PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

I can never tell before hand. I'll take hours literally before shipping in a few gems. I always love looking at no names.
Any ideas for what team to start as in ML? Needs to be a shit team but have 1 outstanding midfielder or striker to build the team around.

Hope the little things have been fixed in ML to match the great gameplay. Things like stupid AI formations, form arrows, player values etc.
I've been playing as Sunderland since 2010. Maybe I'll use them again or see if there are any other interesting ones.
I think I preferred BAL as the offline mode in PES 2011. I had enough of the build a team up from scratch process via MLO. And BAL was good in the way you could change clubs, play internationals etc. Should be good again this year.

Spent weeks creating an Australian league to play in for offline Master League and only was able to get through 2 seasons at the end of all that. Unless I got the game on PC, I think I'll spend more time playing than editing this year :)
I'm slowly getting used to the demo...i must be a very bad player if i read all your reports. I've won two games (on profesional). I finally seem to get the hang of defending: thanks to Jimmy and've both done me a big favour.
I'm playing PES since PES1 and while i always had to get used to the new game, the difference has never been as big as this year...IMO defending is totally different. This game is a huge challenge for me (but i'm a poor gamer) and that could be a good thing (if it doesn't lead to frustration). Looking forward to the full game now.

This is the first game where i can play decent matches with my beloved the past i never was able to play satisfying football with that team...
@ Lami, I think Sunderland will have too many players of a similar pretty decent level for my liking and no one player that stands out. Also want a team I don't know too much about.

@ Calcio, I remember you spending a lot of time editing, so shame it seems like time wasted. I got that too. Didn't complete a single master league season in 2011. waited ages for a good Championship patch, then did a lot more editing myself but got bored of PES 2011 before I could ever start a proper ML. This year I'm gonna just start a default "out of the box ML" and see how it goes.

@Gerd, what reports are you reading? most people are struggling just like you, but loving the struggle.
You were part of the old ML threads with Prof, Nerf, Stan etc right? Those were some quality reads. Hope ML (or FL) this year will mean we get a really great ML stories thread again.
Wow, I'm loving this demo... I've been playing PES/ISS since the first one on PS1. And this, for me, is the best in the series, by far.

I love the subtleties of the game: the relevant animations in certain situations, like the tons of different stumbles a player can make when under pressure. The intricacies of the passing, at least on 1 bar assistance so far (i sort of remember the PES 2011 demo to have a similar passing system, but that was taken out for full release. I'll be gutted if they do that again this year...). The dribbling, which is back to it's old glory where you didn't have to be a Tekken combo master in order to beat a man - just making the right direction and speed choices. The activity on the side of the pitch. I could go on and on...

I'm also gonna make a slightly controversial statement (only slightly since most of you won't give a rat's ass...): I have no problems with the keepers. If they don't touch them after this demo, I'll be a happy camper. Maybe tone down the shot accuracy and, at least in some instances, the shot power. But the keepers aren't a problem imo. They're certainly the best they've been in any PES game to date as far as I'm concerned.

In PES 2011 I hardly played the CPU, I only played MLO. This time around, I'm really loving playing against the CPU. Probably because it feels like playing a really good human opponent. I've never experienced that in ANY video game, ever! Since I'm going to have even less time to play the game this following year (my wife is giving birth to our first child in November) I'm really starting to doubt what to play: ML, MLO or even BAL. I haven't played BAL since PES 2008 and that wasn't much fun to be honest. But this time it could really be all the fun it's always supposed to have been.

I'm leaning towards starting a ML with Mallorca and creating Michael Laudrup as the coach. In fact, I'm really really excited to start it. Then we'll see if there's time left over for MLO and BAL.

I haven't been this excited for ANY video game in a long long time...

