Next Gen Consoles


Rachet and Clank: Into the Nexus, apparently. It's a PS2 game that never materialised and now it's being resurrected.


And, finally an entire R&C game concept that never materialized: Ratchet & Clank: NEXUS. Following Up Your Arsenal, we entertained the idea of putting our heroes on a singular planet. The design revolved around a global conflict between two alien races and we thought it could be interesting if Ratchet and Clank had differing ideas about the war. Eventually the project changed direction to become Ratchet: Deadlocked, although the idea of one planet stayed with us and reemerged in A4O.


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PS4 Will Allow You To Play Your Games From Multiple Consoles

Sony has confirmed that players will be able to access their PlayStation 4 game library by logging into their account from any console.
Speaking at the Develop conference in London, Sony R&D senior team leader Neil Brown explained that the process is possible thanks to “Play As You Download,” which will allow players to begin playing a game even before they’ve downloaded the entire thing.
“You can visit your friend’s house [and] log into your account and play any game from your digital library, which is good,” Brown said. “But how useful is that if it takes half a day to download the game you want to play? With Play As You Download you get much quicker access to at least the first section of the game so you can start playing quicker. So this makes a digital library a practical option in the real world.”

Brown explained that players also won't have to wait to install games to their consoles.
“A similar system also works on Blu-ray. Chunks are automatically copied to the hard drive in the background,” he said. “This means that after the first few minutes your game can rely on having faster read speeds from the hard drive, which provides a better experience for players. And this is a completely background process for the player. They don’t have to wait for anything to install before playing the game. The game will launch as soon as the disc has been put in the drive.”
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I enjoyed that video. But the up to date PC owners aren't enjoying The Last of Us right now, so they can sod right off :D I wont be one of them
The PC part made me laugh. Now every time jonney brings up PC I'll just imagine that.
I find it strange that people think that PC gamers don't own more than one system, you got to own multiple systems for the best of all worlds.

If you never owned a PS3 you don't get to play any of the Naughty Dog games, which have probably been the best games of the current generation.

If you don't own an XBOX you can't play ?????? When I think of any XBOX exclusive I would ever want to play I will put it down...

If you don't own a PC you don't get to play Surgeon Simulator or Farm Simulator.
I find it strange that people think that PC gamers don't own more than one system, you got to own multiple systems for the best of all worlds.

If you never owned a PS3 you don't get to play any of the Naughty Dog games, which have probably been the best games of the current generation.

If you don't own an XBOX you can't play ?????? When I think of any XBOX exclusive I would ever want to play I will put it down...

If you don't own a PC you don't get to play Surgeon Simulator or Farm Simulator.

Some people don't have infinite amount of money, sometimes people have to sacrifice this or that game or console.
I had all four platforms at one point (PC/PS3/360/Wii) but sold the PS3 a few months ago.

There's no harm in being both a console and PC gamer. Best of both worlds.
If you don't own an XBOX you can't play ?????? When I think of any XBOX exclusive I would ever want to play I will put it down...

I'm not suggesting these are the pinnacle of gaming excellence, but to help you out a little:

Forza, Gears of War, Halo, PGR, Shadow Complex, Dead Rising, Fable 2...
I'm not suggesting these are the pinnacle of gaming excellence, but to help you out a little:

Forza, Gears of War, Halo, PGR, Shadow Complex, Dead Rising, Fable 2...

Yeah unfortunately none of them would make me buy an XBOX.
Never played Forza, but I prefer driving simulators and I am sure there are much better ones available on PC.
IMO Halo is the most overrated game series of all time, have not played the new ones but played Halo and tried Halo 2.

I am also hugely against having to pay £40 a year to play my games online, I am sure the XBOX service is a lot better than the really slow and shite PSN, although with PS+ you get loads of free games and a lot of decent titles.
I'm not suggesting these are the pinnacle of gaming excellence, but to help you out a little:

Forza, Gears of War, Halo, PGR, Shadow Complex, Dead Rising, Fable 2...

I've enjoyed all of these on my 360 but the thoughts of playing next-gen sequels to these doesn't excite me at all. All great games, but I've played up to three games at least of each franchise now and I want something new.

Nothing on XBOne is making me want to buy it at the moment. I'm sticking to owning just one console after deciding I play too many games, so I'm hoping limiting the options slightly might ween me off them a little bit :P

So, if I have to choose, I'm going with the platform that has Naughty Dog and Sony's Team Ico developers. And Playstation Plus.

