Official GTA: SA Thread - (XBox & PC 7th June '05)

Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

I understand Cal's dislike because I felt the same way about Vice City, I couldn't get into the setting at all. I like this one.

So far I've spent over $200 on my hair, $200 on clothes and I've been to the gym a lot. I got the low-rider, when I opened my garage one evening all the 'homies' from the street walked over before I could even get in and started creaming themselves over how great my car was. I took my other car out, and the garage closed with those guys still inside praising my low-rider. I got out of my other car and opened the garage, they walked out and walked over to my other car, they lent on it and then one pulled out a huge joint and started mumbling, as I pulled away I could hear his buddies saying "what the fuck you on talkin about fool!?".

It's little things like that which make it good. I think the controls are still very clunky when on foot, they can be a pain in the arse at times.

1st Jeffrey mission - "oooh! chase me! chase me!" :lol:
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

I think im gonna have to play a little more, im missing the finer points of the game and not even scratching the surface.
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

Jim, I remember someone posted a picture with something that might have been a dog in the distance, it was you wasn't it. Is this why you want the game, you want to grab a stray dog, stuff him into the back of your low-rider, drive to some secluded spot in the hood and then pound away on the poor little guy? Are you Keith Lard?

No, I've not seen any dogs yet.
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

There was a lot of hoopla about 'NPCS live lives' when the first bits of news and features were coming out. I didn't really hear much about it after then. Is it still in the game? I shall elaborate but I think most of you will know what I'm talking about. For example, if someone were to cut you off on thier way to work, instead of killing the bastard (as you do) right away, you could stalk him to wherever he goes daily and then choose to attack him any other day - assuming you get to his destination on time.

Could anybody try it?
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

Didn't know samuel l Jackson would be in it , probably more in it i don't recognize or haven't reached . i only got to the Censored / killed Censored and then started cruising the motorways while listening to talk radio . how long till the borders start opening :o ? , Loving the stealth kills too , Ala manhunt stylee ;D

EDITED by ReActor: I have censored out a portion of your post. Please either clearly mark spoilers so people can look away, or don't post them at all.
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Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

munkee said:
i only got to the Censored / killed Censored
Don't mean to sound pedantic but can you mark spoilers in your post, some people don't want to know about stuff yet to happen.
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Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

Q&A session from GTAGaming. Questions were sent to R* from forum members on that board. R* have answered the questions well, they have even given you a definate NO on animals being in the game.

1. "What are some major improvements in the pedestrian/police AI?" - Casey "Zidane" Mongillo

R*: Yes. Enemies in general will now do a much better job of taking cover and attempting to flank CJ. Pedestrians are now frightened of things they should be frightened of (like when a large military vehicle appears in a residential area), they hold hands, they have their own daily lives and destinations.

2. "Have the helicopter and plane height limits been increased?" - Gta-Expert

R*: Massively increased. Mount Chiliad is over half a mile tall, and you can fly well above its height.

3. What methods of air transportation can we expect? – JulioCaesar / PlanetGrandTheftAuto

R*: All kinds, most things you see in the air in the real world you'll see in San Andreas.

4. In several screenshots and the first trailer for San Andreas, Carl was playing basketball and pool. Are these cut scenes or can you play them and also what other mini-games are there? - Gangstaman590 / PlanetGrandTheftAuto

R*: The one of Smoke and Sweet playing basketball was a cutscene. The pool shot is CJ actually playing pool. There are too many mini-games to list here, rest assured there will be tons of fun stuff to do!

5. Will police chase other criminals besides Carl Johnson? For example, will you see a car chase go by with police going after someone? Or if not that, if someone shoots at Carl and a cop sees it, will the cop chase after him or you? - Arjuna Bosch / PlanetGrandTheftAuto

R*: Yes to both questions. San Andreas is a dangerous place, and you're not the only criminal about!

6. "In Vice City, driving a car up onto the packer and then driving the packer results in the car sliding off. Have the physics been changed so that trucks and trailers can carry cars properly? - (GTA3Freak-2001) / GTA Network / GTAScraper

R*: We have a surprise in store for you on this one.

7. Will the gameplay of Las Venturas include gambling, if so, what options are open to us? - (zeppelincheetah) / GTA Network / GTAScraper

R*: Yes on gambling (a number of the mini-games we mentioned). Details on this will be released soon, but I can reveal that there will be a number of gambling types you can choose from.

8. Will we be able to find any sub-plots in the deserts/woods or just random rampages?- (smithstock) / GTA Network / GTAScraper

R*: There are always subplots in GTA games! There will be missions in the countryside and desert along those lines.

9. What will be blocking us from entering the other cities/locations? - (Dead at 4 PM) / GTA Network / GTAScraper

R*: There is some story wrapped up in this, but to answer your question, a 4 star wanted level any time you leave the areas you've opened. And this particular wanted level you cannot shed with things like Pay & Spray or Police Bribes. This means that you can explore areas of the state you haven't opened, but only with a small army of police officers hunting you down!

10. How do you choose actors to voice the characters? Is it a long process, or do you just pick people with well-known names? - SwissMiss33 / GTA Warehouse

R*: It's a long process, we choose actors who will give us the performance we're looking for. Since we don't promote our games based off the voice actors in it, the name recognition isn't important to us.

11. What role have trolleys (trams)? Can we use others public service vehicles like airplanes and boats? - (lefantome) /

R*: They function as public transport, which CJ can use. The train is the other public service you can ride around the state.

12. Will there be animals in San Andreas like dogs, pigs and cows? What kind of interaction we have with them and can they react if scared? - (Thomasbz & El Presy & God_of_GTA) /

R*: No, another funny rumor, that one started by an audio clip on the website that mentioned a K-9 unit. We don't particularly like the idea of children or small fuzzy animals in our games.

