PES 2010 360/PS3 Demo Feedback

I agree, but they both have their shortcomings, and IMO both seem to have taken different routes in their representation of football; FIFA being more of a simulation focused on recreating animations more true to life and with the current manual system in place it focuses more on the skill the user, whereas PES is geared more towards fun, pick up and play football. It's entertaining for all users, but opens up the possibility for more advanced players to work on their formations and tactics and use players to the best of their abilities, to win as a team using the players they have available. Rather than focuses solely on the intricacies of a full on SIM. This is the main reason why I find it hard to draw a lot of parallels between the two and why I used PES 2009 as a reference, being the latest game in the next gen PES series, and the latest game to focus on what PES focuses on, IMO of course.

For all the positives in FIFA (and I agree there are a lot, including 'fluidity' as you say), IMO the longevity of the game is still let down by the fact there is very little individuality between teams and players, and when there is it tends to be applied to the top divisions solely. I have the game pre-ordered and fully intend of putting it through it's paces both online and offline in MM and using my VP, but in the back of my mind is the niggling thought that each and every match will all be a little samey, which worries me. On the other hand, although PES has that individuality and tactical side to it, which fills that particular void left by FIFA, adding some form of spontaneity to each and every game you play, I'm worried that the response times and the fact that it is lacking in the simulation department in terms of collisions and animations could factor in to my enjoyment of the game. I have PES pre-ordered though, as I can't wait to get stuck into the new ML and try out the new online mode.

I guess we'll have to see, and it'll be interesting to read this post back in a few months time to see if my opinion has changed.

Good post, and I feel very much the same as you.

I think the response times in PES will be tweaked before release, so I'm confident it won't be a game-breaker as such.
I pretty much agree with you entirely there MJ.

Someone also said that the CPU plays a bit poorly in FIFA as well, which I would agree with - that seriously dents the offline game-modes (which is all I play really). Hopefully the CPU side of things gets patched, I'm begging with EA to improve player runs and the constant pressure from the CPU (but that's just the half of it really).

But if not, it looks like I'll have FIFA on the 360 for playing online, and PES on the PS3 for Master League games - that is, if they improve the response times, because at the minute they're just too much for me. No possible excuse as far as I'm concerned, you can get used to it yes but that doesn't make it okay in my book.
If Konami really wanted the fans input on PES2010 then they should have started the fan feedback initiative much earlier than March or April when they got involved with Pesfan, etc.

It seemed to me like Konami were going through the motions as a response to EA and their much more active fan involvement.
More chance of hell freezing over.

In fairness to Konami though they have listened to the fans this time. Not added everything obviously, maybe due to the fact it was too late in the development process, but it is a start at least. Hopefully 2011 includes a hell of a lot of our left out feedback.
where are the fouls in this game? In all the demo time ive played I never received a yellow and neither did the AI. Its far too easy to steal the ball without slide tackles.
PES 09 actually did that well.
For me this is a setback as I never even got a free kick opportunity to see how its improved (or not).
I, as usual, encountered lots of bugs and I recorded a few which you can watch here for fun: :D
YouTube - PES2010 Bugs

However, This game more entertaining than the past 2 PES's and I'm enjoying it. :) The sliders improve the gameplay so much.
Guys, I just wanted to know how do you deal with the AI (top player) in aerial battles or just general battles for the ball? It seems that every time I try to run with the ball, the AI will just push me and take it; on the other hand, when the AI runs with the ball my chances to get the ball are around 20% only! I tried pressing L2, R1+R2, x(ps3)+R2, etc. but with no luck so far.
That video reminds me of pes360. I remember hitting a shot, the ball hitting the shooting players toe, the ball going directy up, hitting the same players knee and then the ball going into row z :D, Good times!
The poor level of collision detection and ball physics (except shooting in general) makes the game a joke and destroys what would be a fun game otherwise. In my oppinion, it shows the poor level of programming the current PES team has.
I, as usual, encountered lots of bugs and I recorded a few which you can watch here for fun: :D
YouTube - PES2010 Bugs

However, This game more entertaining than the past 2 PES's and I'm enjoying it. :) The sliders improve the gameplay so much.

