I don't know how people are now willing to buy an Xbox One when Microsoft tried to screw them over multiple times and Sony saving the free market gaming future.
PS4 all the way in this household.
Personally I'm not bothered Scorps as its the end product in a few months time that matters.
I've got SkyGo (mates details) on 360 so don't want to lose that (still got it on ipad though) but if all my kids mates are getting PS4's, we will get a PS4 so could be back playing FIFA with you soon old pal.
At some point I will get another console but I'm not buying one of each as I'm not buying the same games for two consoles again as that happened this gen until I got rid of PS3 to get a 2nd Xbox.
One question I have is can we all log on to different consoles and our game saves DLC move with us? If we download any games, can we access on two consoles like we can do on Xbox right now??