PES 2013 Discussion Thread

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

A bit more thud on shots and the woodwork would be good but I doubt they'll touch it.

ccshopland - I've got my TV set to a cinema preset and my Xbox set to Rec 709 colour space. Like that all I need to do is move the Green slider to -1 and the Red slider to + 1 and the game looks fairly good. Not sure if you can get some similar variables set the same way and try it out?
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Sorry yair , but i asking about online mode again :SMUG: is it open ? Are you try it ? What have there ?

online is not working yet , the servers is closed for now , we have the game sooner because we have holiday next week and the store will be close for 2 days so thy did a huge things for us , well done konami :)
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

and let me tell you what thing about the boost thing , this is one big piss of shit for me but my friend really like it so...
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Oh, I'm loving the R3 press just as your player receives the ball to allow you to flip it over the defenders head.

Love this to, the old Sombrero. Nice that it's Player Card specific as well.

Last night I had a very extended play of PES 13 Final Demo against my son. For some reason we just couldn't switch it off. It was brilliant.

I actually played PES 12, the night before, online for the first time in a very long time.

The difference between PES 12 and PES 13 is bloody huge. Freedom of Zero Assistance is vast in PES 13, the A.I. is so much better, the game feels to much more natural and organic.

Loving the Circle then R2 high pass as well, short or long. It's beautiful. I just wish they would have a scoop animation for the stationary passes with this system, I can't believe they miss this year-in, year-out. Either way, it's a great feature. Mix the L2 and Circle then R2 is wonderful as well when you nail the power correctly. No more pin-point weight, you really can over-hit these long ones, which adds to the satisfaction.

Also, I noticed that Zero Assistance seems to effect the lesser players with regards weight of pass and lesser so with direction. Which is excellent, and more realistic with technique in this regard.

I've said it before, but I'll mention it again as nobody seems to be bringing it up, how good is the removal of the X Pressure button for defending ? This is HUGE, and the first time PES has changed this system completely on it's head. I really welcome this, it really does now making defending much more of an art form than ever before. Sure we have had a new defensive system over recent years, but the bottom-line is that regardless of the new contain system, we always had the cheap 'X' Pressure button 'go-to' move. Not now. No more primary bullshit pressure, I love it. Pressure Whores beware, your time is done.
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

and let me tell you what thing about the boost thing , this is one big piss of shit for me but my friend really like it so...

Yair, I know you must be busy playing PES 2013 before the rest of us mere mortals :D
but can you elaborate more on your thoughts about boosting? I mean, is it the boots boosting in ML that you're talking about?
Does it really turn Castolos and Burchets into demons?

And if the game is a mix between the 2 demos, that sounds good! Demo 2 had me pinned to the chair, even more than Demo 1!
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I've done that sometimes. One example is if you have an ultra deep defensive mentality and a high player support, when you don't have the ball the team shape will sit deep, but when you have the ball and are on the attack, more players will break forward, you can actually use it to play on the counter if you need to.

What does the opposite extreme of this do? e.g. A high attacking mentality, but low player support.

By the way, has anyone tested if player support is contextual to the players ahead of the ball carrier? (e.g. CM holds ball, players labelled AM and ahead will make forward runs). Does it have any effect on "support" from players behind the ball carrier? Is this based on player roles, or position coordinates (on the formation screen)?

So I can assume the player support slider is linear (support going forward), and the support range is radial (support homing-in on ball holder)?

I have also been trying to look at what would happen by placing an AM behind a CM, but haven't had results that were consistent enough for me to say I really understand what this does.
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Any word on whether there are more than three slots for saving team formations?
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Nice one! You lucky ducks!

Is it a good mix of the demos? Are the shots a bit less floaty?

Looking forward to the video! Cheers!
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

we have 2 dates for the release in Hungary

sept 26. at a little store, called cdgalaxis
sept 27. at 576 which can be found everywhere

At least i can get feedback from u guys till then!

Btw this was the case last year aswell with the PS3 version earlier release in some country.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Yair, try a ML please and confirm our fears regarding the mega-boots implementation.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I hope I don't ask too much but can you show formation and stats of Berkshire Blues(Reading FC)?
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