NBA Thread

Lol plus we don't know if this team will win championships.

I mean the rest of the team is gonna be guys on low contracts. A team needs a lot more than 3 players.

It won't be easy.... in a way I think it's interesting and we get to see something different. We'll see how good or bad this new 'different' thing with Miami Heat is now. Whether they'll be as big a force as people think or struggle and when the going gets tough... will egos clash? Will they get through it?
The new big three all sacrificed $15 million each or collectively so they can sign better role players. Respect to them for that but for some weird reason D Wade is making less money than the other two.

Also they can all opt out of their contracts in 2014, I reckon Wade will move home to Chicago then.
How can 2 star players come and make more then Wade its his team. Lebron is great but he can`t carry a team just like Gasol couldn`t either he needed to move to LA .I`m not sure if the Heat are going to win anything beside Fisher isn`t leaving LA Im sure it was to get him more money in LA.
The new big three all sacrificed $15 million each or collectively so they can sign better role players. Respect to them for that but for some weird reason D Wade is making less money than the other two.

Also they can all opt out of their contracts in 2014, I reckon Wade will move home to Chicago then.

I think it's a bit strange to see all this guy sacrificing money. Now is Haslem who signed a five-year deal worth around $20 million, more than $10 million less than he could have gotten had he accepted offers from the Dallas Mavericks and Denver Nuggets.

NBA should investigate if there are some money coming from other part.
Funny how NBA Steve Nash openly said Thierry Henry will play in NY Red Bull then 3 days later it`s all over the press. NBA is going to be real good this year. Heat needs more players 4 is not enough.
I don't think is good to NBA, beboq. Today there is a rumor that Amar'e, Melo and CP3 are planning a new Big Three in NYC next year. As things are, by 2012 or 2013, there are gonna be 4 or 5 teams with a Big Three and then about 26 crappy teams.
The players haven't done anything wrong money wise, they are just helping out the team and giving them more room to work with.

Dirk and Paul Pierce also took less money, it happens all the time, these guys already have millions in the bank.
I don't think is good to NBA, beboq. Today there is a rumor that Amar'e, Melo and CP3 are planning a new Big Three in NYC next year. As things are, by 2012 or 2013, there are gonna be 4 or 5 teams with a Big Three and then about 26 crappy teams.

Fuck them! They couldn't have done it for 2011 could they?! :(
you know the formality once a few do it they all will do it.Expect 3 tradings for now on :LOL: well, not many star players
I really expect this:

"Miami gets beaten in the first round of playoffs in the next 3 seasons: by Chicago, the Knicks (where Varejao, Shaq and Stoudamire have formed the Biggest Three) and finally the Nets.

Then, in 2014 as someone said Wade goes to Chicago and wins some rings. Lebron and Bosh are left behind in Miami like old toys. They repeatedly fail to reach the finals, and finally Lebron retires without ever reaching the finals again.

Depressed, alcoholic, bald, Lebron comes back to Cleveland. He watches his fingers, nude of any rings. Then he chops them (Heavy rain style)."

Actually, everyone talks about Lebron having to win all by himself. I expected Wade to win by himself!! I really respect Dwayne, but I wouldn't like him to win with those 2 at his side.

So, it seems that the media focusing on Miami could put too much heat on the franchise and the title contenders will try even harder to beat them. Like it happened to the Madrid galacticos, they can end up in a total defeat. They have nothing to win, because everyone expects them to win. So, even if they accomplish, no one will think they've achieved something. It's a loose.loose situation for Lebron.

I was a fan of Celtics when I was a boy (Larry Bird was playing then), but Gasol being at Lakers shifted my interest there. Understand me, Gasol is my basket idol, I watched him play at Barcelona when he was just a kid, he was already impressive to see live.

I think that makes me a bit like asian football fans, that are fans of players, not clubs. If Beckham goes to Madrid, they suddenly are fans of Madrid. You get my point. It's awkward to feel like that when we have that strong "Club" culture in Europe.

But next year I'll support many teams:
Lakers - Because of the aforementioned presence of Gasol. I know the majoritiy hates them, even I did before, but...
Suns - Nash is a legend. He deserves a ring.
Oklahoma - Durant IS the real King. He will be a legend if he continues to progress as he is doing in Oklahoma.

I guess that makes me a bit of a "Western" guy. Hey, call me John Marston!
I supported magic but unless they get a coach that concentrate more on the snack section of the dressing room they`ll fall short imo. Lebron brings excitement like Rodman did to the NBA I mean rather that then Allen Iverson :COOL:

@drekkard gasol wasn`t able to carry a team on his own like some would of thought in Vancouver Grizzlies. He needed to join LA to win. Same goes for Lebron he`s not able to win on his own , not a leader .He needs to have the freedom w/o the pressure.
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I think top of my head Larry Bird ,Kobe I like to say Jordan ,but Jordan had a few star players like Pippen,Grant maybe Toni kucko. I would love to say Malone but he fell short for the Jazz. He was a very good leader. I always felt bad for Patrick Ewing he led NY well even though he felt short. Then there is miller Time for Pacers he lead too ,but fell short. So not many even though they stay as long as they could .

Lebron left because he is not made like those other players. NBA imo always had players that stood, those I remember as leaders who stays as long as they could. Like kevin Garnett he stay at Timberwolves for a Looong time.Don`t get me wrong I think Gasol is a good player . He will never be seen as the leader of his team if you get my drift Lebron either he went to Wade`s Heat I think Lebron status will drop like Penny Hardway who?
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Kobe had Shaq & now Gasol.