That said, I'm thinking of cancelling my PS4 pre-order with Shopto and waiting a little while. I still have a huge catalogue of current gen games to get through and the likes of PES2014 and GTA 5 still to come.
There's no rush anymore, nothing on these 'Next Gen' platforms is unbelievably groundbreaking, the level of games on PS3 and PC (can be PS3 game with the volume turned up in terms of graphics and framerates) and the back catalog is vast and only going to get bigger with PES and GTA this year.

still need to play Sleeping Dog after reading that thread!
Seems like a very good deal.
I have pre-ordered mine through Toys r Us when the last deal was on UK Hot Deals for £335, but I am not sure whether or not to cancel mine at present due to nothing coming out on the PS4 which I want.

The reason why I am thinking about cancelling my pre-order is that next gen systems need something different for me, I bought my PS3 originally for the Blu ray and FIFA, but now has some top games for it, but at present all the games coming out for Next Gen is current gen games with better graphics and I have my PC for that, and always will buy multi platform games on PC.
Sony should of taking a financial hit with The Last of Us and told Naughty Dog to hold the game back for a PS4 launch release, as it would of been a console winner for many people, or someone should of paid Rockstar a small fortune to GTA 5 as a next gen exclusive.

I will keep my pre-order for now and will decide after going to the Eurogamer Expo whether or not I will keep my pre-order, as really hoping they have some 'Next Gen' titles to play there.
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I'm keeping my per-order for the moment seeing as Shopto don't ask for any money, but even though I'm sure I'll love the PS4 I wanna do justice to the games I'll still have on my PS3. There are tons of older games I'd like to try and I wanna get the most out of GTA and PES2014 first. That said, Battlefield 4 is looking really good...
Yeah I'm double thinking my purchase.

Current gen still has some great games coming and I could just buy those and leave a next gen console until after Christmas where the prices won't be as inflated and there will be more games. Not that I expect a price drop so soon but I just expect better bundles or price wars between stores in early 2014 when the mad christmas rush has finished.

Plus not many next gen games are really blowing my mind. It seems like a lot started life as a current gen game but have been ported to next gen and given a little spit shine. So next gen graphics, current gen gameplay.
Launch titles are always really bad though and like 6 months to a year later they'll look even worse when the next wave of releases come that really take advantage of the hardware.

AND..... There's not been enough gameplay shown for the next gen games. It's like everyone's afraid it will cause their current gen games to look like poo and not sell. And for games that don't have a current gen version like killzone or ryse, it makes me think the game must be rubbish and they have no confidence in showing it.
I'm excited for Battlefield 4 and The Witcher III, Drive Club and Watchdogs, but yeah you're right it might be worth waiting until a Christmas bundle comes out. They might offer the console with an extra pad and a game for the price of a new console on launch.

I dunno. I'll probably end up getting one on launch and share it with my current consoles. The games don't look like a huge step up but once I see it running in person then I might change my mind. It is odd though how little gameplay footage there is. As far as I know EA still haven't shown actually gameplay of FIFA14 despite being one of the biggest promoted games at E3.
Regarding PC vs consoles-discussion:

For me it's all about the games, wherever the games I would like to play the most are, that's the platform I like to use/buy. PC's can be faster, offer better graphics and many more modding-options, but would I have been able to play Ico, shadow of the colossus, Red Dead Redemption... on PC?

Last year I bought PES 2013 for PC because of the huge modding-options, and it was great to be able to change out the pitches and the nets... but eventually I found it didn't fit into my work-play-relation. When I played on my mac I couldn't use it to do work (rendering), so eventually I bought the console-version, so that I can play while the PC does its work in the other room.

Sure two PC's could have solved that one, but it wouldn't have allowed me to play some of the games on consoles...
I think I'll wait another year. There are still quite a few current games I have here but didn't come around to play them yet:

Assassin's Creed 2, Batman Arkham City, Tomb Raider, Red Dead Redemption (only 30% finished) and then soon GTA V and PES 2014... will keep me entertained for at least another year if not longer, so there's no need for haste in my case.

Besides a year or two down the road, the new consoles will have ironed out their launch-kinks, will be less expensive and more and better games will be available.
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