Next Gen Consoles

Ah okay. I pre-ordered in time to get on on release day but obviously not in time to get a limited stock one.

I might swap my pre-order as I'm not sure I'm that bothered about Watchdogs. We don't even know if it's going to be any good yet.

I would def wait for reviews for Watchdogs, I watched a 20 minutes of someone playing it on PS4 at Eurogamer Expo. The game looks it will either be game of the year or a complete load of shite.

Microsoft Wants To Sell Xbox One Kinect User Data To Advertisers

"Remember that time that a Microsoft marketing executive told everyone that the company has no intention of using any data collected from Kinect for anything related to advertising? You shouldn't have to rack your brain; it happened only a few days ago. Well, go ahead and disregard that, because Microsoft's VP of marketing and strategy got up in front of a room full of people, and stated that the company hopes to do that in the future.

As reported by Advertising Age, Yusuf Mehdi held a talk on Saturday morning at the Association of National Advertisers' annual convention that was titled "Winning the Game: Xbox Marketing." In his presentation, he touched on ways in which Xbox One could revolutionize advertising, such as increased production values attributed to imaging technology, taking advantage of the gamification movement, and most importantly, the possibility of making data available for market research.

"We are trying to bridge some of the world between online and offline," Mehdi said. "We have a pretty unique position at Microsoft because of what we do with digital, as well as more and more with television because of Xbox. It's early days, but we're starting to put that together in more of a unifying way, and hopefully at some point we can start to offer that to advertisers broadly," he continued.

There's no real surprise here; we all saw this coming the whole way. It's unfortunate, but it's highly likely. But, the fact that two high-ranking marketing executives directly contradicted each other within a matter of days is just embarrassing. We're at the point where maybe no one in Microsoft's camp should open their mouth unless it's to parrot an official company message."

Xbox One's Data Treasure Trove Could Reshape Marketing [Advertising Age]

[Update: Microsoft has reached out to the press to deny this report, stating that the original source misinterpreted Mehdi's presentation. According to Microsoft, Mehdi's quote about "bridging worlds and offering that to advertisers" was with regard to platforms such as SmartGlass. It also reiterated that they "have a long-standing commitment to your privacy and will not target ads to you based on any data Kinect collects unless you choose to allow us to do so."]
PS4 won’t support voice chat via existing headsets
Existing Bluetooth headsets won’t work with the PlayStation 4, apparently, and even USB jobbies won’t be compatible until after launch.

The news comes via GameInformer, which received its information directly from Sony. According to the platform holder, existing headsets just won’t work for voice chat on the PS4 – not even the Sony Pulse or official PS3 accessories.

A system update issued sometime after the PS4′s launch will make it compatible with current USB headsets, but existing Bluetooth headsets are not supported at all.

Presumably, new, PS4-friendly first- and third-party headsets will be released at or close to the console’s launch – but that’s no comfort for those who’ve recently splashed out on a new headset that won’t work with their new hardware.

It’s worth noting that the PS4 comes bundled with a mono headset, so you won’t be left with no option for voice chat at all.
It’s worth noting that the PS4 comes bundled with a mono headset

Thanks Jay, I've now noted that on a post-it under my monitor:

I am in Florida at the moment and would like to sample the controllers of the ps4 and xbone

Microsoft store at Florida mall has the xbone in a display case but I could not sample it.

Anywhere that will have the ps4 I can see while I am over here?
I am in Florida at the moment and would like to sample the controllers of the ps4 and xbone

Microsoft store at Florida mall has the xbone in a display case but I could not sample it.

Anywhere that will have the ps4 I can see while I am over here?

A couple of Best Buys here in Portland, Oregon have PS4 demo stations set up already but they're not working yet. I heard they're supposed to be up and running sometime this week though so you may get lucky by popping into a couple of Best Buys, which are everywhere in the states.
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My boy was really looking forward to Watchdogs but fair play to him, he just said its better for them to delay it and make the game better. If he can wait patiently, then so can you lot! ;)
Yeah I was really looking forward to it but I really love the premise so better it be delayed and be a top quality game than be rushed to make the release date of the consoles and be a pile of crap, guess I'll definitely be getting the collector's edition at £100 as well as the Assassin's Creed Black Flag Collector's Edition at the same price, easier to stomach £200 for two games if they're split by a few months :)
Oh dear, Watchdogs being delayed means I'm gonna have to change my pre-order bundle for PS4 for the third time :(

Just drop it altogether and wait til spring for the new consoles. Not sure getting one day 1 is worth it at all this time. Maybe even leave it til next Christmas even; better price, more games, better value etc, plus we'd have seen more than enough of both consoles.
Just drop it altogether and wait til spring for the new consoles. Not sure getting one day 1 is worth it at all this time. Maybe even leave it til next Christmas even; better price, more games, better value etc, plus we'd have seen more than enough of both consoles.

Will do pretty much the same... :D
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