Jordan had Pippen & Rodman.

Larry Bird is before my time, so I'll let you have that one.

As for the other points you've made, LeBron's gonna win a ring in his career. There's no doubt about that. It was unlikely to happen in Cleveland. To go all the way in the NBA (and by this I mean winning the Championship), you need at least two star players. The Cavs don't have that. Shaq was brought in which filled up their cap-room some more, but he's far past his best.

What the Heat have done, is open the door for a "show-time" team to finally win the title. Not since the "run-and-gun" Lakers has that been possible, who were also excellent defensively. With LeBron and Bosh in the same team; two fantastic shot-blockers, as well as high-octane point scorers, they'll do well.

Oh, they also have someone called Dwayne Wade. Dunno if you've heard of him? ;)
you missed my point entirely lol When you say LA you think of Kobe(He was there before shaq and still there), Heat(Wade)Lebron n bosh are coming to his team. Bulls ur right Pippen / Jordan (jordan had spike lee though) Rodman was hated he was in vegas when they had training he even show up late to games and that came from Jordan himself lol. Grant was the most unrated power forward during that time. Then he went to Orlando because he was in odds w/ Phil Jackson then Rodman came in for him Jordan/Pippen missed Grant dearly. As for Lebron getting a ring there`s no guarantee you know there are good players that don`t have any rings.

I don`t want to come across as some NBA guru because I`m not I`ve been to loads of games Magics,Heats,Knicks that doesn`t make me a fan. Tickets are easy to come by I usually go just to have a laugh w/ mates. I`m even planning to go to the All star game in Orlando so to be a cool Dad.
Who has won a ring on their own then?

Most recent case was D-Wade in 2006. I would also say Duncan although he had a decent players in team like David Robinson or Eva Longora Tony Parker.

I really expect this:
I guess that makes me a bit of a "Western" guy. Hey, call me John Marston!

Glory hunter. :D

I hope your thoughts are right. Nothing against the Heat (I like them because of Mourning and Wade) but LeBron Traitor James doesn't deserve a ring. He quit Cavs in that Boston series last season, I'll never forget his behavior. Cavs should thanks him for improving the franchise however we can forget how badly he said goodbye to Cleveland.

I also support some teams:
1. Cavs - Irony, I support them because of LeBron! Then I realise how this city suffers in sports. They deserve a title however I think it's impossible this year (will ever win?).
2. Knicks - Don't ask me why but I love NY. Never been there but I like the city (maybe because of movies). Once again, the Knicks won't win anything (hopefully the Yankees wil win the MLB :P).
3. Mavs - Mark Cuban fan :LOL: I'm kidding, Dirk fan.
I think top of my head Larry Bird

I was a huge fan of Celtics in the 80s and watched a lot of their matches. Larry Bird was a beast and my childhood idol. I even had my "Celtics" edition Converse footwear. But he was not alone at all. He had Kevin McHale and Robert Parrish. The first Big Three if you ask me. 2 of the best players in the paint when they landed to Boston.

All teams need at least 2 or 3 star players to win the title. Wade had a great great Shaq at his side in 2006. Maybe the east conference will see some big signings now to even the odds.
I would also say Duncan although he had a decent players in team like David Robinson or Eva Longora Tony Parker.

Yeah I think Spurs were a really decent team with a lot of not high-profile but decent players.

I mean they even had guys like the Argentinian Ginobli who wasn't even a regular 'starter' but what a player and how useful and effective!
Michael Jordan said:
"There's no way, with hindsight, I would've ever called up Larry, called up Magic and said, 'Hey, look, let's get together and play on one team,' " Jordan said after playing in a celebrity golf tournament in Nevada. "But that's ... things are different. I can't say that's a bad thing. It's an opportunity these kids have today. In all honesty, I was trying to beat those guys."

"He'll never be Jordan. This clearly takes him out of the conversation. He can win as much as he wants to. There would have been something honorable about staying in Cleveland and trying to win it as 'The Man' . . . LeBron, if he would've in Cleveland, and if he could've got a championship there, it would have been over the top for his legacy, just one in Cleveland. No matter how many he wins in Miami, it clearly is Dwyane Wade's team."

I miss the Old Guard guys.
CP3 is demanding a trade now, I don't blame him for wanting out but I don't understand why he if left it till now to speak out. He should have said something earlier when teams still had cap space ala New York.


Also the Lakers have signed Matt Barnes, good signing for them. They'll be stronger this season, especially now that they have a good point guard in Steve Blake.

That's not a criticism of Derek 'flopper' Fisher ;))
C'mon tobi, don't call Fisher a flop, he is good and was ver decisive in some moments last season, problem is the age.

Lakers are getting stronger and stronger. Bye bye Miami.

Any chance to CP3 land in NY? I'm rooting for a strong Knicks team.
No one can deny that the guy is a flopper, any chance he gets he flops.

I'm not knocking his ability, I just hate it when he flops, he is just as bad as Varejao (I'll never forget D Wade's dunk:APPLAUD:)

YouTube - Dwyane Wade Monster Dunk on Anderson Varejao (HD)

Ron Artest got the bug last year against the Celtics when Rondo touched him, he went down like he'd been shot.
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