(I'm playing on Xbox 360 by the way. Graphics are great. However, it doesn't seem to save your user preferences AND you have to watch the video after the first game of a session, EVERY time... that's one really long video... Other than that, I'm really happy about the demo!)
Controversial indeed. But I don't want to get into a keeper debate, it has been done enough. I'm more concerned about the lack of attention your first child will be getting due to PES this year. Poor little guy/girl, hope you'll at least be there for the birth instead of playing a relegation 6 pointer :)

Mallorca could be a good choice. Looking at their squad I hardly know anyone. If there are one or two gems then maybe, just maybe.
Been looking at Catania too, should be a bad enough team with possibly Maxi Lopez as a stand-out.
Guys, I think we are seriously kidding ourselves here BIG TIME. I played Demo 1 and then Demo 2. After about 100 matches I STRONGLY believe its the nail in the coffin for our hopes of ever reaching the same satisfaction as we did with PES on PS2. My first review of PES12 was a very bold, questionable and rushed review were I praised the gae, even said it had the potential to be the best PES ever. I was never more wrong in my life. Konami will NEVER master the real simulation gameplay we are all used to in PS2 era, never. Mark my words. Something isn't clicking for them and I.dont knoe what it is and what's missing. If it wasn't for a small majority of PES fans around the worl and these forums KONAMI would of been out of business a long time ago So hoe do they repay us? Lets see:

PES08 = Worst football game ever made IMHO
PES09 = Improvement was made but only by small margin nothing to be WOW
PES10 = BLAH ...nothing jaw dropping. Just added more salt and pepper than they did to PES09.
PES11 = ping pong fooball, zero simulation, full of bugs and other shit that I won't list which I know your all aware of.

This brings me to PES12.

- Worst keepers in any football video game ever made. Completely useless and non existant. Just stand there and.dont even make aa bloody attempt to save the goal.
- AI is completely UNREALISTIC. You guys think AI is good right ? What Konami did is gave Illuminati powers to AI. It cheats so much and every player dribbles like Robinho. I don't want to hear I need to learn how to defent. AI just cheats so much and makes UNREALISTIC IMPOSSIBLE PLAYS it ruins the game.
- Individuality is lost and this was PES trademark.
- Graphics suck big time.
- Did Konami ever play FIFA and realized what a collision system should look like and what kind of animations a football game should have on next gen systems?
- Taking the ball away from CPU is just not good. My player will touch an opposing player And BAM its a foul.Every 10 secs its a foul and stoppage of gameplay. Feels like NFL MADDEN.

- One of the biggest issues to me is the way players run, move and behave on the pitch. They have that FIFA feel where you feel your running on clouds.

So it seems like I will be without a football game this year. I will never buy a Konami game again, not only PES but any game made and produced by them. I've given them more than enough of my money over the years only to receive a piece of shit product. MORE and MORE people are going seperate ways from KONAMI there's plenty of evidence. I hope they continue like this because their days are NUMBERED. There will never be another WE7/PES3/WE9/PES5/6/LIMEWARE EVOLUTION/J-LEAGUE games. I hope to god KONAMI go out of business or fire Seabass and the rest of his team aand abandon PES/WE development. I wonder what kind of feedback they listen to ?

I will serioously accept things the way they are and possibly buy PS2 and play WE9. I hope someone still cares enough to make proper.kite, transfers etc.
AI cheats?! Erm ...

I'm sorry but a lot of the "negatives" you're mentioning aren't real at all. The CPU certainly doesn't cheat in any way, shape or form. Have a look at my previous posts for example. I'm FAR from the best player, or even a good player, but if I'm managing to beat the CPU then it's not cheating :LOL:

Worst keepers EVER? A tad dramatic. They could be a bit better but overall I find them fine.

Individuality I'm not sure on, I've never been one to notice the likes of D'Alessandro and Aguilar and see how much different they are but a lot of people on here are saying they stand out so it looks like it is there.

Graphics look fine on the PC, especially with the blur removed.

Animations need tweaking, sure. But I don't want Impact Engine putting in. I like my players to run along the pitch, not fly.

Fouls? You're doing it wrong. Maybe stop holding down the tackle button and auto-chasing the CPU around?

