Microsoft Xbox 360

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Yes its only the games that have been confirmed to IGN so far, they even say themselves that this is only a partial representation as to what will be there. So we can expect much more come E3.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Just started Burnout Revenge and had to download an update - doesn't say what it's for, though, on the website or on the "news" part of Live... Anybody know what it does?
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Got FM2006 this morning, its just going on eBay. I was expecting full online league play, buy / selling players with other people. But effectively, its a Top Spin 2 scenario.

You build up your team offline then take it online to play a mini-league / cup with other players and their teams, but you can't buy / sell any players. Very disappointed
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

CWrights Mum said:
Got FM2006 this morning, its just going on eBay. I was expecting full online league play, buy / selling players with other people. But effectively, its a Top Spin 2 scenario.

You build up your team offline then take it online to play a mini-league / cup with other players and their teams, but you can't buy / sell any players. Very disappointed
cheers i was going to get this but i may not now thanks,ill just get oblivion or something,old news but amped demo is on marketplace if people didnt know
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Obviously its a great game if you don't play it on PC. But I do, and you can buy it for £15 from Play I think.

I was just hoping the online play would make the extra £25 worthwhile, but it doesn't.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Anyone know any further information as to when the Live Camera attachment will be available?

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

FM2006 pile of shite!

Taking that right back, have Oblivion n Top Spin what else is there???

Got rid of GRAW n Tomb Raider!
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

man, thought i was going to buy my xbox 360 this week, when i got my tax refund back, but looks like i have ot pay the goverment, more fucking money,
good god, jesus christ!!! this sucks
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

How much is a 360 out there in the US anyways?
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Everyone I play on Burnout Revenge gets a "boost" start. How the hell do you get one of those? In most (non-simulation) racing games it's by pressing boost on the word "go", but it doesn't seem to be the case here.

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Jack Bauer said:
Everyone I play on Burnout Revenge gets a "boost" start. How the hell do you get one of those? In most (non-simulation) racing games it's by pressing boost on the word "go", but it doesn't seem to be the case here.


While the countdown is starting, you want to hit the gas on the number 3, at 2 hit the brakes while still having the gas on and causing the tires to start spinning. At one take your hand off the gas and time it right so when you start, you hit the gas at the exact time the countdown has stopped. This will give you the boost start and you will know by the flames as well as the message “boost start” on screen, you will also get a score for it. Do not hit the “A” button while trying to get the boost start, doing so will cause you to miss it.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

the company creating Saints Row said they will be a demo coming soon they hope to put a demo up in 3 weeks,saints row is a GTA type game it looks good and has online play:)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

ClassicD said:
Saints Row looked sketchy as fuck last time I saw it!
It looked like a cheap GTA imitation last time I saw it! It doesnt look very good and doesnt unfortunately showcase the 360's potential unlike PGR and GRAW and FNR3 which all do a good job.

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

APX said:
well lets see the demo and judge then :)
fair point,just played Tomb Raider Demo thought it was really good loved it,ive never played them before but it is a good game,
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Played the old Tomb Raider's and liked them and I think the new one on 360 is reasonably good.

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Sorry to go off topic a bit here but will we be getting post this weekend? I ordered Bf2 MC my bro got his Wednesday but i'm still waiting and well pissed off.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

No post today it being Good Friday as far as I know, though there will be post on Saturday as per normal
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

And no post on Monday, so I hope you get it tomorrow mate.

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

really thinking about getting an xbox 360 now. but i have a couple of quick questions before i do!

is the xbox 360 backward compatible from the box or do you have do download the software to enable this feature?

and on the download subject can you download extra levels and demo's of games without xbox live membership and just a broadband connection?

and can u save games without the hard drive? - if so i will get the core version so i can get a couple more games.

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Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

stiffler said:
really thinking about getting an xbox 360 now. but i have a couple of quick questions before i do!

is the xbox 360 backward compatible from the box or do you have do download the software to enable this feature?

I'm not sure, but with a Premium 360, I think, but as I say not totally sure; that Halo and Halo 2 maybe compatible, however, all others that are on the list require you to DL the info either via a Live update or by DL the software and buying it to disc from To play backward compatible titles however you will require a HDD

and on the download subject can you download extra levels and demo's of games without xbox live membership and just a broadband connection?

No you need a Live membership to DL anything to you XB, either onto it's memory card or HDD.

and can u save games without the hard drive? - if so i will get the core version so i can get a couple more games.

You can save games without a HDD, however you will need a Memory card and I think they are about 20 quid, so best just getting the Premium set-up mate as the controller in it is wireless too! :D


Hope that helps you out mate
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Just to clarify things, you WILL need a HDD to play Xbox games. Also, a Live membership is required, but a Silver (free) is fine if you just wanna download stuff. Only a Gold is required to play online
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Im having problems with the Xbox emulation on my 360, yesterday I tried to load up Forza Motorsport and the 360 said it needed to download an update. So it appeared to do that then booted me back to the Dashboard..... I asked it to play game again and it did the same thing again! Downloads an update then boots me out! I tried a third time and it did it again! Anyone else had these type of problems?

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

i hade same probelm but with halo 2 i just delted some stuff of my HDD and got the update again and it worked
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Ok ill have to try mine again tonight to see if it now works.

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I got to play on a Xbox360 for the first time LOL I played on a 50" HD Plasma and was blown away, but found the games a bit dull. Firstly played Fifa RTWC, and the graphics didn't look that good. Anyway, I started playing and found it tough, the controls were weird as I wasn't a XBOX player.
Anyway, then went onto NFSU, and the game was rubbish, Burnout on the PS2 blew it away, but they are different games. I found the left analog stick shit, my thumb kept falling off it or found it really hard to move quickly and was straining my hand. Will I get used to this? As I play PS2 only and the controller is great, eveything feels perfect for me on that.

Do you I hink I will get used to it? As if I find it shit all the time, no point haveing a 360.
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