PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Jimmy, i noticed that on this video and on the drogba one, that after you do the tricks and pass the rivals players, the last line of defence never close into the player with the ball, and it seem that it's to easy to score by having a good amount of time when you enter on the box. Or maybe it's the replay time effect.

What difficulty are you playing?


I've been playing on Pro, Zero Assist, Advanced TB and Shooting. It didn't see that way when it happened, it just looked like space opened up and the coviering defender didn't get there in time.

i've to say that i'm not feeling the love for advanced through ball. seeing that reticule pop up ruins the simulation for me. i would have prefered no reticule but the ability to spin the ball with the stick to the degree based on player stats.

I've removed all visual indicators, but I have a feel for it now, and I certainly can't have any visual like that on screen. Ruins the immersion.

Advanced Through-Ball. Yes, definitely YES.

Advanced Shooting - Nope, changed my mind on this.

The Advanced Shooting seems very rigid and lacks variety for me, with only the possible exception of the 'near-miss' Finesse Shots. I feel on Advanced the shot carries a very similiar if not identical shooting arc. With many of my missed shots looking excactly the same. I also found there was a lot less ummph to the strike on this system.

I changed back to Basic for my last couple of games last night, and much preferred it. So much more variation and power. I'm still not a fan of the Manual option, but that's just personal preference.

I didn't get to bed last night till 3am, with an 8am start at work.:CONFUSE:

One.More.Game. One.More.Game. Definitely.The.Last.Game.Rinse and repeat....
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Have made a few games yesterday love the core of the game, finally Pes have some core gameplay mechanics that could work on the the footplanting and the momentum of the players.

The one on one game is amazing wachting a player go one on one against the cpu or the cpu going one on one against the player is always amazing.

But i really hate how again konami dont make j-league playable for the rest of the world, really that sucks :(
Thats my favorite league of the entire world and again they dont release for the rest of the world :(

Hope someone make a option file with J-league for the ps3.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Just had my first three demo games, and I have to say I am very impressed. Lost one heavily, drew two 0-0, won one 1-0 as Germany and scored a lovely team goal.

If the full game is better than this then I'm very encouraged.

One or two points, CPU still play too direct for my liking, and they still have that air of being superior stats wise and running round like headless chickens constantly closing down.

But...the mechanics of the human play are quite excellent.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

This game needs next gen consoles. It's another case of "next year" for pes. As it's been every year for last 8 years.
Current gen has been lost on Konami.

Had a few more games and some of it is brilliant.
But some of it is a hard slog:
Curser changes
Menus, changing players and formations - basically everything you do off the pitch is slow and tedious.

If your on ps3 and have installed it, uninstall the game, I found the game slow
And laggy as well but when I uninstalled game works great. Good luck
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Is the game silky smooth for you or does it stutter from time to time/ bad framerate etc?

The only time I'v had stutter is on close-ups when theres more than say 4 people on. Other than that none.

I'm playing version 1.00 although it keeps asking me to download 1.01, but I don't know if I should or not:CONFUSE:

When I downloaded the game from the PSN it came with stadium and kit packs.

What kits where they and stadiums? The 3rd kit United pack?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Just had my first three demo games, and I have to say I am very impressed. Lost one heavily, drew two 0-0, won one 1-0 as Germany and scored a lovely team goal.

If the full game is better than this then I'm very encouraged.

One or two points, CPU still play too direct for my liking, and they still have that air of being superior stats wise and running round like headless chickens constantly closing down.

But...the mechanics of the human play are quite excellent.

I don't feel the CPU play direct at all to be honest, hell, I've even seen them pass back from my half, to their DMF, CB and then keeper. That blew me away actually.

The CPU Ai even reacts to your positioning and covering of channels, they seem aware of everything. To point that it actually feels like I'm playing a very football-minded human for the most part.

The CPU Ai is incredidle on this game, light years ahead of anything I've ever seen before. And I genuinely mean that.

I also find Cursor Switching very good, but you need to use the Right Stick to pick out the player as well as L1.

Also, one Double-Tap of the D-Pad towards your own goal to make your defence drop back isn't always enough. Try keep repeating the procedure, and you'll see the defensive line on the screen keep retreating.
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Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Awesomness of feints is the only thing keeping me playing game after game. Really recommend turining auto feint off, no better feeling when your well placed moves tricks out the defenders.

