PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

To be fair I was expecting to see smoother transitional animations and more refinement in general.

I watched the video a few times now, looking at the gameplay in the background, in fact my negative point is that it does look a bit fast doesn't it..

What i can see from the video and from the feedback is that this game looks to have that responsiveness it lacked in PES 2011. There wasn't any example i saw of a player looking unresponsive.

That was the big issue with why PES 2011 looked so jerky, the stumbling, collisions where players would be locked in animations (you see this with keepers and shooting etc.. Also things like you could have 2-3 players standing next to each over as if like statues. I didn't see any of that in the video.

So as it stands for me the animations are just about good enough without again being spectacular!
I watched the video a few times now, looking at the gameplay in the background, in fact my negative point is that it does look a bit fast doesn't it..

What i can see from the video and from the feedback is that this game looks to have that responsiveness it lacked in PES 2011. There wasn't any example i saw of a player looking unresponsive.

That was the big issue with why PES 2011 looked so jerky, the stumbling, collisions where players would be locked in animations (you see this with keepers and shooting etc.. Also things like you could have 2-3 players standing next to each over as if like statues. I didn't see any of that in the video.

So as it stands for me the animations are just about good enough without again being spectacular!

Well said. I'm not sure if it's fast. Bare in mind that the footage in the background is CPU vs CPU, meaning every decision is taken in a blink of an eye, making the game look really fast. The close up footage looks to have just the right speed.
I watched the video a few times now, looking at the gameplay in the background, in fact my negative point is that it does look a bit fast doesn't it..

What i can see from the video and from the feedback is that this game looks to have that responsiveness it lacked in PES 2011. There wasn't any example i saw of a player looking unresponsive.

That was the big issue with why PES 2011 looked so jerky, the stumbling, collisions where players would be locked in animations (you see this with keepers and shooting etc.. Also things like you could have 2-3 players standing next to each over as if like statues. I didn't see any of that in the video.

So as it stands for me the animations are just about good enough without again being spectacular!

I agree with everything. That's exactly my impressions too.

The game feels a bit faster, thats true, adn this is not very good.

But the responsiveness of players, the off the ball movements on atatac and defence highlighted in the video, as well as the new physics contacs and the variety of colisions animations make the game look very promising.

There's no reason to be disapointed in a video wich just show gameplay in the bacground.

Only a directfeed video will provide us a real feeling about the new gameplay.
"In PES 2012, it's easier to steal the ball and position yourself in opposition space to narrow options."

Hopefully that doesn't mean what it sounds like...

Apart from that, not a bad video - Seabass seems to know his football!
The defensive positioning in particular seemed vastly improved!
To me, it is absolutely right that they're making improvements to the gameplay, first and foremost. Everything else will see some improvement but in truth the changes described already should make a big difference in how the game feels, simply by making the broader behaviour of the game more organic.

I personally was very happy about the right stick player switching mentioned somewhere (only seen some of the vid). That will make a huge difference. Huge.
I hope changing game speeds won't automatically mean changing player response times.
"In PES 2012, it's easier to steal the ball and position yourself in opposition space to narrow options."

Hopefully that doesn't mean what it sounds like...

Apart from that, not a bad video - Seabass seems to know his football!
The defensive positioning in particular seemed vastly improved!

Ai attacking recieved a noice touch too.
I love the ribery run at 3:30.
they had better change animations. animation looked horrible once again. but there is still plenty of time.

i think the video in the background is from pes 2011 mostly. so no worry fttb.
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To me, it is absolutely right that they're making improvements to the gameplay, first and foremost. Everything else will see some improvement but in truth the changes described already should make a big difference in how the game feels, simply by making the broader behaviour of the game more organic.

I personally was very happy about the right stick player switching mentioned somewhere (only seen some of the vid). That will make a huge difference. Huge.

Is that really confirmed ?

It really will make huge improvement. This one of the few things konami must copy from Fifa.

