Microsoft Xbox 360

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

ashmufc said:
I got to play on a Xbox360 for the first time LOL I played on a 50" HD Plasma and was blown away, but found the games a bit dull. Firstly played Fifa RTWC, and the graphics didn't look that good. Anyway, I started playing and found it tough, the controls were weird as I wasn't a XBOX player.
Anyway, then went onto NFSU, and the game was rubbish, Burnout on the PS2 blew it away, but they are different games. I found the left analog stick shit, my thumb kept falling off it or found it really hard to move quickly and was straining my hand. Will I get used to this? As I play PS2 only and the controller is great, eveything feels perfect for me on that.

Do you I hink I will get used to it? As if I find it shit all the time, no point haveing a 360.

You will definitely get used to it, it like most new things really. As for the game being dull, im sure you know that Fifa is cack on any system, NFSU is ok once you get into but nothing great. The games you need to play are GRAW, Call of duty and some people will probably say Oblivion. more importantly you need to get online with Call of duty and graw and have some serious fun! 360 is well worth the money.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

ashmufc said:
I found the left analog stick shit, my thumb kept falling off it or found it really hard to move quickly and was straining my hand. Will I get used to this?

Are you some kind of reverse evolution monkey with non opposable thumbs or are you just really small? ;)

Seriously mate how does thumb fall off the pad, it has an indent on the top of the analogue stick unlike the DualShock analogue sticks, it is also in a more accessible part of the pad than the analogue sticks of the DualShock. The 360 pad is simply wonderful in your hands.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I found the DualShock analog stick to be 'slippery' and uncomfortbale for the 4-5ish years Ive had it. Imo the 360 analog sticks are incredibly well placed.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I love the 360 joypad - such an improvement over the previous monster. It looks nice and feels v comfortable. But it's got a few annoyances. The clicky LB and RB buttons gets v annoying after a while. I would have preferred if they swap the Dpad and left joystick.

I also feel the same about the other nextgen joypads though. The nintendo's looks interesting, but I can't say it'll be adaptable for every game. The PS3 (if it remains) is also a bit iffy.

The best is still the PS2's joypad imo.

But how do you guys rate the X360 controller when playing PES? Sad as it may be, the playability of PES is the pivot point as to whether I should keep the 360 or not :(
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Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Just configure it in-game and its almost identical to the PS2, apart from R2. Once youre used to it, its perfectly fine. Only problem is that if you use the dpad, it doesnt respond as well.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I havent played PES on a DualShock since PES3! So for me analogue on XB and now 360 pads is normal. I also have WE6FE on Cube and found it worked fine too.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I love the 360 pads, they are even better than the Original Xbox Controller S's! I still love the old PS2 Dual Shock pad allthough it does hurt your hands after hours of intense gaming.

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Holio said:
Are you some kind of reverse evolution monkey with non opposable thumbs or are you just really small? ;)
Humans didn't evolve from monkeys.

It wasn't falling off, but just struggled, well I should get used to it. Jsut that my main console since 1998-2006 has been PS1/2 with the same controller setup.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Yep seen this its available on xbox live's marketplace.

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Microsoft opening 360 HD DVD drive at E3
Friday 21-Apr-2006 10:00 AM New details promised on the external drive for the next-gen console, but precisely how much will be revealed?

Microsoft has revealed that part of its Xbox 360 E3 jamboree next month will involve prising the lid off the announced external HD DVD drive for the next-gen console.

Although the company hasn't given precise details on what will be confirmed about the drive at the show, Chris Lewis, vice president of the home and entertainment division for Microsoft Europe, has at least promised new info.

"We'll say a little bit more about it at E3. It will give people access to HD DVD. [...] We will make sure that the HD-DVD-peripheral device will meet all the requirements for consumers to enjoy high-definition DVD playback," Lewis said in a recent interview with Spiegel Online.

Advertisement:Unsurprisingly, Lewis also took the opportunity to thwap a bit of disrespect in the face of Blu-ray, Sony's disc technology of choice for PS3. "Blu-ray right now reminds us of another technology from Sony: Betamax. A bit like VHS - we think that HD DVD is the format that consumers, film studios and publishers will embrace", Lewis indicated.

