PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

On long distance goals :
PES - (even shots just outside the box), 90% of the goals scored on PES are in the corner and the keeper has no chance, just like in real life.

FIFA - 90% of the goals scored from distance are over the keepers head, even when he isn't far off his line. Rarely do you see an outsretched keeper concede a goal in the corner from distance. Yet when you're inside the penalty box, and a rocket is hit, somehow the keeper can dive outsretched into the top corner!

For me long distance goals on FIFA just seem very scripted.

From 30-40 yards what happens is the ball seems to spin, then it seems to follow an invisible strong right into the next and keeper never looks remotely like saving it.

From 18-30 yards only 45 degree shots with power or finesse along with powerful shots at each side of the goal seem to go in. Rest are saved from the superhuman keepers, go wide or again in a scripted way hit the bar.

Something which has gone backwards since 08, where you would have a go and with a bit of lucky and good precision/timing you always had a chance of scoring. Shooting on FIFA 08 felt much better than it's scripted predecessors.
Well I wasn't going to visit Guildford, see Adam and just talk about the weather was I? Not to perpetuate the WENB hype train he's associated with but he did seem really excited about what he and Suff had played. Tomorrow should be a good read.

Clever you.

Well done.

Well hopefully now you've seen someone be clever you can think about giving it a go for the first time in about six months. If you limited your posts to anything that wasn't sarcastic, cynical or uninformed, people would wonder where the hell you'd gone.
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For me long distance goals on FIFA just seem very scripted.

From 30-40 yards what happens is the ball seems to spin, then it seems to follow an invisible strong right into the next and keeper never looks remotely like saving it.

From 18-30 yards only 45 degree shots with power or finesse along with powerful shots at each side of the goal seem to go in. Rest are saved from the superhuman keepers, go wide or again in a scripted way hit the bar.

Something which has gone backwards since 08, where you would have a go and with a bit of lucky and good precision/timing you always had a chance of scoring. Shooting on FIFA 08 felt much better than it's scripted predecessors.

While on about fifa, i have only gave it a blast a couple of times so i can't comment too much, but one thing that stood out for me was when facing a penalty the keepers felt perfectly weighted. Like if you did a little series of left/rights before the ball was struck you could really throw your keeper into the dive. i would love to see this in pes.
While on about fifa, i have only gave it a blast a couple of times so i can't comment too much, but one thing that stood out for me was when facing a penalty the keepers felt perfectly weighted. Like if you did a little series of left/rights before the ball was struck you could really throw your keeper into the dive. i would love to see this in pes.

Animations for penalties look great on fifa, really nice! But typically the function is broken.

It's ridiculous that you automatically miss if you stop the needle in the composure bar anywhere near the red! Even if you put no power in the shot. The Composure bar seems to represent weather or not the shot will go off target or not.

I've written here what needs to be changed:
At the moment penalties are organized like this with the compose bar:

Green = on target and the ball will go precisely where you aim
Orange = 50/50
Red = 0% chance of scoring

What should be the function for the composure bar is that it ONLY represents the accuracy and purchase the penalty taker has when he connects the ball with. So for Example:

Green = Makes perfect contact with the ball. Same as is now

Orange = makes decent contact with the ball. Slightly erratic pruchase with contact with the actual ball. The ball will still go i direction which aimed generally but due to stats and amount of power could skew wide. The power of the shot and again stats also determines how erratic it will be. If you try a powerful shot but you stop it in the orange bar, there's a say 40% likelihood you could miss, less or more than that percentage depending again on stats.

Red = Miss-shit/scuff shot. You do not hit the ball cleanly and NO EA I DON MEAN IT GOES AUTOMATICALLY INTO ROW Z, EVEN WHEN YOU PUT NO POWER IN THE SHOT! I MEAN LITERALLY SCUFF THE SHOT! If you put little power into the shot, you could be lucky and the ball could roll in if the keeper dives the other way. If you put substantial power in it, unless your very, VERY lucky, the ball will go flying over the bar!

So, to make penalties almost faultless, some changes need to be made. It should be harder to hit the green zone BUT in that if you hit the orange or red zone, as long as you don't go crazy with power you could still score with a bit of luck.
LOL romagnoli retract those claws princess.
So wednesday it is then. Look forward to it. I am surprised at how mum it all is this year. Usually they have a month build up for a screenshot.
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Hm, if Konami implements a manual option whereby L1 is not neccessary I probably wouldn't ue it, because some 20% of my passes in a game are not manual. The simple reason is that for a straight pass to feet from 10m meters aways any professional footballer will not struggle. That's just automatic, instep pass to feet.

The trickier passes require manual touch to receive the ball in a way which makes it easier for you to make your next move with the receiver.

eg. when passing around the back or to the feet of an unmarked teammate there is no need to risk a manual pass which may miss marginally thus relenquishing possesion. When passing to a CF with a man on his back and to his left, you want to pass to his right foot so he can turn quicker in that direction.

FIFA's full manual is no comparison, because passing it with Terry or Ferdinand feels exactly the same as passing with Modric or Xavi, which is ridiculous.

But the arcade crowd love this it seems, not difficult to understand why.
One thing is forsure, player switching needs to recognise any manual stat-based system. It's very hit and miss at present, but it falls down more than anything on the manual passes.
Here's a Google Translate:

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles other innovations in PES 2012. The publisher released a first trailer with this important, new elements of the game in the fall of 2011 for PlayStation3, Xbox 360, Windows PC, Wii, PSP (PlayStation Portable) and PlayStation 2 will appear. PES 2012 is the only game that the official UEFA Champions League and UEFA Champions League offers contests.

