PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

i don't ever think commentary will be like that in a game.

Yes , because football game commentary are scripted (comentator read text ) , and in real football commentary , they are natural (improvising)
they comment as it comes , more emotional reactions
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Its easier with NBA or MLB games because of the limited number of teams and players. It can then talk about not only the team, but the city, rivalries, the coaches, or even the stadium because there are only that fixed number of things to record and its all licensed. In a football match, there are many more teams, and many more players, it is almost impossible (or with a huge load of work) for it to be as authentic/individual as 2K commentary. Plus, with all the custom things available in PES, it wouldn't make sense for it to have it for some teams and not others right? They already try to add that via licensed stadiums and teams...but with only those teams and stadiums (and probably you play this more than NBA2K/MLB, you will find it repetitive soon as I did with NBA2K...especially in season/My Player modes)
I think the best commentary for me in a football game was way back for EA's World cup 98, Hearing Gary Lineker talking through the group tables in between matches was amazing. Considering we are now 13 years down the line i thought we would see this sort of thing more.
I think the best commentary for me in a football game was way back for EA's World cup 98, Hearing Gary Lineker talking through the group tables in between matches was amazing. Considering we are now 13 years down the line i thought we would see this sort of thing more.

Barry Davies for Actua Soccer was amazing, I loved him on that game. Clive on Fifa 08 or 07, cant remember which one, was incredible. Alan Green for Olympic Soccer was hilarious, loved him on that, although for different reasons.
I think commentary is a very tricky subject, a reason why 2K decided not to have commentary in tennis games (same as Sega) can easily be repetitive or boring...its one of those things that can really make or break a game to casual fans and others (of course those die-hard ones are fine, they can just tune it out or switch it off)...

I didn't really enjoy most commentaries, but like Jimmy, i think FIFA 08 was one that really awed my friends and i...(or we heard a bit too much PES commentary, it was good with a
Barry Davies for Actua Soccer was amazing, I loved him on that game. Clive on Fifa 08 or 07, cant remember which one, was incredible. Alan Green for Olympic Soccer was hilarious, loved him on that, although for different reasons.

Yeah i forgot about that, he did give it that feel as if you were actually watching MOTD, brilliant. More so even than Motty in the early fifa games.

EDIT- As for introducing American style commentary, not for me unless it was an added extra. Otherwise i would be patching it quicker than a man in a sinking Dinghy! EDIT2 or quicker than a Lounge lizard who has just pulled but found his waterbed has sprung a leak.
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Yup. Barry Davies is the daddy.

Brian Moore (the one who used to do CL coverage, including a Champion's League game on PS1) was a personal favourite too. Was a real shame when he died.
Yup. Barry Davies is the daddy.

Brian Moore (the one who used to do CL coverage, including a Champion's League game on PS1) was a personal favourite too. Was a real shame when he died.

1 Nil ........

Has anyone ever said that better than Brian Moore. I think not.
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I think it has do do with the game being made in japan. they just don't understand that translating to English doesn't work. the recording and editing has to be done in an European studio. at least the editing.

and i agree they have to create their own lines. but then again i prefer other commentaries.
"He couldn't hit a barn door, let alone the corner flag!"

The most annoying commentary line in the history of football gaming.

Makes no sense and you have to wonder why Jon Champion didn't question it when he was asked to read the script...
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Wouldn't it be perfect if at half-time in the pause menu, a "HT Report" featured Chris Kamara reporting on the big games of the day. I can only dream of such glory.

Also - classic Gubba line to add to the current topic. "He goes for the shot... and it's off his boot!" :D
Dynamic Commentary is needed along the lines of NBA2K11, whereby the commentator is using live stats from the current game and telling the audience. No more repetitive sayings. Commentator should stick to callnames of the ball handler, or use live statistics (eg, scores from other games, how many corners they've won, possession%, how many goals/assists a player has in the tournament/league so far, etc).

Get rid of the generic-ness of it all.
Despite PES' poor commentary, I really hope that improving it is low on Konami's "to-do" list.

Other things are much more important, gameplay especially, but even in the sound effects department, having a realistic crowd that reacts to what's happening on the pitch is much more important to the atmosphere of the game IMO.
Dynamic Commentary is needed along the lines of NBA2K11, whereby the commentator is using live stats from the current game and telling the audience. No more repetitive sayings. Commentator should stick to callnames of the ball handler, or use live statistics (eg, scores from other games, how many corners they've won, possession%, how many goals/assists a player has in the tournament/league so far, etc).

Get rid of the generic-ness of it all.

To be honest, given the number of teams and leagues etc, this kind of thing would probably be hard and time consuming to get right. Do the commentators have to record a line for "1% of possession, 2% of possession etc, right up to 100%?. How else do you get the in game stats correct.

If we had a standalone game like a world cup or champions league where there were less teams (comparable to NBA2K11) then perhaps it could be done and it would be great. But I see people on these forums still wanting more licenses and leagues etc on earth are they going to get callnames for enough players first?

