Next Gen Consoles

On the One you will eventually be able to connect an external hard drive.

And I say eventually because everyone thought it would be a feature available from launch but they clarified it saying it will be available "in the future".
I think most devs really develop on high end PCs (even for games not coming to PC), so whichever is the easiest to port from PC will be the best looking, last gen definitely the 360 but not the case now, apparently a AAA PC game will only take around 6-8 weeks to port to PS4, that's staggering for developers.

You can change the PS4 HDD they confirmed that, but I believe the Xbone HDD cannot be changed?

Thanks for clarifying and confirming. Don't know about the xbone really.
Where are you lot pre-ordering Xbox one's from?

I'm only pre-odering so i get Fifa free, but i want a bundle with a pad if it is true that they are £90!.

So far ive from one from shopto

Xbox One Day One Edition Console with Fifa + Forza 5 + Extra Official Wireless controller for £516.85.

Works out at £620 buying them separate if i've got the prices are correct.

What you lot think?

Any one know anywhere else that do bundles as well?
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Yeah just checked ta, there £10 more than 360 ones.

The guy at the computer shop aint got a fucking scooby.

£575 total then so still a saving
Well, decision made. I'm sticking with my original per-order and getting a PS4 at launch. I have a Fanatec wheel set-up that I absolutely love, and Sony have confirmed that all wheels compatible with PS3 will be compatible with PS4, and given how developers will be aware of the Fanatec community then I'd wager in-game compatibility shouldn't be a problem.

On the other hand, MS have apparently said that NO third party peripherals, from wheels to arcade sticks, will be compatible and you'd need to re-buy licenced versions. Fanatec ae saying they're trying to find a solution, but surely no workaround will be allowed if MS don't want compatibility, which I presume they don't as they'd have made old wheels work in the first place.

What's really pathetic is that my officially licenced Forza steering wheel isn't going to work on a new MS product, yet almost certainly will work on a Sony one. No way am I dropping a relatively new £250 wheel to line MS' pockets. PS4 it is, then.
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Trading in some more games and bits tomorrow. I'm £70 off a PS4 then with more to trade in still. My only problem is choosing what game(s) to pick up at launch.

My knee jerk choices would be Watchdogs and Fifa14.
But watchdogs kinda seems like a one trick pony. You can hack... But I want to see more and get a full understanding of what else you can do. I like the online feature of invading other players worlds and hacking them. But really if all you get is money... It's pointless. You can Get more, faster from the AI.
FIFA14 ... I'd like to see what a next gen footie game can bring. But they've not shown much off and what they have, looks not that great. Just slightly better graphics than current gen. Not that theirs much wrong with that... I mean if I was going to buy current gen FIFA anyway then I should be happy with it on next gen. It's just that I'm getting pes next week and I think I'm going to prefer that.

So I'm looking at other options.

Assassins creed black flag.
This looks very good. Huge game, lots to do, graphically great. Ticks all the boxes I need.

But I'm stuck now.
Killzone graphically looks stunning, but I'm not sure the gameplay will feel much different to killzone 2 and 3.
Knack looks nice... But I can't shake the feeling that it's just crash bandicoot with some fighting.
Battlefield was on my radar but the reports of it running poorly and the videos of it so far don't look that great. I just had the same feeling I get on current gen, you need to play for hours before you have 1 match that goes well and you get lots of action. The rest end up with you running for ages to find someone, get 3 kills and the match ends. Gets boring fast.

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Well i'm in the same position after checking out the launch games for Xbone :LOL:

Yesterday I pre-ordered with Forza 5 but now I have watched the gameplay videos for Dead Rising 3, Assassin's Creed IV, Battlefield 4, Ryse and Watch_Dogs I have no idea what I should get with it.

Ryse, Dead Rising and Watch Dogs caught my attention the most. What to do......

Watch Dogs looked like the best one to show off a new console imo, what do you lot think?
Xbox One CPU boosted, console now in full production
Xbox chief marketing officer Yusuf Mehdi has confirmed that Xbox One is now in full production, having received a last minute performance-enhancing tweak.

Speaking at the Citi Global Technology Conference, as reported by GeekWire, Mehdi said the Xbox One’s CPU has been improved from 1.6 GHz to 1.75 GHz.

The console is now in its final form and being manufactured ready for its November launch, although Mehdi still could not give a solid release date.

Writing on NeoGAF, Xbox’s Albert Penello said that everything shown at PAX Prime (and, presumably, gamescom and other events earlier this year) were running on “1.6 boxes” and that developers “should start seeing” the increased CPU “soon”.

Penello also addressed rumours of production issues.

“Can I please finally get you over this ‘we’re having production issues’ thing that’s going around? We increased the GPU 6%. We increased the CPU almost 10%. We have been showing retail boxes. We are now in full production,” he said.

Sony has not announced the CPU speed of the PlayStation 4, by the way.
So many games I wanna get, I can't decide either. Problem is, we haven't seen any reviews yet so we have no idea what the games will be like. Assuming they're all really good, I'd wanna get Watchdogs, Battlefield 4 and Drive Club for free as part of PS Plus.

I still plan on getting Killzone as I really enjoy their single player games, and maybe FIFA if it's shiny enough on next gen. I'll still be playing PES 2014 and GTA V though so no real need to splurge on launch day games.

I hope Drive Club turns out to be decent, I'd love to play that on my Fanatec wheel (hint hint, Microsoft, you money grabbing £££££££s)
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Xbox one release date is November 22

Xbox One launches on 22nd November in 13 territories including the US and the UK, Microsoft has announced.

Marketing executive Yusuf Mehdi also revealed in a statement that additional Day One Editions of the next-gen console would be made available to help meet the expected demand.

Here is Mehdi's full statement announcing the launch:
Damn Brazil will be where ull see the most expensive Xbox One (and problaby the PS4) yet still no info if we'll be getting any games with it...

Xbox One official price here is 2.199,00 Reais wich converts in 704,00 Euros
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I've taken a look at the exclusives for both consoles and for me PS4 has a better line-up. Which is great considering I'm going PS4 over the Fanatec wheel issue.

I'm definitely getting Killzone, Drive Club, Watchdogs and Battlefield 4, and Infamous 3 looks awesome too. I also really like the look of an indie game called Rime.

On the other hand, I'm just not interested in the MS exclusives. Forza is amazing but having played the previous games I think I want to try something new (hopefully Drive Club will fill that role) and as for some of the other exclusives, I don't like the look of Ryse, Titanfall to me just looks like COD with jetpacks (as much as the hype goes, any video I see just features people bombing around the maps twitch shooting like COD) and I never liked the Dead Rising series. DR3 at E3 looked amazing, but later videos show the game to be a lot more like the previous games than I'd hoped.
It wont be long before games start looking like that.

I've finally decided on the games im getting at launch. Fifa, Forza and Dead Rising. Oh and an extra controller

Only £560 sodding quid :SS
Waiting for the official PS4 bundle to hit the UK and then I'll put in a pre-order.

I wasn't too bothered initially as I've got a pretty good PC but there are some good exclusives on PlayStation.
Waiting for the official PS4 bundle to hit the UK and then I'll put in a pre-order.

I wasn't too bothered initially as I've got a pretty good PC but there are some good exclusives on PlayStation.

Shopto are offering PS4 bundles right now for the UK if you're interested, some with games and some with extra pads etc.

I've only got the basic console pre-ordered with them but they're offering the chance to swap the pre-order for one with a bundle which is nice. Plus they're telling me it'll arrive in the post on day of release :)
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