No offense but it sounds to me like the CPU is beating you comfortably, you can't adapt to the new tackling system and you're looking for reasons why you can't win.

Give it more games, hopefully you'll come around and realise that post was just a tantrum.
Guys, I think we are seriously kidding ourselves here BIG TIME. I played Demo 1 and then Demo 2. After about 100 matches I STRONGLY believe its the nail in the coffin for our hopes of ever reaching the same satisfaction as we did with PES on PS2. My first review of PES12 was a very bold, questionable and rushed review were I praised the gae, even said it had the potential to be the best PES ever. I was never more wrong in my life. Konami will NEVER master the real simulation gameplay we are all used to in PS2 era, never. Mark my words. Something isn't clicking for them and I.dont knoe what it is and what's missing. If it wasn't for a small majority of PES fans around the worl and these forums KONAMI would of been out of business a long time ago So hoe do they repay us? Lets see:

PES08 = Worst football game ever made IMHO
PES09 = Improvement was made but only by small margin nothing to be WOW
PES10 = BLAH ...nothing jaw dropping. Just added more salt and pepper than they did to PES09.
PES11 = ping pong fooball, zero simulation, full of bugs and other shit that I won't list which I know your all aware of.

This brings me to PES12.

- Worst keepers in any football video game ever made. Completely useless and non existant. Just stand there and.dont even make aa bloody attempt to save the goal.
- AI is completely UNREALISTIC. You guys think AI is good right ? What Konami did is gave Illuminati powers to AI. It cheats so much and every player dribbles like Robinho. I don't want to hear I need to learn how to defent. AI just cheats so much and makes UNREALISTIC IMPOSSIBLE PLAYS it ruins the game.
- Individuality is lost and this was PES trademark.
- Graphics suck big time.
- Did Konami ever play FIFA and realized what a collision system should look like and what kind of animations a football game should have on next gen systems?
- Taking the ball away from CPU is just not good. My player will touch an opposing player And BAM its a foul.Every 10 secs its a foul and stoppage of gameplay. Feels like NFL MADDEN.

- One of the biggest issues to me is the way players run, move and behave on the pitch. They have that FIFA feel where you feel your running on clouds.

So it seems like I will be without a football game this year. I will never buy a Konami game again, not only PES but any game made and produced by them. I've given them more than enough of my money over the years only to receive a piece of shit product. MORE and MORE people are going seperate ways from KONAMI there's plenty of evidence. I hope they continue like this because their days are NUMBERED. There will never be another WE7/PES3/WE9/PES5/6/LIMEWARE EVOLUTION/J-LEAGUE games. I hope to god KONAMI go out of business or fire Seabass and the rest of his team aand abandon PES/WE development. I wonder what kind of feedback they listen to ?

I will serioously accept things the way they are and possibly buy PS2 and play WE9. I hope someone still cares enough to make proper.kite, transfers etc.

I somewhat agree with most your statements apart from AI dribbling like robinho etc... not that I think you have some strong point but still I found once I got used to the defending it was easyer.
Then theres also the issue of stats simply being way too good for ALL players, passing/shooting/close control etc... once PSD edits this aswell I think it won't be that obvious.

Also graphics don't rly matter that much, but still players look more like themself than in any game.
Guys, I think we are seriously kidding ourselves here BIG TIME. I played Demo 1 and then Demo 2. After about 100 matches I STRONGLY believe its the nail in the coffin for our hopes of ever reaching the same satisfaction as we did with PES on PS2. My first review of PES12 was a very bold, questionable and rushed review were I praised the gae, even said it had the potential to be the best PES ever. I was never more wrong in my life. Konami will NEVER master the real simulation gameplay we are all used to in PS2 era, never. Mark my words. Something isn't clicking for them and I.dont knoe what it is and what's missing. If it wasn't for a small majority of PES fans around the worl and these forums KONAMI would of been out of business a long time ago So hoe do they repay us? Lets see:

PES08 = Worst football game ever made IMHO
PES09 = Improvement was made but only by small margin nothing to be WOW
PES10 = BLAH ...nothing jaw dropping. Just added more salt and pepper than they did to PES09.
PES11 = ping pong fooball, zero simulation, full of bugs and other shit that I won't list which I know your all aware of.