The tactical options on live gameplay are biggest lackluster of the pes series now. We got only 3 preset tactic option (1 already taken by default tactics) and a defensive line height adjustment (can only adjust while defending which sucks).
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I don't feel the CPU play direct at all to be honest, hell, I've even seen them pass back from my half, to their DMF, CB and then keeper. That blew me away actually.

The CPU Ai even reacts to your positioning and covering of channels, they seem aware of everything. To point that it actually feels like I'm playing a very football-minded human for the most part.

The CPU Ai is incredidle on this game, light years ahead of anything I've ever seen before. And I genuinely mean that.

I also find Cursor Switching very good, but you need to use the Right Stick to pick out the player as well as L1.

Also, one Double-Tap of the D-Pad towards your own goal to make your defence drop back isn't always enough. Try keep repeating the procedure, and you'll see the defensive line on the screen keep retreating.

Perhaps we have the age old problem again of 'modes'. For me, anything less than Superstar is too easy.

The CPU still (although it doesn't bother me a great deal) seems to play a faster more responsive game than what the human can/is able to do.

It is also my first go Jimmy at it, without adjusting any tactics, formations etc etc so these are raw impressions, I still feel however that not being in control defensively is the better option, which is counter productive to my way of playing in that I want to be in control of every player offensively and defensively; this used to be the case on older PES.

I cannot wait to play a full 15-20 minute match though, I feel that it will make you play slower and perhaps the CPU too.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

new data pack available (the second one for me). It's taking ages to download so hoping it has some significant additions on faces...).
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Hello guys,

I've been extensively playing the demo on my PS3 for the last couple of days.Overall I'm quite impressed with gameplay, especially with passing, physics and the pace of the game!

However, there are some serious concerns with the Shooting mechanics that prevents me from buying PES14 at the moment. Maybe you guys can help me out!

I've tested shooting in all three options on PS3-Demo (custom, advanced, Manual) and came to the conclusion that it doesn't work properly in some cases:

Custom shooting: Seems to me that long range efforts from outside the box are nearly impossible to score. In approx. 95 out of 100 efforts on goal the keeper saves the ball with superhuman reactions regardless how good and powerful the shot. And in case you actualy score it is most of the time due to a serious GK error and therefore not really satisfying to me.

Manual Shooting: solves the abovementioned problem with custom shooting, but creates another serious issue for headers don't work anymore (95 out of 100 attempts with a cross, the player tries to chest the ball down instead of heading the ball). I know that this issue was already told to Adam by some German guys and might therefore be fixed with the next patch because this is most obviously a bug.

Advanced shooting: Long range efforts and headers semm to work properly here for me, but I haven't got how to do ground shots yet. I've tried to press triangle after pressing the shot-button, but it won't work for some reason. I'm not sure if this is also some kind of a bug that has gone with the full version or due to wrong button timing. So I would be glad if someone could confirm that ground shots are possible on PS3 with advanced shooting and if so telling me some tips! :-)

Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Been playing the full game since morning. Have tried different teams. What I've realised is, the more you don't unlearn your old methods, the more you will hate this game. It took me several games to unlearn old methods and 'get' PES 2014. Once it clicked, it's been an amazing experience.

Patience is key. On the ball and off the ball - patience is key. Whether you have the ball or not, just work your way out, use everything at your disposal but do take your time. Don't hurry this game. This game should be played only in 15 min or 20 min matches so you know that you're in no hurry whatsoever.

Too often I'm kinda bogged down by my boundaries of what's possible and what's not possible in PES 2014 based on my PES 2013 experiences. Slowly, one by one, I realise that I need to redefine what's possible or otherwise in PES 2014. That's how this game PES 2014 develops and unwraps itself with more and more playing time.

Your biggest enemy in PES 2014 would be to play direct football all the time. Yes, it can be useful and successful at times but if that's your primary way of playing football, you'll be getting your footballing lesson.

The game is deep. Give it a lot of time. Try to understand how this game works. Or watch some premier league or la liga footie today. And try to re-create those games/plays in PES 2014. It will click.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

@BlueChampion - good post that mate, think I need to heed your advice. Off topic, I think you and I have known each other on Twitter so I'm going to DM you (on here) now.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Unlike previous edition, training mode in this game actually really helpful. There's so much new and old stuff that you need to discover.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Online is unplayable. Ps3 also.
How come is that possible in 2013 ANNO DOMINI?!?!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

The one thing I've noticed I've changed with 2014 is that I'm using the striker to hold the ball up a lot more than before. I pass the ball and just let go of the stick so the striker blocks off the defender. Then knock the ball off to another player or try to roll the defender.