Microsoft announced the external HD DVD drive for Xbox 360 in January, and it's currently expected that the peripheral will launch later this year. Not much is known about the device, but that's all set to change in May. What will Microsoft reveal? Well, we'll have to wait and see.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Pre-E3 360 rumours explode!
Monday 24-Apr-2006 2:51 PM Halo 3 on show, price cuts for 360 Core and Premium packages to be announced and a heap more gossip

Several gallons of fuel have be chucked onto the Xbox 360 E3 gossip fires today,, is reporting, sending the worldwide renowned 'What the hell is Microsoft to announce at E3 2006?' rumour-cum-speculation-o-meter into red as the major videogame event creeps closer.

According to, the Xbox 360 pre-E3 rumour overload originated in a post in the forum of Spanish-language website, with the source - apparently said to be "very trustworthy" - providing the details claiming that the info will be made official at E3, which kicks off with Microsoft's press conference on May 8 in Los Angeles.

Advertisement:None of what's been 'revealed' has been confirmed officially by Microsoft naturally, but the source has detailed such Xbox 360-related E3 happenings as price cuts for Xbox 360 Core and Premium packages to be announced, Halo 3 being shown in video form and an unveiling of Rare-developed Kameo 2.

In fact, there's so much rumour that's dropped out the internet bomb bay doors that, even it's all actually been constructed by a hyper eager fanboy, it's possible some will strike true.

Obviously, have that truckload of salt to hand, but below is the tastiest of what's being whispered in darkened corridors about Microsoft's Xbox 360 E3 announcements (and many thanks to the chaps for their opinions on the rumours whipping around).

Rumour: Microsoft is planning to slash the price of the Xbox 360 Premium Pack and Xbox 360 Core Pack by around 80 Euros (55).

Truth or bollocks?: It's very soon for Microsoft to be cutting console prices, especially by around 25%. But the price of the original Xbox was cut by a similar amount only months after it was released in 2002, and a 150 Xbox 360 would be a real problem for Sony when they launch the PS3 in November...

Rumour: Halo 3 will be at E3 in video form, but will not be available until March 2007.

Truth or bollocks?: The whispers we've heard point to Halo 3 definitely putting in a non-playable appearance at E3, and although Microsoft would love to get it out in time to spoil the PS3 party we reckon a March 2007 release is pretty realistic.

Rumour: Microsoft is planning to cut the cost of a subscription to Xbox Live Gold, or make it totally free if you agree to receive advertisements on your dashboard. This is expected to happen in October.

Truth or bollocks?: Waiving the cost of Xbox Live Gold in exchange for receiving adverts is a business model the games industry wants to move towards - Tiger's ill-fated handheld Gizmondo tried it, but that's a bad example. And cutting the cost of Gold? Seems like a good idea, especially in the month before Sony's new and untested online service goes online.

Rumour: Rare has been working on Kameo 2 since before the first game was even launched. It will take better advantage of the Xbox 360's power and will be fully Xbox Live.

Truth or bollocks?: Kameo has sold very well on Xbox 360, so a sequel isn't a surprise. Plus, the original game is more or less a straight port from the old Xbox version, so we imagine Rare would like to build a new game from the ground up to stretch the Xbox 360 fully. Rare also recently released a coop Xbox Live patch for the original game.

Rumour: The external HD-DVD drive will be available in September, will connect to the console via USB 2.0, and will be priced at around 95 Euros (65).

Truth or bollocks?: Microsoft Europe exec Chris Lewis said last week that the drive would be at E3 so that's looking good. USB 2.0 (a much faster connection than standard USB) makes sense too. And that attractive price line up with the price of the first PC HD-DVD drives, so it's not out of the question.

Rumour: The Xbox 360 Camera will be called "My Eye On You", will be available in September, and will cost 47 Euros (30) on its own or 77 Euros (50) with a game.

Truth or bollocks?: We were expecting the Camera to be at E3 and to be available around September. The pricing is just about in line with Sony's EyeToy camera, so that also looks good. But that name? It's not very good, and it's a bit creepy...