It's a nice video but you should have called it PES 2010 Demo Bugs. Some bad bugs there but what was going on in the last clip? Seemed bug-free to me.
The poor level of collision detection and ball physics (except shooting in general) makes the game a joke and destroys what would be a fun game otherwise. In my oppinion, it shows the poor level of programming the current PES team has.

Or Maybe it shows how early version we are playing
Even on an early version, things should be much much better than they are. An animation engine and collision detection is not something that magically works well in one month. You can see older builds of Fifa that won't have this big problems. What may be then? Early build or bad programming? I think its' both, actually.

And if it's a pre-alpha-0.45 build, then how on earth they delivered that to fans is a matter of study for neurologists.

I'm telling you, I would find it really fun to play (pick'n'play game, just as a psn store title, to play now and then) if it weren't for the constant bugs and the poor technology behind it!
Even on an early version, things should be much much better than they are. An animation engine and collision detection is not something that magically works well in one month. You can see older builds of Fifa that won't have this big problems. What may be then? Early build or bad programming? I think its' both, actually.

And if it's a pre-alpha-0.45 build, then how on earth they delivered that to fans is a matter of study for neurologists.

I'm telling you, I would find it really fun to play (pick'n'play game, just as a psn store title, to play now and then) if it weren't for the constant bugs and the poor technology behind it!

Agree with you 100%...I simply showed one possibility (early version) but I know it is an issue not to underestimate...I guess(I bet) Konami programmers are little bit late with deliver date...I am sure we surely have early Konami patch few time after official release, because, how you rightly said, there are too many bugs...(collisions, fake shot, response time issue, idiot goalkeepers...) I remind the game must be gold within few days and I am worried about it...
It would be a sin because the game (graphically speaking) looks very good (untucked shirt from normal camera apart)and those issues would ruin it...:RANT:
We all know how retarded Konami are when it comes to PR. I think it's more than likely they would release a demo that doesn't put the actual game in the best light.. in which case I still say reserve your judgement about the perceived bugs until we know they're still there in the release copy.
If Konami really wanted the fans input on PES2010 then they should have started the fan feedback initiative much earlier than March or April when they got involved with Pesfan, etc.

It seemed to me like Konami were going through the motions as a response to EA and their much more active fan involvement.
It does seem that way, let us all start the 2011 prayer... :PRAY:
For all the positives in FIFA (and I agree there are a lot, including 'fluidity' as you say), IMO the longevity of the game is still let down by the fact there is very little individuality between teams and players, and when there is it tends to be applied to the top divisions solely.

At least it has divisions, my hope for 2011 as every year :PIRATE: :P

Had some more demo time, like the shooting feeling and getting to grips with the right stick... :P
Today, before class I was trying to prove I can twist myself like the people on the front of my anatomy textbook, I got onto a table and twisted my ankles behind my head. Everyone seemed impressed until I farted so loudly that it echoed in the hallway. I couldn't get my legs unstuck. FML
It's a nice video but you should have called it PES 2010 Demo Bugs. Some bad bugs there but what was going on in the last clip? Seemed bug-free to me.
Pirlo dancing? I was trying to push the AI player for the header but Pirlo got stuck and started doing some weird moves. There is no way to push the stupid AI players! :SHOCK:
Today, before class I was trying to prove I can twist myself like the people on the front of my anatomy textbook, I got onto a table and twisted my ankles behind my head. Everyone seemed impressed until I farted so loudly that it echoed in the hallway. I couldn't get my legs unstuck. FML

Makes sense but it's an early build or it could just be Konamis poor programmers.
The poor level of collision detection and ball physics (except shooting in general) makes the game a joke and destroys what would be a fun game otherwise. In my oppinion, it shows the poor level of programming the current PES team has.
It's a refined old gen engine.... Now that they nailed the graphics, I guess more attention should be given to the animations and physics of the game. The "other game" has already been using IK (inverse kinematics) since summer 2006.... And look how beautiful it flows now...
It's a refined old gen engine.... Now that they nailed the graphics, I guess more attention should be given to the animations and physics of the game. The "other game" has already been using IK (inverse kinematics) since summer 2006.... And look how beautiful it flows now...

Seriously the "the other game" just call it FIFA. I dont think anyone takes offense.
Also this thread is becoming mixed up with the news and discussion thread.
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