Next Gen Consoles

I'm excited for Battlefield 4 and The Witcher III, Drive Club and Watchdogs, but yeah you're right it might be worth waiting until a Christmas bundle comes out. They might offer the console with an extra pad and a game for the price of a new console on launch.

People who love BF would benefit from a next gen system as with having 64 players per game and hopefully a getting a full PC port, they would get a massive improvement.
As playing BF3 on the PS3, BF3 console players really got a massive shit end of a stick in terms of game quality.
Like people are gonna be able to resist getting either on or just after launch :LOL:
People who love BF would benefit from a next gen system as with having 64 players per game and hopefully a getting a full PC port, they would get a massive improvement.
As playing BF3 on the PS3, BF3 console players really got a massive shit end of a stick in terms of game quality.

As long as the maps are 64 players friendly, on some BF3 maps and modes even 24 players feels like too much.
To be honest I think most BF3 maps were not planned properly, its nice that they used some real locations to do it, but on the end its a competitive game and that require balance.
People who love BF would benefit from a next gen system as with having 64 players per game and hopefully a getting a full PC port, they would get a massive improvement.
As playing BF3 on the PS3, BF3 console players really got a massive shit end of a stick in terms of game quality.

I agree, BF4 will hopefully be a vastly better experience. With other games on my radar in the meantime I think I can wait until Chtistmas though.

My biggest dilemma though is that I'm really set on getting a PS4, but every single one of my friends I usually play BF with are all going Xbox for no other reason than they've previously owned xbox 360s. I really don't wanna buy both consoles but BF4 would be so much better with a group of my mates rather than playing with randoms.
I really don't wanna buy both consoles but BF4 would be so much better with a group of my mates rather than playing with randoms.

That is pretty much going to decide it for most people, what console their mates are getting next time around.
I only ever play FIFA online on my PS3, and most of the people I play online with are getting a PS4 at some point and next gen FIFA is probably worth the console purchase. I also believe like this generation that the better exclusives will also be arriving on the PS4 rather than the XBone, so this will be the decider for me personally as I won't buy both consoles.
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Still plan to buy a PS4 day one, will probably also buy the following day one:

Watch Dogs (Deadsec Edition Pre-ordered)
Assassin's Creed Black Flag (Buccaneer Edition Pre-ordered)

They're the only day one games that definitely appeal to me.
Aso remember that if you're on PS Plus you'll get a day one digital launch copy of Drive Club, too.

Everything makes me want to go Sony but my mates are making this choice really difficult. 90% of them are going XBO while the other ten percent are buying both. And those ten percent will get multiplayer games like BF4 on XBO because that's where everyone else is. Really sucks as nothing on XBO appeals at all, and I can't justify buying it just to play the odd MP game socially.

Of all the XBO games out there only Dead Rising appeals but the Comic Con video has put me off, it looks more and more like the older DR game's which I didn't really like.
Still plan to buy a PS4 day one, will probably also buy the following day one:

Watch Dogs (Deadsec Edition Pre-ordered)
Assassin's Creed Black Flag (Buccaneer Edition Pre-ordered)

They're the only day one games that definitely appeal to me.

I think that's the point pretty much, Watch Dogs and AC4 are coming out on current gen.
I also don't think much will be done in terms of gameplay in the first release of the next gen version of FIFA as it will take at least a year before any major improvements are made + I am worried about it being the same version as the current gen with just a couple of graphical tweaks especially since you can transfer your saves from current gen to next gen.

I will keep my pre-order for now, but will ultimately make up my mind after hopefully playing next gen FIFA at Eurogamer Expo in September.
It also comes down to the simple fact that for the first time in my life I'm in a position where I have the money spare to buy a console on launch day, never had that before so it's just a nice little treat for the wife and I :)

Just read this:

PlayStation 4 will continually record 15 minutes of gameplay data in the background for users to capture and publish online, a spokesperson for the company has confirmed to CVG.

Microsoft has revealed that the Xbox One will record 5 minutes of gameplay and allow users to share that data across Xbox Live and social networks.