This brings me to PES12.

- Worst keepers in any football video game ever made. Completely useless and non existant. Just stand there and.dont even make aa bloody attempt to save the goal.
- AI is completely UNREALISTIC. You guys think AI is good right ? What Konami did is gave Illuminati powers to AI. It cheats so much and every player dribbles like Robinho. I don't want to hear I need to learn how to defent. AI just cheats so much and makes UNREALISTIC IMPOSSIBLE PLAYS it ruins the game.
- Individuality is lost and this was PES trademark.
- Graphics suck big time.
- Did Konami ever play FIFA and realized what a collision system should look like and what kind of animations a football game should have on next gen systems?
- Taking the ball away from CPU is just not good. My player will touch an opposing player And BAM its a foul.Every 10 secs its a foul and stoppage of gameplay. Feels like NFL MADDEN.

- One of the biggest issues to me is the way players run, move and behave on the pitch. They have that FIFA feel where you feel your running on clouds.

So it seems like I will be without a football game this year. I will never buy a Konami game again, not only PES but any game made and produced by them. I've given them more than enough of my money over the years only to receive a piece of shit product. MORE and MORE people are going seperate ways from KONAMI there's plenty of evidence. I hope they continue like this because their days are NUMBERED. There will never be another WE7/PES3/WE9/PES5/6/LIMEWARE EVOLUTION/J-LEAGUE games. I hope to god KONAMI go out of business or fire Seabass and the rest of his team aand abandon PES/WE development. I wonder what kind of feedback they listen to ?

I will serioously accept things the way they are and possibly buy PS2 and play WE9. I hope someone still cares enough to make proper.kite, transfers etc.

Great Post!!
I totally agree.
SUPER AI is only an optical illusion as it's TURBO CHARGED by a CHEAT CPU. No realism here due to a lack of individuality..

Therefore i started to do some editing using my good knowledge of Excel,using as reference data fm 2011 since the values ​​of Pes 2012 PLAYERS are totally messed...

I have done some test cutting off skills like Pass Accuracy, Dribble accuracy, Agility and so on, working on CSV files (export-import).

Now i can say Pes 2012 without turbo AI is simply stunning (professional level).
I'm struggling to beat a realistic ai...
I have to complete my editing process but I am very pleased with the results (as realism and individuality)of my formula.

Now, Pes 2012 demo modded is giving me enormous satisfaction and i consider it now the best in the series. :BYE:
What CPU cheating occurs exactly? If it is cheating, why am I winning games 5-1 on Professional and Top Player?
Guys, I think we are seriously kidding ourselves here BIG TIME. I played Demo 1 and then Demo 2. After about 100 matches I STRONGLY believe its the nail in the coffin for our hopes of ever reaching the same satisfaction as we did with PES on PS2. My first review of PES12 was a very bold, questionable and rushed review were I praised the gae, even said it had the potential to be the best PES ever. I was never more wrong in my life. Konami will NEVER master the real simulation gameplay we are all used to in PS2 era, never. Mark my words. Something isn't clicking for them and I.dont knoe what it is and what's missing. If it wasn't for a small majority of PES fans around the worl and these forums KONAMI would of been out of business a long time ago So hoe do they repay us? Lets see:

PES08 = Worst football game ever made IMHO
PES09 = Improvement was made but only by small margin nothing to be WOW
PES10 = BLAH ...nothing jaw dropping. Just added more salt and pepper than they did to PES09.
PES11 = ping pong fooball, zero simulation, full of bugs and other shit that I won't list which I know your all aware of.

This brings me to PES12.