Rumour: Microsoft has signed a partnership with US TV network NBC to broadcast Xbox Live games and tournaments on television as if they were spectator sports.

Truth or bollocks?: Recent Xbox Live updates have moved towards this kind of service, and Microsoft is planning far more Xbox Live tournaments in the future (the Xbox Cup and the Project Gotham Racing 3 Global Tournament are two current examples). Broadcasting these tournaments on television like sport could be a good way to reach a more mainstream audience.

Rumour: Before October you'll be able to play classic arcade games from companies like Sega on a 'virtual console'.

Truth or bollocks?: This sounds a bit daft considering the Xbox Live Arcade system is already in place (and is already delivering classic games like Smash TV and Joust). Sega has mentioned to us that it has plans for Xbox Live Arcade too, so we reckon something's got mixed up here.

Well that's quite enough rumours/truth to be getting on with, so let the forum comments frenzy commence!
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

How the heck do you set PAL 60 mode using a HD VGA cable does anyone know? Top Spin 2 doesnt work with the VGA cable and im worried lots more 60HZ Only games wont work with it either!!

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

You can't. When playing in HD you can't set 50/60hZ, they are set automatically.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Major Xbox Live update coming soon

Tomorrow, Xbox Live,, and the Xbox forums will be offline (from 5:00 am – 6:00 pm ET). Microsoft is using the down time to install a major — rumors declare it's codenamed, Tsunami — update, which is likely to support plans to feature E3 coverage on Xbox Live. As Microsoft gears up to test the limits of its digital distribution service, the internet is erupting with speculation as to which features could be added.

The obvious new addition would be the ability to download (all of those E3 clips) in the background. Other possible features include:

- MSN Messenger integration
- MSN alerts
- Ability to retain saved games when profile is deleted
- Ability to send/receive voice and text messages to/from in-game teammates/opponents
- Expanded clan support, including stat tracking
- Voicemail
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

FIXED!!! ok guys here is what you have to do to get Top Spin 2 or Dead or Alive to work with the HD VGA Cable. 1st, plug in your normal scart lead/composite lead, then select the PAL 60HZ mode, accept the settings and switch off the console, plug the VGA HD Cable back in and boot the 360 up with the game :) it works!!! wooo hooo!!

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

nah man that aint obvious to everyone! why an earth do you have to plug your scart in to change to 60 hz and THEN plug your VGA cable back in for it to work? What is with that? especially when most VGA monitors can go up to 100HZ (my tv included) and yet there was no setting for 60hz mode under the dashboard when I had my VGA Cable plugged in.... Some dumbass I am then for figuring it out.... :)

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Well it's meant to mean you will be able to watch the MS E3 main speech. Other than that there is just lots of guess work goin on.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Will we get our day back on our live subscription?
I know you don't work for them or anything but i feel you should tell me.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Not good enough, i want live back on now. Also what time are allowed back in, anyone know? and the Xbox Live® service are currently down for maintenance.
We’ll be back soon with amazing new My Xbox® features!
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Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Guys! Guess what? Im part of the family again!

My mum (bless her) got me a 360 for my bday. Not sure what to do with it tbh. Unfotunately its the core pack, but managed to get it with Ghost Recon.

Ive not touched it as yet, just left it in the cupboard still wrapped up. Really unsure whether to keep it. Sounds bad I know as its a presie, but would rather send it back and get a couple of footy boots :p

Im gonna wait for E3 before deciding what to do with it. Im hoping for a surprise title to make me keep it OR a playable demonstration of Too Human at the show. That game looks the dogs.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Adonis said:
send it back and get a couple of footy boots

You spend WWWWWAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much on footie boots ;)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Holio said:
You spend WWWWWAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much on footie boots ;)

tell me about it!

I went through 3 vapours last season. I should get different boots but vapours are just perfect for me.

Right now I wish I had next-gen PES on the 360...
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Well everything is back up and running after the Live maintenance. has changed in appearance, and you also have the ability to send messages, and read your messages sent to your 360. They have also enabled all the backend functions which will be required to view all the goings on at E3 next week.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Being able to send messages to people on Live via My Xbox is great, a cool feature. Hopefully lots more will become apparent over the next couple of weeks like LemonJelly says
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