So PS4 wins yet again, annoying in a way as it took us about 5 years badgering EA to let us save replays locally and now we can save the whole of a half! Looking forward to it though :)
It also comes down to the simple fact that for the first time in my life I'm in a position where I have the money spare to buy a console on launch day, never had that before so it's just a nice little treat for the wife and I :)

Just read this:

So PS4 wins yet again, annoying in a way as it took us about 5 years badgering EA to let us save replays locally and now we can save the whole of a half! Looking forward to it though :)

I read that as well, although the PS4 wins again it will surely just be a software patch in order to do this. Also in regards to recording gameplay I wonder what affect it will have on the game, as with using FRAPS the game suffers quite a drop in FPS so don't know what sort of impact it would have on consoles.
Yeah that would be an interesting issue, especially if you can capture in HD, that usually takes a reasonably expensive (£60 minimum I think?) piece of kit for HD capture from a console.

PS4 Will Run Significantly Cooler Than PS3

For the most part, new hardware is always iffy. It's a big reason why many consumers wait until the manufacturer has worked out all the initial kinks.

But you might not have to worry with the PlayStation 4. While we can't predict its reliability, we have heard that due to lower energy consumption and hence, a lower heat level, the system could be pretty solid.

According to NowGamer, the PS4 has been approved for FCC registration. That occurrence has led to a few interesting pieces of information, such as the fact that the PS4 will run at 5-35 degrees Celsius, much lower than the PS3's average of 45-55. Over 60 degrees and you ran the risk of the dreaded "Yellow Light of Death." That wasn't as catastrophic as the "Red Ring of Death" for the Xbox 360, but it still got into the news. We don't want any bad lights next time around!

We also learned that Sony's new platform has a max clock efficiency of 2.75GHz and weighs in at about 2.8kg. That's higher than the current PS3's 2.1 kg but remember that the latter console has gotten lighter over the years; it actually debuted at a massive 5kg. Looks like the PS4 is ahead of the game on multiple fronts!
Day one PS4 and Battlefield 4 for me.

The jump from 24 to 64 online players will be huge.

My biggest dilemma though is that I'm really set on getting a PS4, but every single one of my friends I usually play BF with are all going Xbox for no other reason than they've previously owned xbox 360s. I really don't wanna buy both consoles but BF4 would be so much better with a group of my mates rather than playing with randoms.

If they're going to buy XOnes "just because", why don't you "educate" them? My mates used to play COD all the time. One day I showed them the trailers for BF3. They never went back.

PS4 isn't a lot better than the Xbox One, but it's a little better in so many things that, when you add them all up, you realize that right now PS4 is the most logical choice. Unless they can't live without Forza/Halo/Gears/Dead Rising.
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I would of thought that the CPU and GPU would run cooler in the PS4 than the PS3.
CPU manufacturing has improved no end in the past 5-6 years with most CPU now 22nm instead of 90nm, which massively improves cooling. Also the CPU is a processor used in low end laptops, so if this has a decent heatsink and fan on it, you would see a massive reduction in temperatures.
Also the GPU can reach 60-70c under full load but a GPU rarely runs 100% at all times and with both consoles they are using an AMD APU and a separate card running what is effectively crossfired, so the load and temperatures will be shared between the CPU and GPU, but mainly on the GPU.

But still very impressive figures if they are talking about the actual temperatures of the main components(which I doubt) and not just overall system temperature(which is much more likely).

Sorry for being Geeky.
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Day one PS4 and Battlefield 4 for me.

The jump from 24 to 64 online players will be huge.

If they're going to buy XOnes "just because", why don't you "educate" them? My mates used to play COD all the time. One day I showed them the trailers for BF3. They never went back.

PS4 isn't a lot better than the Xbox One, but it's a little better in so many things that, when you add them all up, you realize that right now PS4 is the most logical choice. Unless they can't live without Forza/Halo/Gears/Dead Rising.

Tried and failed I'm afraid, they just won't listen :( I think part of it is Halo to be honest. Shame as I'm not remotely interested in that series anymore.
Me neither, single player is good but each game has been pretty much identical. Multiplayer, that my mates play, well, it's boring. Run, shoot, run shoot, rinse and repeat.

Halo, Gears etc dont interest me on next-gen. The only franchise that interests me is Forza, with the cloud & 'human' AI thing they're doing. Apart from that, nothing.
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