13. Can we buy vehicles too or we have just to steal them? - (MxM) /

R*: You can buy vehicles, but not every one in the game. There will be a couple dealers who will sell some of the higher-end vehicles to you, but only after you've done a bit of work for them.

14. We must spend with a game about 150 hours to complete San Andreas. Is this number of hours to complete main story or 100% of the game? - (Mastah) /

R*: That number is really general. We don't like giving a number like that out, because invariably questions like these come up, but people insist on putting a number on the games. Obviously there are very different ways of playing Grand Theft Auto. Some players just like to "play-through", finishing the main storyline or getting to 100% as fast as they can. Other people go at the main storyline at a more leisurely pace. And some people never even really play the story at all, they might just download cheats and sandbox around the map. Our guess of 150 hours is the amount of time we think it would take someone to hit 100% who wasn't rushing through the game as quickly as possible with a strategy guide.

15. In which way we will choose the second gun? From a menu; using other keys, etc.? - (Mastah) /

R*: If you're referring to holding dual-weapons, the second weapon is always the same as the primary so there is no selection process. Once your skill level with a weapon is high enough, holding 2 becomes possible, and they're linked by a single firing button (though you must find a second gun!). If your question is more general, then hopefully this answers it: gun selection works exactly like it did in Vice. You can carry one weapon of each type at a time. If you want to replace your current weapon with another of the same type, hold down L1 while standing over it. Your old weapon will be permanently discarded. Cycle though your available weapons with L2 and R2. Circle to fire!

16. When R* make their vector images of GTA characters and stuff, do they start with an actual screenshot or photo or just start drawing it from scratch? - Tibor

R*:Vehicles are often created from renders or screenshots, and characters are most often done off of photographs or concept sketches. You'll be interested to note though, Tibor, that the images are drawn by hand with pencil and ink. They're then scanned and colored in Adobe Photoshop. Once finished, the images are hand-traced in Adobe Illustrator, a labor-intensive process, but the results are worth it!

17. Is it easy to get rich or will have to battle your way through the game? - (Christoph Decker) /

R*: If you focus on earning money, you will find ways to add to your roll even early on. As usual with Grand Theft Auto, how you spend your time is up to you!

18. When did you start working on SA? Did you work on it simultaneously with Vice City? - Alexander Grenberg / GTAsajten

R*: We started work right as Vice City was finishing up.

19. There were 97 vehicles in GTA Vice City, how many are there going to be in GTA San Andreas? - (Martin Glomb)

R*: San Andreas will have over double the number of vehicles in Vice City
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Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

JimJoeC said:
Are there any animals in the game?

when i went underwater there was a big massive turtle swimming about, a dolphin and a few fish!
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

Good interview there Reactor, cheers for posting it :D
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

get some more pics up those of you that have the game!!
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

I just cant get over the sheer size of this game. I have spent the better part of today just discovering Los Santos and I dont even feel like I've scratched the surface. There is so much going on and so many locations.
On the beach area of Los Santos I found this red icon thing and when you step in it it says "The cluckin' cock is not ready yet" What the hell is that all about?
Also whats the best way of getting money together in the early days?
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

cal, to the courier mission is good to make some easy fast money. it's at the 24/7 store, there's a bike. you have to deliver packages and throw them into rings (similar like in VC the pizza missions). if your fast you get quite a lot money. i finished them and made aobut $7000. after you've finished this, there will be created a money collector. a $ will be there from now on where it produces up to $2000. you just have to collect it regularly.
the size of gigantic. i am currently doing the taxi missions to get used to the city and improve my driving skills. ah, if you do the courier mission then nice advantage is also you cycling skills improve a lot.
i have maximized my muscle and stamina just respect and sex appeal are still very low. sometimes is way to slowdowny which is very sad. also the other cititzeens drive like morons.
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

Milanista said:
Kill drug dealers, they let out around 3000 each when they die!!!!

cheers. where do they hang out?

Also is there a more detailed map of the game out yet?
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

Can someone tell me how to rob houses? i need a furnature van but dunno what one looks like

also Kel where is this 24/7 store?
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

its in the "conference center"
if yuo're coming from your mamas house its actually only straight.
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

cal-neva said:
cheers. where do they hang out?

Also is there a more detailed map of the game out yet?

They're black guys weearing heats and a vest. If you talk to them they ask if you want drugs. They jsut walk around, and are usually dressed in all black clothes. Just kill them.... they usually hold guns too.
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

kEL said:
its in the "conference center"
if yuo're coming from your mamas house its actually only straight.

Is that the robbery van or the courier?

I wanna rob housesssssssssssss :)
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

courier :p

i have seen a couple of black van but cant remember were they were. next time i see one i'll let you know.
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

So you can command gangs. I have 4 guys under my command but how can I put them to good use? Can I take them on missions etc? and whats the maxium number of gang members you can have?
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

so far for me 5, but only 3 can fit into a van/car.

After going to the countryside, everytime i go to Los Santos... gang people shoot me. How can i stop them???
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

Can u get gang members at anytime?

Can i take them into the countryside?
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

i love this game...haven't played anything better in the action genre the last years.freakin ownz!
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

All Weapons :
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

any others cheats codes ?
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

I just won a race and he gave me a key to a garage in san fiero, anyone know where this garage is?
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

MrCoopz said:
I just won a race and he gave me a key to a garage in san fiero, anyone know where this garage is?

haha, you sound as lost as me!
Re: Official GTA: San Andreas Thread - DVD5 Format

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