PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Advanced shooting: Long range efforts and headers semm to work properly here for me, but I haven't got how to do ground shots yet. I've tried to press triangle after pressing the shot-button, but it won't work for some reason. I'm not sure if this is also some kind of a bug that has gone with the full version or due to wrong button timing. So I would be glad if someone could confirm that ground shots are possible on PS3 with advanced shooting and if so telling me some tips! :-)
You have to point the left stick away from the goal to do a ground shot.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Been playing the full game since morning. Have tried different teams. What I've realised is, the more you don't unlearn your old methods, the more you will hate this game. It took me several games to unlearn old methods and 'get' PES 2014. Once it clicked, it's been an amazing experience.

Patience is key. On the ball and off the ball - patience is key. Whether you have the ball or not, just work your way out, use everything at your disposal but do take your time. Don't hurry this game. This game should be played only in 15 min or 20 min matches so you know that you're in no hurry whatsoever.

Too often I'm kinda bogged down by my boundaries of what's possible and what's not possible in PES 2014 based on my PES 2013 experiences. Slowly, one by one, I realise that I need to redefine what's possible or otherwise in PES 2014. That's how this game PES 2014 develops and unwraps itself with more and more playing time.

Your biggest enemy in PES 2014 would be to play direct football all the time. Yes, it can be useful and successful at times but if that's your primary way of playing football, you'll be getting your footballing lesson.

The game is deep. Give it a lot of time. Try to understand how this game works. Or watch some premier league or la liga footie today. And try to re-create those games/plays in PES 2014. It will click.

Great post. I'm learning the exact same thing this morning. Yesterday I played and the games felt fast and too end-to-end, I realised it was because I was playing like it was PES2013.

The way I'm defending now feels far more tactical and slows the game down. I virtually never, ever have to use the double tap of X (A) to win the ball, the button is virtually redunant. My method is to constantly use L1 and right stick to manually select a player in a deeper position, and to hold the team's shape with that player by cutting off passing lanes and protecting against the through-ball. Works a treat. I then use square (X) to bring in people near the ball carrier, and to win the ball through forcing your players you're not even controlling to tackle. I also tend to use the right stick to push and block when near a player myself.

It's opened up the game tenfold. I just had a 0-0 draw between Corinthians and PSV, on Top Player, -1 speed and one assistance passing (can't get the hang of zero yet). It was amazing. Tight, physical, everything PES2013 was not.

Some of the better things I've noticed, that I really like are;

- keeper control when he has the ball. Finally! I like using R1 (RB) to drop the ball and kick it from the ground.

- Using R2 (RT) to do a high long pass. Love the trajectory, for crosses and cross-field balls, and I can also play a high long ball up to a big forward and use right stick to jostle if I want to go direct. Love this.

- Dribbling using r sticks. Jimmy has said a lot more about this but he's right, I've not done anything spectacular yet but being able to use it to hold off a player then nip past a couple of players is fantastic. In fact, it's my downfall because rather than carry on a move that opens up from it, I tend to immediately pause the game and watch the replay of it!

- Pressing triangle (Y) after shooting or heading. You can get low, powerful shots and headers that go down into the ground on their way to goal. Love this feature.

So yeah, I'm loving it right now. I still feel like the game somehow plays faster on some stadiums (feels perfect on Allianz Arena, might be my default ML stadium no matter who I play with) but the most important thing I've learnt is NOT TO SPRINT. I don't need to use it when defending, which is a first in PES, unless I haven't defended properly, and I rarely need to use it when attacking. The game seems to respond and play in a similar manner.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Does anyone know where can I find Willian in PES 2014?

To search for players you can go to edit mode > transfer > pick any league (i go english league to make it quicker) > any team (north london again, quicker) > :square: to add > :square: to search.

I know it's hidden and they should've done a better job but hopefully this helps :)
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

In case anyone is still wondering, the UK PAL version of the 360 game has English, French, German and Italian commentary available.

That's strange. The UK PSN version has about twice as many, including the magisterial español commentary:))
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

To search for players you can go to edit mode > transfer > pick any league (i go english league to make it quicker) > any team (north london again, quicker) > :square: to add > :square: to search.