My defend style is covering space, and this will help me a lot.:BOP:
konami havent got a clue, when i first saw the video and saw the length of the video i thought, here we go, some real stuff to study but most of it is brief glimpses, the rest is just seabass talking. look at the starhawk ps3 exclusive announcement trailer just released, similar running time yet has much more gameplay to look at aswell as interviews.

very underwhelming after a second watch, they dont know how to grasp that sort of thing in my opinion.
Looking at it again, the graphics and animations WON'T be worse than PES 2011 and should improve (which they don't look to be as good as in the new video) and the game actually seems a bit too quick and responsive from that video, overall if you piece together the two it should be very good

(Makes assumption that the game should look atleast as good as PES 11')

YouTube - PES 2011 Gameplay - GamesCom #2 Real Madrid vs Inter Milano Footage [HD] This video made me very excited about PES 11' and it still looks good even now apart from looking a bit slow and clunky, hopefully the glimpses from the video today show its much smoother. hopefully that's the result we get.
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From the press-release:

Zonal marking and positional defending are also massively enhanced; ensuring players are forced to work harder to split the opposition defence. Meanwhile a new cursor switching system has been implemented using the right analogue stick to switch to any player on the field. This allows users to pick a team mate anywhere on the pitch, thereby allowing players to react to threats faster, and to shut down attacks more quickly. Hold up play is being tweaked to give even greater control. AI defenders are able to hold a much tighter defensive line, position themselves better and track opponents more efficiently. The off-the-ball switching also extends to key set pieces, such as goal kicks, corners, free kicks and throw-ins, and allows users to target a specific player and send them on runs or to drag defenders out of position, and allows for quick breaks and space to be exploited more easily.

The physicality of top-level football is represented as PES 2012 extends the jostling system of its predecessor. Defenders rely on their strength and stature to force a player from the ball as strikers and play makers make use of unique attributes to beat their markers. Tighter, more accurate collisions see players tumbling dependent on how they are knocked off the ball. Crucially, control is not lost, allowing the stumbling player to be brought directly back under control.

The result is a game that, more than ever, truly represents the key attributes of the world’s greatest players, but without sacrificing balance and allowing single players to waltz undefended through a game. Coupled with heavily tweaked animation, more detailed lighting techniques, a wider variety of player styles, improved dead-ball situations, expanded tactics and a new customisable pass feature, means that PES 2012 truly captures the essence of top-flight football.
Something i want implement in terms of animations, it's small so many players do it is rabona passes and crosses.

So many players do it these days!

I just really like the way it's put in on FIFA (they do it a lill too much). Also in general would be nice to see the CPU do more tricks.

Small but it's like the goalnets, no reason why they can't be improved.
thanks for the video lami, wow what can i say firstly i must point this straight out, seabass is looking extremely relaxed and much more confident this really gives a good indication that he is at the expert level of pes development and how it's unfolding, eyes were at there full zoom, i was watching the gameplay at the same time while seabass talks about the features, i am so pleased with what i am seeing, seabass greatly looks much relaxed and hopefull that is enough for now, pes 2012 will all be about the real thing.
Look at the video at about 10 seconds and pause. Is that a new stadium in the background? I don't recognise it from PES2011.

EDIT - I'm referring to the video by Maremas.
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Something i want implement in terms of animations, it's small so many players do it is rabona passes and crosses.

So many players do it these days!

I just really like the way it's put in on FIFA (they do it a lill too much). Also in general would be nice to see the CPU do more tricks.

Didn't they use to have this in PES? If a player had one strong sided foot and one weak sided one then he would do it automatically at times. I imagine in real life it's probably used mostly because a player feels stronger on one foot than the other. I use it sometimes when playing football if i don't feel comfortable say crossing with my left foot. It's not really a trick, more of a necessity at times. It'd be a better approach than having players cross overly well with their weak foot.

I'd like them to do something about players with weak feet and their ability to do things like cross. Crossing with Valencia's left foot makes me cringe at times knowing he is exclusively right footed. I'd love it to deter me from crossing with his left, say if he was dribbling down the left by ballooning the ball or not making enough contact with it so it's just not a good cross. I'm not saying it's necessary but on paper it'd be a nice and tactical improvement to force me to understand my players.
I didn't think the animations looked that bad. From the video the thing that stood out mostly was the way they highlighted man-marking and player runs. So hopefully less static gameplay.

