PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I actually felt, that not only did the CPU Ai not catch me up here, it arguably lost ground....

YouTube - Catch-up ?

You can see why though, right? That's not a valid example at all, one way or t'other. The AI slowed down when you got in the way, hence the very clear change in the relative speeds of the two of you at exactly that moment. It's not a valid example in the same way that I'm not faster than Usain Bolt if at the same instance in time I'm running and he's tying his shoelaces.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Sorry to say this, but how can you tolerate this aspect of the game? How can you defend Konami in this?

I know everyone is entitled to his opinion, but it's a case of something just not being realistic. You don't see defenders catching up so quickly with the quickest dribblers in the world like Messi for example. Just doesn't happen - if Messi get's behind the defence, it's over, they can't catch him.

Why did Konami do this to the game I ask myself... They couldn't make a well organised defence, with aware and smart defenders? Then they thought if we slow down attackers on the ball it will bring some balance?

Well, everything this does (at least for me) is piss me off and I don't want to play anymore, because it's nothing, and I mean, NOTHING like the real thing.

How could somebody even think that this is a good thing for a footie game? FFS they even went on the simulation route and now this...

Do strikers really sprint away from defenders when they have the ball?

YouTube - Messi dribble against USA
YouTube - Lionel Messi â— The King of Dribbling II â— ||HD|| NEW VERSION
YouTube - Messi â— Ronaldinho â— Maradona â— Ronaldo â— Who Is The Best Dribbler Ever?

they dont outsprint they evade
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I dont feel shooting floaty at all. My guess is that shoot is contextual. Holding the shot button regulate the height not the power. The power is about te speed of player and the distance he travels till he kikcks the ball. This is what I understood from that tutorials that appears on loading screens.

Sorry for bad english.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I love this new PES. Has anyone tried a Copa Tournament yet? Outstanding atmosphere! I love the weight of the players and the physical battles, ok there's a few strange quirks of CPU behaviour but who cares???? Simply the best representation of the beautiful game there's ever been! AND I can give my fictional team FOUR kits in edit mode! Lovely stuff, not my words, the words of Shakin' Stevens
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I wouldn't call the shots floaty either but compared to 2013 they are clearly less powerful.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I love this new PES. Has anyone tried a Copa Tournament yet? Outstanding atmosphere! I love the weight of the players and the physical battles, ok there's a few strange quirks of CPU behaviour but who cares???? Simply the best representation of the beautiful game there's ever been! AND I can give my fictional team FOUR kits in edit mode! Lovely stuff, not my words, the words of Shakin' Stevens

Completely agree. Shakin' Stevens:LOL: Whatever happened to him...
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I wouldn't call the shots floaty either but compared to 2013 they are clearly less powerful.

Which is a good thing, they were stupid in 2013. You can hit a powerful shot, they're just more realistic and not 280 mph.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Tap R1 before shooting. Much more power. Hit some belters already... But they mostly end up on post/crossbar :LOL:

Want to reply to roma about my comment when I said about speed.

It's different when running ON EMPTY field with ball/without ball. Yes, running in straight line without any player surrounding you is easier. You don't have to concentrate on what's going around you.

Watch how CR7 plays in real life or Messi or Bale. They only reach full speed when they have space. If there is defender in front of them, they switch to close control or do skills to beat them... (CR7 goal recently vs Galatasaray).

If you have space on wings in PES you can exploit it. Fast pressing R1 when on wing gets you lots of space I find.

Can't do it through the middle as it's usually packed in my case, so getting behind them is quite a challenge ^^ (and nope, I am not through ball exploiter).
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

was jostling with a player, stuck my arm out with the right stick and leaned into him, threw that sucker to the ground. It got called, was pretty neat.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Just went to do food shopping tesco got myself a copy of pes 14

No Arabic commentary its bles 01930

What languages u guys have
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Pumping R1, with Ronaldo against Mertesacker. :)

YouTube - pes2014 2013 09 24 16 14 34 899

But I see nothing wrong with this video...

It's a PESism that players are so slow with the ball. If you are multi-tapping R1, you should be pretty much as fast with as without the ball.

Not entirely true, as ball control should play a part also. Players who are excellent at it should somehow have much higher chances running with the ball near top speed with minimal error. Also every time you're about to touch the ball you will eventually lose some speed at the expense of maintaining control of the ball and not losing it/keeping it in the desired direction.