- Worst keepers in any football video game ever made. Completely useless and non existant. Just stand there and.dont even make aa bloody attempt to save the goal.
- AI is completely UNREALISTIC. You guys think AI is good right ? What Konami did is gave Illuminati powers to AI. It cheats so much and every player dribbles like Robinho. I don't want to hear I need to learn how to defent. AI just cheats so much and makes UNREALISTIC IMPOSSIBLE PLAYS it ruins the game.
- Individuality is lost and this was PES trademark.
- Graphics suck big time.
- Did Konami ever play FIFA and realized what a collision system should look like and what kind of animations a football game should have on next gen systems?
- Taking the ball away from CPU is just not good. My player will touch an opposing player And BAM its a foul.Every 10 secs its a foul and stoppage of gameplay. Feels like NFL MADDEN.

- One of the biggest issues to me is the way players run, move and behave on the pitch. They have that FIFA feel where you feel your running on clouds.

So it seems like I will be without a football game this year. I will never buy a Konami game again, not only PES but any game made and produced by them. I've given them more than enough of my money over the years only to receive a piece of shit product. MORE and MORE people are going seperate ways from KONAMI there's plenty of evidence. I hope they continue like this because their days are NUMBERED. There will never be another WE7/PES3/WE9/PES5/6/LIMEWARE EVOLUTION/J-LEAGUE games. I hope to god KONAMI go out of business or fire Seabass and the rest of his team aand abandon PES/WE development. I wonder what kind of feedback they listen to ?

I will serioously accept things the way they are and possibly buy PS2 and play WE9. I hope someone still cares enough to make proper.kite, transfers etc.

PES2008-PES2011 shit in your opinion.. couldn't expect anything good about PES2012 from you.:YAWN:

'' There will never be another WE7/PES3/WE9/PES5/6/LIMEWARE EVOLUTION/J-LEAGUE games. I hope to god KONAMI go out of business or fire Seabass and the rest of his team aand abandon PES/WE development'':RANT:

Thats just rude. Most PES fans agree that PES2012 is looking better than PES2008-2011, im grateful even for this, as FIFA still cant make it right.. there is no other football games... football spirit is well present in current PES game.

You can complain all you want it wont get better and SEABASS wont quit making PES, he is devoted to it. I have no idea why KONAMI can't make new PES6, but im sure they are aware - thats what everyone wants!

PES on consoles is 70% done product, on PC its a joy as PES got magnificent community. AI Cheating, gameplay modifications, animations, teams, kits, faces, stadiums..everything changed and improved,
What CPU cheating occurs exactly? If it is cheating, why am I winning games 5-1 on Professional and Top Player?

Results are not rilevant.
Please take a look to player stats first of all, then
You must OBSERVE teh conduct of AI PLAYERS on the field (accuracy passing comical high (about 90/95%), first touch, too much dribbling speed and accuracy, too much pressure, reaction speed excessive, pixel hunting and so on...) and judge if it's realistic.:BYE:
Now, Pes 2012 demo modded is giving me enormous satisfaction and i consider it now the best in the series. :BYE:

I realized something like this will be needed the first time I played the demo, very interesting might I ask which stats exactly did you lower the most and which did you lower somewhat so that the game feels a bit more realistic?
I have a pretty good idea which need to be lowered but im just interesting in what you did.
I realized something like this will be needed the first time I played the demo, very interesting might I ask which stats exactly did you lower the most and which did you lower somewhat so that the game feels a bit more realistic?
I have a pretty good idea which need to be lowered but im just interesting in what you did.

If you wish, I am pleased to share my opinions (i'm modding palyer stats from 2005) but I think this forum is not the place best suited being devoted to general comments and impressions..
Absolutely. I've never, ever had such a challenge on PES in my life, ever. And, it's pretty much the only game I ever play.

What is even more encouraging, is that I honestly can't see a way where I will ever be able to master it. And that's the real deep beauty.

