Next Gen Consoles

Image showing what Xbone people that will get FIFA 14 with their pre order:


Another pile of crap from M$
Try playing Assassins Creed IV, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty, DriveClub, FIFA, Killzone, Knack, Madden, NBA 2K14, Need for Speed and Watchdogs on your mobile. :)

Thanks.For.Stating.The.Obvious. :P

I was just dissapointed with the lack of exclusives, but then I have the same feeling towards the x180. So far its only the multi's that I am looking forward to.
Thanks.For.Stating.The.Obvious. :P

I was just dissapointed with the lack of exclusives, but then I have the same feeling towards the x180. So far its only the multi's that I am looking forward to.

You know they will come. Most of Sonys top studios haven't shown what they're up to, and you know great things are to be expected. :)
You know they will come. Most of Sonys top studios haven't shown what they're up to, and you know great things are to be expected. :)

Yeah the launch line up doesn't bother me to be honest, both consoles will have some amazing exclusives and multi platform games given time.

As for PS4 and indie games, I think they look awesome. There's a game called Rime coming out that looks like a cross between Ico and Wind Waker, mixed with a bit of Journey. Looks awesome.
You know they will come. Most of Sonys top studios haven't shown what they're up to, and you know great things are to be expected. :)

Yeah I know, can't wait to see what Naughty Dog are going to come up with! And The Division looks stunning aswell, really hope they pull that off.

So have you lot decided what you will be getting from the launch line-up ,whether at launch or whenever a console is available ( my case)? I think I'll be going for FIFA14, Battlefield and Watchdogs.

Thanks for the dying kids joke Jay...can't get enough of them!
Same as you probably, Battlefield 4 and Watchdogs for sure, maybe FIFA 14 depending on whether its really any different to the current gen version (if it's basically the same game then I won't bother), and Drive Club comes free with PS Plus subscribers on launch.

I'll wait a while for Killzone but I'll definitely get that at some point too. This is all provided they get good reviews, of course! Some of these hyped games might turn out to be average, we just don't know!
Is there any footage of next gen NBA2K? They usually nail the presentation and graphics on current gen so I'm kinda interested to see just what they can manage on a new console.
Pretty amazed with PS4 graphics taking into acount these are launch window games :APPLAUD:.
Killzone Shadow Fall:











Infamous Second Son








Drive Club









Kinda expected from an Alpha build.

Ill have to keep my eyes on it though nearer launch just in case it's still sub par. Killzone looks graphically stunning but gameplay wise its just coming across as a standard cramped shooter.
So are they saying the PS4 version looks bad compared to XBone or just PC? He only mentions the game in comparison to PC.

PC will always look much better, and it's not finished. Don't see the point of the article!
It is like it is with pes. Give a fuck about any alpha, beta whatever status. What matters is the retail version. It is quite clear that any shooter will look better on pc with high end configuration. Let's wait and See how the game will look on next gen consoles.
The same is for all rumors saying that ps4 or xbone will lack of powers in different kind of areas, due to several different issues or limited hardware.
I will wait for final release and see what euch console and the game will be capable of. In the meantime i will play gta v mostlikely and pes 2014 as well... :cool:
So are they saying the PS4 version looks bad compared to XBone or just PC? He only mentions the game in comparison to PC.

PC will always look much better, and it's not finished. Don't see the point of the article!

They did say it was just compared to the PC version, but then the PC version was also running a £750 unreleased next gen ATI card.

If I was a console gamer, the only thing I would want from BF4 is that the game is the same as the PC release gameplay wise, the graphics are not much of an issue, as the console gamers last year got screwed majorly with BF3.
Thank god It didn't mention Xbox 1 would have had to put up with crazy reactions and silly gifs and charts then quotes with same large images repeated ;)
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C'mon guys. Really not worth talking about this now imo. Especially alpha! PC is always going to look the better version.
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