PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

Nope. most PC players don't talk in these part of the forums at all!

The PS3 version is better than the PC one anyway. Less bugs, better sound, no inconsistencies with gameplay due to computer spec etc.. No fuss!

Sure you have kitserver etc.. but i just prefer the minimum fuss approach of a console. can't be arsed to spend ages changing this and that because of a patch going wrong etc..

I tried to ease juce into PES 2011 but he seems highly ignorant about it like many others so i can't be fucking bothered to try discuss gameplay with many of these PC players (not all but a lot of them) Just run away when they don't have an awnser.

You can't say something like that.A game's performance on a PC depends hugely on how powerful your computer is and in mine for instance, it's as smooth as a baby's butt.
It runs better than the PS3 version
I think FIFA 12 is kind of doing the same, Rutter said stuff in January that indicates that there will be quick throw ins for example to make it more seamless. What more cutscenees/resets are there except corner kicks and goal kicks too? Quick freekicks both games already have.

I don't know it will probably never be implemented but I'd love to see the opportunity to have more realistic quick free kicks.Like the defender could stand in front of the ball and sort of prevent the quick play at the risk of being yellow carded by the ref.
The defender could even prevent the quick free kick by kicking the ball, it's not very fair play I know
You can't say something like that.A game's performance on a PC depends hugely on how powerful your computer is and in mine for instance, it's as smooth as a baby's butt.
It runs better than the PS3 version

True. I run the pc version at a constant 60 fps with no frame drops and high to very high lods. I highly doubt the PS3 version runs that well.

Its not a problem in 2011. It's something net fetishists have been asking for for many years. So its good they've finally added it. Now fetishists can rest...

The net fetishists will never rest
I'd rather them work on cutting down the unnecessary cut-scenes than sort out quick free kicks regarding the seamless gameplay. Perhaps it's just me but i never find quick free-kicks to be that much of an advantage at the moment, i'd rather wait to take an actual free kick so i can get some players forward. Perhaps it's due to the players not making forward runs as to take advantage of the quick free kick, which could consequently be rectified in this version.

I'm hope the celebrations are better in PES this year. I have no real opinion of the custom celebrations in Fifa themselves but i think it's great that it means that people don't skip through them, you get a feeling of celebration at least. There's no point sitting through PES celebrations the majority of the time, no feeling of celebration.
You can't say something like that.A game's performance on a PC depends hugely on how powerful your computer is and in mine for instance, it's as smooth as a baby's butt.
It runs better than the PS3 version

Well mine is smooth as well but still it seems to play differently if you change a few settings on the nvidea or with resolution etc.. At times the game can be too fast :CONFUSE:

There are bugs in the PC version such as the crowd fades to total mute for some reason and the bug when every player just stops and leaves the ball and you can't touch it at all.

Never happens in the PS3 version! Must be some sort of conversion issue.

Am i alone in thinking the first touch element from 2010 was better than 2011 and would like to see it back for 2012?

Thats just Yairs gameplay it takes away the first touch element completely, hence why it's s easy!

You can just pretty much ping pong pass through teams with minimum fuss!
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Adam (WENB)

"E3 is going to be huge for PES by the way, it's going to be an explosion of information. The video will wow you, but the announcements regarding features will make everyone here feel really good"

Great news :WORSHIP:

One new post by Adam:

I actually think the visuals will impress a lot of people when they see it. Not just the look of the players, but the look of everything going on while you play.

Arghh,too much to wait,two loooooong weeks.
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Been happening to me today.

I'd miss an open goal where ply player takes a heavy touch when i press shoot, or he will sky it over the ball even when i don't even press the shot button hard, yet somehow the opponent gets one chance, he flukes through my players and boom.

Thing is i can tell when I'm getting all the luck, when the other guy is missing open goals and I'm scoring from total flukes!

Maybe it's just the lag in games here and there but MLO has just been crazy today! Yes, that is football but most of the games (again maybe its lag) Because the AI isn't set to top player they make some ridiculous errors!

The most obvious part for me is that when you press down but the ball goes up. the player is not under pressure. There was no goalie. I mean some part are scripted in a very bad way. I don't care if players are boosted now and then, but an open goal is an open goal and it should go in.
The thing is, this is Adam. Many people survive by eating food and drinking water. Adam is different. He is only able to survive and exist by exerting hype and hyperbolic statements about the upcoming version of PES.

Medical science is baffled.
The thing is, this is Adam. Many people survive by eating food and drinking water. Adam is different. He is only able to survive and exist by exerting hype and hyperbolic statements about the upcoming version of PES.

Medical science is baffled.

It's not quite like that anymore. But yeah, people who don't like hype should keep away from these statements :p
The most obvious part for me is that when you press down but the ball goes up.

Wait, your pressing down and shoot?

the player is not under pressure. There was no goalie. I mean some part are scripted in a very bad way. I don't care if players are boosted now and then, but an open goal is an open goal and it should go in.

Well if you press the shot button hard i can understand it going over the ball but when you tap it and it goes over? Maybe once in say 100 game that happens when a player messes up but not as regularly as it's been happening to me!
Wait, your pressing down and shoot?

