PES 2012 Discussion Thread .......

some nice features detailed but they cant seem to shake off the robotic movements and passing. during the video when it showed pes 2011 gameplay i never got the impression it was showing pes 2012 gameplay later on.
I, for one, like it. Having been in this hype train all the way since the first PES/WE5, and seen their public presentations, I sort of have become used to keeping it real, and lower my expectations.

No matter what they tell us now, most of the satisfaction will come from playing the game.

That being said, I did like to see the off-the-ball player movements being improved - that'll be crucial, especially from BAL - as well as defensive improvements, hold-up play and one-on-one improvements. PES2011 is a good game, but the whole right-stick-plus-left-bumper-shenanigans just made me rely on 4 presets and screw the rest. I still thoroughly miss the old shot feint.

Looking at the videos, they might not seem much improved, but I'm considering it a change from PES4 to PES5 - not much graphics-wise, but tons gameplay-wise. Let's see if that's how it turns out to be!


Paulo Tavares
there's some new animations which impressed me, The collisions look 100 times better! Game looks a lot more fluid, but not a huge leap, not hugely noticeable for everyone but it doesn't look jerkey at all!

AI stuff looks cool. Well it should be pretty good, looking promising. Without being spectacular.
Sorry for the second post in a row, but this seems new - as in "not referred in the video":

Meanwhile a new cursor switching system has been implemented using the right analogue stick to switch to any player on the field. This allows users to pick a team mate anywhere on the pitch, thereby allowing players to react to threats faster, and to shut down attacks more quickly.
I'll be honest, the video was a little disappointing.

Listening to Seabass talk through all the AI improvements was great, and the impact of these changes could completely transform the game.

However, I got the feeling I was watching PES2011 rather than a new game. The animations aren't noticeably different on the face of it, and there still looks to be too much rigidity and angularity in the player's movement.

Still hyped but I was expecting more. Still, we'll see.
The Right Analog cursor change has been in FIFA a while, never thought it was that effective tbh.

Have to laugh at the music though. I don't even know how you'd describe it, Jap-Techno? Typical Konami
i was one of those people who gave feedback about konamis pr, saying they should of had someone playing the game for a announcement video and talking off screen about features while showing them which they did sort of but not the way i would of done it. it wasnt a bad video but it failed to get me excited. hopefully there is some good stuff to come.
I'll be honest, the video was a little disappointing.

Listening to Seabass talk through all the AI improvements was great, and the impact of these changes could completely transform the game.

However, I got the feeling I was watching PES2011 rather than a new game. The animations aren't noticeably different on the face of it, and there still looks to be too much rigidity and angularity in the player's movement.

Still hyped but I was expecting more. Still, we'll see.

Imo not changing the artwork ONCE AGAIN is a good indication that they are trying to find stability. IN the PS2 days, player models and all were pretty much the same from PES 3 to 6. If you look past it, and from what you're shown on the video, it moves better, and above all, it looks a hundred times more fluid.

Obviously anyone expecting it to look very different will be disappointed.
I was hoping for some screenshots as well. You know, the usual. Two players going up for a header with 10 other players in shot. The same one Konami use every year.
Also, I'm chuffed about the promise of better off-the-ball movement, pretty much my main point of improvement a couple pages back....

Not really fussed what it looks like, can never tell until you have it in your hands, videos have never done PES justice.
Imo not changing the artwork ONCE AGAIN is a good indication that they are trying to find stability. IN the PS2 days, player models and all were pretty much the same from PES 3 to 6. If you look past it, and from what you're shown on the video, it moves better, and above all, it looks a hundred times more fluid.

Obviously anyone expecting it to look very different will be disappointed.

It's got nothing to do with artwork, nor did I mention it. That's not an issue. But saying the game looks 'a hundred times more fluid'? I don't see it myself. This could have been a PES2011 video if I wasn't told otherwise.

I can see subtle changes in the animations, but let's be honest PES needs more radical changes in that department.

Early days though.
Imo not changing the artwork ONCE AGAIN is a good indication that they are trying to find stability. IN the PS2 days, player models and all were pretty much the same from PES 3 to 6.

That's the reasoning I'm going for as well.

Who would've know, maybe we can actually draw that parallel:

PES = PES2008
PES2 = PES2009
PES3 = PES2010 (new graphics)
PES4 = PES2011
PES5 maybe PES2012?

Clearly I'm just drawing on a far-fetched comparison, I just found the possibility curious :)

EDIT: And by no means am I making a judgment on whether or not the graphics and animations are good or bad. That is not my point.


