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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Placebo i think that you and a lot of people like shit with a nice packed,but another looks for fun.Sombody wrote very importand thing,when you play Fifa you don't have fun, ok is realistic but without fun and so much boring :D

Naah I don't care about visuals if the gameplay suffers, I've been gaming so long I remember when footballers were 4 coloured sprites ;) Sure I like the overall package, nice graphics, good atmosphere, good commentary, good crowd atmosphere, but the gameplay at the core has to be enjoyable as well.

We're all different of course, for me, the more realistic and simulation based a game is, whether shooter or RPG or sports game, the more fun I have, I have more fun playing a football game where (for example) I have to make passes and shots manually rather than having a CPU help me, for me that's the kind of thing that's missing in PES, when things are automated control is taken out of your hands, less control = less fun for me :)
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

One thing ive noticed, and i suggest to you guys, look at IGN's review of madden or even a youtube of a game. Look at the grass textures, look how good it can be cause in madden 09 they are phenominal
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

temporary cover of PES2009


Source :

Nice cover!

Never been into the "lets put a footie star on the cover" ones.

Nice to see a stadium/grass/ball. Don't need anything else.

Yeah that's nice, I'm not one for stars on the cover either.

there is stars on the cover just look above the 2009 theres 8 off them:LOL::-pp
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Someone needs to explain to me what exactly realism means in a football videogame. Is it even possible?

It is possible to a high degree. Though "realism" usually refers to having alot of options, and very deep and complex gameplay mechanics. This of course makes the learning curve steeper, since you for example need not only be able to know that "A" is pass, but you also need to practice to know how long to hold "A" in different situations to get the proper strength on the pass, how to properly use the analog stick to aim the pass, etc etc.

Basically, realism would be to be able to do what you can do in real life (and also not be able to do what cannot be done in real life), and all the nuances that come with that.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

There is no better high than beating a cunt online.

There are millions of men who get a high from beating a sausage whilst on-line.

I then show them the force of Pomp and shatter their pre-pubescent e-peen as Benjani rounds their keeper for his hatrick.

What's the secret? How do you stop them quitting as soon as they go 2-0 down?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I thought they said they made new player models

they look exactly the same to me :?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

there is stars on the cover just look above the 2009 theres 8 off them:LOL::-pp

and that's totally correct mate, pes 2009 is the 8th version of the game :mryellow:

If it's ingame it's amazing for sure, hopefully not just a render.

Of course that's in game, look at the clipping of the short in his right leg, in fact pes 2008 player models, are almost the same quality of this one, they look so weak in pes 2008, because the color palette, the textures, and the poor bump/normal mapping, etc. techniques used were ridiculous and badly optimized (one of the causes for the framerate drops on replays close ups).
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Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

That Messi pic does look amazing. The details and lifelike appearance are amazing. I really do hope they look like that good in-game, and I don't mean just on close up view, but medium-far as well. I know that some of you think that good graphics are irrelevant when playing the game in far-view camera, but I think it does make a huge difference. The massive difference is in the animations though. That's where you see the player's/game come to life.

I am very excited for getting two awesome releases come October.

God Bless Futbol!
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Naah I don't care about visuals if the gameplay suffers, I've been gaming so long I remember when footballers were 4 coloured sprites ;) Sure I like the overall package, nice graphics, good atmosphere, good commentary, good crowd atmosphere, but the gameplay at the core has to be enjoyable as well.

We're all different of course, for me, the more realistic and simulation based a game is, whether shooter or RPG or sports game, the more fun I have, I have more fun playing a football game where (for example) I have to make passes and shots manually rather than having a CPU help me, for me that's the kind of thing that's missing in PES, when things are automated control is taken out of your hands, less control = less fun for me :)

See, I feel the same about gaming but to me Konami does a better job of it than EA.
I think it's just a matter of preference really. I remember my first game of konami football. I think it was WE3. I was mesmerised by the movement and realism of the game compared to Fifa at the time (Possibly 96) and have always rated Konami to have the more fluent or responsive game. I really think that this thing that we have about which game is better stems from our personal preferences.

It is possible to a high degree. Though "realism" usually refers to having alot of options, and very deep and complex gameplay mechanics. This of course makes the learning curve steeper, since you for example need not only be able to know that "A" is pass, but you also need to practice to know how long to hold "A" in different situations to get the proper strength on the pass, how to properly use the analog stick to aim the pass, etc etc.

Basically, realism would be to be able to do what you can do in real life (and also not be able to do what cannot be done in real life), and all the nuances that come with that.

I think this would make for one lame ass videogame I agree with the manual passing bit but imagine if for example we were talking about a simple thing such as heading a ball. The real dynamics involved are astounding, you have:
- the movement of the ball in the air dependent on trajectory, swerve, spin, power and a whole lot of other physics.
- the movememt of the player based on strength, balance jump height and all the other nuances.

Now try to bring all of these into a simple action like making a cross and heading it in a videogame. It just is not possible.

Gaming is like watching a movie or reading a book, its escapism and not supposed to be real else it won't be fun.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

What are the odds of getting some new screens today?

20th is too far away lol
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

for the slow time i, with the help of some guys created this site a place where i disect the info coming in and the series as a hole

I know its a shameless plug but im getting good feedback so perhaps someone will enjoy it :D and it genuinely was created for "no news days" as something to read
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I must say I'm excited about the 'Be a legend mode'.

I played several seasons of a fixed-player Master League on PES4 and it was great fun, but it appears the difference with this new mode is that you can move clubs, get dropped etc.

I watched a few youtube videos of this Fantasista Mode, the pre-cursor to 'Be a legend' and looking beyond the obvious language barrier it looked enjoyable.

It could well replace the Master League as my mode of choice on PES2009.

Fifa has also furthered their impressive 'Be a pro' mode so that you can play a career, but it sounds as though it only last four seasons - hardly a career.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

those goalkeeper gloves have surely got to be changed, fucking horrific
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

I've always thought they resembled those of an astronaut. Can't they just make slightly thicker versions of the gloves the players wear?
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

can't they just make a decent generic pair of keeper gloves, you know that resemble actual goalkeeper gloves

it's like making the players run round in wellies
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Doesn't PES2009 have untucked shirts? In this day and age? That's shocking, you should start a protest or something ;)
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Oooohhhhhhhh... those untucked shirts again :banned:

Still no idea what PES is all about??

Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Being obsessed about the goalie gloves is a little bit anal, folks.
Re: PES 2009 News, Discussion and Rumours

Messi looks good, but is anyone else thinking they have touched up the end of the hairs? Even detailed single person animations in other games dont have hair that "fine".
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