PES 2008 demo - patches, files etc

im playing a lot of Enemy Terretory: Quake Wars (yeah full version is so cool) so ive no time to search for the time in PES now but 2 hours ago i searched for the menu entry in the options menu and i can freeze the selection of cpu skill, so i think its possible to change to the time selection. only want to inform these peoples who are asking the hole time for a time patch....
@Ariel: How did you manage the import of the nike ball? Good job. I tried to modify the ball and reimport, but i failed every time. The game alwas freezed in loadingscreen just befor the match starts.
Can you explain how we can import textures back in game the right way?
@Ariel: How did you manage the import of the nike ball? Good job. I tried to modify the ball and reimport, but i failed every time. The game alwas freezed in loadingscreen just befor the match starts.
Can you explain how we can import textures back in game the right way?

@Ariel: How did you manage the import of the nike ball? Good job. I tried to modify the ball and reimport, but i failed every time. The game alwas freezed in loadingscreen just befor the match starts.
Can you explain how we can import textures back in game the right way?

i have the same problem. i think its some problems in export from photoshop.
sorry,but i saw that people are asking for that resolution but there is no response! So that is why the font is big.

I'm sorry again,but i need that resolution and it is stupid to open new thred because of it.
sorry,but i saw that people are asking for that resolution but there is no response! So that is why the font is big.

I'm sorry again,but i need that resolution and it is stupid to open new thred because of it.

Then send a PM to the guy(s), don't keep filling this thread with your useless requests.
lol mai posta aici k astia sunt nervosi...o sa te anunt eu cand e gata vreun patch, si eu incerc alaturi de ei sa facem
SORRY FOR NOT ENGLISH i explained to maldini in our language
what a MUST be a moron..or at least a dickhead!!!
go to the kindergarden...THAT'S a place for you..

yeah my behavior was wrong but every hour is someone asking for time patch....
thats stupid because a lot of people and me too said that we will say if we have a solution...

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