Maybe they could have some kind of speech generator so we can make our own call names in the game...or an import audio byte feature. This could be used for callnames and even important parts of play like goals being scored etc. Perhaps it's part of the edit someone out there can make their own lines or sample it from TV and we put it against things like tackles, goals, misses. Even if it's imported from FIFA world cup like those guys did on PC.

We either can have a small number of leagues that are done really well or we can have lots like FIFA, but they're more generic because it's too hard to get it all right. If the 2nd least give us better editing tools.
"real-time" (I'm not sure if this is the right way to say this) updating about goals in other matches and a "preview" of the league table in half-time would be nice (IMO).

About commentary
Of course this doesn't make any difference for you guys, but for the first time we (brazilians) have an official commentary for PES (as far i remember), and despite the fact it's just the first made, to me it is a very good one (very funny tbh, Sílvio Luis narrating of the game is something like that joker friend of yours)

It's very repetitive sometimes but that's ok for me.
My problem with the commentary is not that it's not dynamic but there is no feeling. The way jon say's the names of players just makes me vomit. the shouting is hit and miss.

And Rob...i don't agree with what you are saying about "low priority". It's not like the sound-engineer is working on gameplay...he is working on sound. How come the cheering on the crowd is from pes 5? As a musician i can hear it very clearly that it's a looping noise sound every 4-5 seconds. it's absolute garbage. are you going to tell me that after 5 years they had no time? or it wasn't their priority? The sound engineer's job is to fix and improve that. Each department has it's own targets. Some work on gameplay, some work on graphics and some work on sound.

It's not like they give the guy a year of. He might be working on an another title, but he is hired to do his job, not to do nothing because the fans want gameplay improvements.

These people need to get off their butts and start doing some research. I mean they recorded the ball sound with a "ball" and a " hand" by tapping it. Give me a break.

And according to ADAM @ WENB 200 people work on this game. really? that's the biggest crap i have ever heard.

Only a few people work on this game and it's evident. look at pes 2011. decent game, with all the news regarding 2012 the changes are still small. they are good but they are small.

in pes 2011 they were good. in pes 2012 facial animations, better lighting and stuff moving around the pitch. this can be done in a year. compared to pes 2011 not major, but a small improvement (makes it more realistic, yeah i know but that's not my point.)

in pes 2011 to many bugs. in pes 2012 this is addressed. this can also be done in year. compared to pes 2011 not major, but a small improvement ( AGAIN: makes it more realistic, yeah i know but that's not my point.)

I love pes 2011, it's the reason i started playing my ps3 again, but since yesterday YLOD, otherwise i would have still played it. it's the only game i play, but KONAMI needs to address all issues of the game not just some and not only gameplay. there is no such thing as priority in the gaming world. if they want to satisfy everyone they should address all issues.

2 waiting...3 waiting....lolll
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I love pes 2011, it's the reason i started playing my ps3 again, but since yesterday YLOD, otherwise i would have still played it. it's the only game i play, but KONAMI needs to address all issues of the game not just some and not only gameplay. there is no such thing as priority in the gaming world. if they want to satisfy everyone they should address all issues.

2 waiting...3 waiting....lolll
Indeed, but this is possible? I mean, what is a issue for you may not be the same for me, and i don't think they're able to notice all of them.

They should focus on gameplay issues and then go for the others but, of course, those other issues are important aswell.
I think you might be over simplifying the process of making a game. (Even if it is just to build upon an earlier version like PES 2011-2012.) It is not as easy to create as a few people working on it...

So I won't doubt the number, but I do agree that there should be different people doing different things, thus updates or improvements from areas like sound, graphics should happen simultaneously with gameplay, but there are still limitations to it....
I know that sound engineers don't work on gameplay, but having the type of in-depth and immersive commentary some of you are asking for would require a lot of money and effort to implement.
Just imagine how long you'd have to hire the commentators, to say that amount of lines, making sure each one is spoken convincingly, that wouldn't be cheap.
Then, the game's logic for how and when to use commentary would need to be changed massively, and require lots of testing.

Even if they do have sound engineers, this leaves them not a lot of time to make the crowd sound authentic etc.

I doubt that PES has specialised, skilled sound engineers anyway - the SFX just seem so makeshift and always have done.
Don't you guys remember the video from last year showing how they record sound for the game? It's this one guy in a closet sized room sitting there slapping a ball with his bare hands.
lol really? I have to look for that video! But have you ever seen how they made the engine sound so good on The Bourne Identity. Creativity my friends ;)
Don't you underestimate that one guy.. He is the one Konami depend on for all their sounds. Don't you mock him now!
Don't you guys remember the video from last year showing how they record sound for the game? It's this one guy in a closet sized room sitting there slapping a ball with his bare hands.

Haha tbh, that's how it's done on the film industry, but usually with alot more people.
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