The distance also matters as in short distances it should be easier to not be caught as opposed to longer distance.

Add to that the ability of some players to quickly change directions, causing the opposition player to lose momentum then either give up on trying to catch the player again or take time again to accelerate and reach his top speed, which might give the illusion the player on the ball is too fast for him.

Football is a simple game, yet not very simple.
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Which is a good thing, they were stupid in 2013. You can hit a powerful shot, they're just more realistic and not 280 mph.

Yeah you can hit a powerful shot but imo it doesn't happen enough. The margin of shot error/power between when you are in plenty of space v when an opposition player brushes against you is just too much. In real life RVP doesn't hit shots any weaker if he has a defender on him.

I'm always trying to recreate that goal where RVP rockets the ball low across goal into the opposite corner. I have managed to do it once or twice but on other occasions, in exactly the same scenario, it's just so weak and un-rewarding.

The way I look at is if I want to hit a softer shot I would hold the finesse button but if I want a laces shot I would just power up the shoot button.....simples
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Played 2 games on league on professional and wow :CONFUSE:

drew with arsenal and got shown up by cardiff, they're not messing this time!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

But I see nothing wrong with this video...

Not entirely true, as ball control should play a part also. Players who are excellent at it should somehow have much higher chances running with the ball near top speed with minimal error. Also every time you're about to touch the ball you will eventually lose some speed at the expense of maintaining control of the ball and not losing it/keeping it in the desired direction.

The distance also matters as in short distances it should be easier to not be caught as opposed to longer distance.

Add to that the ability of some players to quickly change directions, causing the opposition player to lose momentum then either give up on trying to catch the player again or take time again to accelerate and reach his top speed, which might give the illusion the player on the ball is too fast for him.

Lami pls help?

Just went to do food shopping tesco got myself a copy of pes 14

No Arabic commentary its bles 01930

What languages u guys have
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Finally starting to get a feel for the game now and I am seeing its potential. The weight of things takes a lot of getting used to, just about got used to the ball but the players are taking a bit longer. The rare times that I have moved the ball around in midfield with a good degree of control over the players movement was very rewarding. I feel as though there is a need to keep the players balanced, there is a fine line that needs treading where everything flows beautifully, the heavy and unresponsive feel goes away and its fluid. I can imagine the dribbling being incredible when everything clicks.

I really love how tough they have been with the passing this year(0 assist), its fantastic. I played a game with the AFC teams and so many passes never went how I intended, either the player over/under hit it or the direction was off. I am still expecting the accuracy of 2013 when I release the pass button and its great to see this error with the lesser players. This also has a knock on effect for the recipient, I am getting into lots of trouble with passes not meeting players and poor control of over hit balls, good stuff!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Just went to do food shopping tesco got myself a copy of pes 14

No Arabic commentary its bles 01930

What languages u guys have

Arabic commentary is on BLES01935 mate.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Tap R1 before shooting. Much more power. Hit some belters already... But they mostly end up on post/crossbar :LOL:

Want to reply to roma about my comment when I said about speed.

It's different when running ON EMPTY field with ball/without ball. Yes, running in straight line without any player surrounding you is easier. You don't have to concentrate on what's going around you.

Watch how CR7 plays in real life or Messi or Bale. They only reach full speed when they have space. If there is defender in front of them, they switch to close control or do skills to beat them... (CR7 goal recently vs Galatasaray).

If you have space on wings in PES you can exploit it. Fast pressing R1 when on wing gets you lots of space I find.

Can't do it through the middle as it's usually packed in my case, so getting behind them is quite a challenge ^^ (and nope, I am not through ball exploiter).

That's on basic shooting? Because the floaty problem happens on basic mode.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

where can uk ppl. Get that it's a lie for us in uk

The UK PSN version has Arabic.

Not sure if it's a coincidence or not but I tried out advanced shooting and I hit the crossbar and posts about 10 times in one game:CONFUSE:
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

What catch-up bug? There's no catch up bug. If you think there's a catch up 'bug', you're probably not doing it right. I've scored many solo runs with capable defenders behind, beside and ahead of my player. Use the tools to your advantage. Slight direction changes, shoulder drops and speed bursts in diff directions - all help.

Check this out - catch up bug?
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