New Kits

dc united may have been posted already

Adidas really took hold and strangled the mls

Looks more like Bologna than Barça :|

What is it with Nike and stripes, have they gone all out war on stripes like UEFA? :(
I'm pretty sure someone said many pages ago on this thread that they had seen the Man U jersey for 06/07 :|
ThomasGOAL said:
Barca and Man Utd = fake

Barça is a photocomposed by This is a paper zabout FC Barcelona, and in the one of today talks about it. Is notr the real shirt, but is a similiar kit.

A falta de la inserción de un posible patrocinador o logo solidario, el Barça lucirá la próxima temporada una camiseta sin rayas y con sólo dos franjas, una azul y otra grana, y asimismo volverá a llevar pantalón azul tras la fallida 'prueba piloto' del calzón rojo correspondiente a la primera equipación de 2005-06.

Por lo que respecta a la elástica amarillo fosforito, que superó de forma fulgurante una serie de reticencias iniciales entre el barcelonismo y que en la campaña en curso se combina con un pantalón azul oscuro, pasará de segunda a tercera equipación mientras que la zamarra reserva será naranja fluorescente, en un intento de cosechar un éxito de aceptación y ventas similar al de su predecesora.

Tras la revolución de verano pasado, cuando el club y el equipador y patrocinador Nike sorprendieron con su apuesta por estrechar las rayas azulgrana y por el citado pantalón rojo, esta vez la innovación consistirá en suprimir las rayas para dar vida a un diseño con reminiscenscias de la camiseta de Centenario. Dicha elástica, que se sudó hasta 1999-00 y que ya lanzó al mercado Nike, continúa teniendo aceptación y no sólo entre coleccionistas. El escudo estaba en la parte central, flanqueado por un '1899', año de fundación de la entidad, y un '1999', año en que ésta cumplía cien años; ahora el escudo figurará sobre el corazón y el símbolo de Nike, a la derecha, a la espera de el nombre de un 'sponsor' cruce el pecho de los jugadores.

Como mandan los cánones, Joan Laporta dio su aprobación a los nuevos cambios en otoño pasado, en una 'cumbre' celebrada en Barcelona y en la que se intentó encontrar un equilibrio entre tradición y modernidad, entre valores deportivos y marketing.

Golpe de efecto en París

La producción ya está en marcha y cabe recordar que podría haber una camiseta especial en caso de que el Barça se clasifique para la final de la Champions. No se descarta que el próximo 17 de mayo el equipo estrene logo humanitario ante una audiencia planetaria.

Del amarillo al naranja fluorescente

12/04/06 03:00 h.La camiseta amarillo fosforito, que ha acabado siendo un éxito de ventas, pasará a formar parte en la temporada 2006-07 de la tercera equipación del Barcelona, cuya elástica reserva será idéntica, pero naranja fluorescente. Dicho color recuerda a la Copa de Europa de Wembley-92 y posiblemente también a la Holanda que acuñó el 'fútbol total'
Looks like the Puma King template, one season later than everyone else :mrgreen:

Puma (and Diadora too, for that matter) are always a year behind over here compared to the rest of the world. :(
I'm guessing that that is a more accurate respresentation as to what the new Man U kit will look like.
The that supposed to be the new Man Utd kit? Or issit photoshopped too? Looks like the brasil template to me...The Sponsor DOES look okay in this supposedly new kit.
easyeasyeasy said:
Not sure if these have been posted but whatever

Ajax away jersey for next season


Now I quite like that :ram:

erm, faggot, why do you tell others posting fake jerseys, like he photoshopped a dutch jersey or whatsoever but you don't even reply to my question, you're obviously the retard here..


THIS is the new away jersey Ajax 06/07, asshole!
You have an attitude problem.

I already realised my mistake but forgot to post that it was a mock job after getting told by it later by the same person who showed me the pic on another site, but the abusive shit such as calling me an asshole and a retard on the other hand is totally uncalled for. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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from now on people should post their source, I'll find some other fake kits and post them here okay? Admin, please do something against those ppl like easyeasyeasy, I love ajax but Im insulted now

the same person who showed me the pic on another site

Okay, after not answering my question TWO times can you PLEASE tell me the source then?
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oh get a life you prick, how are these people ment to know if the kit is real or not, when that is a pretty good photoshopped job

I think you will be the one getting visited by the Admins
you don't understand it.
I asked him WHERE he got that kit AJAX from, he didnt answer..
it was obviously fake cuz I am an ajax fan and even I didnt know it yet, but he didnt answer thats what bothers me and he just keeps on attacking OTHER people saying they posting photoshopped pictures.

Why you talk about something you don't know the story of? Really

The admins wouldn't give a damn, after all scroll up the page and see, there's fakes of Man U, but have Man U fans gone beserk and called the ones posting the images retards or assholes?

No. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
What story!!!, it was one post, if you look on this thread you will find many kits, which arnt the actual outcome of when they are released, because people make such good photoshopped jobs,

oh and you being an Ajax fan knows everything about there kits does it, you get inside info on releases no, Im a United fan and i dont know what our new home kit will look like, and do you think i really care if mocks have been put up (like 3 already), i couldnt give a toss tbh, because its giving me a general Idea of what the kit may actually look like
that Man Utd kitw as intented as funny, sarcasm..

But still I wanna know who that person is who showed you the ajax kit, tell me then?
Why should I listen to a 18-year-old-kid-named-Joe, grow up please?
For me, I'd like to know what his source is..Do you get the point now? i want to know where he has that picture from, I ask for the 4th time. Thank you, will you stop interupting between us, you 18 year kiddie.
thank you
Read where he put it, he obviously said now that it was a mock! jesus christ, plus does it even matter
-Joe- said:
Read where he put it, he obviously said now that it was a mock! jesus christ, plus does it even matter

Again, I shouldn't listen to kids, but anyways,
am I not allowed to know his source? Why shouldn't I? Kid!
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