Paulo Tavares
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They've changed the nets, you know...
They are a lot better i agree, but i want to be able to select different types of nets!

I'll be honest, the video was a little disappointing.

Listening to Seabass talk through all the AI improvements was great, and the impact of these changes could completely transform the game.

However, I got the feeling I was watching PES2011 rather than a new game. The animations aren't noticeably different on the face of it, and there still looks to be too much rigidity and angularity in the player's movement.

Still hyped but I was expecting more. Still, we'll see.

Yeah, then again i didn't necessary expect and it's not like Konami have to make a monumental effort, it's ironing the flaws out:

- Collision system i mean it looks already 100 times better and more fluid.

- Player runs he spoke about. I can't see them failing.

The animations i agree, it does just look like a patched PES 2011. Thing is PES 2011 animations are actually good, just needed to be blended together better.

The only animation i didn't like is that dam robotic side stepping one! Seriously Konami re do it!
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It's got nothing to do with artwork, nor did I mention it. That's not an issue. But saying the game looks 'a hundred times more fluid'? I don't see it myself. This could have been a PES2011 video if I wasn't told otherwise.

I can see subtle changes in the animations, but let's be honest PES needs more radical changes in that department.

Early days though.

You don't think it's fluid? Imo they are. Animations may not be ideal (they don't look right some times) but I haven't seen stuttering or too much clunkiness, collisions seem greatly improved, and it moves smooth.
Especially when they broke down the game and focus on dribbling moves and joggling, it looks quite different from PES11. At least I think it does. But my point was that animations aren't the most important, the changes the mention IN THE GAMEPLAY pleased me 100%. Judging everything as a whole leads me to think it's going to be a joy to play.
But my point was that animations aren't the most important, the changes the mention IN THE GAMEPLAY pleased me 100%. Judging everything as a whole leads me to think it's going to be a joy to play.

No doubt about that.

But we're in the sixth year of the current generation of consoles and early impressions suggest Konami still haven't got with the plot when it comes to animations. I hope I'm proved wrong come October.
No doubt about that.

But we're in the sixth year of the current generation of consoles and early impressions suggest Konami still haven't got with the plot when it comes to animations. I hope I'm proved wrong come October.

Tbh I don't think they can do much about it right now.

That may be one of the reasons we were let to know previously that: 1) PES 2012 is focused on fans feedback and aims to please those who are already fans of the serie. 2) There's a different director and more money invested in PES for the following series.

Animations surely need money spent on them. I think they've finally realized they need to rebuild animation engine (hate that word) from scratch in order to accomplish the high standards of quality people are requesting these days.
To be fair I was expecting to see smoother transitional animations and more refinement in general. I don't want an overhaul or FIFA style animations, but I don't want to see any more awkward looking animations and balls leaving players' feet at funny angles. That kind of thing.
Not that impressed. It's nice to hear him talk about actual football issues, but since they're so far behind technology wise (animations, collision, ball physics etc.) it would be nice to hear stuff about those issues. In FIFA it's the other way around, they're only talking about technology and not about football issues.

I've only watched it once and it felt like watching PES 2011 with the same rigid movements and ball physics. Hopefully the game itself will impress.
Yeah, I really hope this is just the beginning but they really need to do the same amount of work they did last year on animations.
The first touchs animations sould look smooth than pes 2011, and they still need to improve passing animatios as well. The physical conection between ball and feet need improvementes.

But Konami got the right direction with pes 2011 (definetly a great game, but it should be more polished), and, as we all know, since the last gen pes's games you could only feel the differences between one game compared to another only when you played it for at least one week.

Some changes from pes 2010 to pes 2011 was a bit like the differences between winning eleven 6 compared to winning eleven 7, so a I just hope that the next Pes (2012) will "skip" winning eleven 8 to be like the best of all them (Winning Eleven 9).
I like the physic contact at 1:13, it remembers me the old times when a bad timed tackle was a real faul, a light tackle (i mean, not an agressive tackle lika a slide tackle) being timed wrongly can be enough to bring a man down.

I hope you get what i mean here as my english is not my first language.
I think we should look at some details that will surely make a difference.

For example, i love the trap (first touch, whatever) at 1:54 or 1:55. The player just needed one light touch on the ball to bring it down. Its much more realistic.

This was one of my complaints in pes 2011. In pes 2011, somtimes players make two or more unecessary touchs on the ball to control and bring it down. Nice touch...
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