I know it's hidden and they should've done a better job but hopefully this helps :)

Thanks Lami. But I have tried that. There are numerous Willians in the game in the Brazilian players list but they're missing the man who did his urine test at white hart lane before pissing over Tottenham.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I will NOT update my PES 2014 with any option file. That's right. I won't apply any option file. It's probably not a well known thing - option files ruin your gameplay. With every option file you add numerous image files to on-pitch action and that causes sluggishness and poor response times in gameplay. It's proven. Try it for yourself with PES 2013 (or if you can't touch that anymore, PES 2014).

What I will do is:

(1) update the team names
(2) update the league emblems/club emblems
(3) update the kits with kit formulae (hope someone's published this already)
(4) not add any sponsor logos on the kits
(5) not have any league or club emblem display on the kits
(6) update key transfers (the ones that matter to me)

This way, the action during play will perfectly capture the kit as they are supposed to look (all right, the slow-mo and close up will reveal) and the game will not be negatively impacted by the image files updates as part of the option files.

As I mentioned before, I've also ordered Winning Eleven 2014 which will be a more refined, polished but robust version of PES 2014. Until then I don't want the option files to ruin my PES experience.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Oh, something I forgot to mention that might be helpful is to try never using L1 (LB) to do a forward run after the kicker has played the pass. Pressing L1 leads to your player doing those rocket-runs through the middle. It's hard not to do because I've used L1 to instigate forward runs pretty much as long as I can remember, but in this game you don't need to use it. Let your player's individual abilities to find space do its thing, and you find so many more passing options and realistic player runs, not the ones you get when using L1.

Also, I never realised that pressing the d-pad to adjust the defensive line works by holding it down to slide the defensive line left or right. Silly me....but this function is genius. I can order my team to compress the midfield or hang back. Love it.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I still have a data pack issue on my PS3. I have downloaded the data pack and I can see that in 'Game Data Utility' but the game still shows as data lack 'unimplemented'. Any help please?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

In case anyone is still wondering, the UK PAL version of the 360 game has English, French, German and Italian commentary available.

Did you download the data pack? I think maybe they added them via that, because I can't get the data pack yet and there's definitely no commentary options.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Also, I never realised that pressing the d-pad to adjust the defensive line works by holding it down to slide the defensive line left or right. Silly me....but this function is genius. I can order my team to compress the midfield or hang back. Love it.

Absolutely. Great implementation. So easy and so intuitive too. Offline multiplayer games will be a riot. Waiting for my cousins to drop in so we can milk this game.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Just had a brilliant game as Barca v Betis, but changed from 1-bar to zero passing and it made a massive difference. Loads of fun.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

and online is a mess :(
- game is slow close to -3 imo
- the advanced thuball is broken, it does a final pass when you get on the end of it
- the game stutters in places
- slowdown in the box

konami bit off more than they can chew for me on this part and I hope they can patch this else they are going to suffer
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Just had a brilliant game as Barca v Betis, but changed from 1-bar to zero passing and it made a massive difference. Loads of fun.

I read your post early were you were hating and I was agreeing now like you I love it again... Looks like the crazy whore who is great in bed is back in my life!!! Welcome back bitch!!!!!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

and online is a mess :(
- game is slow close to -3 imo
- the advanced thuball is broken, it does a final pass when you get on the end of it
- the game stutters in places
- slowdown in the box

konami bit off more than they can chew for me on this part and I hope they can patch this else they are going to suffer
True. Offline it can be a very enjoyable game once it clicks, but nowadays Online gaming is too important, and Konami cannot release this rubbish. Hope it's fixed soon.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Over the years I've been substitution the word 'arcade' and 'sim' to describe games but I think I've noticed that this is where I (and probably many others) have been going wrong. For all intents and purposes PES 2014 is actually a hardcore game. It's for the hardcore fan. For somebody who wants to have to learn how to play it. I think over the years people have become too accustomed to the pick-up-n-play style of games and have misunderstood what made PES what it was in the first place. It has flaws and it's not always super-realistic (it's a game), but this is the first game that isn't riddled with huge issues and really fits the bill as being the first hardcore football game of this generation.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'm really thrilled to read all of these constructive and positive posts about the full version specially from those who did not like the game in the beginning. I had the full version earlier than many of you and I have been waiting to see reactions once the full version comes out. I understand how important to view this game from a different and new perspective. Pes 2014 is completely different from previous titles. Totally agree with those who say that patience is the key and that the game should be played in no less than 15-20 mins to make the most of it.
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

People using the disc version on both PS3/360, please install to HDD see if it improves the lag/stutter issue.

