Butler

Is this some sort of Twilight Zone where I'm not in on the joke? What is this? Batman movies quotes?

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