With PES 2012, Konami continues its dialogue with fans and implements significant improvements and playful aspects that have the players want. The focus in PES 2011 is on the highest level of playability, footballing challenge and realism. Feedback from the user has been following the AI ​​changed fundamentally in all matters. At the same time now, teamwork is critical to game play and feel - so that fans do exactly as the moments that they know from real matches.

The trailer was released on the occasion of Konami's pre-E3 show. The moving pictures give a perfect impression of how the new additions to the PES experience enriching.

Active AI: PES 2012 targets aim to recreate the gameplay and the feel of real football team, and the active AI plays a crucial role. The players do not go to any ball, but make intelligent runs to create free spaces or to deceive defenders. Team members call the ball, sprinting going on to specifically provide for a face-off or set at too rapid, diagonal runs, with which they attract enemy attackers from the danger zone. And even midfielders support the ball carrier out of the back space. The new Active AI ensures that flow of the game is more natural - with specific routines for attack and defense. The implemented last year "to stop aggression," in which the defender does not directly attack the ball carrier, but in space delimits the playing facilities has been improved to give players even more control and effectiveness in its defense, in the hand. There, the acting is playing as a unit now have a greater role than ever. The defenders while holding a tight line, constantly check the distances between the soft back together as a unit and quickly fill gaps created. Very individual, they also make wiser decisions when it comes to making space tight, to block or attack.

Duels: Duels and the associated physical scuffles and confrontations are a critical component in PES 2012th Is played by the physical strength of a player an important role and exerts a decisive influence on whether a player from a battle as the winner goes and wins the ball. Depending on how a player is afflicted, he goes down or starts at the last moment - the animations of the two players involved are more realistic than ever designed.

Graphics: Various aspects of the game underwent a major revision. The facial expressions of the players are now richer than ever, and the lighting effects are even more natural. For further provide additional atmosphere on the sidelines placed items such as TV cameras and photographers.

Off The Ball Control: A key factor in PES 2012 is the ability to select any player at any point you to. This new system was implemented that allows users to switch easily between individual field players. On the defensive now, the right analog stick is used to any player on the field to select, and standard situations are more varied, this function executable. For kicks, corners, free kicks and interjections, the players choose the key for them now quickly Players - which in turn allows strategically clever runs and creates additional space attack.

Referee AI: Even the referees are a crucial factor in the game flow, and so was the AI ​​of the referee improved greatly, to cause less interruptions of the game. The decisions of the referees have been improved: now you can also kick and offside situations are often advantageous. The referees take only one if it is really necessary and say warnings of a delay too, when the game was interrupted.

Passport Support: With the pass, the user support the level of TS Support determine when their playing balls - make quite the sense of new possibilities, personal game settings. These players choose one of five settings: from complete support to the setting for veterans, in which there is no help, so dependent on that strength and speed of each pass only by the player.

"We are extremely happy to announce so many improvements that the fans have wished for," said Jon Murphy, PES European Team Leader for Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH's PES In 2012, our aim is real football with an unprecedented gaming experience to combine. The released trailer shows many of the innovations we have added to the game and how they affect the game positively. This is not all we have to say about the changes in PES 2012, but we are already excited to see how the reactions will turn the fans. "

KONAMI will be further improvements to PES 2012 in the coming months known.

PES 2012 will appear on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows PC, Wii, PSP (PlayStation Portable) and PlayStation 2 in fall 2011.

I'd say that the Passport Support is actually the manual settings for passing support.
FIFA's full manual is no comparison, because passing it with Terry or Ferdinand feels exactly the same as passing with Modric or Xavi, which is ridiculous.

But the arcade crowd love this it seems, not difficult to understand why.
Palm -> face. No matter how many times it is pointed out that FIFA's manual controls do not ignore attributes, it just won't sink in.
Just so you know pro revo has all the screenshots. Finally night games look awesome. no more morons choosing night games in like they do in 2011, which are e f$@$@ ugly
Palm -> face. No matter how many times it is pointed out that FIFA's manual controls do not ignore attributes, it just won't sink in.

Thing is the manual on FIFA passing, i said before the passing attribute is set up so it seems to only affect how fast the pass is and the power the player can put in the pass, rather than accuracy.

Also the Konami manual pass is much, better, much more sensitive. You provided some videos should at times manual 'wasn't' manual which i think you discovered that it's a bit broken to me in FIFA. PES seems very free. 5-10 don't feel hard and at times a lottery like in FIFA
They aren't showing the screenshot that matters the most, the one that we are going to see most of the time, the important one, the "normal/wide camera" and that worries me, because no one hides something that looks great :(

I love this one. Heitinga marking Klose klosely. :))
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Got to say that what I've seen from both games so far, I'm looking forward to this much more. Can't wait to get playing it, when is Konami's E3 conference?
JonMurphy_PES Jon Murphy
Great reaction to code. Active AI immediately obvious all over pitch. Refs getting good reaction. Off Ball Control makes the game feel new
I like these new pics, specially that pic of klose against holland defender.

The physics contactas are amazing, and it also shows how improved are the Ai man mark.

This also means that it won't be easy to steal the bal from the back, things will make more sense.
It's the level of pass assistance. There are five settings to choose from, going from fully assisted to no assistance, i.e. full manual.

We need more info about that.

I hope it's not like Fifa in wich stats has minor impact.

How will this affect the online play ?

The idea of having a manual modifier sounds better to me. What Konami should do in this regard is just making normal pass harder and make defence more responsiveness to intercept passes, there should be some changes on bal physiscs to make passing feel more organic.

This new passport support worries me.
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