The wry smile that kept coming over my face last night as my keeper was picking the ball out of the net for the umpteenth time was a picture. I kept muttering to myself, 'What the fuck is going on here ???, think you prick, think'. :LOL:

Ha Ha.
Watched Inter Milan get dumped 3-1 at newly promoted Novaro on ESPN last night.They've started the season appallingly and already new coach Gasperoni is looking like an imminent sacking.
Your last part of the quote could literally have come from his mouth as he has tried desperately to find a way of playing a successful system against the opposition.
If the poor bugger goes home and starts playing Pro-Evo as a means of relaxation,I reckon he'll probably top himself as he will still think he is watching a live game.
Now this game is bloody unforgiving,and I don't swear very often.I played last night determined to get to grips with it and form some sort of understanding of which formation/strategy I'm most comfortable with before I get the game in October.
My conclusion based on so many games I can't remember is -----------.
I havn't a clue.
I am a useless human being unable to resolve a simple problem of playing a
game of football.
My only solace is knowing I may not be alone.
Now where's that demo again.
Maybe if I --------------------.
Guys, I think we are seriously kidding ourselves here BIG TIME. I played Demo 1 and then Demo 2. After about 100 matches I STRONGLY believe its the nail in the coffin for our hopes of ever reaching the same satisfaction as we did with PES on PS2. My first review of PES12 was a very bold, questionable and rushed review were I praised the gae, even said it had the potential to be the best PES ever. I was never more wrong in my life. Konami will NEVER master the real simulation gameplay we are all used to in PS2 era, never. Mark my words. Something isn't clicking for them and I.dont knoe what it is and what's missing. If it wasn't for a small majority of PES fans around the worl and these forums KONAMI would of been out of business a long time ago So hoe do they repay us? Lets see:

PES08 = Worst football game ever made IMHO
PES09 = Improvement was made but only by small margin nothing to be WOW
PES10 = BLAH ...nothing jaw dropping. Just added more salt and pepper than they did to PES09.
PES11 = ping pong fooball, zero simulation, full of bugs and other shit that I won't list which I know your all aware of.

This brings me to PES12.

- Worst keepers in any football video game ever made. Completely useless and non existant. Just stand there and.dont even make aa bloody attempt to save the goal.
- AI is completely UNREALISTIC. You guys think AI is good right ? What Konami did is gave Illuminati powers to AI. It cheats so much and every player dribbles like Robinho. I don't want to hear I need to learn how to defent. AI just cheats so much and makes UNREALISTIC IMPOSSIBLE PLAYS it ruins the game.
- Individuality is lost and this was PES trademark.
- Graphics suck big time.
- Did Konami ever play FIFA and realized what a collision system should look like and what kind of animations a football game should have on next gen systems?
- Taking the ball away from CPU is just not good. My player will touch an opposing player And BAM its a foul.Every 10 secs its a foul and stoppage of gameplay. Feels like NFL MADDEN.

- One of the biggest issues to me is the way players run, move and behave on the pitch. They have that FIFA feel where you feel your running on clouds.

So it seems like I will be without a football game this year. I will never buy a Konami game again, not only PES but any game made and produced by them. I've given them more than enough of my money over the years only to receive a piece of shit product. MORE and MORE people are going separate ways from KONAMI there's plenty of evidence. I hope they continue like this because their days are NUMBERED. There will never be another WE7/PES3/WE9/PES5/6/LIMEWARE EVOLUTION/J-LEAGUE games. I hope to god KONAMI go out of business or fire Seabass and the rest of his team and abandon PES/WE development. I wonder what kind of feedback they listen to ?

I will seriously accept things the way they are and possibly buy PS2 and play WE9. I hope someone still cares enough to make proper.kite, transfers etc.
Great post !!! I'm complete agree
The whole team and their supporters will gang up on you.


Oh yeah i can see it now, 10 minutes to go when you are winning 1-0 and then the crowd invade the pitch and fighting breaks out! then the referee abandons the game. Also opposing fans can throw coins at the player taking corners. Make it so konami....
Link doesn't work, Jimmy. What's that?

Also, the tip about tapping the R2 button changed my game altogether... Thanks!