Adam Bhatti ‏@Adam_Bhatti 4h
@Lami_Z please ask ppl to install the the game to HDD, just to see if it helps.

I've installed mine last night and it seems to improve it a bit, especially that part after a shot goes wide.

Report back so I can feedback to Adam.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I will NOT update my PES 2014 with any option file. That's right. I won't apply any option file. It's probably not a well known thing - option files ruin your gameplay. With every option file you add numerous image files to on-pitch action and that causes sluggishness and poor response times in gameplay. It's proven. Try it for yourself with PES 2013 (or if you can't touch that anymore, PES 2014).

What I will do is:

(1) update the team names
(2) update the league emblems/club emblems
(3) update the kits with kit formulae (hope someone's published this already)
(4) not add any sponsor logos on the kits
(5) not have any league or club emblem display on the kits
(6) update key transfers (the ones that matter to me)

This way, the action during play will perfectly capture the kit as they are supposed to look (all right, the slow-mo and close up will reveal) and the game will not be negatively impacted by the image files updates as part of the option files.

As I mentioned before, I've also ordered Winning Eleven 2014 which will be a more refined, polished but robust version of PES 2014. Until then I don't want the option files to ruin my PES experience.

I have installed one of the early option files just for the sake of testing and it clearly causes the game menus and loading times to slow down. I don't think it was that bad in PES2013
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Brought Pro Evo yesterday played lots of games

DC cheats still DC cheating with no punishment and they dont show up in your recently played list so they get away with it easier

MLO is extremely slow paced and that wouldnt be so bad if the players were a bit more agile.I understand they are default players but professional player no matter how bad does not have the turning capacity of a double decker bus

Shooting is bad and seems on the rails.Not as satisfying to score as PES 2013

Passing is good as always.

Playing MLO it just feels like you are fighting with the controls all the time and most games just boil down to luck rather than skill

disappointing.I thought Gamespot had no clue when they gave this game 6/10 but now i think maybe they played MLO for a bit but even then 6/10 would be being too kind
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I have installed one of the early option files just for the sake of testing and it clearly causes the game menus and loading times to slow down. I don't think it was that bad in PES2013

Not just game menus and loading times but also the gameplay on the pitch - there's this sluggishness after you apply the option file.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Not just game menus and loading times but also the gameplay on the pitch - there's this sluggishness after you apply the option file.

Are you suggesting that that it causes sluggishness in gameplay in general, or just the games in which you are using a team with an applied OF kit?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Are you suggesting that that it causes sluggishness in gameplay in general, or just the games in which you are using a team with an applied OF kit?

The latter. I'd suggest you to try out playing with/against with OF applied kits and without. Clear difference. It's the sponsor logos and the emblems that cause a problem.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

The more I play, the game is getting better and better, its hard, accurate and real match looks like. You have to be patient, focused, respect the ball and fight it in the middle. Cant easily rush through the wing like Speedy Gonzales. Playing with CPU its like having sex with the hooker, do it if you have to, but you wont get 100% pleasure. However, it has few bugs and missed options, ex:

- Lack of fouls after physical contacts.
- Rematch option after online game, its simple, few lines of code.
- Friend request, where is it!?
- Helping dots during the set pieces, should be permanently off when playing online, at least during the free kicks, its way to easy find a way to the net.
- Lag input has to GONE, playing online with someone lagged, it terrible. Lag input + lag online = completely unplayable game, with no pleasure at all.
- Im not sure if opponent should be able to see which player you have manually taken control of, both in attack and defense. From the other hand, its giving more attack opportunities, for both.
- Attack / Defense levels should be back, cant live without it.

btw. how does LB/L1 + Up/Down works?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Could anyone please explain how to get classic European kit dlc to work
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