Well if you press the shot button hard i can understand it going over the ball but when you tap it and it goes over? Maybe once in say 100 game that happens when a player messes up but not as regularly as it's been happening to me!

yeah , it sounds unbelievable but it's true. I have these moments that nothings works. I think it ruins the game. it's hard to gain skills when allot is decided by A.I.

I remember when i just got the game and i played my 2nd quick match in mlo and i was playing with default players against a d3 division player and this guy had messi, xavi and i think 1 or 2 other good players, but i beat him 3-0. but to me it felt like i was helped by the A.I. I remember he getting 100 chances but everything went wide, i mean he had Messi for G.. Sakes. Something just isn't right.
yeah , it sounds unbelievable but it's true. I have these moments that nothings works. I think it ruins the game. it's hard to gain skills when allot is decided by A.I.

I remember when i just got the game and i played my 2nd quick match in mlo and i was playing with default players against a d3 division player and this guy had messi, xavi and i think 1 or 2 other good players, but i beat him 3-0. but to me it felt like i was helped by the A.I. I remember he getting 100 chances but everything went wide, i mean he had Messi for G.. Sakes. Something just isn't right.

Absolutely agree 100%

Btw you where division 5 and beat a division 3. There's something abnormal going on but i just KEEP losing to Division 5 players!

I'm in Division 3 and i swear, nothing goes your way. You miss open goals, passes hit your own players, the other guy gets like 2 chances and scores both.

It's ridiculous since i beaten a few division 1 players who had super teams and again it felt like the AI just favored me that game.

You would be surprised but i really think a lot of this is down to it being set to regular AI. The PEEL games i have online on top player feel 100 times better and feel as if skill actually matters!
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There is something wrong with the game I think after recently playing it. The shooting feels fucked this year, as do the ball physics and as Enlil said the AI does seem to cheat more often in this game than in any other I can remember.
Lol 4 years running and Adams name pops up in this thread and becomes a point of discussion. Amazing.

Not really a discussion. It's just the way it is, he keeps the hype machine running! And tbh, since last year at least, he hasn't promised anything we didn't get afterwards in some way or another. But I shouldn't be talking, lol.
Lol 4 years running and Adams name pops up in this thread and becomes a point of discussion. Amazing.

He's the nearest thing we've got to 'news' at this early stage. Obviously his quotes have to be taken with the requisite mountain of salt, but still it's better than nothing.
Another thing that needs fixing - the referees. I am quite a physical player and will slide tackle when I believe I can get the ball.

Unfortunately time and time again when I win the ball cleanly I will be called up on it. I can respect the decision if I go through the player to get the ball, but last night I was able to pull off an absolutely perfect tackle, winning the ball cleanly without even touching the opposition player only for the ref to call it a foul and then give me a red card.

The broken refs ruin the flow of the game and I am sure there are more than a few of us that have cleanly taken the ball in the box only for a penalty to be given. The net result of this is that people become timid of using perfectly legal tactics and it immensely reduces the realism. This is a bug that actually alters the outcome of the game and needs addressing before any of the superfluous stuff.
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Oh yeah I forgot about the referees. My slide tackles that have got the ball often end up getting a card.
About the refs, I do want them looking at, but I also want them to have a degree of error as well. Anyone who plays football knows how many silly, subjective decisions that will go against you during a match. I personally would prefer to keep it as it is now, as opposed to an unrealistic 'every call being perfect' scenario. I just hope they find a happier medium between two.
About the refs, I do want them looking at, but I also want them to have a degree of error as well. Anyone who plays football knows how many silly, subjective decisions that will go against you during a match. I personally would prefer to keep it as it is now, as opposed to an unrealistic 'every call being perfect' scenario. I just hope they find a happier medium between two.

Hi Jimmy, thats a fair point, i would also like to see this applied to the offside ruling as well. maybe something like 5% of the time. As we all know IRL offside decisions are never 100% correct and they along with dodgy penalty decisions add to the controversy of matches.
I don't think PES has ever deliberately put in ref error. It's just a happy coincidence that they've never got them 'perfect'. If it was at all deliberate then you'd expect at least one instance where the commentary would look at a foul and say it was a poor decision, thereby implying that this was a design choice and not imperfect coding. You never see offside calls given where the player is half a yard onside.
sliding tackles should be rishy and difficult to pull.

right now the game is full of sliding tackle whores who spoil the experience on line.
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About the refs, I do want them looking at, but I also want them to have a degree of error as well. Anyone who plays football knows how many silly, subjective decisions that will go against you during a match. I personally would prefer to keep it as it is now, as opposed to an unrealistic 'every call being perfect' scenario. I just hope they find a happier medium between two.

I think this can be tricky specially if you lose the match because of that. It can be anguish for some. i mean how many times have we been let down by refs which spoils the whole mood. you feel undone because of something you cant do anything about. Already people are complaining about scripting, this would be just too tricky IMO.

however it can be implemented smartly like in situations which would generally be not as important.
for eg . player is flagged offside when he's not. the opposite of this will create major setback for the one who concedes such goal especially against cpu.
OR giving out cards when not required, or not giving card when it was required.
penalties only for diving sometimes, not otherwise.
sliding tackles should be rishy and difficult to pull.

right now the game is full of sliding tackle whores who spoil the experience on line.

very right! its a shame that these are so easy to pull off. some variations into this would also be welcome.
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