I want to see the physics though, i abhorred shooting the physics of long range shots in PES 2011. Very bullet like and a player seemed to have to ability to shoot with power in any given instant, even shots from 40 yards travelled perfectly at speed toward the goal. It never resulted in a goal really but it seemed a bit off.
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Look at the video at about 10 seconds and pause. Is that a new stadium in the background? I don't recognise it from PES2011.

EDIT - I'm referring to the video by Maremas.

Yeah, well spotted i thought it was Wembley :CONFUSE: Looks a lot like the Emirates :BOP:

Didn't they use to have this in PES? If a player had one strong sided foot and one weak sided one then he would do it automatically at times. I imagine in real life it's probably used mostly because a player feels stronger on one foot than the other. I use it sometimes when playing football if i don't feel comfortable say crossing with my left foot. It's not really a trick, more of a necessity at times. It'd be a better approach than having players cross overly well with their weak foot.

I'd like them to do something about players with weak feet and their ability to do things like cross. Crossing with Valencia's left foot makes me cringe at times knowing he is exclusively right footed. I'd love it to deter me from crossing with his left, say if he was dribbling down the left by ballooning the ball or not making enough contact with it so it's just not a good cross. I'm not saying it's necessary but on paper it'd be a nice and tactical improvement to force me to understand my players.

They have it already but only for shooting which is very bizarre! Di maria scored a goal from a rabona just like you do in PES but that's about it, everyone else normally does it for a chipped pass or across which isn't possible to pass using a rabona in PES.

Also with Valencia whats his foot stats or PES is his weak foot accuracy too high?
But my point was that animations aren't the most important, the changes the mention IN THE GAMEPLAY pleased me 100%. Judging everything as a whole leads me to think it's going to be a joy to play.

To me, it is absolutely right that they're making improvements to the gameplay, first and foremost.

Totally agree. Very good news for me.

After watching this video seemed to me like Konami is finally "listening" our wishes, i mean, look at the wish list and you will find all those improvements.

You guys can say things like "Animations still robotic" but this vid isn't from the final code of the game right :))
Wow - the Maremas video is a great trailer!

If Konami would've released that video 1 week from now, I'd have taken it almost as a new video altogether :)
I hope passing speed is reduced in the final game because the ball moves too quickly and accurately when trying to pass over long distances.

Also, when will we get to try out this preview build that Seabass mentioned?
agree with the speed. Passing seems too accurate and the ball moves across the grass to quickly, shame since i remember the MLO beta and that video from Germany, the ball physics looked better :( Then again ball physics just requires tweaking..

That generic bowl stadium takes care of the Emirates, Allianz and Doornbass arena's :) I mean it's true most 'bowl' stadiums look exactly the same! I've been using the Estadio de Luz for Arsenal and honestly especially in champions league matches, looks exactly like the Emirates!

More on the animations, interesting how they use PES and WE United to show of gameplay changes. If you consider that, we can't really judge how much of a jump the animations will be in the final game not because it's still may, but the video isn't showcasing any top players and how Konami are making the game silky smooth like some here are requesting. This video just focuses purely on the function and addressing and reassuring PES 2011 big flaws have been fixed :)

I think once people not just play but see games where there's no 'chunkiness' players standing or freezing 'stuck in a animation'. Then, everyone will be surprised just how good the animations are and it's true potential FIFA has a lot of stupid 'base' animations along with many very good ones but importantly they are all blended together so smoothly so expertly you wouldn't notice the ridiculous crossing animation etc..

The dibbling system and animations to me demonstrated PES can make the animations smooth. Now they need to get everything else right which they should do.

Things i expect for PES 2012 animations wise is the Link feints to work much better with smoother transitions, agility playing a part in this, for example ratface Cristiano would do step overs faster than Dirk Kyut, stuff like that. Also animations matching up better in reaction to the ball, i want to see players hitting the ball with vigor when i do a driven cross or driven shot, finally shooting animations again, to be more coherent to the power and type of shot you make with more inertia in relation to how fast the play is approaching the ball etc..

It SHOULD be possible from what i've seen!
The nets are fixed! Im getting it day one!

FIFA's hands are fixed! Im getting that day one too!

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