Oh how's it like playing on the PC with the patch mate? I actually kinda like -2 speed now. It's really nice! Just wish players responded a tad bit faster.

It's great mate. Slowly getting used to all this modding stuff. Got jenkey's 72 team patch plus the blur removal and playing it on -1, which kind of feels like -2 on PS3. Maybe it's just my laptop though..
Link doesn't work, Jimmy. What's that?

Also, the tip about tapping the R2 button changed my game altogether... Thanks!

It was attempted wit, referring to the fact I find certain posts a bit silly/foolish.

R2 is everything Paulo, and now contain/jockey as well, in two differing forms. Love it.

Anyway, just played my first game in a couple of days, been crazy busy with work and the missis. Wow, honestly, wow. Easily my best performance yet, and by adhering to the fundamentals that I so regulary preach, but sometimes, embarrassingly fail to follow.

The game ended 2-1, but that was flattering, 5-1 would have been more accurate. My defending was composed, simply closing the distance with 2nd man pressure, and following the channels, forcing the errors. Or, as a last resort the old Circle and R2+X combo. Worked a treat. I was so much more composed on the ball, holding it for as long as possible in alot of cases to wait for the options, rather than forcing the play. Possession Game is great for this. My CMF I play on the left Guniea (sp) cant pass for shit, but is agile. Instead of looking for the pass I drew the lead, made the CPU comitt, then a tap of R2 and left on the stick made him drop a shoulder and go past the player. This opened up everything, now I had players making themselves available, and as the CPU tracked a run, the middle of the park opened up. A pass to D'Aless, who then threaded one to Leandro inside the box, an R2 turn by him then R2 shot...... 1-0. It was that new animation as well that looks the double of a classic Micheal Owen finish. :)

I dominated the second half as well pretty much, but did play out of my skin and totally deserved the end result.

What a truly incredible game of football that was.

Edit- Couple of things I noticed were the Refs are certainly more leniet, but actually, in a good way. I tackled a CF on the edge of my box with X after the R2 X jockey. It looked clean-ish, 50/50 from where I was sat, the ref didnt blow and I came away with the ball. I watched the replay and I didnt actually win the ball, I clipped his leg as he 'done me'. It felt more realistic as that was a very tough call from where I was sitting, and in Demo 1 that would have been given. On othere side, I was given nearly every clear infringement when tackled from behind.

Also, using your biggest and best heading skilled player on corners is a must. Select him with the Right Stick Cursor change and make sure your best dead-ball specialist is taking the corner-kick. I've also found out that using the Left Stick to aim and which player you want to select as well as flicking the Right Stick picks out your desired man first time. Try it, works a treat.

Also, Zero Assistance truly is the best system for complete satisfaction and complete control. You earn everything, and with every short misplaced pass, comes the euphoric feeling of a truly great 'clever' pass from your play-maker. I love that.
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It was attempted wit, referring to the fact I find certain posts a bit silly/foolish.

R2 is everything Paulo, and now contain/jockey as well, in two differing forms. Love it.

Whats the R2 tip mate?

Seems as if certain people have been popping negativity pills.
PES12 worst game ever!? hardly!!!

The Gfx and animation may not be at FIFA's level of shinyness but what it lacks in aesthaetics, it more than makes up for in satisfying, immersive gameplay.
I know for a fact id rather play something that engages me and makes me enjoy the game rather than play something that looks great but bores me within a few weeks.

To say that Konami/Seabass should stop making games and people should be fired etc is just pure immaturity. I think the work Konami have done this year, from engaging the user community, acting on feedback, communicating back to the fans, to improving the game and all during quite a topsy turvy year in terms of small matters of natural disasters rocking their country etc, is comendable.
If you dont like PES and in fact seem to hate it with such passion, why are your lurking around on what Id consider to be the most mature, sensible PES fan forum on the web?!!?!

Plus your views may be shared by a small minority, but most of us love the game and the way its shaping up.
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