Funnily enough it's a similar tactic to what I used in FIFA 13 and that worked well so maybe I do need to try and play more like FIFA in some aspects.

I'm also learning that, at times, I'm able to hold onto the ball whilst walking with the ball and still hold the defender off. Previous games I passed it around a LOT more due to knowing that as soon as the defender got close, I was always nearly losing the ball.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

The one thing I've noticed I've changed with 2014 is that I'm using the striker to hold the ball up a lot more than before. I pass the ball and just let go of the stick so the striker blocks off the defender. Then knock the ball off to another player or try to roll the defender.

Funnily enough it's a similar tactic to what I used in FIFA 13 and that worked well so maybe I do need to try and play more like FIFA in some aspects.

I'm also learning that, at times, I'm able to hold onto the ball whilst walking with the ball and still hold the defender off. Previous games I passed it around a LOT more due to knowing that as soon as the defender got close, I was always nearly losing the ball.

You nailed it there! Great spot! Very important to realise this!
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

In case anyone is still wondering, the UK PAL version of the 360 game has English, French, German and Italian commentary available.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Yeah I'm putting the game on 15 minutes now, 10 felt alright at first but like BlueChampion said, it's just too short for the patience required.

I'm being plenty frustrated with this game but I feel for the most part that it is for the right reason of a new PES being a new challenge. There are some annoyances, though.

The keepers do a good job at coming out of goal to collect corner kicks and ball-ballooning free-kicks, but in open play they are way to glued to the line. Even through passes which are way too long and should be easy for them to collect or boot up the pitch, they don't bother now and let the defense track back to collect. Only if the ball is passed back they will jog out towards it. They are also way to slow to react on the other end and you should in almost no circumstances call them out with the triangle button because the attacker will always lob them and if you keep them in goal they usually have a decent chance of saving the shot.

On zero assist passes they still seem too weak and some fully powered passes look like they would barely make it half the width of the pitch. Also the game has a weird tendency of putting the ball in a different direction then the one you are actually pointing the stick towards. I don't mind errors in passes, they need to be there but sometimes the game decides you really wanted to pass to that guy instead of the other which disrupts the flow of the game and causes obscenities to form in your mouth.

There is a lot to like about this game though and when everything goes as planned it's hard not to sport a silly grin while playing. I remember PES 5 being almost like a torture device before it clicked and I fully expect that I will grow to absolutely love this game when I get used to it.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

I'm also learning that, at times, I'm able to hold onto the ball whilst walking with the ball and still hold the defender off. Previous games I passed it around a LOT more due to knowing that as soon as the defender got close, I was always nearly losing the ball.
Working with the right stick is essential here. Try to point with the right stick at the same direction as with the left stick while walking, sprinting, turning and changing directions and your player will defend the ball more effective.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Is there something like database of fake names in PES ?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Been playing the full game since morning. Have tried different teams. What I've realised is, the more you don't unlearn your old methods, the more you will hate this game. It took me several games to unlearn old methods and 'get' PES 2014. Once it clicked, it's been an amazing experience.

Patience is key. On the ball and off the ball - patience is key. Whether you have the ball or not, just work your way out, use everything at your disposal but do take your time. Don't hurry this game. This game should be played only in 15 min or 20 min matches so you know that you're in no hurry whatsoever.

Too often I'm kinda bogged down by my boundaries of what's possible and what's not possible in PES 2014 based on my PES 2013 experiences. Slowly, one by one, I realise that I need to redefine what's possible or otherwise in PES 2014. That's how this game PES 2014 develops and unwraps itself with more and more playing time.

Your biggest enemy in PES 2014 would be to play direct football all the time. Yes, it can be useful and successful at times but if that's your primary way of playing football, you'll be getting your footballing lesson.

The game is deep. Give it a lot of time. Try to understand how this game works. Or watch some premier league or la liga footie today. And try to re-create those games/plays in PES 2014. It will click.

Good post. PES 2014 is all about skill, specifically in regards to possession and ball control. Completely different game to any PES or football game before it.
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

In case anyone is still wondering, the UK PAL version of the 360 game has English, French, German and Italian commentary available.

What about text?
Is Italian in?
Re: PES 2014 Discussion Thread (NO PIRACY TALK, YOU WILL GET BANNED!)

Anyone with the 360 UK version,could you check if there is Italian as a text language? Please...
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